Top International Immunologist Trashes CV-19 Lockdown & Masks!
No scientist is more qualified to give advice on the pandemic than esteemed award-winning,
Irish immunologist, Professor Dolores Cahill. As a world-leading expert, she debunks the misguided mainstream narrative and explains how lockdown and mask wearing has been the worst possible approach against COVID-19. The stupidity of mass quarantining any healthy population is that it unnecessarily weakens society’s immune system, according to Professor Cahill and a great many of her fellow professionals.
To combat the risk of COVID-19 and any infection she urges everyone to pursue the protective benefits of Vitamins C, D and Zinc. In addition, she explains why Hydroxychloroquine is being used successfully to defeat the disease.
How Are Americans Catching the Virus? Increasingly,
‘They Have No Idea’ By Sarah Mervosh and Lucy Tompkins.
In South Dakota, which leads the nation in new virus cases per capita, officials say
they can no longer have one-on-one conversations with all who may have been exposed.
When the coronavirus first erupted in Sioux Falls, S.D., in the spring, Mayor Paul TenHaken
arrived at work each morning with a clear mission: Stop the outbreak at the pork plant.
Hundreds of employees, chopping meat shoulder to shoulder, had gotten sick in what was then
the largest virus cluster in the United States.
That outbreak was extinguished months ago, and these days, when he heads into City Hall, the situation
is far more nebulous. The virus has spread all over town. “You can swing a cat and hit someone who has got it,” said Mr. TenHaken, who had to reschedule his own meetings to Zoom this past week after his assistant tested positive for the virus. As the coronavirus soars across the country, charting a single-day record of 99,155 new cases on Friday and surpassing nine million cases nationwide, tracing the path of the pandemic in the United States is no longer simply challenging. It has become nearly impossible.
Gone are the days when Americans could easily understand the virus by tracking rising case numbers back to discrete sources — the crowded factory, the troubled nursing home, the rowdy bar. Now, there are so many cases, in so many places, that many people are coming to a frightening conclusion: They have no idea where the virus is spreading. Mayor Paul TenHaken of Sioux Falls, S.D., was first worried about an outbreak at a pork plant, but now the virus has spread everywhere. “It’s just kind of everywhere,” said Crystal Watson, a senior scholar at the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
who estimated that tracing coronavirus cases becomes difficult once the virus spreads to more than 10 cases per 100,000 people. A testing site in El Paso, where hospitalizations in the county have soared by more than 400 percent and officials issued a new order for residents to stay at home.
IN some of the hardest-hit spots in the United States, the virus is spreading at 10 to 20 times that rate,
and even health officials have all but given up trying to figure out who is giving the virus to whom. There have been periods earlier in the pandemic when infections spread beyond large, well-understood clusters in prisons, business meetings and dinner parties, tearing through communities in ways that were nearly impossible to keep track of. But for the most part, that experience was isolated to hard-hit places like New York City in the spring and portions of the Sun Belt in the summer.
This time, the diffuse, chaotic spread is happening in many places at once. Infections are rising in 41 states,
the country is recording an average of more than 79,000 new cases each day, and more Americans say they feel left to do their own lonely detective work. “I was so careful,” said Denny Taylor, 45, who said he had taken exacting precautions — wearing a mask, getting groceries delivered — before he became the first in his family and among his co-workers to test positive for the virus. Lying in a hospital bed in Omaha this past week, he said he still had no idea where he caught it. Uncovering the path of transmission from person to person, known as contact tracing, is seen as a key tool for containing the spread of the coronavirus. Within a day or two of testing positive, residents in many communities can expect to get a phone call from a trained contact tracer, who conducts a detailed interview before beginning the painstaking process of tracking down each new person who may have been exposed.
More than 900 employees at the Smithfield pork plant in Sioux Falls tested positive during the spring.
“We were pretty successful and we were very proud of how the case numbers went down,” said Dr. Sehyo Yune, Director, COVID-19 Wellness University Health and Counseling, poses for a portrait outside the Cabot Testing Center on Sept. 15, 2020. But as cases skyrocket again in many states, many health officials have conceded that interviewing patients and dutifully calling each contact tracing will not be enough to slow the outbreak.
El Paso infectious disease expert offers advice on living safely & actively in a COVID-19 world.
The Digital Immigrant | Ogechika Alozie, MD | TEDxElPaso
“Contact tracing is not going to save us,” said Dr. Ogechika Alozie, chief medical officer at Del Sol Medical Center in El Paso, where hospitalizations in the county have soared by more than 400 percent and officials issued a new order for residents to stay at home. The problem, of course, is that failing to fully track the virus makes it much harder to get a sense of where the virus is flourishing, and how to get ahead of new outbreaks. Contact tracing breaks down as El Paso’s COVID-19 cases explode. But once an area spins out of control,
trying to trace back each chain of transmission can feel like scooping cupsful of water from a flood.
In some places, overwhelmed health officials have abandoned any pretense of keeping up.
