In time, all things will be revealed : Pay attention to the energies of people and
how they treat you. God is revealing so much to us every single day.
When we align ourselves with people who truly care about us and treat us right,
life becomes much more beautiful !
Knowledge is having the right answer. Intelligence is asking the right question.
“This virus is what’s causing economic hardship on people in Illinois.” –
Governor Pritzker, 10/26/20, 3:18 p.m.
You are weak Governor. It’s you & your baseless mandates. No it’s not idiot.
He’s wrong, there has to be some states that their economies while not thriving,
are certainly doing better than Illinois 11% unemployment. And maybe there are some that are thriving, however, that doesn’t fit his narrative. No journalist is going to do any research to correct that falsehood and Baseless *illegal and unenforceable* mandates. There are plenty of other states in this union doing just fine without unprecedented draconian lockdowns.
To mask or not to mask, that is the question.
The idea is that to wear a mask, or to practice social distancing, suggests a communal spirit of togetherness.
On the other hand, to decline to wear a mask or to avoid gathering is to signal one’s independence from the herd, a kind of bold individualism that’s woven into Every Americans DNA. According to the US National Academy of Sciences, in community settings [1]“face masks are not designed or certified to protect the
wearer from exposure to respiratory hazards.” [2] Another study showed that surgical masks do not provide protection for aerosols ranging from 0.9-3.1 µm.
Think about it. There is a virus going around that attacks the respiratory system,
and people want to put a mask on that limits the oxygen flowing through their respiratory system. Forcing healthy people to become immune suppressed by constantly wearing masks that recirculate exhaled CO2 waste and deplete optimal oxygen uptake, is at best misguided, at worst criminal, given the known data.
Oh yeah, don’t attack and insult those who have chosen not to wear a mask,
as the studies suggest that is the wisest choice to make.
However, most people who develop Covid-19 will recover, stresses
Len Horowitz M.D., a pulmonary specialist at Lenox Hills Hospital in New York City, most people will get better at home on their own. But you could be in for a long road to recovery. If you have chest pains, shortness of breath, or severe dehydration go to the hospital. Also the relationship of vitamin D and Covid-19 is unclear, but a recent analysis of preliminary research. published in Nutrients, found that chronic low levels of vitamin D leads to more severe symptoms and quite possibly death.
There are more viruses than stars in the universe.
Why do only some infect us? We often think of a virus as — influenza, HIV and now Covid-19.
But actually there are 320,000 different types that can infect mammals, however, just 219 are known to infect humans, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. So the next time you dance in the rain or catch snowflakes on your tongue, you might want to consider the fact that viruses and other microorganisms are all around us. Luckily most aren’t infectious and one way to measure viral spread is R0 (pronounced “r naught.”), which is the average of how many people may be infected by a single person.
For example: if the R0 is 4 then one infected person can spread it to 4 others.
( the ideal R0 is less than one.) There is a popular myth that once you had a virus, you’re immune to it,
but that’s not always the case, says Dr. Kathleen Dass M.D., an allergist and immunologist with Michigan Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center in Oak Park. When you get a virus your body builds up antibodies to fight it. Those antibodies stay in your system, helping you ward off future infections (this is how vaccines work.)
However, not everyone makes enough antibodies and they can wear off over time, which is why some need booster shots of some vaccines. In addition, viruses can mutate making your antibodies ineffective against new strains. Some viruses including those that cause herpes, Covid-19 and AIDS, can be spread via asymptomatic people (they never had symptoms) and presymptomatic (they don’t have symptoms yet.) According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), some people may even be “superspreaders” infecting hundreds of others without even knowing it.
While it’s highly unlikely anyone will take you to court for spreading the flu around the office (stay home when you feel ill.) Obese people are 42% more likely to get the flu than those that aren’t obese because it affects your immune system, according to the Journal of Infectious Disease. Viruses don’t just infect your chest and sinuses — According to a Study in the New England Journal of Medicine, “it also causes widespread inflammation throughout your body. That can increase your risk of developing blood clots that can trigger a heart attack.”
Loss of taste or smell is one of the early warning signs, explains Dr. Matthew G. Heinz, M.D.,
a hospitalist and internist at Tucson Medical Center in Arizona. Who for some with mild cases, this may be the only symptom and it’s more likely to appear in younger people he says. It’s not clear what causes it, but the disease provokes a profound inflammatory response throughout the body that could somehow impede the functioning of the senses. While the virus mainly produces respiratory symptoms, the virus that causes COVID-19 has been found to attack most anywhere on the body.
