Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan.
In my analysis, the Evil Red Empire of Asia is forging relations with other nations to formulate
the New Axis of Evil Powers. The Red Dragon is leading the new axis of evil powers of Asia to usher the era of Neocolonialism to ruthlessly exploit the natural resources of Asia undermining the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, Peace, and Justice in their occupied territories.
Like the original axis powers, the new axis is based upon the ideology of authoritarianism.
The theocratic fanatic Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rose to power in Iran, and created a robust nuclear bomb-making infrastructure that is protected under deep earth. George W Bush coined the term ‘axis of evil’ when describing a group of fanatical countries.
However, the term’s meaning has now expanded to include any alliance of generally evil countries.
The Axis powers (German: Achsenmächte; Italian: Potenze dell’Asse; Japanese: 枢軸国 Sūjikukoku), also known as “Rome–Berlin–Tokyo Axis” was a military alliance that fought in World War II against the Allies.
The Axis powers agreed on their opposition to the Allies, but did not completely coordinate their activity.
The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Germany, Italy, and Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the mid-1930s.
As the Virus Surges, Stark Differences Over What Is Around the Corner
By Melina Delkic, Gina Kolata and Lucy Tompkins
As the coronavirus continued to surge in many parts of the United States, officials and experts offered starkly different outlooks on Sunday about what was to come and when the situation might improve. Alex Azar, the secretary of Health and Human Services, noted that many people had grown tired of pandemic precautions, and tried to paint an optimistic picture of how much longer they would be needed. “Hang in there with us,”
he said on Sunday on the NBC program “Meet the Press.”
“We’re so close. We’re weeks away from monoclonal antibodies for you, for safe and effective vaccines.
We need a bridge to that day.” “Please,” Mr. Azar said, “give us a bit more time of your individual, responsible behavior,” referring to hand washing, wearing masks and maintaining social distance. But any notion that life in America might be returning to normal within weeks, or even within a few months, was too hopeful, other officials and experts said. The public health strategies with which the public is fatigued will be needed for some time to come, even after new drugs and vaccines can be approved.
And compliance with those strategies is already spotty. The statistics are headed the wrong way:
More than 70,450 new coronavirus cases were reported in the United States on Friday, the highest figure since July 24, according to a New York Times database, and more than 900 new deaths were recorded.
Case counts are rising in 41 of the 50 states, with much of the worst news in the Great Lakes region.
Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said the public did not know whom or what to believe about how soon a vaccine would be available. Communicating clearly and credibly with the public is just as important as science, Dr. Osterholm said, because slowing the spread of the virus depends on individuals taking the right precautions.
With infections rising and compliance eroding, “the next six to 12 weeks are going to be the darkest of the entire pandemic,” he said on “Meet the Press.” A similar warning was sounded by Dr. Scott Gottlieb,
a former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration.
He said on the CBS program “Face the Nation” that the country was headed into “probably the most difficult phase of this epidemic.” “I think the next three months are going to be very challenging,” he said. Among the states where the spread of the virus is most worrisome now, Illinois recorded its highest daily case count of the pandemic on Friday, and its highest death toll since June.
Gov. J.B. Pritzker, who was lauded for tamping down the virus in the spring, voiced frustration on Sunday that the public seemed to be giving up on safety guidelines.
“People are not following the mitigations,” he said on the CNN program “State of the Union.” Governor Pritzker, a Democrat, faulted President Trump for “modeling bad behavior” by not wearing a mask in public and by holding rallies without safety precautions.
“The president has made it nearly impossible for states to open up any more than they are now,” he said.
He argued that restaurants and bars that did not enforce safety guidelines were fostering a false sense of security. “When people stop by and they see that, well, no one else is wearing a mask, maybe that’s OK,” he said. “It’s not OK.” Even so, the governor declined to say whether the state would reimpose tighter restrictions statewide to fight the surge in cases. Other officials appeared to share his struggle, imploring the public for voluntary compliance while holding back from ordering mandates. The strategy, meant to minimize public blowback, has not appeared to be particularly effective at slowing the virus
Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota, a Republican, has issued emotional pleas week after week for residents to wear masks, but has refused to make the practice mandatory. The Associated Press reported that even some of his supporters want him to take more aggressive action against the virus. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, a Democrat, said last week that even though the pandemic had become “the most serious emergency that New Mexico has ever faced,” it was too soon to return to sweeping shutdowns.
Many people in the United States appear to be pinning their hopes on swift delivery of a vaccine or an antibody treatment to render pandemic precautions unnecessary. But experts say those hopes may not be fulfilled nearly as swiftly as Mr. Azar suggested. At least four companies are producing monoclonal antibody treatments like the experimental cocktail Mr. Trump received, and clinical trials are underway to see whether they can prevent infections in people who are exposed to the virus.
