Biden is the first “President” to be elected by the United States Postal Service, the MSM and corrupt elites.
In May and June, when Demonicrats voter registration had bottomed out due to the pandemic due to lockdowns and GOPs were out registering Democrats.
It was the third world George Floyd/BLM demonstrations that created a huge Democrat voter registration spike. With Biden having been declared the winner (for now) by major media outlets, Now we see people in our government who’ve threatened retribution against Trump supporters much like Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was a Georgian revolutionary and Soviet politician who ruled the Soviet Union from
the mid-1920s until his death in 1953.
He served as the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and premier of the Soviet Union. Despite initially governing the Soviet Union as part of a collective leadership, he eventually consolidated power to become the country’s de facto dictator by the 1930s. A communist ideologically committed to the Leninist interpretation of Marxism, Stalin formalized these ideas as Marxism–Leninism, while his own policies are known as Stalinism. Joseph Stalin said, “It is enough that the people know there was an election.
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide.
Trump was called by God and he is trusted by God to endure this horrific abuse by evil doers! Patriots hold your faith! Trust Trump & be faithful to God’s delay for justice, healing to our nation & his promise to prosper us! I’m a moderate Republican but if you don’t think anything looks fishy here then go ahead and keep sleeping.
I was pondering history this morning. And I realized less than 50 years ago that John Lennon released “IMAGINE.” on October 11, 1971 and became one of the most influential songs of the 20 century.
I used to Imagine. But today in some ways we are living the lyrics and see the damage it’s doing in our country.
Some aspects of socialism are alright if it doesn’t go to the far radical left.
But my answer is give everybody a chance that walks into your life. If I turn my back on those different from me I would be one close minded moron. Black white, women or men tolerate. When I was on Facebook one of my friends was Muslim who moved her she taught me a lot and graduated from Ohio State. She now lives in Vancouver Washington and gets none of the prejudice but she is a good heart women who hates and fears radical Islam. She has a lot of thoughts like we do. Amazing when you chat to people from around the world they hate their nut job leader and want what we want… a Happy Peace filled life?
God says in Isaiah to “expose evil”. Well it’s definitely being exposed. When truth and justice prevail
“we the people” need to hold our feet to the fire. Keep praying, God is a God of justice!
I’m so excited to see what God is up to in all of this! It’s massive and we know HE WINS!
Oh yes, MUCH has been revealed and people will be spending the rest of their careers trying to re-establish themselves legitimately! it’s a conspiracy worse than the Kennedy’s assassination. they are not killing the president, they are killing the constitutional republic in the U.S.A.
The Demonicrats wants us to believe everybody in the world hates Trumps ….
I know better many have told me Trump Rocks especially in the UK and Canada.
I’m sure Angela Merkel doesn’t and the other Leaders laugh at him. Because he’s not politically correct and calls them names. I pray he makes it to his second term. When he Leaves in 2024 he will be the most respected man in the world. Everybody hated Reagan when he took office but 8 years later was one of the Greatest
(Just like Abe Lincoln but Lincoln got one in the head.) In America we have another hard year ahead and
we better unify if we want to see daylight.
There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen.
Because it is a Coup D’etat!
Millions don’t want to hear this; but it is the Supreme Court that has to hear.
Every “legal” vote must be counted. Any “illegal” vote must be thrown out.
Any vote “illegally” counted must be discounted. That is the path of TRUTH.
1. Dead people voting 2. Non Nevadans voting 3. Republicans kept from voting
4. Whistle-blowers who have seen the corrupt set up to count illegal votes
5. No ability for the GOP to watch the counting 6. No real signature verifications!
Love Our President Donald J. Trump you have A LOT of people praying for you.
God is on your side. If God be for you, who can be against you. As we see the truth will come out!!
And you will SERVE TWO terms! Hallelujah Jesus!! Now you are fighting so hard like an autocratic dictator to throw out Mail-In ballots in the swing states to try to win the undemocratic Electoral College.
Twitter is censoring Your Tweets. My blood is boiling.
Free speech is a God given right. It must be defended or tyranny will spread.
This is a domestic attack on our Republic. You swore to defend it against foreign and domestic enemies.
(Not Sure: Buyden Who Can Take That Oath With All His Heart.)
The Democrats are trying to pull off the biggest steal in American history. Even Democrats know.