Including your toes says Dr. Heinz, “this symptom looks like chilblains, which is redness, swelling, and itching of the toes (or fingers) in cold weather. Also a review of scientific literature published in June in the Annals of Neurology found that half of hospitalized Covid-19 patients experienced headaches, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, strokes and seizures. Researchers speculate that this may be due to increased inflammation,
lack of oxygen, an autoimmune response or a clotting disorder triggered by the virus.
A study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that a good night’s sleep boosts your immune system and the effectiveness of specialized immune cells called T-cells. While some people may have told you a cold shower is the best way to reduce a fever, cold water can shock your body and spike the temperature higher, says Dr. Patricia Whitney-Williams M.D., a professor and the chair at the pediatric at Rutgers Robert Woods Johnson Medical School, states, “a lukewarm shower is the best way to break a fever.”
“Cold Air” this time of year can also be hazardous to your health: “going outside won’t make you sick on your own,” says Dr. Saralyn Mark M.D., President and CEO of SolaMed Solutions in Washington D.C., “but if you’re out in the cold often. your body adapts by allowing your mucous membranes to dry up. When your mucous membranes dry up it can’t protect you and the virus can get in your body. Also biting your nails gives a virus
a one-way ticket into your body. https://vimeo.com/397296890
Viruses can linger on in many places: viruses are tenacious and can survive in places outside
the body for quite a long time. Exactly how long they remain on surfaces depends on the type of surfaces and the environmental conditions. In a lab environment Covid-19 stayed active on plastic and metal surfaces for two to three days and for 24 hours on cardboard and paper. I also read in a refrigerated environment the virus stayed active for 3 weeks to a month. Among objects in or around your home that can harbor the virus; Phone, railings, remotes, keyboards, faucets, door or cabinet handles and sheets, pillows or blankets. In public places; drinking fountains, faucets, doors, escalators and gas pump handles, weights at the gym, buffets and salad bars.
Your best defense would be soap and water literally pries apart the virus, causing the protein-wrapped
particles to rupture and become useless. Make sure you wash your hands for 20 seconds and use a paper towel.
( Avoid Hand dryers, which can blow contaminants all over the place.) Don’t ask for antibiotics for a viral infection: Antibiotics kill bacteria, but they don’t work on viruses at all. Still many doctors report feeling pressured to prescribe antibiotics by patients who insist on them despite having a viral infection. It must be safe when your doctor is awake when they recommend nebulizing colloidal silver. That just happened.
The COVID-19 coronavirus is only the 7th known to infect humans…
According to the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine The researchers found that up to one third of all antibiotic prescriptions are deemed unnecessary. Don’t count on herd immunity: for it to be effective it requires that more than 90 percent of the population be vaccinated. Tish Davidson, medical writer and and Author of Vaccines: History, Science, and Issues and The Vaccine Debate. “The exact percentage depends on the contagiousness of the disease, One Important Key to Prevention is Regular Exercise (150 minutes @ week)
like taking walks or riding an exercise bike, has been shown to improve your immune system, however, overdoing exercise can be a detriment to your immune system by creating undo oxidative stress and
promoting inflammation.
What would I tell the Govt to get out of this mess?
1. Stop comparing everybody to others.
2. STOP Labeling every death as Covid-19.
3. Stop mass testing too many false positives.
4. Open everything up and let people live life.
5. If you have Covid-19 symptoms, stay home.
6. If you are vulnerable, take sensible precautions.
7. Mass communication to keep social distancing.
8. Take Better Care of Your Health EAT & Play Well.
9. Avoid Stressful Eating & Processed Sugar.
10. Adapt: positive changes are bound to happen!
11. You need to relax and your body needs to move.
12. How to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and CDC recommend taking simple steps to keep yourself and
your family safe and healthy during the outbreak!!!
– Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds whenever you return home, after coughing or sneezing, after caring for the sick, before eating, after using the toilet, and handling animals or animal waste.
– If you cannot wash your hands, use alcohol or an alcohol-based sanitizer.
– When coughing or sneezing, use the crook of your arm to cover your mouth or use a tissue.
Throw the tissue in a closed bin, and then wash your hands.
– Stay home when you’re sick, and don’t go out until you’ve been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
– Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
– Avoid close contact with people who are sick. The CDC believes the virus spreads most effectively within
6 feet, so keep at least that much distance between yourself and other people, whether they’re symptoms or not.
– The CDC recommends wearing a cloth face covering when you’re in
a place where social distancing guidelines are difficult to maintain,
such as grocery stores or pharmacies.
– Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
* How the Pandemic Will End