The Universe is energy: Recently I had a social media friend tell me she didn’t believe in Chakra’s and thought
I am some sort of Hippie with New Age Beliefs ~ without GOD in my being. However, when you research the HUMAN Body; you learn that just like blockage can prevent the heart from allowing blood to flow into it. Emotional blockage can cause dis’ease. Every cell in a living body contains a tiny electric charge, defined as the difference between charged atoms on either side of the cell’s membrane. There is truly only one way to heal … you have to believe in your intuition and listen to yourself (See Placebo Effect.)
When others started to tell me that getting a Chakra cleared is when they began to heal is when I took a different outlook. Bioelectricity, electric potentials and currents produced by or occurring within living organisms. Bioelectric potentials are generated by a variety of biological processes and generally range in strength from one to a few hundred millivolts. In the electric eel, however, currents of one ampere at
600 to 1,000 volts are generated. A brief treatment of bioelectricity follows.
For full treatment, see electricity: Bioelectric effects.
Almost all of our cells are capable of generating electricity. In this blog post, we’ll look at the role of electricity in the body and find out how we generate it in the first place. The starting point is simple: Right now, any cells in your body that aren’t actively sending messages are slightly negatively charged. It gets interesting from there. Take a fascinating journey into the interior of a living cell – an elaborate microscopic world with distinct systems that overwhelmingly show evidence of intelligent design. Did life on Earth –
with all of its incredible complexity and diversity – arise from an undirected.
Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.
Revolutionary process, as many scientists have believed since the time of Charles Darwin? Until recently, Darwin’s theory has gone relatively unchallenged in the scientific community, and it dominates the propaganda promoted in our schools. But now, powerful new evidence points to an exciting explanation known as the theory of intelligent design. In 1859, Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species. In it, he argued that all of life on earth was the product of undirected natural processes: Time, chance, and natural selection.
Since Darwin, biologists have relied on such processes to account for the origin of living things.
Unlock the Mystery of life, Within (Full Documentary)
Unlocking the Mystery of Life tells the story of contemporary scientists who are advancing
a powerful but controversial idea—the theory of intelligent design.
Unlocking is the product of more than three years of research, photography, and post production.
Based upon the scholarly work of Stephen C. Meyer, Michael Behe, William Dembski and others, this documentary presents the scientific case for intelligent design based upon recent discoveries in biochemistry,
genetics, and molecular biology.
The film was photographed throughout the United States in 2001 and 2002.
Location photography took place in the Galapagos Islands at the site of
Charles Darwin’s seminal 1835 expedition.
Unlocking is highlighted by computer animation that depicts the inner-workings of the living cell.
Animator Tim Doherty created sequences illustrating the structure and operations of the cell nucleus,
the DNA molecule, protein molecules, and the bacterial flagellar motor.
After its release in September 2003, Unlocking the Mystery of Life aired on PBS.
The show was broadcast on more than 40 affiliates throughout the United States.
The cancellation of a scheduled broadcast on station KNME in Albuquerque,
New Mexico triggered national news coverage and a debate over PBS programming decisions.
But what does a godly life look like? I’ll tell you first what it does not look like.
Yet today, this approach is being challenged as never before.
Four men who have greatly altered the intellectual landscape, Philip Johnson, Michael Behe, William Dempski, and Stephen Meyer, have now collaborated on a video that is one of the most impressive efforts that we have had the privilege of reviewing. Featuring state-of-the-art computer animation and persuasive insights from leading scientists, this riveting video examines an idea with the power to revolutionize our understanding of life and its origin. Unlocking the Mystery of Life, Within is sophisticated and challenging, yet ideally suited for the entire family. It is unquestionably one of the most provocative and professional products
we have seen in this arena.
Inside the Amazing Human Body.
You can’t love God more by loving life less.
In a culture saturated with sex and food, you can see how some people would say:
“Since there is so much sin bound up with sex and food, we must be against that.
Have nothing to do with marriage or with fine foods. Pursue the simplest lifestyle possible.
In denying pleasure you will become more godly.”
That kind of teaching doesn’t come from heaven.
You can’t love God more by enjoying life less.
The Apostle Paul says, “That is completely wrong!” It is a false path to a godly life.
Paul reminds us—God is the Creator: “Everything God created is good. Nothing is to be rejected—
if it is received with thanksgiving!” (v4). Remember, marriage was given by God even before the Fall,
with all of the beauties and joys of sexual union. God gave the abundance of food in the earth for our enjoyment. These are the gifts of God.
On this topic, John Stott helpfully quotes G. K. Chesterton:
“You say grace before meals, all right. But I say grace before the play and the opera, and grace before
the concert and the pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching and painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing; and grace before I dip the pen in the ink.”
