while China is approximately 9,596,960 sq. km.
Which makes China 2,276% larger than California or China is about 24 times bigger than California.. Meanwhile, the population of California is ~37.3 million people (1.3 billion more people live in China). Using PPP, California’s economy—adjusted for cost of living—would rank eleventh in the world,
China is the largest country in Asia, and also has the biggest population in the world
(1.35 billion people). The main language is Mandarin and the major religions are Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, and Islam. The intricate culture has roots dating back around 4,000 years, and is responsible for
many modern-day inventions including the printing press and gunpowder. By the time unity was finally reestablished by the Sui dynasty, the provinces had been divided and redevised so many times by different governments that they were almost the same size as commanderies, rendering the two-tier system superfluous. As such, the Sui merged the two together.
In English, this merged level is translated as “prefectures”.
Both India and Indonesia’s economies are larger than California’s by this measure due to their lower costs
of living. So with China on the verge of an Eco-Social collapse it’s easy to see why they are looking to expand their country and California might be within their sight for a Chinese province. With China’s assistance, helping to foot the bill will California high-speed rail change the way Californians travel the state by offering a cleaner, alternative form of transportation. It will spur economic growth and has already created thousands of good-paying jobs. Rail Startup Brightline Kicks Off $3.2 Billion Bond Sale For
LA-To-Vegas High-Speed Train.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝕶𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝕮𝖆𝖕𝖊𝖉 𝕮𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙!
I see through the dark with light as I watch from afar:
When I began researching back in 2006: I thought cancer was the Number #1 concern in our nation, but today it’s not even in the Top Ten. I have fine examples in Cancer Quick Facts @ Solitarius.org through utilizing the search bar for cancer survivor stories and the number one item that visitors to this site would like to know more about Cannabis Oil. Through actually going to Portland Oregon back in May 2015 to learn cannabis science. Back then Portland was a vibrant city until Trump’s Impeachment hearing. When protesters began moving in and pitching tents. I have addressed those issues many times, and will do my best in the future.!
Promises made, Promises kept!
Can ANYONE name an elected official that has DELIVERED 65% on their promises –
Donald J. Trump – IS THE Hardest working and BEST President EVER!!!! THIS IS the most important election in our lifetime!! All of our votes ARE needed on Nov 3rd 2020!! Our Children are the most seriously endangered with the Marxist Liberal Left gaining power! Prayers for #PresidentTrump,
It has never been more important than this moment in time to re-elect PRESIDENT TRUMP! He is the only pathway to saving this great nation that we Americans love so much! Get out, and show your support and use your voice to get this man FOUR MORE YEARS! I’m with you. Trump is the only man who has the balls in our government to do the right thing. Politics makes people who actually know each other fight over their opinions about people they don’t actually know.
Remember something, Marxism, socialism, communism does not like the profit motive.
They live off the collective which in their minds is obligated to support them. They are parasitic by nature. Democrats are agitators and trouble makers, that’s what I find troubling! They feel that if they divide us they will conquer us and be in greater control which feeds their pockets. Marxism should be taught in our schools, however, it should be taught in a negative blight. By way having a severely detrimental effect, with real world examples of the horrors that it leads to. If we don’t stop this now, rest assured we will be
Marxist in the country in the next 10years.
Ancient Chinese Secret!!!
2020 was put forth through GoD so we gain a 20/20 vision to what lays ahead in our future.
This is the start of the pendulum swing. There is a sector of people in the United States that wants to destroy all that I love about this country. We are being indoctrinated to the half truths of socialism that have been taught for thousands of years? China has been poisoning youths minds with lies for far too long and now we are seeing the results. If we give the youth in our country the tools in this election. We can restore greatness in our country once again.I have an idea: what if we crowdsource a list of lawyers in all 50 states: who would take on pro bono cases to challenge critical race theory in government, schools, universities, and corporations?
We could unleash decentralized legal warfare against “Critical Race Theory” CRT in our institutions.
The Trump White House just killed (CRT) training in federal agencies – that’s the stuff that claims all white people are racists in this inherently racist country. This was so needed. After he is done correcting this & adding school choice, he should set precedent in the Department of Education forever. And not allow the states to control education. It would be far more difficult for Democratic states to tamper with our education at the state level— when they don’t have control of education. We need trained teachers who can activate and mentor the student to help make it interesting with less time on their cell phones doing whatever they do on them. When I was in school, Some teachers were boring …. monotonous and that is the main reason why children tend to hate English… Math… History.
