because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything!!!
BY: The Anonymous Writer
Modern Irish are like the Modern Scots: in love with socialism and blame the English for everything,
Including their own laziness and failings. Perhaps we should change the laws to require all wrongdoing on
the part of elected officials be punishable by public hanging. (You know, hold them to a higher standard.)
We don’t need to hang John Brennan, just ensure him a chance to have free room – board
in Leavenworth for the rest of his life.
As an Irishman who has lived in the US for a good few years, I was always astounded at the amount of Irish traitors in the US Democrat rats nest, like Brennan and not giving them a second chance to do it again.
There are obviously lots of good Irish descended traitors in the Republican/Trump camp, and his nanny was an Irish woman of course…..but still, it bothers me. If they try to prop up that dead guy and Kamala the cunt in the White House, we need to go and hang Brennan and others ourselves – since we can’t rely on the justice system.
Along with Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Lerner, both Ohrs, Strozk, Weissman, Mueller, Yananvovich, Vindmann, and all the other lying traitors and 5th amendment takers. If you can follow this, maybe your answer is in here.
Seems when great nations are great, they deploy executions; when they back off the executions, then they lose their greatness. The execution by injection is somewhat like no execution at all … in contrast, the public square at high noon for executing villains correlates with the greatness of nations. And Barr fiddles, Durham still “investigates”, and Wray sees no vote fraud, allowing this criminal to continue to try to overthrow Trump.
John Brennan; a globalist, America-last remnant of the Iran Contra ~ Big Daddy Bush Deep State Cabal.
I think it goes back to the Tammany hall corruption you saw in Gangs of New York. Lots of Irish were used
by corrupt elements at the time, and now many of them have taken over the rathole. The irony is most of the Democrats values are totally against traditional Irish values (But very much with current Irish political values here, as woke leftism sweeps the country via brainwashing from the media, and Soros funded NGOs).
It’s a shit state of affairs that’s given the absolute integral part that the Irish played in the Civil war in the US, and how they’re generally decent people.
So many last Irish names in the corruption of recent years in the Democrat party.
I was surprised that only 30% of the Jews in Florida Voted for Trump,
One would think that Jerusalem has an embassy and how good Trump has been to Israel in his first term.
Well Brenan is a cornered house cat – and certainly not a cornered tiger. Yes and think for a second about that cornered tiger. Why do they call it a cornered tiger? Because that tiger is not going down without a fight, and it’s going to do it’s very best to take the enemy down with it even when it loses – so it’s a dangerous thing to have a cornered tiger. But now let’s look deeper, I believe the term comes from the hunting and killing of a tiger for sport, by people who have no intention of eating it – not for survival, they just want a rug or a trophy.
Many people have in fact been killed by the tiger while they are hunting it. In my opinion they deserve to die. The tiger is just a tiger living it’s life and these conniving bastards try to kill it for no good reason (rare cases where a tiger has killed a person and needs to be hunted – I agree with those cases). Dems are evil and are on a cat hunt. They might think twice if they knew they had a tiger on their hands. I say we open up every tiger cage at the zoo and let the dem’s become the hunted and the losers all at the same time. The more tigers the better.
John, you’re so damn dumb that you don’t realize it’s you that is the cornered cat…dumbass.
Cornered RAT… A cat that is hunting down another Deep State SEWER DemocRAT.
They’re Masters at projection. Like all communists, they believe if they repeat a lie loudly enough and long enough, it suddenly becomes true. I’d ask this communist how that’s worked out for him so far?
These traitors realize if they lose, they have nowhere to hide.
I have encountered these “classify” zealots.
They seek to get and keep classified much that has no impact on national security. I think it’s in their DNA. They like to think they know something that everyone else should not know. It’s ridiculous.
Declassify the lot. Well, National Security belongs to us, and officers are appointed to safeguard that.
Clearly it is in need of rigorous auditing. I can’t decide, how about a gallows that drops 8 or more at times.
Hildahag and Obung come to mind.
