Pray to the Lord he removes the scales from the eyes of those
who listen to rhetoric rather than reason.
Soon I will be blogging posts about cancer research and cancer survivors Again.
However, I would like one last word About the Times We Are A Living!!!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. — Proverbs 3:5-6.
A yute is anyone younger than you that is incredibly annoying and always RUN,
SCREAM and play! Yutes are disrespectful and must be avoided at all costs unless you want a migraine. Urgh the yutes need to learn to respect their elders.
There’s an ancient 20th Century expression,
“He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches”
And those who can’t teach, manage.
First Problem I foresee: is what are the next generation being taught in school?
Since 1960, when I was born. When I was Young traveling with my parents.
I always thought the United States was God’s Country: Land of Hope & Glory.
Looking back through the years it has been pithy Snarky vs. Sarcastic: | See the difference
· Using the word “sarcasm” to define snark is a bit harsh.
Sarcasm is defined as “harsh or bitter derision or irony”. Wit, however, is “the keen perception and
cleverly apt expression of those connections between ideas that awaken amusement and pleasure”.
The First step to the problem started in 1962 when prayer was banned in schools, then in 1963 —
when JFK was assassinated and through the Vietnam War, Watergate and
the Cabal (The Bushes, Clinton, Obama and now Biden) many events demoralized our country’s spirit.
Then into 9/11/2001 through 2004 when they removed the Pledge of Allegiance.
It has taken a generation, however, they finally have the young group hating and wanting
to totally change the USA.
This has been a long thought out plan.
The Deep State taught the Liberal Arts people that Capitalism is beyond understanding.
Our school system has turned kids against their parents. Then they moved in with teaching them socialism. They made our history look bad and turned everybody against our great country.
Not to mention teaching kids that sin is good and good is sinful.
I’m starting to think it’s a multifaceted problem.
Parents have allowed their children to watch too much T.v., play video games and text on their phone.
Too much Dummied them down with very little social interaction.
Therefore, I think what you’re seeing is a lot of built up resentment being released.
Who woulda thought. All the people that haven’t earned anything yet in life wanting everything for free.
About like my early years in life sliding my lunch pails on ice every winter knowing we would get a new one the following year. Instead of our parents making us brown bag it. That outlook sounds self serving:
but it got me a new lunch pail for school. But does that selfish thought form unpatriotic kids for
generations to come.
You should read The 1619 Project.
It makes complete sense why young people hate the U.S. if they are taught garbage in school and colleges
by brainwashed / propagandized liberal teachers. And the quiet infiltration of socialism in our schools.
This included at all levels from elementary thru high school and most colleges. Over paid Leftist university professors influence students for the tiny sum of $50,000 – $80,000 per year in tuition. All the while teaching the younger generations you’re nothing unless you go along with their beliefs. Obama won this game, while he put targets on the backs of our police officers with Ferguson & Baltimore bull-shittery fueling the fires.
So often I hear younger people wanting to abolish the Constitution of the United States and The Electoral college. Because they feel it’s an antiquated system that lets a few small states speak for the rest of the country. They feel we should use the popular vote if we want to achieve what the majority of Americans want. So we can become the United States of California. With California, being the beacon of light in fiscal responsibility and equal opportunity. Ugh not!!! This would mean individual states will no longer have power like they do now. There are plenty of republicans living in California but it’s still considered a blue state because the city outnumbers the rural people and their votes carry more power than the rest of the state.
The will of the people should elect our presidents, not the on EC.
I beg to different There’s a reason why renting a U-Haul out of California costs 4 times as much as renting one for moving in. They don’t ask you where you’re taking a U-Haul. You just rent one. Most U-Hauls rented in California are just going someplace else in California. If renting them IN California costs more, it’s because the economy is better, and people have more money. This used to be the case but in today’s world of Earthquakes, Wildfires and just plain horrible government ran everything with too much regulation.
Californians are hauling ass out of state in record numbers because of Marxist Government and liberals.
With conservatives caught in the cross hair. California used to be a Great Belle Whether State to model
yourself after any longer. Only a few states have a say right now, `how things are run, and it sure isn’t
California anymore. The smaller states that get the most attention every year in an election year.
Are those that can swing either red or blue. Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota,
New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin.