How can democracy be introduced to a country that knows nothing about it? Trump blasts the 1619 Project on the role of Black Americans and proposes his own “1776 commission” to make sure education shows all past history & teaches about America & our flag. This was announced two weeks ago after Dems tried to state there will be no school choice/ charter schools & introduce the 1619 plan which abolishes history. Marxism should be taught but it shouldn’t be glorified. I don’t want to be like the left and cancel things I don’t agree with. There isn’t anything great about communism. If it worked, more societies would have adopted it. The board of education should have been on top of this from day one. That schools have to teach American values and real history or no money. It’s extremely important for Our nation to get out from under political correctness and an overpowering federal government, and be under God once again. With liberty for all who assimilate and justice for all.
We do not need to rewrite history, or let racism erase it, we need to learn from it.
To learn … that real history has to be taught.
Let’s get rid of all the subversive crap and make the American story great again.
Then people might be proud of My favorite events: the evening show at Mount Rushmore National Memorial is centered on a colossal sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills in Keystone, South Dakota.
Sculptor Gutzon Borglum created the sculpture’s design and oversaw the project’s execution from 1927 to 1941 with the help of his son, Lincoln Borglum. The sculpture features the 60-foot (18 m) heads of Presidents George Washington (1732–1799), Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919), and Abraham Lincoln(1809–1865), It is estimated that only 12,350 people have been to all fifty states. But I have reason to believe it is less than that. So I take great pride having been to All Fifty States throughout my 60 years.
I feel that Marxism should be taught, just not as a viable form of government! It also needs to be shown just how many people have died under communism and why it is so bad! Karl Marx got it wrong ( Bernie Sanders & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are a nut jobs.) There Karl sat not working but sipping fine brandy theorizing in a plush mansion completely and totally removed from the working class never having done any real labor and wrote a book that he got wrong. Look at the fine examples of the USSR, China, Cuba. Loas, Vietnam, North Korea. In my research: I’ve compared & contrast all forms of government.
And It’s clear we have the best system on the planet!
Isn’t it time to realize we need to repent of our dishonest ways and believe in Jesus and beg HIM to change our situation? We do our best by voting, but The Lord’s will have the final say… Our nation turned her back to God, but His Holy Wrath remains… The President will be re-elected, and the democrats know this. The emphasis for the 2020 Elections must be about keeping the US Senate and taking back the US House! Without a GOP Congress the President cannot achieve what the USA NEEDS! #VoteRED2020RemoveEveryDemocrat
In the United States we are starting to find perfect examples of Socialism in Blue States….
with Anonymous Statements from those who lived in California and who speculate
what may be happening there (included in this blog post).
What reason would keep you from moving to California?
The real question is, what reason would you willingly move to or visit California today?
Answer: Ummm…logic. No one boards an obvious train car that’s headed to a wreck…
I moved away from there two years ago and there are too many reasons to list why I left.
Let’s put it this way, the weather is the only thing I miss. Everything except the weather.
Literally, and every single other thing!!!
Sky high housing costs, high taxes, the state catches on fire on a regular basis, treasonous politicians and Hollywood. My husband says Cali was the most beautiful state he has even visited. I’m sure there are many lovely people living there, and I wish them the best. But I don’t actually feel that comfortable in the presence of pedophiles.
Plus, with the increased cost of living, reduced standard of living and expectations to follow a bunch of airheads, I’d pretty much be sunk right from the get-go. I could probably live in the sensible parts. I must have good instincts, I’ve never even visited Southern California when I was there in 1988.
They can’t keep their power on and are making them get electric cars! Enough Said. Therefore, my automobile will not cross into California. Blame it on the map, price of gas, or my commitment to not intentionally spending 1 dime in the land of fruits and nuts. Been there, done that, left nothing there, if I did leave something, not going back for it. The sky is blue where I live. California is a beautiful state and I did talk to wonderful people there. But on the whole democrats have ruined it. Democrats have to go… before I would ever consider visiting there again. Cost of living would have to go down as well before I would consider living there.
There are too many to pick but if i only had one, homeless people pooping on the streets wherever
they please is my top answer. I already KNOW what is there, it’s the new hell on earth, With its State gov’t,
high taxes, earthquakes, electrical grid is in disrepair & they refuse to be proactive in clearing out underbrush to stop potential devastating fires. That’s the top contender, but there’s more
1. heavy regulation 2. high population density (in some areas) 3. high cost of living
4. traffic 5. taxes 6. terrible gov’t/state debt.
A resident states: I live in California, but I’d say the communist overlords like Newsom and Nervous Nancy would have kept me from moving here. There is absolutely no reason I would ever move to CA or NY. I won’t even visit. Or drive through or fly over.
