in Janky water-hoopties to leave Communism.
Communism is the blank stare that goes along with true communism and the feeling of being penniless.
That’s all you will need to see to convince you that communism is not the road to be on.
‘Communism is true freedom’ tweeted from an iPhone…. but without capitalism you wouldn’t have an iphone because communism stifles creativity. If you’re against capitalism why are you feeding it by buying such goods?
Communism is Freedom from choice, freedom from productivity, freedom from prosperity, freedom from opportunity, freedom from satiety, freedom from existence.
Freedom-to not leave… Freedom-to not complain….Freedom-to spy on your neighbors….
Oh that sounds great! Talk to someone that was actually subjected to this FREEDOM and risk their lives to come to the LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE. Communism is not freedom as the government controls every aspect of your life, “Even in your sleep big brother is watching you,”
From Straight out of the movie 1984 full film in color. George Orwell
With capitalism a boss owns you 40 hours+ of your week.
We the people should control our workplace. We the people should control the creation of the items which fulfill our material needs. We the people should control industry, economy, and policy. We the people should control the world. As capitalism forces one to find living wage employment from a private employer or die,
it is the antithesis of freedom. Capitalism undermines democracy.
Collectively and democratically, people shape their economy and government.
Capitalism and freedom are inherently incompatible as you have to work 40hrs/week for a master in exchange for a wage to live indoors and eat food. Communism is literally freedom of the working class from the oppression of capitalist chains. Like. LITERALLY.
Your landlord decides if you can have a pet. Your boss decides if you can have a vacation.
The rich will decide what our government does.
Many think that communism brings everyone to the same socioeconomic status. WRONG!
Communism would eliminate the middle class and create two classes.
The working class, with no upside, and the ruling class, with no downside.
Wealthy stay wealthy, while those that work, still work.
“I lived under communism during my childhood. For a number of years all the citizens got food ration cards. There were lineups when stores got some inventory. Forget luxuries like exotic fruit (oranges, bananas, peaches). One year a priest who spoke against the government oppression got kidnapped by government thugs and murdered. You did not dare criticize those in power. That was Eastern Europe.
Now talk to some Chinese immigrants and ask them their opinion of communism.
You have the wrong idea. I Hope it reaches the masses; all those who just don’t understand
what Happens living under Communism or Socialism or a totalitarian govt.
I never realized how we have dumbed down knowledge. Is it too late to undo?” ~Anonymous
No, Marxism-Leninism requires a state as a transition towards communism.
Communism itself is stateless, classless, moneyless and socialist.
If it is stateless there how are you going to tax people and how do you enforce the wages people are going to get. Communism requires an authoritarian state to achieve many of the things it sets out to.
Can we all just look at history and REMEMBER that communism ALWAYS FAILS and leads to a privacy-invasive, 100% controlled life, collective poverty across any country that embraces these ideals?
What makes you think it’ll be any different in the US?
With 3 million children today starving in the world is better than the 3-12 million Ukrainians
who died in a year because of Stalin’s genocide by the communist regime of the USSR known as the Holodomor. Freedom gives us billionaires that ship our jobs overseas.
Freedom will watch us fail and leave us there. Freedom allows the Gov’t to take taxes to give subsidies to corporations to create the products(medicines, oil and gas, etc.) and sell it back to us at any price.
Communism is a form of government. Freedom is a state of mind/being.
Any form of government will hamper freedoms in some way, Otherwise it’s anarchy.
This is like asking: “Choose: Flowers or Squirrels?” Sure they are both in the garden, but two separate things Communism is subjugation to the oligarchy and will of petty bureaucrats and group-thoughts. Stifles freedom of thought, speech, expression, pursuit of happiness & innovation. You think Capitalism is freedom, however, the driving force behind bond slavery and the movement of slaves from Africa to Haiti and Cuba to America. Boss decides what money I have, what I do with my time, how I dress, what insurance I get thus which doctors I can see, what I do, when I do it, and at a whim can decide to take it all away so I’m forced to either starve or find another boss to do the same shit. When you call in sick suddenly you’re deprived of access to life.
Conservative estimate of Communism death toll in millions
USSR: 20 China: 65 Vietnam: 1 Cambodia: 2 Eastern Europe: 1 Africa : 1.7 Afghanistan: 1.5
* Latin America: 150,000 thousand. *
Read your history on East German and East Berlin and tell me Communism is a good thing.
If you really want wealth concentrated with the few, communism is for you.
Your freedom is subject to the whims of whoever determines what’s best for the imaginary collective good.
