We’re tough and stand up for ourselves. I could keep going.
Their hatred defines them, not you, Love ALWAYS triumphs over hate. I truly believe that.
Stay strong and remember, you’re on the right side of history, not them.
Their ugliness is all consuming.
Let them spew their venom. U are immune,,, Extremely tolerant of all evils.
Less tolerant if you disagree with them. Liberalism envisions a perfect world
where there are no consequences for your actions, regardless of how heinous…
The only Sin is opposing that view!!!
A conservative woman is a woman who loves men, marriage and children and is actually HAPPY about it. Women and minorities are a much bigger threat to liberalism than any white man for as long as there are women and minority conservatives, the left can’t well prove we’re sexist.
Because you’re not being controlled by their narrative..
The “intolerant left” is only ‘tolerant’ to those who share their views.
They hate themselves. Has nothing to do with you.
You nailed it. Thinking for yourself.
Because all left supporting women are unsatisfied next week starts the motion. be prepared.
The awakening is coming” That’s because the “intolerant left” can’t control everyone,
especially women who exercise their ability to think critically.
So, they resort to hating conservative women whom they can’t control.
I had a close relative tell me that if I voted for Trump they would never F’in talk to me again.
Liberals are crazy! Don’t hold it against them too hard. Television programming is extremely powerful.
They’ve convinced people that alignment with Trump is alignment with every -ist in the book, including a Fascist. That makes you all those things by association. Intelligence scares those with less capabilities.
Cape-abilities. Super powered people! Hah!
Those that don’t know how to speak / think for themselves.
The hypnotic status quo Has taught them that their Feelings of hate, jealousy, rage are good emotions. Conservatism is a type of light that exposes their dark hearts and decisions they have already made.
You expose them and they like any wild animal trapped in a corner lash out with all they have..
and here it is with their tongue.
People & relationships are very important to me.
I know your frustration. It grieves me that I can’t bridge the gap b/c woke generation.
As a “baby boomer”, I have survived hardships. The fabric of our society produces “drama queens”,
with no empathy. What really matters is you — My theory is that they actually believe that
their belief system is superior to any others and that if you don’t agree with it,
or have your own thoughts on a subject, then something is wrong with you.
It’s a product of our mass-marketed, fast food, instant everything society.
Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.
The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body,
sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
People like them exist everywhere. They are too stupid to see the bigger picture let alone understand it.
Too arrogant & cannot think for themselves. Keeping up with the Joneses as they say so as not to be outcast..
Best to ignore them and continue the fight!
Feminists hate themselves and are just miserable with their own life choices.
Conservative women love life and think for themselves.
I value my family and friendships more than politics. There are more important things to talk about with
my friends and family. If this means I don’t care, not true I just value family and friends more than politics. Because we fight not only for our own babies, but everyone else’s. That pisses off the “ladies”
who demand the right to kill theirs. It’s twisted.
Standing up for what you believe in, is what a strong woman should identify with.
The Harvest & the End of the World
Book Title: The Harvest
Author: John David Krygelski
I review conservative nonfiction books. However, every once-in-a-while,
I may review a fiction book. As long as it’s on the right side of the aisle, I’m cool with it.
You could call THE HARVEST, published in 2007 by John David Krygelski, to be religious science fiction
or a religious thriller. Take your pick. This incredible book is, not only, spiritual and philosophical,
but also, scientific, and conservative.
Novelist Krygelski is a semi-native of the southwestern desert.
Besides THE HARVEST, he has authored many novels, including THE MUTATUS NULLIFICATION,
In THE HARVEST, we’re introduced to a figure who magically appears on Earth.
He looks like a human male with thick white hair and blue eyes. We soon learn that his name is Elohim,
and he claims to be The Creator, otherwise known as God.
(Elohim means “God” in the Hebrew Bible.)
The U.S. government is perplexed by Elohim. They want the famous Religion Professor Reese Johnson, who recently left the stranglehold of leftist Harvard to teach his courses at the University of Arizona, to authenticate Elohim. Most importantly, Elohim says he has come to Earth to take the Chosen to Heaven in five days.
