(Mark of the Beast)
Chemicals in Chemtrails:
Toxic metals and other pollutants from aerosol spraying are damaging our environment and ourselves!
The past couple of decades has seen the rise of chemtrails from aircraft that at times will criss/cross our skies and not dissipate for hours. Normal contrails are just water vapor that forms behind planes at high altitudes that dissipate rather quickly and contain no threat but chemtrails have been independently tested and proven by many researchers to contain a very toxic mixture of toxic heavy metals and other pollutants.
Even though our government and military deny that these Chemtrails exist they have been proven
real by citizens and researchers who have tested the soil and groundwater under these Chemtrails.
They have found a toxic brew that includes toxic heavy metals including barium, chromium, cadmium and nickel, and other pollutants like mold spores, mycotoxins, polymer fibers, and ethylene dibromide.
These toxins are absorbed through the skin, inhaled, ingested from contaminated water, and foods.
I feel that these toxins are linked to an increase in respiratory illnesses and heart disease.
What these toxins are doing in Chemtrails is anyone’s guess but there are many theories the most prominent
of which is geoengineering. Geoengineering is the deliberate intervention in the Earth’s weather system.
Toxic heavy metals in Chemtrails are extremely hazardous to humans and have been known to cause or exacerbate many health issues.
Barium is a toxic heavy metal that is found in rat poison and is used in industries like mining, refining, glass manufacturing, and coal production. Barium toxicity can lead to low blood potassium, cardiac arrhythmias, gastrointestinal issues, respiratory failure, elevated blood pressure, kidney damage, and even paralysis. Cadmium has been linked to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Nickel, which has replaced Lead in gasoline,
is a naturally occurring metal that has been linked to lung and nasal cancer and is associated with respiratory issues. At this time the most effective way to remove toxic heavy metals is with EDTA Chelation.
EDTA Chelation suppositories are the most effective and cost-efficient way to receive EDTA Chelation.
The other pollutants in Chemtrails like mycotoxins can inhibit protein synthesis,
damage macrophage systems, inhibit lung function, and increase sensitivity to bacterial endotoxin.
Ethylene Dibromide, which was an additive to leaded gasoline, exposure can lead to impaired reproduction, liver, and kidneys issues. If aluminum deodorants and antiperspirants aren’t good for us, how can chemtrails being sprayed in our neighborhoods be benign? Geo-engineering, otherwise known as chemtrails, have been exposed by numerous alternative news outlets, reporters, and documentaries such as What in the World Are They Spraying? In this important piece of social activism, we can learn how we are being sprayed with huge amounts of aluminum, strontium, and barium, among with other health-wrecking chemicals against our will, and without our consent.
Read more: https://naturalsociety.
A 3D atlas of the universe – Carter Emmart
Fill in the blank: Climate change is _______.
… Stops at the Canadian and Mexican border…
.. is actually caused by solar cycles, which we have absolutely zero control over.
BTW, we have just entered a period known as “solar minimum” which means Earth temps will drop.
Watch out for Hegelianism: “efforts are paying off! See? /points at thermometer”… #science
Formerly called weather … … Trump’s fault!!!! <sarcasm>
A constant. It’s always changing. Has anyone made the comparison between God’s wrath
being rained down on Sodom and Gamora and the fires out West? Maybe they should heed his warnings. …
It’s A United Nations con job to destroy capitalism and bring forth socialism
Been happening since the beginning of time. It’s a natural cycle.
However, due to the possible impact of humanity since the industrial revolution,
the cycle may have been helped along. Handled only by Mother Nature, and Mother Nature alone.
A natural event minimally affected by humans as we live on the planet with countless
other species which also have an effect as we habitats the planet. Watch Drain the Oceans.
A few episodes they talk about civilizations that were overtaken by water.
The planet is always changing and nothing we do can stop it.
Climate change is politically biased science.
A money maker for some!! Agenda 2030, the Green New Deal, OWO. take your pick!!
Caused by the Sun. Notice the sun is not yellow anymore anymore white.
It’s funny I haven’t heard anything about that time they claimed we were having an ice age.
In the 1970s they preached we were having a #globalcooling as they called it! It’s funny how history/lies repeat but no one wants to talk about that. #climatechangemyass Is real but man’s Influence is minimum.
These changes would have happened anyway if you want to call them changes. It seems everyone manipulated numbers to fit a narrative. Pollution is caused by humans but not changes in the Earth’s climate.
As if. An excuse to accomplish Agenda 21 or Project 2030 for the implementation of a communist N.W.O.
It’s not real and the ones who preach it can careless about the environment. A natural phenomenon. “for thee, not for me” …a scare tactic used to increase corporate profits on a planet that humans could never destroy if they tried. God’s will alone… and it’s up to God Almighty.
1. A study, published June 22, 2018, in Nature Communications, discovered a volcanic heat source beneath West Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier (PIG) that is a possible driver of the PIG’s melting.
2. The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), which includes the PIG, sits on top of the West Antarctic Rift System that includes 138 known volcanoes. It is difficult, however, for scientists to pinpoint the exact…
3. Real, but the causes are open for debate. The earth’s climate has gone through cyclical changes throughout earth’s history. Something that will only stop when Planet Earth finally does: when day and night stops happening, when high & low tides stop, rivers cease flowing, and when the Sun dies. Magnetically induced …. always happening. Man made climate change is a hoax. Part of life, been going on since God created the planet.
