then not believe that we won’t win in the end.
The folks that are now saying we need to accept the results are the same folks
that still don ‘t accept the results from the last election cycle?
Karl Marx once said: “Accuse your enemy of what you are doing,
as you are doing it to create confusion”
Experience Separates Education from Knowledge.
Rick Steves’ The Story of Fascism
You might want to check out a few history books before you continue looking more foolish.
Schools need to step away from the mind control ideological subversion & get back to actual education, unbiased, fact based, truth. You clearly could stand a few lessons. So long as authoritarians keep using the apparatus of state violence to force compliance, and a computer to flip votes. like yourself continue, nothing will be resolved. Propagandists have been running a Goebbels level propaganda campaign against President Trump for 4 years with a bogus impeachment .
In a free and fair election this would not be a question. However the press has lied to and manipulated the country for four years. Joe Biden has not won yet. Because of The Hammer and Scorecard, legitimate votes were flipped from Trump to Biden. There was no anomaly or glitch. There was only cheating which is being brought to light by the lawyers. 6% flip in votes SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE… Half Our Country Think This is Unbelievable are we being lied to again. Listen to the whole thing. Pass it on!
Too many questions still need answers. https://youtu.be/XNiwiOpHf8Y
I would hope this is obvious but I’ll say it anyway, a free press is not the enemy of the people.
I know it, Trump knows it. If pressed so mutilated, diseased and has become a cultish group that has become the enemy of the people. Or that you’ll do everything in your power to destroy someone that half the country believes is true? Who reports negatives and none of the positives that go across your Marxist agenda?
It’s rather obvious when you lie and make up false narratives without eye contact ?
Our media is worthless and is equivalent to job hand painting faces on dolls at this point!!!
You have to have faith A Biden admin will not be able to put forth their radical agenda.
Will be blocked both in the House, Senate and trust that God allowed ALLLL of this for a reason.
Then Trump will end up legitimately winning by a landslide.
“To be the man, you gotta beat the man, not CHEAT the man.”
When the WaterMark “illegal” ballots are removed they will lose EVERYTHING.
I think there is a scripture on “time”…. and war…
“What does the Bible say about war?”
Answer: Many people make the mistake of reading what the Bible says in Exodus 20:13,
“You shall not kill,” and then seeking to apply this command to war. However, the Hebrew word literally means “the intentional, premeditated killing of another person with malice; murder.” God often ordered the Israelites to go to war with other nations (1 Samuel 15:3; Joshua 4:13). God ordered the death penalty for numerous crimes (Exodus 21:12, 15; 22:19; Leviticus 20:11). So, God is not against killing in all circumstances,
but only murder. War is never a good thing, but sometimes it is a necessary thing.
In a world filled with sinful people (Romans 3:10-18), war is inevitable.
Sometimes the only way to keep sinful people from doing great harm to the innocent is by going to war.
In the Old Testament, God ordered the Israelites to “take vengeance on the Midianites
for the Israelites” (Numbers 31:2). Deuteronomy 20:16-17 declares, “However, in the cities
of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them…as the LORD your God has commanded you.”
Also, 1 Samuel 15:18 says, “Go and completely destroy those wicked people, the Amalekites;
make war on them until you have wiped them out.” Obviously God is not against all war.
Jesus is always in perfect agreement with the Father (John 10:30), so we cannot argue that
war was only God’s will in the Old Testament. God does not change (Malachi 3:6; James 1:17).
Jesus’ second coming will be exceedingly violent. Revelation 19:11-21 describes
the ultimate war with Christ, the conquering commander who judges and makes war
“with justice” (v. 11). It’s going to be bloody (v. 13) and gory. The birds will eat the flesh
of all those who oppose Him (v. 17-18). He has no compassion upon His enemies, whom
He will conquer completely and consign to a “fiery lake of burning sulfur” (v. 20).
It is an error to say that God never supports a war. Jesus is not a pacifist.
In a world filled with evil people, sometimes war is necessary to prevent even greater evil.
If Hitler had not been defeated by World War II, how many more millions would have been killed?
If the American Civil War had not been fought, how much longer would African-Americans
have had to suffer as slaves?
War is a terrible thing. Some wars are more “just” than others, but war is always
the result of sin (Romans 3:10-18). At the same time, Ecclesiastes 3:8 declares,
“There is…a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.”
In a world filled with sin, hatred, and evil (Romans 3:10-18), war is inevitable.