So Why are these 12 states deciding?
My thoughts are these states have people that are the middle of the road moderates & lean towards the best candidate. Yeah I’m good with our nation not being controlled by NY and Cali. As opposed to two to three coastal states speaking for the country. The electoral college is the best thing yet. Otherwise, by Abolishing the electoral college would mean that New York and California would decide every election from here on out.
While misrepresenting views of the rest of the country with leftist bias draconian abolishing college talk.
Canada has a system where the vote favors a few large metropolitan areas and they wound up
with an absolute retard holding power by giving handouts to the populous areas —
and it also Fosters Corruption.
The alternative in Canada is a system where Toronto & Montreal rules the country election after election and the difference is the United States is a Constitutional Republic and Canada is a democracy – this was by design. If we do away with the outdated electoral college. It only serves to keep power in the hands of fewer people and out of people’s hands. Although The United States has A constitutional republic that gives
all states at least some voice instead of just a few overpopulated cities.
Imagine if the majority didn’t want gay marriage.
And the minority did … So should 2 states speak for the other 48? Our founding fathers created
the Electoral College so that ALL states have a voice in our republic… not just NY and California.
In general, to what extent do you personally approve or disapprove of
the Electoral College system of presidential elections in the US?
Strongly approve : 48%
Somewhat approve : 7%
Somewhat disapprove : 11%
Strongly disapprove : 32%
Other / No opinion : 2%
Based on 1,401 responses. Snapshot of real-time results.
Learn More: https://www.nytimes.com/
God created this country through a #constitutionalmoment
It is not a democracy when the most popular candidate loses. But How is it a vote in Wisconsin means more than a Republican in New York? If we run by popular vote, Then those that support the economy realize groceries need to be produced and transported, etc. Thereby, We are a Republic for a reason to keep those who produce products satisfied so they keep producing.
Abolishing electoral votes is like implementing dictatorship!
You can’t have 3 states decide for the rest of the entire 52!!! And if you think that….
You are out of your sick senile mind Joe Biden.
A full democracy has adverse effects on a country.
Most of the countries considered to be sufficiently democratic have political and economic stability.
As a result, there is international recognition and respect from the international community. Most of these countries host global conferences and house multinational headquarters. For example, countries such as Norway and Switzerland host UN meetings and offices due to their free status. Consequently, international investors are attracted to such nations hence expanding the countries’ economic bases.
Other positive impacts are tourist attractions, strengthening foreign ties, and mediating international conflicts, among many others. According to the Human Freedom Index, which “presents the state of human freedom in the world based on a broad measure that encompasses personal, civil, and economic freedom,” America is the 23rd freest country in the world. The index is co-published by the Cato Institute, a libertarian, free-market-oriented think tank based in Washington, D.C., in collaboration with the conservative-leaning Fraser Institute in Canada, and the Liberales Institut at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Germany. According to the release, the index “ranks 159 countries based on 79 distinct indicators of personal, civil, and economic freedom, using data from 2008 to 2014, the most recent year for which sufficient data is available.” The index found Hong Kong to be the freest country, followed closely by Switzerland.
Other notable rankings include Russia, which ranked 115th, and China, which ranked 141st.
Meanwhile, Iran, Yemen and Libya rounded out the bottom of the list.
“Human freedom is a social concept that recognizes the dignity of the individual.
The declining performance of the United States, once considered the bastion of liberty,
is worrisome,” Ian Vasquez, director of the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity and
co-author of the study, said in a press release. “We should all be concerned with the impact on liberty of
the war on terror, the war on drugs, and the decline in the rule of law and
economic liberty in the United States.”
Do you think you will be better off if you vote for the Democratic Party and
their agenda to implement socialism?
Think again with the facts! Hear what Ray Armas has to say: “Socialism made my life in Cuba unbearable and dangerous, and I find it ridiculous that anyone in America would want that.” Jorge Galicia and Andres Guilarte, Venezuelan citizens, have said, “If you like the shutdown, then you will love socialism.”
The pandemic in America is giving them flashbacks to life in socialist Venezuela. They tell us that “supporters of socialism say its policies and practice will help society’s most vulnerable.” Not true! They tell us that living in Venezuela is: “empty shelves and long lines at the supermarket, incentives to report on your neighbor, massive unemployment and economic uncertainty”. Do we want that style of living?