(1.) Earthquakes (2.) Violent Street Gangs (3.) Public Sidewalk Shit-Zones
(4.) Homeless people use sand to shit (5.) I like having electricity without major service interruptions and
I dislike paying $7/gallon for gas. You want just one …. (6.) Traffic Taxes Hollywood War on Combustion Engines Fires Earthquakes 3 hours behind everything (7.) I like breathing fresh air… the mismanagement is unbelievable.
And their so-called leaders are LOSERS:
Gavin Newsome, Dr. Pan – mandatory vaccines, shit all over, traffic, to many liberals, communist/socialist-progressives, taxes, high cost of living…. Satan lives there … Need I go on? I prefer gas powered vehicles especially in a state with rolling power blackouts. How do you charge your vehicles? It used to be a beautiful state but Liberals did what Liberals do. They destroyed it for the most part. One Californian stated,
“It was filthy, it was crowded, and I lived at the beach. Swarming with homeless and immigrants.
All using the sand as a toilet. And this was in Malibu. Plus some of the people are disingenuous phonies,
probably because they’re mostly actors.”
Seeker of the truth and light to help wake up those who are asleep!!
Reason to not move to California is Intelligence, logic, and sensibility.
Because my brain works and Because the earth is round and I can move around.
A mind constantly in a state of battle with itself and with us. As a nation we have been hijacked. It’s an experience isn’t it. But if I was rich and didn’t have to be anywhere in a timely manner. I’d be there in a heartbeat. gas tax, recycle tax, hotel tax, rental tax, breathing tax, plastic straw tax, tumeric tax, vegan tofu black bean tax, tax on tax tax, public school tax, illegal alien tax, Newsom ’24 presidential election tax,
homeless tax, perpetual handouts tax, 6 year old LGBQT sex education tax … et cetera.
Absolutely nothing-you couldn’t pay me money to move there!
The Pelosi gang they’ve been the Napoleon of crime for 5 decades! Check out the family tree! I’m a Californian and left in 1987. I wouldn’t return because it’s run by Communists. Moving back to California: Is a Big Hell NO I wouldn’t want to be forced to live under Dem Terrorist threat! It’s tendency to spontaneously combust It’s tendency to lack electricity It’s tendency to be prone to earthquakes. Left last yr after 30 years couldn’t afford 2 go back. Proposition 57, which passed with voter support overwhelming in November 2016, will advance the gains of Assembly Bill (AB) 109 and Proposition 47 & 57, which brought an end to unconstitutional overcrowding in California prisons while maintaining historically low levels of crime. Made Thievery robbing porches and cars and homes legal. Thanks 2 props 47 & 57 protecting criminals not citizens.
In Northern California Drugs and Homelessness.
It’s everywhere no town is without tent cities of mentally ill or drug addicted homeless in the 1000’s.
They want the property values to go down so they can buy up property cheaper. The Chinese want California.
What can we do? We know project “free home key” is just going to add more homeless crazies.
Do we need mental health hospitals? We had one whip out his junk at the arco in broad daylight to pee on the front door. Another one was half naked shooting up on the main drag at 9am. They spend before they have and are 25 billion in debt, no one knows how to keep their fingers out of the till.
California It’s over legislated. Police & Highway Patrol have quotas to keep the Justice Department operable. Fires, mud slides, Earthquakes ….But the number one reason I wouldn’t go back is Too Many Crazy Celebrities!!! I Moved out of California 30 years ago and don’t miss it one bit. Glad I don’t live there anymore, especially now the way it’s being governed by Newsome. It’s a left regime that could care less about it’s residents! People who’ve never lived in Cali don’t know one of the very top reasons it’s horrible – and getting worse weekly – is the vagrant problem. It should be a bigger deterrent than the cost of housing.
What’s Wrong With California Today:
Understanding what fuels the pathological narcissist in government there is the closest a
non-disordered individual can get to following the irrational thought processes that drive their behavior….
is it (almost) inconceivable to them that they could be flawed. This is evidenced by blaming the police for their actions and behaviors, the projection, the denying irrefutable facts etc. …The construction of the disorder is such that conscious awareness of feeling threatened is infrequent… ”
Yep I saw the homeless problem in downtown LA with my own eyes.
That’s what happens to sanctuary Cities. They need to be force medicated = fairly normal in life.
All done by design wanted to keep the population in a fog. Real life ZZZombieland.
Trump has prevented a lot of drugs from coming on to our borders. Expect to see an improvement I do.
My step daughter and her husband insist that this is not true. They live in West Hollywood. They said the only bad part is around Sunset Blvd. Do they live in a bubble or are they in denial? We don’t question them anymore. @drdrew did many documentaries. The Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti is in charge of housing and urban development. Is this a joke?
Mayor Garcetti, who endorsed Biden in early January and served on his vice presidential selection committee, is a likely candidate in his cabinet for Transportation or Housing and Urban Development if elected.
