US Coronavirus: Fauci warns that Covid-19 infection rates
are too high heading into winter.
Revised 10/14/2020: The Democrats want you to believe Trump is responsible for 221,794 virus deaths.
In six democrat states (NY) 32,994 (NJ) 16,202 (CA) 16,919 (Illi.) 9,447 ( PA) 8,524
( MI) 7,320. That totals: 91406 of the 221,794 or 41.21% of the deaths in the United States.
The 1918 Spanish Flu was the most deadly pandemic known about.
There were two waves of the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918.
While highly contagious, the first wave brought a mild and forgettable disease that began in Spain in February. The Boston outbreak was the beginning of the second and deadlier wave, which would kill millions
of people around the world. No disease in human history — including the Black Death (1347-1350) — caused so many fatalities. Though there were apparently two different viruses, not two waves as frequently mentioned.
Medical authorities even conducted tests on volunteers at a military prison on Deer Island in Boston, promising pardons to those who survived the experiments. Ultimately, all such efforts were unsuccessful. There was nothing to be done except keep patients hydrated, rested, and warm. Researchers would not identify the virus that caused the outbreak until the 1930s, long after the epidemic had ended.
On a parade ground at the naval prison in Boston Harbor’s Deer Island, Dr. Joseph Goldberger,
a public-health physician, stood before a thousand deserters, insubordinates, brawlers, and other delinquent sailors. The doctor needed volunteers for an influenza experiment Even attempts to verify the way the disease spread. Physicians searched frantically for a vaccine to prevent the flu and for ways to treat the symptoms.
When we all were in high school I remember our teachers telling us it was important
to do your homework in life if you want to amount to something. The best perspective
on COVID-19 was on the radio some time ago this professor said “ imagine you are
writing a 100 page book on COVID-19, on the first page you write what you know,
on the other 99 you write what you don’t know.”
There are some very stupid people in the world…. In TRUMP’s Town Hall (Debate)
it was rather obvious that Savannah Guthrie hasn’t done her homework! When she profoundly
acts surprised when Trump told her those that got the virus 85% wore masks.
So where are the studies that a mask stops the virus.
or for that matter any dollar store bandana or neck gaiter stops a virus?
Anyone in healthcare with biology 101 knows that a virus isn’t stopped by fabric!
Don’t Let These 5 Myths About COVID-19 Interfere with Your Safety?
If Covid19 is so contagious, what is the explanation for when two people that live together, share the same bed and one contracts the virus and the other doesn’t get it? As I also saw this statement on Twitter, “my daughter was rough with a virus at the start of the year. She cares for people with dementia and one lady she was with doing personal care, she showered etc. and died of Covid-19 two days later and my daughter hasn’t gotten Covid-19. While A lot of people had it and only thought it was a cold.
Or another comment on Twitter: I know a couple here who had Covid-19. One ended up
in Intensive Care for a week back in March. His wife had no symptoms at all… zero.. zilch!
If you say ‘because she has already had it’.
That doesn’t work… as surely they would have passed it onto the other back then.
Listening to Dr. Michael Yeadon this morning, he says about 60% of the population are immune to CVD19 due to the fact we have developed an immunity to all the other similar coronaviruses that are constantly circulating. Nikki Stix
Former Chief Scientific Advisor with Pfizer Mike Yeadon says the “pandemic is over”
and SAGE is wrong about natural Covid-19 immunity levels.
Watch in full ► http://youtu.be/QMlfxnCJppE
Bottom line: So Let me get this straight, a virus escaped from a level 4 bio-lab and
you think your pink print mask is going to stop it or cure the disease, or act as a vaccine,
NO NOT REALLY! One theory why some may get the virus and someone living with them
is T-cell immunity developed fighting another coronavirus, such as a cold causes this person to become asymptomatic, and if tested gave a false negative diagnosis (about 30% of all PCR tests.)