My grandson was critically hurt in a car accident by a drunk government employee. He had hired a driver to take them from the airport and was in a 1950 Chevrolet that had no seat belts because citizens cannot afford newer cars. The medical system is extremely poor compared to equipment in the US, so he had to be care flighted to Miami for treatment. My daughter and her husband went to visit him while waiting for him to be care flighted and saw first hand the poverty of the people, and the very old items they have to use. Doctors get paid about $35-$45 a month. Many doctors are leaving the medical field in Cuba to earn more money.
From Human Rights: “The Cuban government continues to repress and punish dissent and public criticism…with more than 1,800 arbitrary detentions reported thru August of this year. They continue to use other repressive tactics against critics, including beatings, public shaming, travel restrictions and termination of employment”. Is that what we want if we vote for the Democratic party and their promise to implement socialism? Or do we want to retain our freedoms, freedom to defend ourselves, freedom to worship, freedom to speak, freedom to seek our own medical doctors and care? Let us vote for the freedoms our forefathers gave their lives for! Vote for Donald Trump! ~ Dave Durbin
This is not an election in which we are voting on the personalities of the Presidential candidates.
This is an election in which we are voting for what each man will do once they are elected. Look at the patterns of socialism in states with Democrat Governors and Mayors. Think about what will happen if a Democrat President is elected. If you go against their ideas, they will burn your neighborhoods.
If you speak up, you will lose your job.
They will take away your guns so you cannot defend yourself against the anarchists.
Remember the couple defending their property? THEY are the ones being prosecuted, not the protestors.
They’ll tell you what, when & if you can worship. Cuomo is currently saying he will arrest religious groups of more than 25 who gather to pray. THINK ABOUT THAT! They will enact legislation that will mandate that churches agree to hire employees even if engaged in serious immoral standards. When churches cannot do that, because it’s against their church teachings, the churches will be taxed and therefore will have to close.
They will force businesses to hire whom they mandate. They plan to raise corporate taxes, which one industry expert estimated: “tens of millions could lose their retirement benefits.” They will tell you what you can eat. Remember NYC trying to tell you what size soft drink you could purchase?. They will take away your ability to make your own medical decisions.
YOUR LIFE WILL BE IN DANGER if they think you are costing the government too much money, and euthanasia will become the law of the land for seniors.
They will confiscate your money through taxes. They will add Supreme Court justices that will agree to change our rights in the Constitution. They will turn your children against you through indoctrination in your public and private schools, and they will destroy the family. Harris pretends to be “for the people,”
but it was she who put five times more blacks in jail. They aren’t the party of “all let’s get along”.
They use anarchists to intimidate, but ultimately, they are fascists socialists. Wake up, America!!
Know who you are voting for!! Vote Republican! ~ Mary Durbin
Elections have consequences, Democrats control 85% of the media, Hollywood, education and all three are corrupt. Also they never tell the electorate what they will really do if they gained all the power. So what you are saying is good news for a representative Constitutional Republic. So therefore, Thank God we just recently acquired another Constitutional scholar as a Supreme Court Justice. We have to think it this way.
The real corruption comes from long term politicians in power.
Like Biden, Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi and McConnell et al.
May it be… because most if not all career politicians are still playing red versus blue checkers while electorate that work think they should be playing Chess. So how do we wake them up?
My thoughts are don’t argue with the time tested Constitution. You can’t fix it ..it’s the best deal ever written. Framers intended the electors to be able to pick whoever the f*ck they want in case the people they chose become a demagogue. Faithless electors have never affected and WILL never
affect the outcome of the election.
You have to vote to see a difference. Next wrong statement please!
The framers owned other human beings. Yes, to slave-owning white men with muskets in a county 1/100th our size. Time to burn the constitution. The framers didn’t intend for women to vote. A constitutional republic *is* a form of democracy. Seriously, dude… What the hell? Today people see our country becoming an *Oligarchy or Banana Republic. Sometimes I myself wonder if the Republicans are part of the charade, however, we must vote for the lesser of the two evil.
As my thoughts are When Republicans formed ALEC over a decade ago.