Buddy….would you please settle for the simultaneous hangings…to include, but not limited to, Hussein Obama,
Sloppy Joe, Hunter, Clapper, Lynch, Hillary, Bill, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Holder and
(you get the picture…what a great day in America this would be if they all hung at once)…But I was gonna say: over-classification is specifically discouraged and major infractions are prohibited. …and revoke the security clearances of those no longer holding office. It’s clear the designation, “Classified” is being used as a tactic to avoid investigations and public hearings. No telling what they’re getting away with. Our Founding Fathers would be mortified. A free and informed citizenry is impossible when government agencies, the Pentagon, government/military/private partnerships (Raytheon, Booz Allen Hamilton, DARPA etc.)
are cloaked in layers upon layers of secrecy.
The freedom most citizens believe we have is a well constructed propagated illusion.
We aren’t the America we used to be. When is this piece of shit Brennan gonna get his just desserts???
“John Brennan is an EVIL, VILE person. He always has a demonic look on his face.
I always thought that look meant he was just constipated. YOU know. Just full of schittt.
The Democrat his taking up Islam is all of the proof we need to see to know that he’s mentally incompetent at the least, and maybe should be locked up because he’s crazy as a loon!
I’m so sick of deep state commies like him running their arrogant yaps and doing nothing but sell us out to foreign countries… Joe Project as a cornered rat, who has nowhere to go. May the trap, snap, and squish this seditious squid like ruptured grape. He’s just the POTUS of Operations for the coup, the coup itself is run by the Board of Directors, and I think we all know who’s on that; Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Piglosi, among others.
Disgusting excuse of Americans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism
John Brennan is the consummate low life dirt bag and will flip on a dime if and when he gets prosecuted when Trump gets certified for another four years. If we do have a “dark winter” we’ll have plenty of books to burn.
I see a lot of these traitorous books in the thrift stores for 25 cents. Wouldn’t buy them except to use them for toilet paper in “The Dark Winter”. Please god, let President Trump lash out at the forces of evil attempting to destroy America, and bring these evil, perverted beasts to justice.
I’d spend more time worrying about our own problems, frankly, than focusing on evil CIA types with severe personality dysfunctions. If the Republicans cannot gather their resources and full-on purge fraud in a timely fashion from the states everyone with a brain fully understands it prospers wildly within, posting video clips of retired spy despots will be the last thing on our minds as vast swathes of this country tries to effing scavenge food in a mass prison lock-down. Which Biden and the sociopath team have planned for Maga country.
Darker times have never been nearer my friends. And don’t ever think Trump will escape and ‘comes back stronger’. They’ll destroy him and destroy his family. He won’t be able to sell a bar of soap let alone a book.
If the integrity of elections cannot be given time to be investigated by the media that called the election, we have lost our Republic. Our democracy is in deep, deep peril if a significant number of Americans are only prepared to see election results as legitimate ( if their preferred candidate wins. )
Dr. Zeke Emmanuel… Biden’s head of COVID task force… Poor countries should get vaccines first… Americans second… #AmericaLast . Zeke thinks that people 14-40 should get the best care because they are vital to state…all others (75) older had enough time to live (That’s Obamacare Death Panels.) WHO MADE THE CALL TO
MI, WI, PA, NC, GA, & NV on election night?? Subpoena phone records from Pelosi & her husband & Feinstein & her husband! Were there videos recording the dropping off of BIDEN BALLOTS in the middle of the night? Where were they from?
Remember the adage “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
They knew that. That was their intention to usher in Novus Ordo Seclorum. Lockdowns aren’t leadership at all. Good leadership would inspire people to act in the safest way possible while still getting done what they need to do in their day-to-day lives. We had our issues a few decades ago as kids, but nothing even close to what has been going on in the past few years. School shootings, suicides, mass depression and isolation, and many other things, simply didn’t really exist when I finished school in the late 80’s.
What happened!!!
Leaders know this – Lockdowns are having the exact effect they want them to. To destroy the will & spirit of Americans especially the middle class. Lockdowns are open warfare on the hard working middle class American Family – The far Left will not stop until we are destroyed! Expect a lot more of this under a Biden Harris regime. Libs love the power of telling people that they see as inferior and what to do. Just like they planned. They are also stirring resentment between two halves of the population by rigging the voting system and announcing one candidate won then the other.
This should start a civil war and then China will be king.
Allie, it’s so so bad. I’m a public school teacher and I’m just so worried for this generation.