I haven’t met a single person in the swamp saying otherwise. Everyone knows Sloopy Joe Biden is an empty shell of a man. You Democrats started this war.
Time for us to finish it. Biden’s speech last night suggests he knows we know that his claim to
the Presidency is far from settled. I’m not quite sure where all you liberals got the narrative that
there is “no evidence of wrong doing.”
Because there is actually quite a lot of it.. but I forgot .. none of you do your own research ..
It’s fake news central for you guys. All of my research is showing his suits getting laughed at due to no proof.
I’m assuming if they had some, they would be ready to present it.
Care to shed some light on that evidence you’re so sure of?
Never forget what Joe Biden did to Judge Clarence Thomas or
Kamala Harris did to Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his family.
Swing state voting irregularities:
Biden outperforms Senators in swing states, underperforms in VA, NH, RI
Biden underperforms Hillary/Obama in cities, except in MI, PA, GA, WI
Biden mail-in dumps with 100% margins
GOP lose ZERO House races Something is definitely off.
Having FAITH means looking beyond our limited view, and Trusting God with all that HE sees!!!
“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.
And do everything with love.” (1Corinthians 16:13-14)
They have awakened the giant!
I wouldn’t blame Trump if he wouldn’t want to be president again …who wants to run a country on the verge of being a third world country ….you’re a multi billionaire and should want to golf …I would too. With Buyden in office though. I wonder how long it will take for China to take over the USA’s infrastructure and services now? And With 35 restaurant chains about to belly up I am sure his plan for $15 minimum wage will finish them off.
We are the GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH! We deserve a fair and free election system! COUNT ALL LEGAL BALLOTS! Biden names fired surgeon general as a head of his COVID-19 taskforce
Americans forget Buyden led the effort to give China “most favored nation” trade status, and Clinton’s NAFTA killed millions of American jobs. Sided with credit card companies over Americans struggling to pay bills, authorising a law made it harder for consumers to declare bankruptcy. It’s all going to end very badly for the US sadly. Therefore provide evidence that this election was a sham developed by the Demonicrats to finish off what Obama started. I’m sure they can find EVIDENCE and submit to a court that will judge it fairly and
I will gladly accept the outcome.
In Trump’s four years: it was Hope for the world versus the New World Order.
I pray that Justice prevails but I have my doubts. There is still a window if only we were allowed to uncover the fraud it will disappear with the laptop. Trump expanded his party as no other Republican president has! Every Republican that won a seat should be out front, openly joining the fight to keep him in! The Demonicrats know that in two years and The republican could have taken the House at least, and more seats in the Senate.
That’s probably cause by The Hammer and Scorecard.
Enough is enough. I believe everyone’s vote should count, but when you have more votes
than registered voters there is some voter fraud somewhere.
‘𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘥𝘰.’ | E.Roosevelt
Why do we need fighters, and confrontational attitudes? We need lawmakers and leaders to create and enforce legislation that represents the will of the people. This is not a reality TV show. This is democracy in action, the more our branches work together the more gets done. The integrity of our democracy and peace amongst Americans is more important than Trump’s hubris. I find it interesting. I also find it interesting the Swamp Reptilian creatures are very quiet. Probably praying the rosary that this will go away.
I am distressed wondering what Will happen to our military, the Midwest Peace Accord
and other significant achievements of your administration are stolen and it is being stolen by the Democrats in this election because they want the credit to carry on what you have started. Au contraire: we are praying the Rosary for justice and the rule of law to prevail and for the winner, President Trump to start his second term. Don’t bother to reply. Go with God. Not odd at all. Trump went to D.C. to drain the swamp and they are showcasing who they are to the nation with a brain.
The reptiles that live there don’t want the swamp to go away as long as they are winning.
Now it’s just business as usual. And we the people have earned there are a ton of Republican globalists in D.C. as well. If they succeed within one year when your taxes go up, and your money goes into the wonderful hands of their $5.6 Trillion Progressive 110 page communist manifesto. And a socialistic plan to rebuild all their burnt cities as we watched demonicrat leadership do nothing in silence voices.
It’s depressing that so many people are so ignorant to choose socialism over free market enterprise.
They will regret this when they start seeing hyperinflation and a country run amuck by anarchists. People who get what they want are often surprised when they also get what they deserve. Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.