Newsom, Pelosi, Schumer. Waters and their friends need to spend a week sleeping and living on the streets. They are ruining our state and living lavishly with no care for the people that live in their districts.
San Francisco and Oakland have safe houses for drug addicts to shoot up. L.A. is next…. Such a shame.
A Californian that left in 2018 for a red state hasn’t looked back. My quality of life has improved immensely.
There’s now someone shooting heroin in the laundry room of my old apartment complex in San Diego according to the property manager. DeAnna Lorraine (Rep.) is promising to fix this if she beats out Pelosi November 3rd. Another Californian stated, “Newsom sent $3 billion to China for masks.
Instead of addressing homelessness. He must own stock in Chinese manufacturing or he was elected with Chinese money. Didn’t anyone notice that when he was “caught” laundering the $3 billion, he RECLOSED California again due to “alleged spike” in coronavirus cases? He had JUST announced reopening…….anyone noticed this, or are humans sleeping?? California, once a beautiful state is becoming the New Skidrow.
We understand what is happening but the question is what are YOU going to do about the mess YOU have made? IS ANYONE REALLY SURPRISED , THE DERANGED DEMOCRATS KNOW THEY CAN’T WIN UNLESS THEY RIG THE ELECTION. Its already happening ~ Ilhan Omar connected Ballot Harvester
in cash-for-ballots scheme: “Car is full” of absentee ballots.
California Politicians cheat the system by ballot harvesting an election and voter fraud is how they have stayed in power for the last few decades. CHEATERS!!!
They help the illegals, and overlook the American homeless who need housing and rehab programs.
The United States needs to go back to it being illegal to camp on the street. Yes with all the lockdowns and riots — the homelessness situation is no longer getting much attention.
I would move if I lived there! To lower taxes, normal people, God fearing towns.
Just do it – move because they want to sell property to the Chinese and why they’re burning you out.
Also No Agenda with Lara Logan featured four 90-minute installments each of four episodes that will be released simultaneously on the streaming platform. Under the new documentary umbrella, with four areas of focus: media bias, immigration, socialism and veterans. Logan will report from the front lines of America’s political and ideological war zones and dive into a number of hot-button issues with on-the-ground coverage and expert interviews.
Part 1: Another Time For Choosing | 09-14-20 • 29min
Part 2: End Of The American Dream | 09-15-20 • 28min
Part 3: Bolsheviks At The Gate | 09-16-20 • 34min
Part 4: Flight Of The Oppressed | 09-17-20 • 34min
Black Lives Matter …. is a Marxist organization that works for the Democrats….not for black Americans!
They don’t give a damn about black lives! Their objective is to destroy America, dismantle our system & have anarchy in the streets. If this continues, the US will become a lawless cesspool! They wear masks because they make them feel anonymous, therefore, they can behave with such disrespect. Not unlike the way they behave on the web from their mom’s basement. The white ones wear masks and coverings now. It started a few weeks ago when everyone was wondering why BLM was 95% white. Pray for these officers they are seeing some of the most vile humans. BLM has hurt race relations more than any other group or effort
I can think of in the last 50 years. #WalkAway
And they do it wearing masks so as to not identify themselves.
I think they are: 1-cowards 2-anarchists 3-hypocrites. For the cops battling this effort:
Can anyone even imagine going to work every day and having to put up with these punks.
God Bless our police officers and pray to God to keep them safe. And also Crowd control device companies should be making bank right now!! I want to start seeing water canons deployed on these rioters. #BlueLivesMatter
I support the rights of protestors to protest. But there is no damn reason why they’re allowed
to be that close to police officers. Why is there not a barrier?
Are we still not concerned about 6 feet social distance the reason enough to arrest them?
Some say this isn’t criminal, so it’s becoming the new norm with kids?
So we continue to let it go, escalate into more street protests?
This is what the NBA, NBA and NFL players are aligning themselves with.
Not that I believe they agree with this behavior but they are slinging in the mud by using BLM slogans. ~
“While proving racism is not dead. I always thought the meaning to life:
We’re all just walking each other home ~ ~ ~
That’s what http://TrumpChat.org is about …. Uniting the Right!!!
Knowing What’s happening around you is extremely important!!
In the age of information …. ignorance is a choice!
Join if you oppose EVIL…. Vote RED November 3rd…
Let’s vote these cowards out at every level.
What Life in Ancient Rome Was Really Like?
In his talk, Prof. Patrick Walsh discusses the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
as an agenda of the people, with the responsibility for implementation by the people,
using their influence on Livelihoods, Civil Society, and Governance, to induce successful stakeholder partnership at local, national, regional and global levels.