but in the end, there it is. Winston Churchill …
Jim Carrey Motivational Video – WHO IS THE REAL YOU?
Most disease in the body starts with a change of life through a sense of loss of a job or the inadequate feeling of conflict or of a lost mate either through death or separation. There’s a good chance throughout your life, you’ve become jaded. Over time the things that once made us excited are the same things we now take for granted. Perhaps one of the biggest tests in our life is our ability to be faced with the same circumstances over and over again and find new ways to experience them. As negative as the term “jaded” sounds,
hating everything more than anything. I believe it’s a natural human response.
The more often you are disappointed in life, the louder your brain will be telling you that what you are looking for is rare and even harder to find than you thought, if at all possible. It’s completely normal for your mind to make this logical connection – I believe that the only way out of this jaded and inevitably less emotionally available state of mind is, is to try to learn something new about yourself. This might sound like the biggest cliche, but if you can embrace the idea of whatever happens, happens for the best – it will really serve you in pushing away the effects of repeated disappointments and provide you with a new outlook on life.
Almost everybody has a really hard time doing this.
When you have a strong dislike for your present or view it as a waste of time. Ironically, this dislike is a self fulfilling prophecy as it creates the type of negative energy and skepticism that pushes any new prospects away. Often, being jaded is just a defense mechanism and this type of attitude is as pointless as it is unproductive, and you must snap out of it if you want to have a realistic chance of finding that special connection in life.
We all have disappointments in life, and relationship disappointments are some of the most painful.
Getting your heart broken isn’t for sissies. There’s nothing like lying on the floor sobbing with snot and mascara all over your face to humble you, not that I would know about such things. As soul-crushing as heartbreak is, we need to remember that it happens to us all. The next time you go to a public place, look at all the people around you and take in the fact that every single one of them has experienced heartbreak.
That said, moving on is essential. If you allow your past disappointments to kill your dreams, you lose not once, but over and over again. We all experience crushing defeat in the world of love, but it’s so much better to pick yourself up and move on than it is to become jaded and bitter. Being jaded is unattractive.
We all know brittle, world-weary, snarky people and we stay guarded around them.
Being cynical about relationships can turn into a vicious circle. Jaded people attract other like-minded individuals and they keep each other at arm’s length in relationships. When you don’t let anyone get close to you – you can’t complain about your relationships being shallow and unsatisfying.
You get what you give. Being jaded is depressing and unhealthy. It just doesn’t feel good.
There is a certain heaviness and resignation to people who are feeling discouraged and defeated. It ages them. Want to look and feel younger? Believe in love and in your dreams. If something in your life didn’t turn out the way you wish it had, learn everything you can from it and then move on. This is the only way that you can benefit from the experience. Being jaded does not serve you. It is merely holding on to old pain as a way of protecting yourself. This is nowhere near as awesome as moving on and having love in your life again.
Being jaded will rob you of your dreams and your joy. Own your dreams. Find a way to believe in them again. Having a guarded, cynical attitude will not get you any closer to what you want.
Everyone needs to have dreams.
Pretending that you don’t need love, that you don’t care, that the only thing that matters is the avoidance of pain is playing small. Even worse than not reaching for your dreams is burying them alive and pretending that they don’t exist, forgetting that you ever had them because you were hurt once. Remember your dreams.
Find them, get in touch with them again. They will bring love back into your heart and joy back into your life. LIVE YOUR DREAMS – New Motivational Video Compilation
Being jaded means that you’re feeling bitter and disillusioned about the world around you.
Living with being jaded is not a mentally healthy way to be, though it’s easy to be jaded about particular areas of our life — finding love, a meaningful job, etc. Try to rediscover some interest in the world through new activities and different experiences to gain a better perspective on life. Even if you’re jaded about one part of your life,
you can experience joy in other parts. Research source:
How To Live a Good Life (Animated Story)
Learn how to disarm the “Ticking Time Bomb” inside.
Don’t give up in prayer.
It’s so easy to get discouraged when we don’t see our prayers being answered.
However, persevere in prayer. Although God may seem silent, remember that God is always working.
Jacob wrestled with God and I encourage you to do the same.
Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”
Wrestle with God until the battle is won.
Also, be honest with God about how you feel. He is not going to be disappointed. Sometimes my prayers are, “Lord I feel discouraged, please help me to pray.” This is humbling myself before the Lord realizing that I need Him in order to persevere in prayer. Keep on fighting in prayer.
Don’t give up before He answers. Don’t give up before you truly experience Him in prayer.
Seek Him and be open with Him while on your prayer journey. In every season that we are in, especially in hard times, two of the most impactful words that you should always remember are “He knows.”
Be honest with Him because He already knows.
What also helps is to find another brother or sister in Christ to encourage you to get in prayer daily.
️️ Just a closer walk with thee – Patsy Cline And Willie Nelson
Never doubt the power of prayer.
When I pray I see things happen. When I don ’t, then I don’t see things happen. It’s simple.
If we don’t pray, then miracles won’t happen. Don’t allow what’s in front of you to cause you to doubt
what God can do. We can only see what our eyes allow us to see, but God sees the bigger picture.
