unfortunately, he wishes that you were!!!
Views in this blog post expressed are my own through facts.
UNBELIEVABLE to witness how a presidential candidate like JOE BIDEN can throw lies after lies into the face of millions of people expecting to win their vote. When you have the people scared and running, then he pulls a 180 and tells everyone what they want to hear. Really 80% of Americans believe everything you tell them that’s why I live for today, because with politicians like Biden tomorrow may never come..
“Old age is the next global economic threat.”
Is the “Nursing Home Covid-19 Fiasco” is it starting to make sense to you now?
The lie we are living is so convincing! Exactly, what Obamacare was all about! What if society is about selecting who is worthy of life and who will be deprived of healthcare! Democrats are proving to be monsters: Agenda 21…might it be Covid-19 is just the first step. They want us depopulated and 15 % of us GONE. Bill Gates says all the time that too many people is the biggest threat to earth and the human race. He’s not wrong but he’s not God either…. so he doesn’t get to choose. #𝔾𝕠𝕕𝕎𝕚𝕟𝕤 “𝕃𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕤𝕚𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕪, 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕝𝕪, 𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕕𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕪,
𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪, 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝔾𝕠𝕕.” ―Ronald Reagan …
Bill Gates and his foundation have consistently come under fire for his goal of world depopulation
Now the same man admitted in a TED talk his goal is to eliminate a billion humans from the face of the Earth and get emissions down to net zero so nothing will grow.
Well.. he shouldn’t get to: A nation that hardens its heart to the elderly, veterans and the unborn will not enjoy the blessings of peace and prosperity. In my opinion Euthanasia and Abortion are the biggest threats against humanity! Doesn’t that make you feel like a proud American to be living in the United States of America!
I take care of my Mother so others don’t have to… That’s the reason they put old people on hospice, unless you are in severe pain NEVER be put on hospice. It’s an early death sentence.
The elderly is a problem in any society. It is really a numbers game. I’ve been telling everyone this from the jump this virus targeted the sick and the elderly, The only old people that will get good health care under Biden would be the D.C. beltway. Older people tend to vote republican … Bloomberg isn’t exactly a spring chicken is he? New York’s very own Lord Farquhar. I knew it in April and have been saying it since. LORD DELIVER US FROM EVIL! Obamacare needed a lifeboat to keep from completely sinking. Is this why @BarackObama @JoeBiden #DrFauci Funded Banned Research in a questionable Chinese Lab.. to create this?
Their Hail Mary pass was dropped just like professional sports in the United States?
It would be unbelievable if it wasn’t so believable.
I sometimes wonder if Nursing Homes are Death Camps for Seniors . Never will I go into one. I just turned
60 on June 14 and you’re right nursing homes are end of life. There’s no way in hell I will ever go to one period! My mother stayed in a home for 3 months last year until the middle of June. Once I did the math I saw the benefits. When the elderly don’t have a lot of time left. The vaccine will be offered” to the elderly, then it will “conveniently used to “off” them. 2 things solved, Medicare and republican voters. These morons that are authorizing this means of death care. DO realize a lot of them are already getting old, right? Or is it only old, NON-wealthy people or as long as it’s not their family who generate the threat? Of course it is.
And if they hadn’t been robbing those old people for decades and pilfering their
Social Security funds, this wouldn’t be an issue. #RottenDirtyThieves
Wonder what Bloomberg has in mind for taking care of the elderly then.
The Democrats are evil! That is why Obamacare had death panels in it, will the ramp up to accept euthanasia for the aged include aging politicians and billionaires? Nope, just the poor and middle class that paid into social security for decades are the intended threat.
Memory Lane. In March of 1984, the Democrat Governor of Colorado, Richard Lamm,
said the terminally ill elderly have ‘a duty to die and get out of the way.’ because prolonging their lives wasted precious resources. It’s all about population CONTROL, gun control, and the word CONTROL and controlling everybody’s life and so on ! It’s always been that way, people just don’t want to see the truth because it’s comfortable with your heads in the sand.
Look at the political system before Trump. Two parties working together for them and ruling us. That was the goal in the Wuhan lab. I called it in February. Elderly don’t contribute to the economy and communists don’t value them… Euthanasia will become a part of the The Biden | Harris | AOC Socialistic Green New Deal.