Two of the companies, Regeneron and Eli Lilly, have applied to the F.D.A. for emergency use authorization. But the applications are for hospitalized patients only, and supplies are limited. One trial of Eli Lilly’s version was paused last week over a safety concern. A variety of vaccines are also being tested, but none so far is ready even for emergency use. At least three of the 11 Phase 3 vaccine trials that The Times is tracking have been paused for investigations into possible problems. And even when a vaccine is approved, a nationwide rollout is unlikely to be either simple or speedy. The bipartisan National Governors Association released a lengthy list of questions for the administration about how a vaccine would be distributed.
Dr. Myron Cohen, an epidemiologist and virologist at the University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, said he expected one or more of the monoclonal antibodies to be put into use, but “there will be limitations in supply and their application.” And he said scientists still do not know very much about how effective a coronavirus vaccine will be in humans. “There is no magic bullet,” Dr. Cohen said.
Why is Governor Cuomo targeting the Jewish Community?
He’s anti Semitic and a hateful Communist!!!
1. We can agree to disagree.
2. I am not impulsive
3. Facts over my feelings.
4. Common sense over Communism.
Cuomo is a crazy person with an attitude and will pay the price.
Because if Adolf Hitler did, so will Cuomo! History will always and always repeat itself!
Cuomo is targeting America. Jews are just in his crosshairs at this particular time.
Look at the Nazis and their hatred of the Jews. Socialists-Marxists seem to target Jews or Catholics on their path to annihilating Religion; as that step is crucial to the propagation of their political agenda.
Like Murdering Senior Citizens so they save on Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid.
So they can fill their own corrupt and greedy pockets. Most Democrat Voters are starting to see it and don’t like it. Not at all, so more and more are leaving the DemocRat party as they see who really has their back. It seems the Jews have always been with the DemocRats. I hope they see their rights and liberties are being squashed.
Cuomo: is starting to target the Jewish community because they
probably don’t donate to him and may in fact vote republican.
This is about the Orthodox Jews, not all Jews.
Some have been disregarding all the Executive Order set forth, not only, in New York,
but also, in New Jersey as well. Plot out all the high COVID numbers throughout NY & NJ
you will find that high numbers consistently fall within orthodox communities. It’s OK because I’m originally from the 5 towns of Long Island and the blessed Orthodox are running through the streets with Trump signs! But besides they will rely on God not the government. Orthodox Jews think they live by a different set of rules.
They’re the reason there is a 7% infection rate in borough park, the neighborhood next to mine. Their cult and it is a cult must be dealt with. Stop making this about antisemitism. Are you serious?
That’s Rubbish. Try to be part of the solution, not the problem for a change.
Hasidic Jews are getting sick at the rate of 4 to 1 more than any other NYC neighborhood and would allow them to transmit, or would you rather leave them alone to die.
I am outraged to see the police spy into synagogues, even during holy days, just to make sure that the Jewish community does not gather to pray. Religion is not something the state bestows upon us.
It is a natural right which cannot be infringed upon.
Every believer is affected. The DemocRats are going after ALL religions.
One of the few areas they believe in equality. Because he’s a bully and they aren’t going to fight back.
Little does he know the country is watching and he will not get away with it.
Because there is no single person in this country who is responsible for more deaths with a single decision than Cuomo. He needs a scapegoat. Let’s separate New York City and New York. I’m sure both sides would be for it, although NYC (Democrat) would crumble because it is a net taker of NY (Republican) state’s tax dollars.
Talk about the tail wagging the dog.
Say you are from NY (Republican) and everyone assumes you mean NYC (DemocRat).
There is a whole rest of the state that exists and suffers at the hands of the big city.
Easy target for him. That’s how the Democrat Socialist Party works! It’s their philosophy of government based on force and authoritarianism. Well he has to target and make an example of any group who defy his overreach. Funny though, Cuomo never targets Mosques who defy him! He is the Antichrist spirit and Welcome to the last days and You don’t want to mess with God’s chosen people.
Terrorizing those that obviously don’t vote for them.
God promises if we are so evil to his people you will receive evil. While Trump is trying to clean the Deep State and political swamp so America is no longer on the brink of socialism. Those who “bless Israel will be blessed” It’s scriptural. Because they put their faith first and recognize GoD above all other things and do not bow down to the power hungry Democratic Socialist Dimwits. The devil will always try to bring down good.
Apparently the God of Abrahim has an affinity for lost sheep and hidden treasures.
But this may be the real reason: Cuomo isn’t targeting them in the least, he is following through on limiting large gatherings during a pandemic. Orthodox communities have continuously ignored large gatherings guidelines and have been (in both Brooklyn & Rockland) hot spots for large virus outbreaks…… they are spreading the virus and don’t care…. Because the communities he is targeting have a complete
disregard for the law and others who live among them.
Seig Heil… a victory salute used originally by Nazis at political rallies.