In North Dakota, state officials announced they could no longer have one-on-one conversations with everyone who may have been exposed. Aside from situations involving schools and health care facilities, people who test positive were advised to notify their own contacts, leaving residents largely on their own to follow the trail of the outbreak. In Philadelphia, where cases recently spiked to more than 300 per day, city officials acknowledged that they now must leave some cases untracked. Most people, they said, are catching the virus through family and friends. “We weren’t supposed to get to this point,” said Dr. Arnold S. Monto, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan, who said the process of tracking cases and notifying people who may have been exposed is a standard of disease prevention but impractical after a certain level of infection.
“If you have five clusters going on at the same time,” he said, “it’s hard to say where it came from.”
When a first major outbreak hit Grand Forks, N.D., in April, the problem was clear: More than 150 employees of a wind turbine blade factory were infected. The factory shut its doors for several weeks, and public health officials tested and contact traced each case. For the rest of the summer, Grand Forks, a college town of
56,000 on the border with Minnesota, saw almost no new infections.
An uptick in August was quickly tied to students at the University of North Dakota and largely contained.
Now, though, any sense of control has vanished. Active cases of Covid-19 have quadrupled since the beginning of October to 912 in Grand Forks County, and about half the people contacted by the health department say they are not sure how they became infected. “People are realizing that you can get it anywhere,” said Kailee Leingang, a 21-year-old nursing student who also works as a state contact tracer in Grand Forks.
Even Ms. Leingang has fallen ill, along with several of her colleagues. She traces her case to her parents, who first started showing symptoms. Beyond that, the trail goes cold. “They have no idea,” she said of where her parents came in contact with the virus. Ms. Leingang, isolated at her home with her cat, feels sicker by the day.
Dishes have piled up in the sink — she is too weak to stand long enough to wash them. But she is still working, calling at least 50 people a day to notify them that their tests came back positive, though her job is no longer to track who else they may have infected. “With the high number of cases right now,” she said,
“our team can’t afford to have somebody not work.”
Localised ones yes-not national ones.
“I’m a retired New York City fireman and a 9/11 first responder. He was there for us after that, so I’m going to be there for him now. The FDNY supports Trump,” Peter from New York at Trump’s rally in Reading PA,
Only 3 days out from Election Day. NO sense is the new way of life. While common sense has been thrown out of the window. It’s not a lockdown though is it? Short term but not long term. Like Kicking the can down the road. With Every kick of the can coming with More economic cost, more strain on people’s mental wellbeing,
more job losses, You can go to the shops, kids go to school, people go to work etc.
You can fly in and out of the country. Migrants arrive unhindered with who knows what diseases and they walk amongst us. Makes me wonder, as it makes no sense whatsoever. To be perfectly honest I don’t no if lock down works or not opposition try to score political points either way media wants it then doesn’t want it buffing say one thing then buffing say another we are told by gov to lock down so we should give it a go we’ve never been here before. It’s not about supporting Lockdown it’s about whatever measures it takes to stop this Virus.
The far Left who want to destabilize the economy and a democratically elected Government.
I supported the first one, but even then it wasn’t a complete lockdown..so this one is pointless as well.
They don’t work and to fully work we’d have to keep having them, which will irreversibly break the nation.
I Don’t like them but I’ve stuck to the rules to protect the vulnerable unlike others who think it’s funny to break the rules My parents are borderline high risk so as hard as it is and frustrating I will respect the rules.
Doesn’t matter if you do or don’t Boris has spoken and that’s it. I give it two weeks and the schools will close again. Boris asked us way back in February to use our common sense to avoid a lockdown and the conspiracy theorists refused, wearing a mask in Tesco for 10 mins is somehow taking away freedom. I am in a vulnerable category and stayed in for months to try to avoid it. 1st 1 has an unknown 2 deal with. Now we know it’s 86% asymptotic, kills less than 0.2% of cases & almost all have underlying health issues, all lockdowns do is put the healthy at risk, destroy economies & break down social adhesion.
Wish the strategy from the start would have been to avoid lockdowns.
They don’t work, especially when the border is as leaky as my shower, with Covid-19 carriers
invading the coast daily. The economic damage will be unacceptable. Whatever it takes..
Must have been the same all those years ago when people refuse to believe the earth was round.
I think they work, if adhered to. But a lot of people ignore them so they become ineffective. That is why they lock down for longer than should be required. And then other health items and the economy get badly affected.
They are getting rid of the middle class, who date to earn money and go it on their own.
They want people wanting so they can pull the rug out from under them. I’m waiting for the world banks to intervene and say, ‘we’ll pay off all your debts, but in exchange, hand over all your assets. Agreed and I am leaning towards renewing, their goal is to break the system with an accountability measure, if you don’t deliver on your manifesto you’re out. Globalization through the back door followed by the cashless society so they know what you spend and where. Which is why this all points to the organizations behind the WEF and the Great Reset program.
It needs to be exposed.
Johnson & Johnson is using the language from it, Build Back Better as are other so called leaders
(not that any really are demonstrating leadership). Yep, that’s the plan. “The Great Reset” presents a view: “win in a landslide” on the basis of his new pitch which is to spruik
the fact that he’s had the coronavirus and as far as he’s concerned, Keep your eye on the prize:
“you fight it, you live with it, you get on with it,” according to Rowan Dean.