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You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Self love is so important.

The Plot Against the President.
I for one don’t believe racism exists in this country. It’s more about perception than anything else,
therefore, it’s the words & thoughts we speak & think of ourselves is powerful. Quit calling yourself names.
Don’t abuse yourself, that gives permission for others to abuse you. #DomesticViolenceAwarenessMonth

Democrat is the New Communist
We begin with showing the Democratic Party as not being the party for the people,
but rather being a party of the Masters of the voters. That are kept in place to vote Democratic so they can continue to obtain their free stuff. Just how did the Democrats come from being 100% supporters of slavery
to modern day ideology to keep their people voting so they keep their benefits, welfare, food stamps and so on? We have to go back to 1932, when Democrats elected Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who built his “New Deal”
with the coalition of liberals and Southern (DEMOCRAT) segregationists.
In the “solid South,” Democrats for generations grew up in one-party states whose voters would
“rather vote for a yellow dog” than any candidate of the party of Lincoln.
The late U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy must be rolling in his grave and would have loved to have served as senator in an American time period such as this. President Donald Trump’s son, Eric Trump said, “Democrats would rather see this country fail than see my father succeed.” Eric Trump hit on something true, but missed the broader point. Donald Trump, successful entrepreneurial billionaire turned president,
is the Democrats worst nightmare.

President Donald Trump wants to unleash American exceptionalism, the capitalist system,
the entrepreneurial spirit, and the free market economy.
Trump wants to empower the American individual, to open up opportunities for businesses,
and make individuals independently reliant and successful, not reliant upon the handouts of the government.
President Trump wants to make America great again, and his policies are doing so.
Democrats, on the other hand, are Communists. The Democrat-Communist Party cloaks itself in false labeling. They are not ‘Liberals’ or ‘Progressives,’ whose stated goal is to advance society. Their goal is, and always has been, government regulation and control over the American people. The Democrat-Communists want to regulate everything that they can. They regulate rainwater acquisition on privately held land, and they would regulate breathing if they could, and even try to do so through global warming legislation.
The Democrat Party tries to fool Americans by cloaking themselves as Progressives or Liberals.
They are the American Communist Party.

There Can Be No Doubt, Democrats Are Communists.
President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union address on January 30, 2018 highlighted his administration’s accomplishments during his first year in office, but it also revealed something else, that the Democrat Party is actually the Communist Party. Trump announced that his administration has “created 2.4 million new jobs, unemployment claims have hit a 45-year low, and African-American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded.” How did the Democrat elected politicians react to this good news? They sat.
They refused to applaud. They do not care about good news for America or for the American individual.   https://www.youtube.com/

Aren’t we all insane pretending to be sane for the sake of each other?
The whole idea our forefathers had, was exactly that, to make each state independent,
and operate in a compartmentalized way. That way everyone has a place where they can be free to do things where, in perhaps another state, they were not free to do. Incorrect, the whole idea of ‘states’ is that, if you took a second and looked up what the state is, it is a country. A state is a country. The idea of the ‘United States’
was that we were all independent places with different rules, and there is a spot for any person to go.
This was the intention of our forefathers, but the civil war had repercussions which gave our federal government much more power than was ever intended. Even the 10th amendment’s meaning has changed over time due to the way the Supreme Court upholds it (or fails to).
It isn’t fear, it is an understanding of our roots and the reasons why things are why they are.
You seem to have a very poor understanding of how this nation changed from 1776 to 1860.

The whole idea our forefathers had, was exactly that, to make each state independent,
and operate in a compartmentalized way. That way everyone has a place where they can
be free to do things where, in perhaps another state, they were not free to do.
The reason we United was so that we could have the powers that a larger nation has, for instance,
a large standing military that worked towards common goals and defended us from common threats.
We weren’t even supposed to have an IRS or Fed funding, initially. It isn’t fear, it is an understanding of our roots and the reasons why things are why they are.
You seem to have a very poor understanding of how this nation changed from 1776 to 1860. Think about it. Since it seems that many in this country only listen to money, maybe all who deny systemic racism & systemic police brutality specifically, should pay the financial damages of the lawsuits to all the injustices. Maybe then they would be interested in looking at this obvious issue. The poverty of non-sacramental religion is emphasized during this pandemic.
Churches seeking lawsuits because they are told not to sing is an example of this.
Sacraments are Jesus’ infinite wisdom. Catholics can worship without sound,
gathering if necessary. Jesus is our priest.

Since it seems that many in this country only listen to money, maybe all who deny systemic racism & systemic police brutality specifically, should pay the financial damages of the lawsuits to all the injustices. Maybe then they would be interested in looking at this obvious issue. We are also a representative democracy. Maybe if the founders would have had knowledge of the parliamentary system, they would have used it at least as a foundation. EC is another issue in need of some revision because nobody,
except the Electors have ever voted for A PRESIDENT!!!

The slave owners didn’t want that because they were trying to protect their slave economy.
They would have never signed the constitution without the compromise. When we human beings are considered less than a person, it only results in some form of enslavement, i.e. women, abortion.
Completely backwards.
The South wanted them counted as a full person so they could get high representation in congress.

It was the north that wanted them counted less.
If blacks were given equal representation there would not have been a union because the non slaveholder States would not have formed at Union because of unequal representation in slaveholding states.
There would not have been a country without the Three-Fifths Compromise.
The stupidity on your side is remarkable. I don’t mean just you but all of those that don’t understand the difficult issues they were dealing with. Time for Democrat Socialists to be exiled from the USA.
Pensions and monies as repatriations to Humanity.

Democracy: “have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” — James Madison

Then why is everyone in power literally pissing on the constitution?
Conspiracy theories are going wild because things that were “theories” in the past….really happen now apparently. “we’re not a democracy, we’re a democratic representative republic” is the cozy little corner for those who are “originalists” and have their heads in the sands of time… I’ll take a constitutional Republic above socialism or a democracy any day. And I Await onto November 3rd to vote in person to make that difference.

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