Donald Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. Awfully odd that some of the people on the GOP side, who just rode Trump’s coattails to an enormous GOP down-ballot upset, seem pretty quiet about the bullshit going on right now.
The Ingraham Angle’ exposes Kamala Harris’ ‘radical’ views
I’m sick of the lawlessness, the lies, deceit and the left… need to be brought to justice.
Please President Trump Fight. We are praying. They are the swamp. The swamp will not be drained by the inhabitants of the swamp. It will take a revolution to end the swamp and it’s but one head of many snakes in the world. The swamp is global. Because they were in on it. It’s a coup!!! I told my husband this morning that this quietness reminds me of JFK. His own party didn’t like him. We all know he’s not well liked and this was planned for at least a year. 1. We’re not crying. 2. Trump didn’t Lose. 3. And the Patriots stand together.
Yet for all his lofty language about unifying the country, his concept of unity is pushing the radical left agenda onto every living American who they don’t starve to death or murder. Mr. Biden was a halting candidate who ran a cautious campaign, determined to ensure that the election became a referendum on Mr. Trump.
The former vice president fully returned to the campaign trail only around Labor Day, and for weeks he limited his appearances to one state every other day or so.
He went west of the Central time zone just once during the general election.
President-elect Joe Biden is planning to quickly sign a series of executive orders
that will change this country after being sworn into office on January 20th.
Immediately forecasting that the country’s politics have shifted and that his presidency will be guided by radically different priorities. As he prepares to take the oath, he will return to Washington confronting a daunting set of crises. Mr. Biden has already taken the present Covid plan as his own. As we all know, Republican states are performing better than blue states with Covid-19 death rates. If Biden takes office he will be pressed to swiftly secure and distribute a safe vaccine for the coronavirus, revive an economy that has already revived itself unlike Five Democrat states that have 45% of the death rates and 65% of the unemployment rates. But may take a turn for the worse in dire shape in January than it is now.
Biden may have to address racial justice and policing issues that this year prompted some of the largest protests in American history which Antifa and BLM was started by Obama and The Demonicrats. And he will have to do so by building his government which we all know who he will pick. With a Congress that is far more polarized than the Senate he left over a decade ago, with many Republicans having embraced Mr. Trump’s nativist brand of populism and Democrats increasingly responsive to an energized left.
If Mr. Biden cannot bridge that divide as president and elicit some cooperation from the G.O.P.,
he will face immense pressure from his party’s progressive wing to abandon conciliation for a posture of combat. Mr. Biden has held out hope about working with Republican lawmakers while declining to support his party’s most ambitious goals, like single-payer health care and the Green New Deal; he has resisted structural changes such as adding justices to the Supreme Court. This irked his party’s base but made it difficult for Republicans, from Mr. Trump down the ballot, to portray him as an extremist. Mr. Biden was largely absent from the appeals of G.O.P. candidates, who instead used their advertising to insist that the Democratic Party would be in the hands of more polarizing figures on the left such as Senator Bernie Sanders.
Unlike the last two Democrats who defeated incumbents after voters tired of Republican leadership,
Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, Mr. Biden will not arrive in the capital as a youthful outsider. Instead, he will fill out a Democratic leadership triumvirate, which includes Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer, of lawmakers who are 70 or older. Mr. Biden alluded to himself during the campaign as a transitional figure who would bring the country out of a crisis and then make way for a new generation.
But he has privately rejected suggestions that he commit to serving just a single term, viewing that as an instant guarantee of lame-duck status. One of the most significant tests of Mr. Biden’s presidency will be in how he navigates the widening divisions in his party. He may enjoy a honeymoon, though, because of both the scale of the problems he is grappling with and the president he defeated. This election represented the culmination of nearly four years of activism organized around opposing Mr. Trump,
a movement that began with the Women’s March the day after his inauguration.
Indeed, Biden’s election appeared less the unique achievement of a political standard-bearer
than the apex of a political wave touched off by the 2016 election —
one that Mr. Biden rode more than he directed it.
Just recently President Trump’s job approval rating hit 52 percent and Democrats were nervous and some Republicans were definitely optimistic going into the election
But a week later, after a year of trial in America and 4 turbulent years of the Trump administration, Victory was in hand for Mr. Biden with over 70 million Americans thinking the Demonicrat stole the election through …. THE HAMMER AND SCORECARD.