They were secretly putting their plans together to overthrow America’s work life as we know it!
They started by taking over the state government then suppressing the vote and lastly destroying the constitution themselves to help corporate profits and enhance the stock market. With the working class given reduced pay hours and practically no benefits.
Democrats were asleep at the on switch toward Obamacare. While the Republicans had no plan for healthcare! So why are people today protesting: many feel the rich want to be richer while the working class becomes starved. They don’t want a republic the founding father envisioned the US Constitution could be. They want True Democracy as the Founding Fathers wrote…
Freedom from the rich white landowners enslaving people.
In the outer reaches of our country which dated back 244 years ago the constitution was designed, because the founders had all read Thucydides. Who detailed exactly how bad “pure” democracy could destroy a state. What kind of a rigged set-up a democracy can be and does the voice of the People not matter in a Champion dystopia??? It’s American democracy – fueled by money, much of it dirty and
much of it self-serving.
It’s a minority segregated rule. Apartheid in the process of overseeing a #PermissiveGenocide & ethnic culling of the American population by washing their hands of the Coronavirus and leaving us to die.
Of course it’s not a democracy. Just look at the history of slavery and indigenous people. They didn’t get to vote on their owners or their genocide. That’ what happens when you have no term limits and lifetime appointments of newly minted law school graduates who never work manual labor a day in their life. Don’t blame the Republicans, Blame all those who choose not to vote, who do drugs and are street thugs and don’t want to better themselves forcing employees to go overseas to do business or manufacture products.
Some people choose to sit on the sidelines while our democracy is chipped away slowly.
The Critical race theory is rooted in cultural Marxism;
its purpose to divide the world into white oppressors and non-white victims.
It uses personal narratives of marginalized minority “victim” groups (black, Hispanic, female, and homosexuals) as irrefutable evidence of the dishonesty of their mostly white heterosexual oppressors.
Critical race theory is a concept talked amongst Marxists openly, but they typically like to keep that idea under wraps for the general public. Giving something a name allows for identification, and while the hard-left would love you to experience the effects of what they do.
Marxism is a theory which forces people to work and live by a set standard.
They don’t want you to be able to identify what it is they’re doing, where the idea came from, or what their endgame is. The resolution described critical race theory as a “set of tools to explain how race functions in society and intersectionality as the study of how various characteristics overlap.” Traditional Baptists who believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God and contains the answers to all problems within its pages must have wondered why their church would need Marxism for any reason at all.
When I was growing up through my teen years we never had it so good in the 70’s as we celebrated mid way through the decade the Bicentennial of The United States in 1976 (200 years an achievement after going through the 20’s 30’s 40’s 50’s and 60’s.) Looking back at the last fifty years (70’s 80’s 90’s 00’s 10’s.)
Having many similarities persist as the country readies itself for the Sestercentennial Celebration in 2026.)
I have always had the battle cry, “Better it is to die in battle with honor, Than to live in shame because you did not defend your people” with the morals, principles and values of:
ℓσνє נєѕυѕ, υѕα, ρσтυѕ & fαмιℓу!
¢σиѕєяναтινє тσ тнє ¢σяє
fα¢тѕ иσт fєєℓιиgѕ
fяєє∂σм иσт fєαя
ѕиσωfℓαкєѕ иєє∂ иσт αρρℓу
Don’t blame others for your choice: God gifted us in different ways.
We build each other up through our faith, as there is harmony in the body of Christ.
So Pray we all come to love and embrace the gifts God has given to each of us. May we not view any of them as greater or lesser than the others. Serve others together! Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them. — Romans 12:6
I was born and raised and I learned and understood that I envision and felt.
I’m an author with my own words to give.
You are not racist if you want to stop illegal immigration. Europe has been fundamentally changed/destroyed forever by floods of immigrants who had no intention of assimilating. They came to conquer. America, the greatest country in the world, will be saved at all costs.
Obama created the division that built it. THAT’S his legacy. Albeit a horrible one! MSM won’t cover the chaos over there…most people have no idea how bad it has become!
Anyone who doubts this look at Ilan Omar and Minneapolis and the words that she speaks from her mouth to GOD’s ear. Notice even Macron is having to come out and say they “can’t” allow some immigrants to set up a society within French society. Many Europeans are done with it. They are the ones the media labels “right wing”. We always say “America is the greatest country in the world.” Now, I love my country. It’s my home.
