Have you ever read 2 Chronicles 7-14 ?
if My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and
turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Only God is the One that can heal our land. Why else do you think Prayer is so important to this campaign,
to protect this President and this country.
But people have to stop thinking it is someone else’s job to get their hands dirty when dealing with these scum. The fact that people have sat around with this mentality is EXACTLY when these corrupt people came to power. It can be healed if we stick together and call out the criminals regardless of party!
This is our country and the government works for the US, we don’t work for them!
Please remember that just like trying to clean out the poison a boil must balanced first to allow
the corruption and filth to drain out.
This is what we are currently seeing. Trump#45 promised to drain the swamp.
However, to prevent it from reforming a few years later the public must learn. How corrupt and degenerate some of their elected officials really are. Unfortunately it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Remember the IG report re: HRC & Foundations crimes against children. You can google folks from Haiti saying that after the earthquake a lot of their children went missing after the aid workers arrived.
Who oversaw that aid with Obama’s blessing? Bill Clinton.
The swamp has turned into an ocean… the scumbags keep surfacing.
The next 4 years for Trump will be brutal…. but he’s Teflon. #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica
I pray too. We are so divided. The corruption has to be rooted out and those who are guilty need to be held accountable. We need real justice to begin the healing process. I’m inclined to believe God is in the process of destroying America, because we sacrifice millions of babies each year and
take God out of every aspect of our lives.
I pray he gives us a second chance and more time but I’m not optimistic.
I pray for our President every day. I don’t know how he handles evil around him.
God has given him strength beyond measure to save our beloved Republic.
On the old age issue, Commi-crat, NWO, CCP boot lickers will be asking (before demanding) the Senior crowd “why don’t you kill yourselves?” Abortion ain’t nothing – interrupting human life in its earliest phases of human growth & development. It’s a fact we lose more life to abortion every year
than the flu and, now Covid-19 combined!
We don’t hear anybody in Washington D.C. yelling about those deaths! They are hypocrites!
That was a mouthful and it was correct. It is sad. But, yes, we’ll get back together once the evil has been purged and we gain 20/20 vision in both eyes in 2020. When the lies and deception stop, folks will see for themselves again. More Americans need to find God.
More Americans need to find God. 2021 will be more about the ‘POWER OF THE PEOPLE.’
We can’t fail to do our part and always fight for America and all her blessings and freedoms.
While teaching the children about those who have fought and died for our country.
The DemocRATic slanted media and big tech must be completely reformed. This can never
be allowed to happen again. It’s Nazi Germany all over again. This is, by far, the most disgusting, dishonest, anti-American, propaganda-ridden presidential election in U.S. history.
I pray our country can be healed. God help the Greatest President in American History.
Think about it !! They have thrown EVERYTHING at this wonderful President!!!
Absolutely every dirty trick in the book and he has defeated it all. One thing we can count on!
The nation is in a trance, but the spell is breaking. It’s undeniable truths right in their faces that makes it work. They haven’t accepted the reality of what Hunter Biden’s laptop means, so we must keep driving home the point. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. After this, regardless of the election outcome, there will be no more America, for the American dream will have been strangled by the Globalists Elite if we allow them to divide us.
As we are all looking in the right direction for healing.
II Chronicles 7:13-14.
13 “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Read full chapter.God’s promises have no expiration date. Each day the evil forces continue to attack Trump with more and more sinister efforts reaching new lows! Trump 2020 Save the republic.
The World must think it’s mad. Pray for the right outcome or America will be an angry nation…
Unbelievable what the extreme left have done over the last four years.
They disgust me. We would never have known if not for the great Donald J. Trump!
I don’t see how we ever get back to a harmonious existence.
Constant chaos is exhausting. [They] know this. I fear for the country.
So many people can’t be reasoned with even when presented with factual evidence.
They won’t even consider it. If it questions their beliefs.
Imagine … if DJT hadn’t won in 2016 no one would know
anything about the Deep-State.
Trump brought out Swamp-Rats from all over the world.
While you’re right about the disgusting dishonesty and propaganda, is it the worst in American history?
I’m gonna say no. In the early days of our republic it was also disgusting, dishonest and propaganda filled and yes, by our founders. So it’s no different today than in the past. Waiting for an explanation of why Americans value thuggery, cheats, criminal Marxists over capitalism, patriotism and free-will? It makes no sense.
So worried and very scared for this election. Could use some positive reinforcement that Trump will prevail!!!
Don’t Believe The Polls ~ Have Faith Because GOD Works in Mysterious Ways…