The Nazis had concentration camps as communist had the Gulags. So, where is that freedom?
Have you paid attention to communist leaders? Have you seen the people in power?
They’re So stupid and you want them in charge of your life?
So tell me, what do you do in communism if a person just doesn’t want to work?
Or do they have to participate in civil service in order to get what they need?
Do they get all that they need like food, shelter, car, medical care, etc.?
If you don’t know what Communism is. Ask the people in China how great Communism is.
Ask the people in Tibet. Go through History and look to where Communism was implemented and tell how much freedom they have. Another communist with an iPhone… Why do you have an iPhone? You ought to give others an iPhone because they ought to be equal to you. If they are disposed to equally share the money and the goods, why do they not start with their own properties? Communism force and coercion, the perfection of the socialist nightmare of mass poverty, tyranny, hunger, secret police and Gulag.
Read “The Gulag Archipelago”.
You’ll immediately discard all of which you’re currently believing about communism.
The Gulag or GULAG (Russian: ГУЛАГ; acronym for Glavnoe upravlenie lagerei, Главное управление лагерей, ‘Main Directorate of Camps’) was the government agency in charge of the Soviet network of forced labor camps set up by order of Vladimir Lenin, reaching its peak during Joseph Stalin’s rule from the 1930s to the early 1950s. English-language speakers also use the word gulag to refer to all forced-labor camps that existed in the Soviet Union, including camps that existed in the post-Lenin era.
Communism is true and total oppression.
Look at Cuba or the destruction of Venezuela!
Then why does it require the totalitarian force of the government to keep people living that way?
Every place that ever tried it were strict totalitarian states. And also amazingly how many people risk their lives to leave those places and be free. It’s what ill-equipped, under-performing citizens think will provide for them more than they can achieve for themselves. The only people who like communism are those who have never lived under communism. People, often risking their lives, flee from communist ruled countries to America…..
You know who always wants to flip the game board over and start fresh? The losers.
Real communism is the government owning your mind & property. No private property in China—all government owned. Result? Corruption-people in power abuse resources & wealth. Solution to capitalism isn’t communism. People in Venezuela are eating zoo animals and garbage…you are free to do that here, they have to in Venezuela because there is no other food. Where do you get these stupid fucking ideas about communism.
It doesn’t mean what you think it means wake up or move to Venezuela.
How’s that communism working out for China and Russia?
Communism is bullshit for morons.
Please show us how the promoters of that ideology share his properties to get your mouth closed.
You’re a moron and have not lived long enough to know what you’re talking about. You have no idea what the hell you are talking or texting about!! You need to go back and study history and not the history your teachers obviously taught you!! Go read up on the constitution and how it became!! Don’t be a snowflake!! You are not looking at the reality in practice. Research every place that has ever tried it. They use the parts that sound good and fair and equal to manipulate people. When in reality it is oppressive and unfair.
Commi’s will lead you to believe Jesus and Christian Life is all about Socialism and that
Jesus was a champion of the poor, the oppressed, the marginalized and the exploited. The sinners those with leprosy and other diseases, or those who were strongly physically handicapped. If he lived in modern times, he would have sympathized much more with the proletarians toiling for wages under capitalist society, rather than those at the top of the economic ladder benefiting from the expropriation of unpaid labor.
Jesus did not say the government has to own companies.
His more economic views would be considered particularly polarizing.
In Matthew 19:16–30, a wealthy man comes up to Jesus and asks him what he must do to gain eternal life. Among the points that Jesus states is that “if you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have a treasure in heaven.
Then come, follow me.” His statement that “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” is especially telling, since the idea that a rich person would have to give up his possessions to enter heaven does not fit with capitalist thinking at all.
Jesus also tells his followers that that they should not “serve both God and money”
(Matthew 6:24)[[2]]) or “store up treasures on Earth” (Matthew 6:19)[[3]] There’s also an instance, which is also one of his greatest miracles, in which Jesus uses five loaves and two fishes given to him by a boy in order to feed a multitude. He states that he has “compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.”
Definitely something a working class hero would do.
Jesus was a true comrade. Upon learning all of this, I am actually quite surprised that so many Christians are anti-socialist. And to finish this answer off, here’s a quote from Acts 2:44, which states how the early Christians had a more or less “communist” lifestyle: Jesus didn’t take the rich man’s wealth from him. That’s one thing that you’re missing here. Communism takes by force, Christianity does not. Christianity involves free will and Jesus was obviously aware of the distinction. So no, Jesus was not a Communist or a socialist
as Woody Guthrie would have you believe
“There are certainly some parallels between the teachings of Jesus and those of communism,
but the axle which holds them together is radically different. Communism encourages people to riot against the oppression of the rich and all governmental structures, in favor of a government that owns the means of production and natural resources.