Christians should not desire war, but neither are Christians to oppose the government God has placed
in authority over them (Romans 13:1-4; 1 Peter 2:17). The most important thing we can be doing in a time of war is to be praying for godly wisdom for our leaders, praying for the safety of our military, praying for quick resolution to conflicts, praying for a minimum of casualties among civilians on both sides (Philippians 4:6-7).
The worst Pyrrhic victory happened to the Allies in World War I.
Even though they beat the Germans, the Austro-Hungarians, and the Ottomans,
the aftermath of the war left most parties worse off than when they began.
Their World War I victory caused at least four major problems for the Allies.
First, there was the Treaty of Versailles, which dictated the punishment for Germany after the war.
The harshness of the penalties directly contributed to Hitler’s rise to power—and World War II.
Without this treaty, Hitler couldn’t have exploited the suffering of the German people or their enormous resentment toward the French.
Second, the impact of the war on Britain was devastating. Before World War I,
Britain was by far the richest country in the world. But they had agreed to financially support nearly all of their allies. In addition, expenditures for weapons, ammunition, food, and horses transferred nearly all of Britain’s wealth across the Atlantic to the US. Britain lost its position as the world’s greatest superpower during this war, which nearly crippled them financially. During and after the war, independence movements also began.
The largest was the Irish independence movement, which succeeded in 1921.
Third, the French suffered hugely because their country was the primary battleground for
this conflict. Their economy was shattered after the war. Most of their industrial capabilities were destroyed—with entire regions in ruin. Due to the huge amounts of artillery shells fired,
parts of France are still not open because of unexploded shells.
Finally, the Russian tsar was overthrown during the war.
The high loss of life and crippling financial impact of the war had ignited a revolution.
The Bolsheviks seized power, and communism became entrenched in Russia.
To end their involvement in World War I, the Bolsheviks signed a peace treaty with
Germany in which Russia ceded large chunks of land to Germany.
In the turmoil that followed, a civil war ensued in Russia.
With Russia weakened, many states—such as Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia,
and Poland—declared independence from Russia. At that time, the communist state
could do little to prevent it.
Dr. Piecznick said 6 days before the 2016 election they stopped HRC Coup.
Hillary cancelled her celebration fireworks 2 days before the election.
The war is just about to begin in court by exposing all of the fraud that has been happening.
Just like you. Going in to get your hair done secretly with no mask. Just one big FRAUD!!
The Fall of the Roman Empire,
American epic film, released in 1964, that was a box-office failure but remains one of the more intelligent spectacles of the genre. The Roman Empire; Eventually Fell. Corrupt Within.
Only Truth, Honesty and Integrity Can Prosper!
Will America Fall Like Rome?
Downfall: 5 Reasons Why the Roman Empire Collapsed.
By Patrick Lynch
There is much debate as to the causes of Rome’s destruction.
What we do know is that no single factor can be blamed as it was a combination of problems that led to the demise of one of the world’s greatest empires. It reached its peak under Trajan in 117 AD but ultimately, its size caused all manner of problems. Diocletian split the empire in two at the end of the Third Century Crisis, and by then, it was swiftly heading in the wrong direction. Internal and economic factors helped weaken Rome, and the invading tribes were able to take advantage. Realistically, the empire was finished a long time
before the last emperor, Romulus Augustus, was deposed in 476 AD.
German historian Alexander Demandt is an expert in the history of ancient Rome and
came up with 210 different theories as to why the empire collapsed!
In this piece, I will briefly look at just five possible reasons.
1 – Internal Strife
In ‘The History of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’, Edward Gibbon had a controversial theory.
He claimed the rise of Christianity contributed to the fall of Rome as it bred a ‘turn the other cheek’ mentality. He also claimed the religion valued idle and unproductive people and also led to internal divisions.
Gibbon wrote this in the 18th century, and modern historians tend to disagree with his analysis.
Gibbon’s claim that Rome was subject to moral decay probably holds more water.
In the 2nd Century BC, Polybius wrote of a decline in moral virtue that led to the fall of the Republic.
The same affliction appeared to damage the empire. The original ideals, values, and traditions upon which Rome was founded declined and were replaced by a notion
that life was cheap and depravity, gluttony, and cruelty were the norm.
The advent of the Gladiatorial Games is one such example. Rome developed a ‘mob’ mentality and these individuals needed to be entertained. The rise of slave labor led to a huge number of unemployed Romans who required state handouts. If they became bored, civil unrest and riots followed. The Games were a means of keeping the public in check and consisted of excessive violence and cruelty. The emperors paid for the games which of course mean the state bore the cost. At one point, setting up the Games cost one-third of the Empire’s income as rulers tried to curry favor with the people.