I’m sure they’ll be very gentle when they come to put you out of their misery.
Nope. Look into BHO and 30 k Guillotines ordered by FEMA. Trump threw a wrench in works ….it will be resumed. Covid-19 is a senior citizen genocide plan. They are being intentionally targeted for extermination. How much did Cuomo reduce Medicare in NY. If you look closely, population control is at the heart of a large portion of liberal policies. Weeding out the weak is one example; only the strong will survive.
That’s why Governor Cuomo and Michigan governor sent people with Covid-19 into nursing homes.
The blood of the ones who died is/are on their hands.
The Socialistic Democrats are pathetic!
Covid-19 was a plandemic of new world order released to minimize the population
from the cost of insurance and Medicaid wake the fuck up America it’s not too late to hold these mthrfkrs accountable. It’s already happening. The elderly in nursing homes are dying a slow death of loneliness.
It’s inhumane. They need to be stopped! It’s Just sick. They didn’t call it the “Boomer remover” for nothing.
My God….. I guess that’s why @NYGovCuomo thinks his COVID response was a success.
What is coming can’t be stopped if we don’t wake the f**k up …. Cry America, cry. :'( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones
Socialistic (Communist) Democrats believe in population control. It’s not a stretch that it may include the elderly. Only Democrat mayors sent covid-19 sick patients into nursing homes. These people are soulless.
I really believe they wanted to free up Medicare/Medicaid for illegals. So they purposely unleashed the virus on the most vulnerable in nursing homes. I don’t put anything past the Marxists, especially a commie like Cuomo.
Certainly a major problem with his CCP friends after years of the one child policy they have found now one married young couple have ended up having to take responsibility for four elderly parents.
America already ignores their elderly! I watched it first hand with my dad.
When you reach a certain age, you don’t matter anymore, unfortunately. Which is why
I fought for my dad and his needs. Always did. Also mRNA vaccines had a crazy high rate of infertility.
Funny how “population control” Gates jumped to the front of the line to push the first ever, human approved mRNA vaccine through with expedited waived clinical testing.
Old age & the disabled. NY had a tier system of who would qualify for treatment with the elderly & disabled at the bottom of the list with receiving no treatments. They were left to die until NY Assemblywoman Missy Miller called them out on their discriminating euthanizing plan. Imagine the real estate market in 7 years when all the boomers are in a home or dead. They were the home builder generation.
It’s going to destroy real estate values and reverse gentrification will be real.
New York is the epicenter where abortion was legalized and continued to sacrifice full term babies last year cheering for the passed abortion bill and this year they are sacrificing the elderly by putting them in nursing homes with covid-19. They start with those that have no voice (babies in the womb) and next it’s the elderly- who have no contribution to society (in their sick twisted minds).
Bloomberg first! They Want to pit young versus old.
Communists always kill the older Generations when they take over because they can remember and know what really happened before. Wow they are just on a rampage. Next they’ll suggest the entire planet eat Cyanide pills because the planet would be much better off. Mini Mike better watch what he says, I mean, he’s no spring chicken. What is he, late 70s? I’m pretty sure his rule would apply to himself.
I’m proud to say that I’ll continue the tradition of taking care of my parents in their old age by moving them in with me! That’s how it used to always be and should be! I can’t wait to repay my parents for all their hard work when I was young! Old folks vote faithfully and use up medical/health resources.
The general population doesn’t know what is happening and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know.
Scary movies turn into reality?
I’m old enough to remember the movie “Soylent Green” back in 1973 with Charlton Heston.
Bloomberg himself is forgetting he is older than dirt! His buddies will have no problem getting rid of his arse. He made a statement while running not to support healthcare for Elderly. I am waiting for him to start reaping what he sow. They want to eliminate the old, sick & disabled just like socialist and communist countries do ..
an old practice from WW2 Nazis!
I have no respect for this man!
When this first happened I assumed it was to free up some social security funds by eliminating the elderly. Sounds like it might have been the whole point of the virus, given that it’s most deadly to those
> 74 and basically not very dangerous to anyone < 74 who doesn’t have several pre-existing conditions.
I thought that dreadful thing for quite a while now.
So many … speed bumps… When we age we become Conservative voters; A Social Security drain/ with grave economic costs; collective experiences — imagine that all gone.