You can’t love God more by loving life less. So how can you love God more? How can you grow in godliness? This is surely the significance of 1 Timothy 3:16, where Paul lifts up Jesus Christ and says
“Great is the mystery of godliness.”
Jesus Christ is the mystery of godliness.
What is the mystery or secret of godliness? Answer: Jesus Christ!
Beyond all questions, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, and was taken up in glory.
(1 Timothy 3:16)
Godliness, a God-centered life, is not a set of disciplines or a system. It is a person.
The mystery of a godly life lies in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ
who appeared in a body and was vindicated by the Spirit.
Jesus Christ is godliness in the flesh. He has lived the God-centered life, and our hope of living a godly life is in him. Jesus Christ is the object of our faith and Jesus Christ is the source of our life.
Many people would say “Oh yes, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, but he feels distant from my struggles.” Being a Christian is more than believing in Jesus. It is the life of Jesus Christ in you by the Holy Spirit.
This is perhaps the most important thing for us to grasp in the whole of the Christian life.
Faith is more than believing Christ. Faith unites us with Christ so that we are united with him in his death
and in his resurrection. Remember that faith receives Christ (John 1:13). Faith feeds on Christ (John 6:54). Christ is your life (Colossians 3:4) and “Your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3).
Jesus gave us a wonderful illustration of this “I am the vine and you are the branches” (John 15:5).
Godliness is in him and it flows from him. It grows in us as we grow in him.
That’s the hope of you living this life.
Christ with you and Christ in you—the hope of glory.
Your hope of godliness is in Jesus Christ.
This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe. (1 Timothy 4:9-10)
Paul begins like this when he wants to say something really important. What hope is there for me of a godly life? What hope is there for you of a godly life? How will Christian people become what God calls us to be? Everyone is looking for the answer to that question.
“We have put our hope in the living God who is the Savior…” (v. 10). Paul is thinking about sanctification here. How do we know that? He says “for this we labor and strive…” (v. 9).
Do we labor and strive for justification? No. We rest wholly in Christ. Do we labor and strive in sanctification? Yes. We put on the whole armor of God and fight the good fight.
We take our stand against the enemy and his schemes.
The Spirit of God living in you, weds these two things together:
1. We labor and strive, and 2. We put our hope in the living God who is our Savior.
Many people are confused about how to live the Christian life.
There are two misunderstandings of the Christian life that have caused this confusion.
a. The “hard labor” version – We labor and strive… (1 Timothy 4:9)
This version says that the Christian life is one great effort to try and live a godly life. Many people live here.
But there is no power, no energy, and very little joy about them. These folks have the air of defeat about them.
They feel that the Christian life is impossible and so they become discouraged.
Consciousness seems mysterious. By this we mean that while life in general can be explained by physics, chemistry and biology, it seems that whenever one tries to explain the relationship between the brain and the subjective events that are experienced as feelings—what philosophers often refer to as “qualia”—something appears to be “left out” of the explanation. This apparent divide between the brain and subjective experience is what philosopher Joseph Levine famously called this the “explanatory gap,” and how to bridge that gap is what philosopher David Chalmers called the term “hard problem of consciousness.”
The Mystery of Death
Indeed, death is a grand mystery. Throughout time, every major religion, philosophy, and spiritual train of thought has sought to explain this mystery. It is a subject that touches the life of every man and woman, uniting the entire human race under a cloud of inevitable mortality. The rich and the poor alike meet the same end; the black and the white both go to the grave; the powerful and the humble all leave this planet eventually.
Interestingly, scientific research into single-celled organisms reveals that the nature of life, on a cellular level, does not automatically include a self-destruct mechanism for death.
In other words, it appears that death is an unnatural part of life.
Yet despite this, everything on earth eventually dies.
Many lines of religious thought simply accept the inevitability of death and instead try to offer better alternatives that await the faithful in the afterlife. These ideas bring comfort to many people who have lost loved ones or are facing death themselves, but they leave others wondering, “Why must death exist?
Wouldn’t an all-powerful God eradicate death! Shouldn’t all life inherently live forever through eternity ?”
Where Does the Evidence Lead was created for classroom, group, and individual study.
It is based upon the content of Unlocking the Mystery of Life and examines both Darwinian evolution and the scientific case for intelligent design. A look at molecular machines and the complexity of the cell.
“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” Charles Darwin,
“On the Origin of Species”, and “Organs of Extreme Perfection” Six modules (eight to fourteen minutes in duration) each present a specific facet of the debate over the theories of materialistic evolution and design. They feature leading ID scientists and scholars including Stephen C. Meyer, Paul Nelson, Jed Macosko, Michael Behe, Scott Minnich, Dean Kenyon, William Dembski, and Jonathan Wells.
So before you tell me some of your blog post confuse me … but for others who read them,
they tell me it takes their minds off having cancer and enlightens their souls…