This is not school. Jill Biden can keep trying to tell me it’s all fine, but she isn’t working with students everyday. This is a nightmare. My 3 teens have been home since March. They don’t care about school or their grades, teachers offer way too much flexibility, no accountability, no tests being administered, no due dates for assignments. It’s really frustrating and sad.
I’m having a kid a week email me and apologize for missing class or turning in homework late because
they had a mental breakdown. Enough of this crap. Open the schools. They have a 99.9997% chance of survival.
Crimes against humanity.
First let’s get them for election rigging then let’s get them for politically motivated lockdowns.
My son is really suffering with feelings of sadness and anxiety and he is only 8! He doesn’t do well in this distance learning environment. It is terrible for him! It will be interesting to watch SAT/ACT test scores over the next 5-10 years as elementary and middle school kids age. Very possible that school closures will contribute to lower scores. So glad to see school busses again in my county this week. And I’m a commuter who hates school busses! It’s very sad. Some children seem to have gotten no education yet this year.
Where are the concerns?
I would say now would be a good time to start phasing out government run schools.
The garbage that passes for education is a travesty. Everything is geared to the lowest common denominator and it is simply pathetic. I bet children who have been homeschooled from the start have no negative transitions during this time. We need to stop this and fight against these orders that are unlawful!!!
Your immune system can combat the virus better than the vaccine.
Our children are suffering!!
My son, who is doing his freshman year from home because his college didn’t open,
is very depressed and angry, Don’t forget that the disparity between the haves and the have nots is growing significantly. Hey Allie, just check out the Georgia GuideStones, you’ll see that this is all part of a plan by the ruling class. They want them ignorant, depressed and hopeless. Easier to lead that way.
Mask Mandates are nothing more than “cult-like” mental conditioning. To see exactly how far you
can be pushed before fighting back. Sadly, we failed this test. But it’s not too late to get out of them if we act now. If not, they will be permanent. *As They do nothing for virus protection. You can blame the media the people y’all are associated with. Instead of protecting us they sent us to the ovens.
The US is Being Invaded Right Now and the Media is Cheering | Armstrong Economics…
Do you ever feel like the whole world is against us?
That’s how the patriots felt in the American Revolutionary War.
But they stood their ground and won with all odds against them. It’s a shame our whole country does not want to continue what those brave men started. AOC in TROUBLE: New York Dem Leader RIPS Ocasio-Cortez After ‘Rough Election Night. “I really believe we need to come together and not allow Republican narratives to tear us apart,” AOC deflected on CNN. Read the full report at the New York Post.
This is Biblical Times We Are Living
Esther 4:14 14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for
the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish.
And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
I am in the middle of listening to Kim Clement “The Esther Prophecy.”
There are no coincidences. I’ve said all along, this is a spiritual war, between good (God) and evil (Devil).
It was on this day that Kim saw the Esther who would arise, and so much more for America, the Middle East, Africa and the world. He saw that the struggles we are now facing are the labor pains of something that is about to be born. And Oh yes!!!!! I wanna see that boomerang effect, HARD!!!!
The trap they set for others, they themselves will fall into.
Who is Esther in this scenario?
Esther = Blessed Virgin Mary. This is about Satan’s war with the Mother of Christ
described in Genesis & Revelation. The Lord has me going through Psalms in my devotions.
Ps. 9:15 yesterday and Ps. 10:2 today both speak of the wicked caught in their own trap.
#Godwins #GodisGood
In this manner The Holy Spirit has confirmed to my spirit your statement.
I’m thinking when Adonijah declared himself to be king
when Solomon was rightly king is also coming into play!
Intimacy opened the door, the whisper of impending deceit changed the world!
Circles are small: trust must be the fire in the center of the room that heats the banquet!
I hope more like Korah’s rebellion against Moses.
The Earth Swallowed Korah …
31 As soon as Moses had finished saying all this, the ground beneath them split open,
32 and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them and their households all Korah’s men and
all their possessions. So funny that you would say this! I was praying for guidance the other day and
I opened my Bible randomly and it landed on the book of Esther
which I read and it resonated with me in the same way. Esther 4:14
This is a great site that compiles a lot of fraud evidence gathered so far & includes the status of various lawsuits. Please send a link to anyone who tells you there is no evidence of fraud. https://www.joecheated.com/
“For you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness; with you, evil people are not welcome.