A long time ago, in fact. I always thought that the flu shots were derived to wipe out the baby boomers.
The companies that create the shots have immunity and can not be sued for damages.
Now this vy-rus has come along. The vax/jab is next. They believe in depopulation and know the older generation was mostly conservative. Makes sense to flush the nursing homes.
Nature finds a way to cull the herd even when humanity doesn’t have the heart for it.
Fauci Sweating Bullets! Trump Investigates His $3 7 Million Obama Grant to Wuhan Lab!!
I believe it was intentional, and all the while they are screaming that Trump won’t protect pre- existing conditions in his healthcare plan. (but he already has.)
Then add in their Medicare for all. The elderly will be denied tests, medicines, surgeries.
I read how Medicaid costs (paid for by the state) for nursing homes were astronomical.
Grandma Killer Cuomo saved his bankrupt state millions. He’s despicable.
It made sense to me 1 1/2 years ago when I was let go from a job. They didn’t say it, but I knew it was because
I was “too old” and becoming more expensive to keep. The elderly and health compromised regardless of age.
It was engineered in a Wuhan Bio warfare facility for just this purpose. The whole idea of the virus was for the CCP to be able to reduce the non-productive segment of their population while crippling the world economy.
I always said it was a way to get rid of seniors, use this funds to support their sanctuary policies “new voters.”
It made sense to me when it happened. First thing I said was a lot of old people are going to be a huge strain on universal health care. The Left doesn’t just want to control our health care, they want to control our health. Thought the same thing when I heard it. “Weed out the undesirables cause they cost too much’.
Dare I say “death panels,” or Depopulation/eugenics has always been these demonic individual’s’ endgame.
The less plebs, the easier to control and use them. Ventilators to finish them off?
Of course Trump wouldn’t know this- he was actually following the “science” and providing what he could to really help people. (Just some thoughts I’ve had …) Yap from the get go — I see the majority of covid-19 deaths are nursing home patients if not older people are the most hit very hard, I was thinking this is …depopulation… reducing the nursing home patients less burden for medical insurance and Medicare.
This is why they have indoctrinated the young for years to smear retirees as boomers in the U.S. and pensioners in the U.K. Disregard them not only for the knowledge they hold of the past, but, as a target for “stolen tax dollars” from the have nots. They’ve been panicking about the Boomer generation for a long time.
With not enough workers to pay for all the social security.
Population control. Gates has been on it.
But then again, they have aborted 63 million since 1973 with Roe vs. Wade?
Why give Medicare and Medicaid payments to the elderly when you can kill them off and keep the money in the state government’s coffers for social programs that benefit mostly illegals. It breaks my heart that so many people were lost in nursing homes and how
New York and other dem cities are so cruel and get away with it. They are sick people.
I’ve figured that because they can’t make those who are older into slaves.
They can’t do any type of labor plus I’ve worked in the nursing home for five years they don’t do everything they should to guarantee a long life. It’s heartbreaking! The elderly are being completely taken advantage of in many many ways by the government, corporations, doctors, insurance on and on and on.
And the babies aren’t even given a chance.
Aging people are threatening the Global economy?
They say it but have no reasons or explanations as to why. It’s all just nonsense talk.
There’s a video on YouTube of Bloomberg explaining to a group of Jewish men that
we should deny the elderly health insurance because we are going to go bankrupt.
But society isn’t ready for this yet.
Older people are typically conservative. They grew up in an era where people worked hard to get ahead. The left thinks they are expendable because they vote against their agenda. Scary. We are slipping very quickly into Nazi ideology. Like Nazism, we began with abortion. Then, taking toddlers off life support because “quality of life” issues. Anti Semitism is rearing its ugly head in NY. Burning books. Closing churches. One plank on the overall scheme to get “population” under a certain controllable level for indoctrination of a “slave” mentality… guess who benefits? Worse part, the masses who buy into the left’s message…will be the first of the “disposable” ones.
I have said this all along. It’s been the obvious thinking ever since Ezekiel Immanuel
was an architect of Obamacare and he openly spoke of limited health resources going to
the productive, i.e. not before 10 yrs or after 65 or 70 yrs. It is evil like abortion.
The rules don’t apply to the elite class— only us ordinary folks. That’s a key tenet of socialism.
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.
We are the change that we seek.” ) ~ Barack Obama