That’s why, as we don’t know who might be affected, we All need to continue taking the precautions to minimize the impact of the virus.
Even if they are asymptomatic or have good immunity it means that this ‘deadly’ virus is nothing like as serious as the stupid politicians make out. That’s the big problem isn’t it ? Some people have no symptoms, some may just have a cold, some may have had it back in February without freely available testing & tracing, we just don’t know the answers. Living Life right now — It’s fingers crossed when you sleep next to your partner who’s been at work. Another statement from a Twitter follower, “I know so many people like that including my daughter whose boy friend definitely had it, not badly like most but no taste etc.
and my daughter ended up having nothing and tested negative.
What I’ve read about viruses as general, for some reason some people can have an immunity or a higher resistance to the effects. Here’s another weird one. Both my parents had it, and so did two of my three brothers who live with them. The other one was completely unaffected. Yet my sister, who popped round for a visit once, got it, presumably from them.
It has become quite obvious over several months that Some people are immune.
A friend of mine out of a family of four only two got the disease. One was the wife whose husband didn’t get it. .We managed not to infect anyone other than ourselves. We were in contact with 20 people, 8 of them at less than 2 meters with no masks in doors. We know only 1 that has been tested positive for Covid-19 but others could have had it asymptomatic or earlier this year & assumed it was flu.
Someone on @talkRADIO this morning was saying the vast majority of the population will already have some immunity to it as it’s a type of coronavirus as is the common cold and this could be the reason why. Here is another exploratory comment from Twitter. My Friend got it and passed it to his wife and they were both in a very serious place for months. still not 100%. Still another, “My sister in law had a test come back positive but the other 3 living in the same household had negative results, very strange this COVID-19 lark.”
I think some people are also more susceptible than others.
For instance if your blood group is A & less if your O. What’s the end game with Covid-19?
I’m 60 and haven’t had it but I’m told I might have according to my antibody testing.
So if I go out I could infect someone else? If I’ve had it I’m a carrier?
“It’s the ultimate spin to keep us in” Because people’s immunities are different,
how long should I stay away from others?
But all lockdowns assume they’re the same?
Ah but we are told by “experts” that most of those who have it don’t know they have it so don’t know if they’ve passed it to anyone unknown or not because? They don’t know they have it. #covidconundrum. It seems many are asymptomatic. So much we’re not being told. There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection, so a vaccine or
herd immunity wont work. This Sums it up quite nicely… I think?
Broadcaster Patrick Christys on Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham’s call for a national lockdown over a local one: “That’s kind of socialism…I’m poor now, you’re poor now, it’s okay because everybody’s poor now.”
Watch ► https://youtu.be/vM3XYDJLMIg
Read 1/2 How many Covid diagnoses are false positives?
Read 2/2 Covid PCR test prone to hatching false positives
“It completely changed my life,” Deanna Hair told NBC News.
By: Wilson Wong
A 67-year-old woman in Michigan returned home this week after recovering from COVID-19 in the hospital
for 196 days, one of the longest periods a patient has been hospitalized because of the pandemic. “The entire process, from feeling sick and going to the hospital to recovering and then rehab and being on a ventilator —
all of it has just been so draining.” Deanna and her husband, Ken Hair, of Ann Arbor, first reported symptoms
after returning from a trip to California in mid-March.
They both tested positive for COVID-19 on March 31, while her husband experienced mild symptoms, Deanna was feverish, coughing and vomiting. Three days later, Deanna was admitted to Michigan Medicine, where she was diagnosed with ischemic colitis, “essentially a dead gut,” said Dr. Philip Choi, a pulmonologist at the hospital. “The condition is caused by reduced blood flow to the colon and for Deanna,
the surgeons had to take out her colon,” Choi said.
