Socialism versus Communism

 Calling all Americans to take back our constitutional freedoms

BlazeTV’s  Mark Levin warned that if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win the election,
they plan to destroy the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution.
‘This document tells you what they intent to do to you, to the culture, and to the country’
Biden will ‘burn the Declaration and Constitution’: Levin warns voters of what’s in Biden’s
INSANE 110-page policy plan which you can read for yourself here.
“This is the 110-page Biden-Sanders (I call it modern day communist) manifesto,
which gets into every part of our culture and our society. Which will affect every walk of life,
including each and every one of you,” From health care to energy to immigration to the economy
and on and on, this document tells you what they intend to do to you, to the culture, and to the country.

They intend to burn the Declaration and Constitution.”
Levin noted that the idea of individual liberty is never once mentioned in the entire 110-page document,
while capitalism, the free market, and property rights are only discussed in the context of attacking and destroying them. He highlighted the massive increases in federal individual income, corporate income,
capital gains, “death” or inheritance taxes outlined in the manifesto.
“Under this document, depending on where people live, some of our fellow
Americans are going to be paying over 60 percent in taxes to their state, local, and federal government.
This unbelievable!” Levin said. “All throughout this document, it’s an attack on the way we live,” he added.
“It’s socialism. It’s centralism. It’s anti-classical liberalism.
And it is completely alien to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.”

Levin warned that if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win the election,
Americans will be living by the Biden-Sanders manifesto, and not by the
United States Constitution. “These documents,” he said, holding up a copy of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. “All the blood, all the fighting, carrying our flag in the wars, all that our ancestors have done, all that men and women surrounding us today, veterans, have done to protect this document,
will be for naught.”

Socialism is a deception…
\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ 

“The State will determine what you need and how much.”
Pure evil and the strategy of the Globalists “Great Reset” objective:
1. You will own nothing, you will rent everything. 2. Fossil fuels eliminated.
3. You will eat very little meat. The UN & most global organizations have already
spelled out what they intend to do. In Agenda 21 & Agenda 30 & in numerous other published plans.
The #NWO — whatever kind of socialism it is–is not what we want.
We want personal freedom and national sovereignty.

Socialism is the stepping stone to communism.
This is a well known fact. The USA will NEVER be a socialist nation.
The interesting point is that socialism in all its forms when it has materialized has been an EPIC FAIL. Governments should never be about control but service.
Why should anyone believe that Democratic Socialism is the answer to America’s problems ?
There is no European style socialism! There is capitalism. Do not buy Socialism thinking it’s a brand.
Once you buy Socialism there’s no return, they won’t give you your money back.
This will not be European style. This will look much more like Cuba and Venezuela.
Your party has fed, watered, and nurtured this dangerous dark force for decades so you could
pull their vote. If the left wins you will be one of the first ones eaten. Part of me longs to see it.

Socialism is the introduction of communism; lived it in Cuba, as it’s horrible.
My family is still in prison for their political beliefs. you’ve cleared never lived in a totalitarian regime,
I don’t care what kinda cute adjective you put in front of socialism- real, hardworking, patriotic Americans don’t want any flavor of socialism you’re selling. If we lose our country to Communist China, it will be BECAUSE of people like you. Socialism is BAD.
Period. No matter what type. It’s like saying cancer is good depending on where it is.
We the People support our constitution and the freedoms we were founded on. Socialism,
of any kind, is not welcome here. If that’s the society you want, then move. Go to Europe or some country you feel is superior. I’ll supply your flight payment. You must not be an educated man. What Europe has is Capitalism with a strong social safety net.
Big difference. Ikea doesn’t happen under a Socialist country.
This is why socialism doesn’t work in many countries.
I hardly doubt I’d call countries like Sweden a true socialist country.
I think many people know about social democracy and democratic socialism.
Power is never given to the people. Just the illusion.

If socialist takes the US the whole world is lost!!!

Argentina has been a European socialist country for the last 30 years, it is a disaster !!!!
“European style” socialism is steadily receding and it increasingly looks like the latter two you mentioned. Speaking from the epicenter of it. Socialism is socialism – the super cool thing is, here in America if you don’t like it you are more than welcome, or your encouraged and FREE to leave to seek out those greener pastures where they actually offer what you want (disrespectful ungrateful rant=ignorance.)

A 30 year military General that fought for YOUR LIBERTY,
Our family members died for liberty; not for corrupt politicians lining pockets with hardworking American taxpayer. Only a fool doesn’t believe in GOD… Educated people who say God doesn’t exist are fools.
To trust in mankind is to be cursed. To trust in God is to be blessed.
Follow Jesus Christ who’s worthy of your trust.
Study the Bible, it’s wisdom the world can’t give you.
Jesus is the way, truth, life. But even Europe is in danger my friend. Did you know that Denmark pays
55% taxes and that number is sharply rising as their poverty climbs above that 1% mark.
Whereas in America it would bankrupt the nation to pay for 12% of the
population in poverty. No one cares about the rubbish you are spewing.
Ask someone living in a socialist country if that’s a good life and you will have your answer.