Prayer can change your situation in a moment. It’s so comforting to know that our prayers cause God to intervene. Yes, ultimately it’s God’s will. However, it is His will that you will pray for something so that He can answer you. I believe we would see more success in our prayer lives if we would just pray for spiritual strength and a hungry heart and zeal for the Lord. Pray for spiritual and physical healing for sick family and friends.
Pray for marriages and relationships to be restored. There are so many things to pray about. It’s up to us to pray for our loved ones. Don’t doubt what God can do through you. Don’t wait for New Year’s Day to start.
I encourage you to start praying today. Maybe your prayers are going to be what changes the world! https://biblereasons.com/prayer-quotes/
Paul Harvey Letter from God
Analyzing Your Life
1. Consider your life. Think about why you became jaded in the first place — unhappiness with a job,
lack of friends, no time for activities — and how you could change your situation. Even if you can’t change your situation much, sometimes it’s useful to figure out what are the elements in your life that are most responsible for making you jaded. Sometimes you can make small changes to the particularly egregious parts and
it helps your outlook overall.
2. Be healthy. You can control how your body feels. Eating right (healthy fats, protein, whole grains,
fruits, and vegetables) can make you feel better and more energetic. Getting a proper amount of exercise
(even just a few hours a week spread out) will help you feel more energetic. Eating new foods and doing new exercises can also help prevent you from being depressed about everything in your life.[1]
3. Find support. For some people, family and friends are enough support to help deal with being jaded about particular aspects of our lives. Others might have deeper feelings of depression and need to seek professional counseling. Whatever your situation, find people that you can talk to about how you’re feeling and prevent yourself from getting caught up in feelings of being jaded about everything.[2]
4. Make some changes. If things are not going well in any aspect of your life and you’re jaded about anything working out, focus on one element that you might be able to change. Will it be love, work, home? Being jaded doesn’t have to take over your entire life. If you’re jaded about every finding love, give online dating a try.
If you’ve done it before, try other sites or a speed dating event.
If your job is the root of feeling jaded, start looking for other work.
If that’s difficult to find, ask if your work will support you getting new training or certifications,
allowing you to do different activities that will be counted as work.
If your housing situation has you down, consider your possibilities.
If you’re still living with your parents, for example, and renting an apartment by yourself is too expensive,
think about splitting with roommates or renting a room in someone’s house.
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Changing Negative Thinking
Attitude changing video
1. Increase self-esteem. Part of letting go of your jaded thoughts is increasing your self-esteem.
This might sound easier than it is, there are concrete steps you can take to noticeably increase your self-esteem. When you find yourself with a negative thought, first identify the situation (such as tension with a coworker) and note how you think about the situation. What do you tell yourself about the situation? Then, challenge this thinking: whether you are jumping to negative conclusions, focusing only on the negative aspects, or undervaluing your own worth, think about the other possibilities. What have you done well?
What are your positive qualities? Forgive yourself for your mistakes.
You are only human, and you deserve forgiveness.
Remind yourself mistakes happen to everyone, and they do not make you a terrible person or define your life.
Focus on positive things about yourself. Write down a list of all the things you like about yourself.
Give yourself a compliment whenever you feel yourself getting discouraged. [3]
2. Make sure you have an internal locus of control. If you have an internal locus of control,
it means that you believe that you have the power to change events through your own actions. [4]
If you have an external locus of control, you believe that you have no power over your life,
and everything that happens to you is the result of outside forces, not your own actions.
Here are some tips for fostering an internal locus of control:
Set goals for yourself. Divide larger goals (such as getting in shape) into smaller goals (such as running a mile without stopping, doing 20 consecutive squats, or taking a spin class) so that you can see how far you’ve come. Know that you always have choices in your life. Whether it’s what you eat for breakfast or whether or not you go to law school, know that your own personal choices always affect your life and the events in it.
Whenever you find yourself feeling helpless, remind yourself that your choices are important for your life.[5]
3. Be assertive. Break the pattern of thinking that allows you to believe that you have no control over your life. Being more assertive in your actions will allow you to take more control of your life and make decisions that are best for you. Here are some tips on being assertive: Think about what you want to say before you say it. Whether you want your spouse to take on more household responsibilities or are trying to ask for a promotion from your boss, it’s best to think about and rehearse what you’re going to say before you say it.
Say “no” more. It’s okay to say no when you’re too busy at work to take on a new task or don’t want to get coffee with an unpleasant coworker. Take more control of your life and your time by exercising your ability to decline invitations and responsibilities. However, make sure that you’re being polite. Say what you think, feel, or want. Use statements that begin with “I” to increase the effectiveness of your assertiveness. Instead of saying,
“That’s not fair to me,” try saying something along the lines of,
“I feel that this new policy is unfair because…”[6]
4. Take responsibility for your actions. Bitterness often occurs because you blame other people for your actions, rather than taking responsibility for yourself. Go back over the events in your life that have made you bitter and, instead of blaming someone else, think about your role in these events.[7]
Now, what can you do about this? Think actively, not passively. Try not to dwell on the past but rather think about what you can do in the present and future. Are there people in your life you can forgive or apologize to?