The breathtaking incompetence of many of Rome’s emperors was yet another problem.
Even those with a cursory interest in Roman history will have heard of Nero and Caligula
for example. In the early days of the empire, a good ruler would come around now and then
to clean up the mess of the inept leaders before him. Towards the end of the empire,
there was a succession of weak and clueless emperors incapable of dealing with
the ever-growing number of threats.
The Senate acted as an advisory body, but corrupt and power-hungry rulers routinely ignored this advice.
Angry senators would plot against the leader and decisions were never made for the good of the empire.
The Praetorian Guard were the personal bodyguards of the emperor, but they too became drunk on power. Eventually, they decided who would be emperor and would routinely murder the person on the throne.
The Third Century Crisis almost destroyed the Empire and paved the way for its eventual downfall.
From 235-284 AD, there were at least 26 emperors and all, but a handful were murdered. Rome’s traditional trade network collapsed during this period so by the time Diocletian brought an end to the Crisis;
the Empire was on its last legs.
2 – Economic Deterioration
As is the case with all great empires, Rome was founded on a strong economic foundation.
By its peak in 117 AD, the empire spanned approximately 1.5 million square kilometers and was inhabited by around 130 million people. Trade was crucial to the growth of the Roman economy and its outstanding transport system allowed a huge variety of goods to be imported across its borders. However, governing the empire was an expensive task with enormous military, administrative and logistical costs. A combination of several factors resulted in hyperinflation, heavy taxes, a localization of trade and ultimately,
a crippling financial crisis.
The denarius was the main coin used in the first 200+ years of the empire. When it was created, each coin contained 4.5 grams of pure silver and was the equivalent of a day’s wages for the average craftsman/skilled laborer. Once the amount of precious metals entering the empire fell, fewer denarii could be created.
This lack of money didn’t prevent greedy emperors from building ridiculous vanity projects,
as they decided to reduce the purity of the coinage.
Nero was one of the first emperors to devalue the denarius, and by the time Gallienus
took the throne in 253 AD, the coins contained approximately 5% silver and consisted of a bronze core with a thin layer of silver. By 265 AD, the denarius contained 0.5% silver; the result was inflation of up to 1,000% across the empire. By this time, Rome had no more enemies to steal from so taxation was raised. The resulting mess completely paralyzed trade. By the end of the 3rd Century AD, the vast majority of trade was localized with barter methods used instead of the exchange of currency.
To make matters worse, the empire faced an intense labor deficit. For centuries, the empire relied on slaves to work as craftsmen and till the fields. In the latter part of the Republic and the first 150 or so years of the Empire, constant conquest meant there was a steady supply of slaves. By the 2nd Century AD, Roman expansion had practically ground to a halt, so the supply of slaves dried up along with the accompanying plunder. Later on, there was a growing humanitarian sentiment within the empire (when Christianity became the main religion) as Romans began to realize that slavery was wrong. A significant proportion of slaves were freed; this exacerbated the labor problem.
3 – The Split Empire
When Diocletian became emperor in 284 AD, he realized that it was no longer possible for one man to rule the vast empire. He made Maximian his co-emperor sometime in 285 AD with the Empire split into east and west; Nicomedia was the original capital although it was changed to Constantinople in 330 AD. From this point onwards, the Senate would be ignored. In the past, it had advised the emperor on matters of state.
The power of the empire was supposed to be based on an active military which became a problem when the empire’s military strength waned. Some of the later emperors never even set foot in Rome and while the division offered an initial boost in strength, it ultimately made the Western Empire more vulnerable to attack. Rome had been having issues with Germanic tribes for centuries but was usually able to repel them or buy them off with land, an invitation to join the army or citizenship. The split became permanent in 330 AD.
Both halves of the empire prospered equally until the defeat of Eastern Emperor Valens at Adrianople in
378 AD. East and West effectively broke apart due to internal and external problems during the reign of Theodosius I. During his spell as emperor (379-395 AD), the empire’s resources and boundaries became overstretched, and he spent much of his time spreading Christianity and stamping out pagan practices.
The Gothic War was mainly fought by Eastern Empire forces, but it weakened the Empire in the West. Theodosius was the last person to rule over a unified empire. Upon his death, the Western and Eastern parts were governed by separate emperors. During the 5th Century AD, certain rulers actually moved the seat of the Western Empire away from Rome with Ravenna and Milan serving as capital at different stages.