The arrogant cannot stand in your presence. You hate all who do wrong; you destroy those who tell lies.” Psalms 5:4-6 #KeepTheFaith #TrumpWillPrevail
More like Moses delivering the Israelites: From Egypt after 400 years … this is the 400th birthday
of the signing of the Mayflower Compact coincidence? I think not. I’m a believer,
but it will most definitely take a miracle for Trump to win. I’m accepting that it’s God’s will
to make a change. The main theme in the book of Esther is that God is working behind the scenes.
There was a divine purpose for all the decisions and details documented in this story,
yet none of that becomes apparent until the end.
For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Also 1 Kings, Chapter 1, where Adonijah tried to steal the kingdom from Solomon but King David stopped that in its tracks! God’s chosen ones will sit in the leadership seats!! My sister told me last week she had been dreaming of Esther for the last few weeks. She proclaimed the very words you just spoke.
God’s specialty seems to be: Turning the plans and devices of the adversaries back upon their own heads. Causing them to fall into the Pits they have dug to entrap others.
Causing them to be hung upon the Gallows they build for The Innocent.
Finish this sentence: “The best way for Democrats to deal with the likes of AOC, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren is ___________.” Now, explain.
However This question has it backward. The real question is how they will deal with the rest of the Democratic Party. Will they work smoothly with our new leader, When it comes to Sloppy Joe Biden? Will they acknowledge that moderates flipped the seats that gave Democrats their majority in the House?
Will they recognize and accept these political realities?
If not, they will fairly be viewed as obstructionists.
One thing to note is that
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is in a somewhat different place than the others you name.
She has enthusiastically campaigned with Democratic moderates, and she’s made clear they belong in
the Party and are essential to building majorities.
Elections, the useful cliché, have consequences.
Biden decisively beat Sen. Bernie Sanders and won the nomination running supposedly as a moderate.
He did the same against Trump in the general election. He ran on an ambitious, modern and moderate agenda from start to finish. So while those folks certainly have earned their seats at the table, they must recognize that Joe Biden is sitting at the head.
Democrats want America to shut down AGAIN over Covid but open up to 20 million illegals.
Or an instant 20 million Marxist/DemocRAT votes. End of the USA. Exactly.
We’re gonna be hard pressed when it comes to social distancing with an influx of new immigrants.
That’s the leftist socialist PLANLECTION math. They’re really bad at math or just want to be in power forever!
It’s just plain stupid of them.
The American people will revolt if he keeps this shit up.
Those who voted for him are realizing what an idiot he is and the puppet of the shadow govt.
We must win Georgia Senate races in January, if not you won’t recognize this country in a year. Biden’s plan to legalize 12 million illegals will permanently destroy the republican chances to win another national election.
Biden reportedly plans sweeping change of Trump’s immigration agenda https://trib.al/Ad7azC7
Only way they can get the Demonicrat party off life support.
Biden is eyeing several immediate changes, including dismantling Trump’s ban on immigration from
13 predominantly Muslim and African nations. Shortly after taking office, Trump signed an executive order
that banned foreign nationals from seven countries —
Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen — from visiting the United States.
In January, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nigeria and Tanzania were added to that list.
Leftists always do the most perverse things – it’s in their charter and
its blatantly stupid treachery. SnowDEN to bust BiDEN…
Edward Snowden Reveals Nasty Truth About Joe Biden’s Past!!!
In four years of office they can: Pack the Supreme Court, perpetuate election fraud, reconstruct the Legislature and tell you you still have a “free” Country. Every policy on their 110 page “communist manifesto” is to steal your civil liberties and impoverish the American people. Biden will ‘burn the Declaration of Independence and Constitution’: Levin warns voters of what’s in Biden’s INSANE 110-page policy plan
which you can read for yourself here.
The only way Trump doesn’t overcome this is if Trump he concedes. Thereby if this election goes to the House for a vote, each state gets a vote. Not the majority, each state. Republicans control 31 states. https://www.atr.org/map This is why Hillary told Buyden …. not to give up no matter what. after showing people that you’re below being crooks…. Once carried into the Legislative Branch.
Kim Clement and President Trump Prophecies – 2020 & The Wall YouTube · 2/6/2019 ·