Sound familiar? Yes, but we’re not talking about Revelation.
THE HARVEST is not the Bible; it’s not a substitute for the Bible,
and it’s not a study guide for the Bible. It’s a work of fiction.
In fact, if you haven’t read the Bible, but you want to, consider making it a New Year’s goal.
Also, I recommend for women (because I am a woman) the Women’s Devotional Bible.
There’s a reading plan that will take you through the entire year,
plus there are devotions throughout the book written by women.
Getting back to THE HARVEST, because it is not some famous book discussed on
a show like “Hannity” or “Tucker Carlson,” you may not have seen it or read it before.
So I don’t want to ruin anything for you.
What I will say is that when The Creator appears, Krygelski takes you through what could happen.
Even though this is fiction, none of it seems unreasonable as we follow the course
of events and the way people respond to who Elohim is, what he does, and what he wants.
He speaks every language; he performs miracles; he knows what you’re thinking,
and if you’re the Chosen, he wants to take you to Heaven.
In THE HARVEST, nobody who discovers they are the Chosen goes to Heaven against their will,
and you could find yourself in a situation where you are the Chosen, but your spouse, for example, is not.
Will you go or will you remain?
It’s an exciting adventure for conservatives who believe in God and who respect conservative principles.
Is it biased? or Are the villains leftists?
However, if you’re a conservative, none of that is going to offend you.
What you will find is that Elohim’s words of wisdom will make you think about yourself and life in general.
“If you believe that you should be of the Chosen and find that you are not, I ask that you blame no one,
other than yourself, because no single person on Earth has faced an unfair test,” says Elohim.
This aligns with the conservative view of personal responsibility, a view that’s important to me.
It makes me think of a quote by Gina Florio, a personal trainer, wellness coach,
and a manager for Candace Owens. She says, “No matter what life throws at us,
the result is in our hands. So yes, your life is your fault and the decisions you have made.
My life is my fault…so don’t blame me for your life.”
THE HARVEST is an adventure, but it’s not one you should rush through. It’s over 400 pages.
In today’s society, that could be a turn-off. People are busy with their phones, the internet, and video games.
Books with a lot of words and pages are becoming a thing of the past.
But this book is far from boring.
If it takes you two weeks, a month, or six months to read it, that’s okay.
As I said on Twitter, savor it like a fine wine.
THE HARVEST contains vivid mental images, religious depictions,
and scientific information that will sit with you. You may even dream about them.
I give this book: *****
I usually don’t provide links to the books I review, but I will with this one.
You can purchase a signed copy at Starsys Publishing. Or buy the book at Amazon or iTunes.
Follow John David Krygelski on Facebook and Twitter.
From the readers of The Harvest
“Great book! Your use of the principal characters to tell the story and weave the plot was masterful.
I know in the years to come that I’ll read parts if not the entire book again, probably many times.”
“A fantastic job with the characters, an amazing job with the story.
Your perspective on different subjects within the story kept me riveted.”
“I must say that this book was one of the most extraordinary books I have ever read. It touched me and made me examine my entire life. It is hard to believe that this is anyone’s first book. Thank you for writing it.”
“The harvest is not really like any book I’ve read before. It’s difficult for me to categorize.
Okay, it’s fiction for starters. It has a religious theme, but not in the sense of any other book I’ve read. It’s not religious in a preachy way as much as analytical and just leaves you to figure out what you think on your own.”
“It is incredibly thought-provoking, enlightening, fascinating and timely. I truly believe it is one of
the best fiction books I have ever read. I have already told my friends they must order and read it.”
“I must admit, it took me a few weeks to actually start reading, because I was worried that the story might
be depressing, but was I ever wrong! I just finished it yesterday and had to write tell you how uplifting and heartening the story was for me. I really enjoyed it! Towards the end, I couldn’t put it down and
was trying to learn the outcome of everyone’s story.”
Watch –> The Harvest: A moving Short Christian film
Read –> The Mutatus Procedure (Part One)