The split worked well for the East which lasted another 1,000 years but the West completely crumbled.
4 – Weakened Military
At its peak, the Empire stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Euphrates River, but its sheer size
proved to be a burden. Although the Romans created an excellent transport network, they still found it tough to communicate. Naturally, Rome created a vast array of enemies when expanding its empire, so it was constantly under attack from different tribal peoples eager to seek revenge. Recruiting sufficient troops and sending them to different parts of the empire to quell uprisings started to take its toll. In the 2nd Century AD, Emperor Hadrian built his famous wall in Britain as a means of keeping the enemy at arm’s length.
The sheer cost of constant recruitment and military upkeep meant Rome ultimately stopped leading the field in technological advancements.
Gaius Marius’ changes towards the end of the 2nd Century BC significantly contributed to the growth of the Roman army. It became one of the most awesome and well-organized fighting units in the world and was both feared and respected by its enemies. Over time, however, the entire makeup of the army changed dramatically. One method of getting Romans to enlist in the military was by offering a competitive salary. Ultimately, the empire started to struggle to maintain a good rate of pay, so fewer Romans were willing to join.
Emperors such as Diocletian and Constantine felt it necessary to hire foreign mercenaries to swell the ranks of the imperial army. These ‘barbarians’ could be recruited for lower pay and the promise of Roman citizenship for service. It got to the point where Romans in the army used the word ‘barbarus’ instead of ‘soldier.’
Eventually, the army was filled with Germanic Goths and other barbarians.
While these new recruits were exceptional warriors, they had zero loyalty to the empire.
In fact, they increasingly began to turn against their Roman counterparts. The infiltration of mercenaries led to disorganization as the army no longer functioned like the well-oiled machine of lore. The Barbarians gained sufficient knowledge of Roman military tactics to use this information against their enemies. A significant number of the Barbarians that sacked Rome once fought in the Roman army.
5 – Barbarian Migration & Invasion
As I mentioned, the split in the empire made the western part more vulnerable to attacks; a particular point of weakness was the northern Danube-Rhine border. During the 4th Century AD, a significant number of Goths began to settle near the border. Initially, at least, they only wanted to become part of the empire and had no interest in attacking Rome. Their primary concern was getting away from the marauding Huns who were laying waste to northern Europe.
Eventually, the Romans allowed Visigoth tribe members to cross into Roman territory,
but its governors treated the new arrivals like animals. According to one ancient source,
the Romans forced the Goths to put their children into slavery in exchange for dog meat.
The irate Goths quickly became fed up with this vile treatment and rose up against their enemy.
The Eastern Emperor Valens was defeated at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 AD in an event historians claim was the beginning of the end for the Western Empire.
The Romans negotiated a rushed peace treaty, but it was far too late to save their empire.
The Goths were promised land in the Balkans, and when it wasn’t forthcoming, they rose up against Rome yet again. The Goths were led by a man called Alaric who once served in the Roman army as a commander.
When the Western emperor delayed his response to the initial demands of the Goths, Alaric asked for more.
He wanted recognition as citizens of Rome and extra grain for his people. When this was rejected,
Alaric took his well-organized army across the Alps and attacked Rome in 410 AD.
The incompetent Honorius was emperor at this time and lived in a villa in Ravenna.
When Alaric arrived outside the city, he bided his time until Roman supplies ran low.
Then he launched his attack and sacked the city over a three-day period.
Alaric left the city with 13 tons of silver and two tons of gold.
Although he died soon afterward, Rome was just waiting to be sacked once again.
More Germanic tribes such as the Saxons and Vandals were able to quickly take Roman territories
such as Spain, North Africa, and Britain. Attila the Hun was one of many barbarians to damage the empire,
and he invaded Italy in the 450s AD.
By 475 AD, only Italy remained as part of the Western Roman Empire.
The sad decline was neatly summed up by the events of the final day of the empire.
A barbarian named Odovacar was able to walk into Rome unopposed in 476 AD,
and he dethroned Romulus Augustus. He contacted Zeno, the emperor of the East,
explained that he would not accept the title of ‘emperor.’ To make things clear, Odovacar
even brought the traditional clothing of Roman Emperors with him to Constantinople.
So Will The Fall of Rome Be Like The End of America.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs5SjtUs2kM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMuPU1tgDa8