Is there a way that you can retroactively make amends or try the task again?
Realize that taking responsibility involves learning about what you can learn from this situation.
If you were in the same situation today, how would you act differently?
What have you learned about communication and yourself?
Think of accepting your responsibility as taking the first step towards improving yourself.
Neither you nor the world is without mistakes and errors, so accepting this fact and learning from it is important to reducing your bitterness.[8]
5. Forgive others for their mistakes. Bitterness often stems from blaming other people (either wrongfully or correctly) for some element of your misfortune. Think about what has caused your bitterness and whom you believe is responsible for it. Bitterness is different than regret because it involves other people.[9]
For example, if you are bitter because you feel like someone else got the praise you deserved at work, forgive your boss and your coworker. You do not have to explicitly say that you forgive them, but you could write in a journal about how and why you forgive them. If someone did wrong you, forgive that person explicitly.
Also, if your spouse was unfaithful and you have been feeling bitter about it, try to release your bitterness and forgive your spouse. Tell them, no matter how long after the incident occurred, that you forgive them.
6. Stop thinking of yourself as a victim. Even if you were wronged by someone, in order to let go of your bitterness, you need to move away from thinking of yourself as someone who was wronged. Instead, you should start to think about the future and the more positive aspects of your life. Don’t allow that one particular situation to control your life, your thoughts, and your actions. What do you have to look forward to?
What are you most excited about next? [10]
Be grateful. Think about the positive qualities that you’ve gained by overcoming adversity,
as well as what you have to look forward to in life.
Make a list of the things for which you’re grateful in your life.
Pay more attention to the positive things than the negative things.
Change your narrative. Rather than thinking of yourself as a victim in your story, rewrite your past so that you are the hero who perseveres. Instead of thinking just about the bad event that happened to you,
consider that you persevered in spite of these setbacks.[11]
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Finding Some Meaning in Your Life
Jim Carrey Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS | One of the Best Motivational Speeches Ever
1. Think about what is important to you. If you’re really jaded, it might seem nothing is that important to you. But think back to the past — what has been important to you?
Consider some of the elements in your life that gave it meaning before,
and whether any of those things might be able to bring you some joy and interest again.
2. Try to connect with others. Being jaded often means finding others boring and of little importance, particularly if they are jaded as well and facing the same experiences you are. However, it is still important to forge connections with people, no matter how bitter you’re feeling about the rest of your life.
Think of something you do like, and then find someone else with a similar interest. Do you have a friend who also loves Jurassic Park? Invite them over for a movie marathon. Have you been bitter that you haven’t had time to exercise? Ask a friend to meet you at the pool or track on Saturday afternoon for a workout.
Meet new people whom you find interesting and fun. You can meet people anywhere that you enjoy going:
talks, seminars, your gym, or maybe even your workplace.
Look for people who would want to do activities with you or try something new.
3. Consider hobbies or activities that might interest you. If you’ve been jaded about life for a while, think about what made you happy in the past. Make a list of these things — it could be games, reading, exercise, movies, painting, sports, or caring for something (i.e.; plants, pets). Think about how you might want to revisit these interests. Just because you’re jaded about one part of your life doesn’t mean it has to bleed over into all of it.
4. Seek counseling. If you feel like you cannot deal with your feelings of being jaded on your own, you might need professional counseling. Reach out to your health care provider to see if you have options covered by your insurance.[12] Many people try a couple of different therapists before they find the one that works best for them. Schedule meetings with a couple of different doctors to see whom you like best and want to work with.
Funny Motivational Speaker Kay Frances
Getting Out
1. Force yourself into new situations. If you’re jaded about love or your job or living situation,
sometimes being in a different environment can help. It helps distract you from your situation.
Being jaded can often come from doing the same things over and over and having them turn out the same way.
Overcome by putting yourself into a new, one-time situation[13] Talk to someone you wouldn’t typically engage with. Volunteer at community events. Go to book stores and talk to those that go there.
2. Get involved in new activities. Again, dealing with being jaded in one part of your life
doesn’t mean that you can’t be happy with other parts of your life. That includes discovering new things.
Sign up for classes, join a group, become a member of a museum — do activities you’ve never done before,
even if you’re not sure you’re going to like them.
Distracting yourself from the parts of your life that aren’t going well can help a lot.
Learn a new language by taking classes at the local community college.
It’s important to know what’s going on around you. Get involved with something that inspires you.
3. Go outside and be active. Being outdoors, particularly in a beautiful setting, can help wake you up from
the lethargy of being jaded. If you’re tired of the area around where you live, go elsewhere and be outside.
Take a hike, eat a picnic in a park — whatever helps you relax outdoors. Taking time to be in nature can
be a good way to reconnect with the simple and important ways we are connected to the planet.
4. Exercise. Physical activity or exercise can improve your health. Helps To Improve Blood Flow,
Increase Immunity, Boost Your Lymphatic System and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like
type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and
long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.
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Listen to Motivational Speakers
Shawna: Hey, do you think we could make rain using a hose duct taped to a pole?
Tessa: I don’t know. Let’s try it.