However, some will say he is a Democratic Socialist scumbag. A wanna be street thug who happily sentenced elderly people to Covid-19 exposure and is now bragging about his achievements. Democrats have a problem with the Jewish community and should be called out for it. He’s showing his true colors and it’s not pretty!
For someone who was supposed to be an inclusive guy he is locked up kind of tight, not in a good way.
Maybe to be kind someone should remove him from his office politically before he cracks up completely,
the pressure’s too much.
UPDATE: in an effort to curb the recent wave of violent anti-Semitism in New York, Governor Cuomo proposes relocating Jews to nursing homes for their own safety.
Maybe he will leave the Hasidic community alone if they burn, loot and destroy their community.
Or if they supported him. Because he is influenced by Satan. Maybe he is even possessed by him.
He is a deep state insider and is wrapped in evil. He will see his days dry up and the Jewish God will stand above him and declare his sentence.
Commies Gonna Commie!
Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Warren Wilhelm Jr. are the spawn of the devil hating everyone who believes in God. How ANY Jewish Person will EVER vote democratic NOW and in the future is beyond my comprehension. Because he’s an asshole trying to divert attention off a new book he put out that makes him a hero for flattening the curve. But doesn’t mention the 33,000 elderly he killed and
won’t answer loved ones’ questions.
Because he thinks anyone who believes in God is Evil.
When in fact this EVIL MAN killed so many elderly people he will face the wrath.
Wondered this myself. The Jewish people usually vote democratic, so why he’s harassing
these fine people is a puzzle to me. He shouldn’t target anyone!
He should open New York and shut his mouth!
Because they’re not illegal immigrants who Vote for him so he doesn’t care about them.
Jewish people are fools supporting the democratic party. Not only going after their religion,
but also, not protecting them during the riots. Sounds familiar.
Progressive socialist have a history of repressive tactics against Jewish people.
Sorry, are we painting the orthodox community as the victims here?
If they would just wear a damn mask none of this would be happening.
LOOKING BACK: Hitler’s agenda never died. It just moved into the Democrats warlike mindset.
Cuomo is targeting Orthodox Jews because they have been trending away from Democrats for years.
It’s that simple. Or maybe it’s because they are spreading Covid-19 recklessly. I guess makeup whatever narrative you want, though we all know that the truth is in science. @NYGovCuomo is messing with an ancient covenant and it will only be a matter of time until he comes face to face with
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Diamond and Silk: While Donald Trump is not Jewish nor does he have Jewish ancestry.
His father, Fred, was a Lutheran and his Scottish-born mother a Presbyterian.
In his book, The Art of the Deal, Trump, inaccurately claimed that he was of Swedish ancestry. Trump’s grandfather, Freidrich, was born in Kallstadt, which was, at the time, in Bavaria, but is now part of Germany.
I don’t know why Governor Cuomo is targeting the Jewish community because
they usually vote Democrat is my understanding. I guess he is trying to make sure the Jewish Community takes the #RedPill #KAG2020 I understand NYC is really going after the Jewish community.
Why isn’t the Jewish community standing up to him?
I’m sure they had a big part in electing him.
Because Cuomo is the devil. Because he is a THUG and a Bully. Pharaoh Ramsey was a Thug And A Bully. Moses was polite. The Lord may not be. Ramsey only lost 1 war. To The King of The Jewish People.
Cuomo less Authority than Ramsey. Tyrannical Arbitrary Despot!
He’s a bully and sent sick people to nursing homes and the elderly died.
Cuomo wouldn’t dare target the Muslim Community. Remember Obama?
You know he lost the fight, as the fight is with our father in heaven. He is the evil in essence. Haven’t you noticed? None of the liberals like Jewish people. What is their beef? God does not look kindly on people who don’t look kindly on Jews. Because like most Democrats @NYGovCuomo is anti-Semitic. The anti-Jewish and anti-Israel rhetoric is strong with the Democrats. It’s part of their roots that believes certain races and religions (or lack thereof) are superior. They are the party of the KKK and socialism (Nazism). NYC wants Jewish property & destroys religion. Or it what the Nazi did democrats playbook. Sadly history will repeat again.
Read the book of Revelation. Pray for Israel. Kneel down before the Lord.
Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don’t vote. #Vote
The Highest Death Rates of Covid-19… (Governors). Revised 10/18/2020 —
The Democrats want you to believe Trump is responsible for 221,794 virus deaths.
In six of the largest democrat states (NY) 32,994 (NJ) 16,202 (CA) 16,959 (Illi.) 9,474 (PA) 8,535 (MICH) 7,323. Total = 91487 is about 42% of the deaths in the United States.
Republican States (TX) 17,518 (Fla) 16,118 (Mass) 9723 (Ga.) 7,607 (Ariz.) 5,824 Ohio 5,067 Total = 61857.