We in the US are absolutely on course for totalitarianism.
Nobody wants to live in a Gulag, you included. Liberal socialism and capitalism
can’t coexist, it’s an economic fact. Don’t rush to give up your freedoms over big government handouts.
Big government = more control and less freedom. Us soldiers have been around the world, we’ve seen liberal socialism first hand. Socialism is indeed evil and immoral.
“European style socialism” only works because most of the industries in those countries are capitalist. European style liberal socialism the kind where you import 1000’s of Muslims who don’t want to assimilate? That kind sucks too.
The Omnipotent Power will Crush and Rebuke all demonic opposition against our
God Given Country. Those who Trust in Him, shall move and live in His being.
Will shall be Victorious and Crush Satan and his demonic agenda under our feet!

Vladimir Lenin knew very well what Socialism is all about and it damn sure isn’t what those that wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights had in mind. “The goal of Socialism is Communism”. This push toward Socialism will divide our country and bring about the 2nd civil war. Socialism = roads, jails, schools, libraries, fire halls, policing, CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS, FDA, EPA, CDC, FEMA, Disability insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Obama Care, Military, Parks Services, Weather service, snow removal, sewer systems,
highways, bridges, vaccines etc.

“I live in Northern England and never before has an election been so important to me and for the world,
the prospect of the USA falling to socialism is terrifying.” Anonymous #Trump2020Landslide

Mr. President, in these final days America remains the bulwark defending against a war declared by the unleashed & dark forces of socialism. Place your trust in the instrument of Divine Providence.
 “We The People” do and we support you with our prayers & votes. (ISAIAH 41:10)– Fear not, for I [am]
with thee; be not dismayed, for I [am] thy God:
I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea. I will uphold thee with the right
hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10.
Joe Biden is a false prophet: just like the Bible foretold he’s trying to convince you..
like he has the last 40-plus years that he’s going to fix things?
When we the people have been shown the truth by Trump that Biden is a political globalist!
Caring nothing for We the People! MAGAA.
There are bigger things happening than we realize. God is on the move.
It’s been a similar theme in just about every state. 
These are landslide numbers and there’s no hiding it.
Covid was a dry run done by Democrats to force socialism on this country.
Do not comply.

Socialists believe in the state taking control of the commanding heights of the economy.
They believe the free market should be substituted by a command economy in which goods are produced according to need and prices are fixed to ensure fairness. Nothing Pope Francis has ever said or done would suggest for a moment that he is a dangerous radical or even that he secretly harbors socialist thoughts. 
But if you listen to his statements and look at his actions, a pontiff emerges that is far more critical of the rampant materialism that drives the western world than any pope in living memory. In doctrinal matters he remains a conservative. But one thing is certain, he is not afraid of change. On September 10, Francis visited the Astalli Centre, the Jesuits’ refugee center in the heart of Rome, and met with Adam, a 33-year-old soldier from Darfur, and Carol, a teacher who fled Syria last summer. 

The pope listened to the two of them speak of their plight in exile before turning to his fellow Churchmen – among them a Cardinal and an auxiliary bishop – with a challenge: Instead of selling your disused convents and empty monasteries, why not turn them into refugee shelters?  That audacious proposal, followed up a few days later by a pledge to reform the Vatican’s administration, set Francis on a collision course with the Roman curia. (The word comes from the Latin for cuvria, gathering of men, and includes the bishops, priests, lay men and women who run the Vatican administration.)
The curia are charged with a variety of functions, from the suspension of theologians deemed to have strayed from the Church’s teaching to the appointment of Swiss Guards, and its thousand-plus members are commonly regarded as uniformly resistant to change. And they also enjoy controlling a vast fortune. Renouncing the income from the sale of important assets would be a radical step for a group Professor Hans Kung describes as
“the reactionaries at the heart of the Vatican.” 

If the pope is to be judged by his enemies, he certainly appears to be heading in the right direction.
He may not be a socialist, but he is certainly willing to bring to bear all the powers at his command to
make the world a more compassionate place and he is plainly unafraid to upset vested interests to get his way. The argument about Pope Francis is not confined to economics; it goes to the very heart of Catholic teaching:
What is the Church for?
Are its priests glorified social workers who assist the vulnerable and marginalized. 
Or are they spiritual guides who, through liturgy and rituals, promote individual salvation?
It is a tribute to the pope that the answers to these questions suddenly engage American shock-jocks and English economists as well as ordinary Catholics. Suddenly, a church that was increasingly irrelevant is leading a fundamental argument about social and economic policy. This is all because of a charismatic man who delights and disconcerts in equal measure. Much of the world is pulling for Francis to work miracles as he takes on the curia to make the Church more responsive to criticism and amenable to change. 
To some, that sounds like someone too eager to rock the boat.
But, looking back at the horrors that have emerged and the innocents let down by complacency and secrecy,
few Catholics can honestly say the Church is not due for reform, and most believe Francis has been sent for
that purpose. If Francis can change the institution he leads, that won’t be socialism — it will be a miracle.
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