But what exactly makes #America the GREATEST country in the world? (not rhetorical)
Taking in legal immigrants is what makes us “great”, but what things make us
the GREATEST in the WORLD?
1. The endless opportunities one has to advance themselves, the rights and freedoms available to all.
No other country on the face of the earth compares.
2. I understand, we have our problems here. With Health Care needs reformed biggest from its root cause, but pound for pound other countries simply can’t offer what we have available here. God bless the USA!
3. There’s a reason why so many people want to come here. Again, there is no doubt whatsoever that we are GREAT. At the end of the day, what people mean “America is the greatest country in the world… for ME.”
4. We make it great. Also, the fact that we can amend the constitution when the need arises why it’s
the single Greatest paper written.
5. That statement reminds me of this poignant scene from The Newsroom: https://youtu.be/wTjMqda19wk “it’s not, but it can be.” (And this from 2012!)
I have always loved this clip! And the difference between then and now which he got right,
Then we were “informed” but today we are indoctrinated!
6. The best qualities we have are a Standard of living. Medical care, cost of living, freedom of speech,
religious freedom, economy, We Could go on. But That being said, the leftist globalization project/NWO/
Project 2030 is trying to strip these away daily.
7. No disrespect, The entire world appropriates the west, led by the US. Planes, cars, sports, cinema.
Tell me why this country isn’t the greatest?
An idea of independence in the late 1700s changed the world. And My ancestors flocked from
France through New Orleans to arrive to America.
8. In American History We Made our successful revolution against the most powerful country & military.
We Won the space war. Made Advancements in science & medicine.
Our economic system brought people out of poverty & a Willingness to intervene in WWs.
And Became A Peaceful society.
9. Everyone keeps listing things that are great about us.
I have no argument with most of them.
But that doesn’t make us THE GREATEST in the world.
10. I get it. People are listing things that are great about us.
We Might be best if you can list why we are and start avoiding the mistakes we are making.
But Are WE THE greatest in the world?
Overall Switzerland is still considered by 36 other countries to be the best country in the world, overall.
We spend three times as much on healthcare per capita than other wealthy countries
but have among the lowest life expectancy. Continue…
Europe fought this for hundreds of years with Charles Martel. France stopping the last large military offensive by Muslims. But today they not only let them walk in, they invited them much like
Barack Obama did into the United States.
Thereby, Our Immigration laws need to be overhauled to benefit the American people first. There is a reason why America is the most admired country in the world and if there were no border controls, the world would overrun us and move here. It’s amazing how the Asian countries such as China and Japan have essentially stayed the same.. How come they don’t take in refugees left and right?
Exactly what the left has been doing for decades and would have become a nail in the coffin if
Biden becomes POTUS. One must investigate “Rules for Radicals’ as the sheep that think for themselves
or will be led to be slaughtered in a New World Order.
TOTALLY UNDER CONTROL – WATCH FOR FREE Trump and his crew deserve to spend the rest of their lives in jail. Horrible rotten liars!!! Watch the movie then spread the word Seems like all part of the Chinese plan for power, send over the poison, keep Americans indoors, brainwash them with fear, get Biden in and steamroll America…maybe it’s too obvious that it’s not true, but not one cell in my body has any trust for
China or Biden, one in the same. China wants to defeat America and then control the world badly!
That is why it has been infiltrating America through many many years and many many aspects of life!
Be cautious! America is in danger!
Trump is America’s only hope!
Absolutely! I want to live in a world again where right is right and wrong is wrong.
That’ll never happen under present day Democrats!
Where those that break the law will pay for it.!!!
World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history.
An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or
about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion).
Today Covid-19 deaths = 236,127 (WORLD’S highest).
These deaths exceed the COMBINED American deaths in 3 wars:
WW I (116,516) Korea (36,516) Vietnam (58,209)= 211,241 Total DEATHS.
TRUMP has avoided foreign wars, but, instead, China started a war Covid-19. And WE ARE LOSING BADLY!
40% of those dead are in 6 Democrat Govern States, 65% of the total dead in Democrat Govern States. Period.