No Jesus was not a Communist or Socialist. Just because Jesus helped the poor does not mean he is a Socialist. According to socialism the government is to help the poor,
but Jesus said that we need to help the poor (Luke 6:31).
When you read comments from those that have lived through communism in the USSR. There’s no freedom, communism is an alt-left form of oppression of thought, beliefs and all your possessions aren’t really yours.
So, it is a form of slavery essentially. Communism killed more of its own people than Nazis ever managed to do.
Denmark’s largest Party are the Social Democrats. Denmark’s society is centered on social programs, like. Universal Healthcare & Higher Education: some will lead you to believe one of the Top 5 Happiest countries:
1. Finland 2. Denmark 3. Norway 4. Iceland 5. Netherlands. But when I asked this old Facebook friend from Denmark… if she thought Denmark was one of the Happiest Countries back 7 years ago.
She told me she would take Seattle any time.
But that was pre-Democratic Socialist Rule in Seattle
“Freedom” in a totalitarian regimented capitalist society means the same thing as it meant in the old Greek and Roman societies: freedom for the slave owner. READ BRAVE NEW WORLD, HUXLEY WARNED US ABOUT MODERN SLAVERY OF MAN!!! Aldous Huxley was adamantly anti communist.
Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace : 1958 (Full)
Capitalism is teaching a man to fish. Communism is teaching a man to demand fish from someone else.
I’m guessing many on this thread are Chinese . The Chinese can eventually overpower democracy using sheer numbers of people – it has happened in our universities through support rallies. Communism, shows that a tyrant is at the top. Communism is freedom because freedom cannot exist without wealth equality.
We don’t want communism. It’s an idiotic strawman poll that tries to paint capitalism as “freedom” and
socialism as “communism.” Neither of which are true.
Capitalism is economic enslavement to those with the wealth & power.
Socialism is putting power in the hands of the people. Presently 70% of the country lives pay-check to pay-check, 40% can’t afford a $500 expense, many of them working 2-3 jobs (pre-COVID) Opening a lemonade stand will not fix our wage-theft problem. Freedom is unobtainable when BLM is an idea,
Without restrictions it lacks meaning. Too many restrictions are bad. Too little restrictions are equally bad.
Functional democracy is a balance in between.
We have to find a balance of those we leave in the country for reasons that vary.
Build that wall because he can’t afford Health Care for illegals coming into the country.
False duality, is when we don’t live in a true democracy so freedom here is only separate & unequal.
We live in a corporatist society where profits, corporations, the stock market,
the 1% are running the rest of us into poverty and early death.
This is the most ridiculous false dichotomy! The truth is that all forms of societal organization
including all forms of governance require the sacrifice of some freedoms.
But what freedoms and how much freedom for equality of outcome or opportunity.
The choice is like drinking water versus being hydrated: Strange that drinking water always wins out,
however, the point of drinking water is to become hydrated. Would I rather have the system we have now that’s based on subjection and greed. Or a system based on cooperation and democracy. Further Reading led me to believe how little knowledge people have of both history and human nature.
Read & learn people! Invest in yourself!
Those who don’t know history always seem dead set on repeating it.
You can’t fix stupid and it’s this stupidity that knows no bounds. I have the freedom to work 40 plus hours a week in return for money to buy a house, car, and vacations. I get to retire early and spend my days and have even more fun. Whoever chose Communism has never felt its effects, they only get this from the communist Professor planted in colleges espousing a fantasy that only the elites in communist countries get to enjoy.
The fact that so many people in the United States are starting to believe communism is better than capitalism is because they might not have to work 40 hours a week to be successful in life.
That is a weird choice when one is a form of government and the other is whether one is owned or not.
You can be a slave under both a capitalist or communist government.
Where is Ayn Rand when you need her most!!
Ayn Rand was a Russian-American writer and philosopher.
She is known for her two best-selling novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and for developing
a philosophical system she named Objectivism. Born and educated in Russia, she moved to the United States
in 1926. She then produced a play on Broadway in 1935 and 1936. After two early novels that were initially unsuccessful, she achieved fame with her 1943 novel, The Fountainhead. In 1957, Rand published her best-known work, the novel Atlas Shrugged. Afterward, she turned to non-fiction to promote her philosophy, publishing her own periodicals and releasing several collections of essays until her death in 1982.