He added that studies have shown that COVID-19 patients in critical condition can develop major blood clots, and Deanna’s doctors suspect the inflammation and COVID-19 are related. Deanna was sedated and put on a ventilator for two-and-a-half months while her family waited with trepidation, said Ken, 71. Throughout her post-acute care, Deanna suffered multiple infections in her chest and abdomen and was diagnosed with sepsis when her kidneys failed. Her husband and their three daughters were prohibited from
seeing her due to strict COVID-19 measures — except to say goodbye.
“I thought she was going to die,” Ken, 71, said. “We were called in three separate times to say our final farewell, each time believing it was the last, but she somehow hung on and pulled through.” “It was certainly a traumatic experience for all of us,” he said. By June, Deanna tested negative for COVID-19 twice and was moved from the specialized COVID-19 intensive care unit to the regular one. As her condition gradually improved,
she was transferred from the ICU to the main hospital, Choi said.
Healthy Gut Flora = A Healthy Immune System.
Key indicators suggest US COVID-19 outbreak is headed in wrong direction.
A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep, and effective digestion, and it may help prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases. There are a number of lifestyle changes you can make to positively affect your gut health and
your overall health as a result.
“Immunity passports” in the context of COVID-19.
As US battles Covid-19, flu shot misinformation spreads. AFP®
US health officials are pushing Americans to get vaccinated against the flu to
help prevent hospitals already busy battling Covid-19 from being overwhelmed this winter, but false claims
are threatening their efforts. Misinformation on social media, particularly that a flu shot will increase the risk of contracting the coronavirus or cause you to test positive for Covid-19 — it won’t — is undermining the public health message. One false claim circulating on Facebook and Instagram said a flu shot would raise the probability of Covid-19 infection by 36 percent. Another on Instagram said Sanofi’s flu vaccine Fluzone was
2.4 times more deadly than Covid-19. A national study from the University of Michigan found that one in three parents planned to skip the flu vaccine for their children this year, with mothers and fathers pointing to misinformation, including the belief that it is not effective, as a reason.
– Vaccination hobbled in 2020 –
According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), only 49.2 percent of people got a flu vaccine
during the 2018-19 season. Aside from misinformation, measures aimed at curbing the spread of Covid-19
resulted in fewer in-person preventive medical visits, during which many receive the vaccine. And other flu shot clinics typically offered by employers, churches or schools have been on hold. High unemployment due to the economic fallout of the pandemic has also left millions of Americans without health insurance,
meaning states will need to pick up the vaccine cost for more patients.
While the effectiveness of the flu shot can vary depending on whether the strain of flu circulating in communities matches the strain in the vaccine, the CDC said it prevents millions of illnesses each year.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the vaccine for all children over the age of six months.
Flu vaccine expert Danuta Skowronski, of the British Columbia Center for Disease Control, said: “We saw no association in children nor in adults between the receipt of influenza vaccine and coronavirus risk.”
– Social media response –
While social media platforms host misinformation, they also take actions to spread reliable guidance about vaccines. This week, Facebook announced it would start directing US users to information about where they can get a flu shot, and promised to reject ads that discourage vaccination. Prior to the pandemic,
Twitter and Pinterest put in place policies to redirect searches of certain vaccine-related
keywords to public health organizations.
However, Adam Dunn, head of Biomedical Informatics and Digital Health at
The University of Sydney, said more can be done. Methods developed to encourage
user engagement on social media “could be used more judiciously to guide people to credible and evidence-based information,” Dunn said. He also advocated for the creation of more “communities of pro-vaccine advocacy that are welcoming, honest, and aligned with a diversity of worldviews.”
Libby Richards, associate professor at the Purdue School of Nursing,
said that “a flu shot is more important than ever this year,” cautioning that severe cases of Covid-19 and the flu require the same life saving equipment. “Receiving the flu vaccine will not only provide personal health protection, it will also help reduce the burden of respiratory illness on our already very overstretched healthcare system.” Richards encouraged people to take the time to fact-check information. “There are many myths about the flu vaccine that can clearly be disproved with a little background reading,” she said.