Man-made up! Almighty God controls climate not man; C’mon man!!!
Climate change is how the planet works and is Not the cause of the wildfires.
A lot of arsonists have been arrested in CA, OR, WA!!
It’s Bull. Shit. and it seems to be what we are calling “arson.” Never ending and always has been Inevitable.
It’s Not the apocalypse, it’s the difference between a good lighter and a box of matches. Man made … a phrase to use to try to tax our ignorance. Another form of Terrorism to keep people in fear Climate Change is the absolute least of our worries.. the antarctic ice sheets are melting at record paces.
When an ice cube melts in a glass, the overall water level does not change from when the ice is frozen to when
it joins the liquid. Doesn’t that mean that melting icebergs shouldn’t contribute to sea-level rise? Not quite. Although most of the contributions to sea-level rise come from water and ice moving from land into the ocean, it turns out that the melting of floating ice causes a small amount of sea-level rise, too.
Globally, it doesn’t sound like much – just 0.049 millimetres per year – but if all the sea ice currently bobbing on the oceans were to melt, it could raise sea level by 4 to 6 centimetres. Fresh water, of which icebergs are made, is less dense than salty sea water. So while the amount of sea water displaced by the iceberg is equal to
its weight, the melted fresh water will take up a slightly larger volume than the displaced salt water.
This results in a small increase in the water level.
Diluted oceans
Andrew Shepherd and colleagues from the University of Leeds, UK, used iceberg surveys to analyse the
amount of ice floating on the world’s oceans. Taking into account melting ice shelves, melting Arctic sea ice, and the increase of Antarctic sea ice – which removes water from the oceans – they estimate that about 746 cubic kilometres of ice are melting each year, overall. “The ice melting is diluting the oceans, decreasing its density and rising sea levels as a consequence,” says Shepherd.
The team calculated that the melting of floating ice accounts for a small amount of the 0.3 millimetres per year unaccounted for in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s best model of sea-level rise, currently measured at about 3.1 millimetres per year.
David Holland of New York University’s Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science says the work is a useful contribution to understanding the details of sea-level rise. “Global sea-level change from floating ice is small, but perhaps in a regional sense detectable,” he says.
Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/
Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/
Climate change (small +/- variations) are not caused by mankind
and cannot be remedied by mankind.
They are natural occurrences that run in 1100 year cycles as proven about 25 years ago by sampling ice cores. Inside each 1100 year cycle, there are smaller 65 year cycles.
By Jean Marie Bauhaus.
Tropical rainforests are home to about 80 percent of the world’s known plant and animal species. Unfortunately, these rainforests are highly vulnerable to deforestation through both human and natural means. Depletion of the rainforests can have devastating effects on the animal life contained within. Environmental changes and loss of habitat often make it impossible for some animals to survive, let alone thrive,
leading some species to endangerment and even extinction.
Rainforest depletion has several causes. People cut down forests to make way for urban development, or to clear land for crops and grazing livestock. Logging operations are done to collect wood for construction and paper products, and also lead to having to clear out even more forest for the creation of roads for transport vehicles. Farmers and locals collect wood for fuel and building materials. Wildfires are also responsible for deforestation, as is overgrazing by livestock, which can prevent young trees from being able to grow.
Loss of Habitat
One of the most devastating impacts of deforestation to wild animals is the loss of their natural habitats.
Many species are so specialized to the part of the forest in which they live that they simply cannot survive the destruction of their home turf, which makes them vulnerable to extinction. Other species may be able to survive in small fragments of forest that remain, but they lose the protection from both human and environmental factors that large forests provided. Some animals also lose sources of food and venture into human-inhabited areas to find it, leading them to dangerous situations as wild animals clash with the domestic world.
Even animals who don’t lose their habitats are impacted by environmental changes wrought by deforestation. With portions of the forest canopy disappearing, the forest — and the animals in it — lose crucial protection from the sun, which can cause soil to dry out and streams to dry up. Both animals and trees can lose their water sources, and without moisture new trees can’t grow or return water vapor to the atmosphere, which in turn causes less rain to fall. This cycle can turn what was once a lush tropical jungle into a desert climate.
The forest canopy also helps to hold in heat at night, and its loss can lead to wide variations in temperature
that can be harmful to many animals. While cooling the equator!!
Animals that lose their habitats, food or water sources, or the protection of their natural surroundings face another disadvantage: they become increasingly vulnerable to hunters and poachers. Animals venturing into human-inhabited areas are at risk of being hunted to keep down their populations and mitigate their impact on both farms and urban areas. Depleted forests are also easier for poachers to access, causing even animals who stay put in the wild to face the threat of being hunted to extinction.
What is a carbon footprint? | Carbon Footprint Calculator
All the while we deplete the rain forest of precious things the world needs. The world needs to refurbish those lost trees the land size of the United States to make up for the carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, or product, expressed
as carbon dioxide equivalent. Greenhouse gases, including the carbon-containing gases carbon dioxide and methane, can be emitted through the burning of fossil fuels, land clearance and the production and consumption of food, manufactured goods, materials, wood, roads, buildings,
transportation and other services.
List of United States hurricanes
Category: Tornado-related lists by year
So with this all stated and Global Maybe Real. The Government of the World isn’t intentionally not focusing on real issues which causes Climate change. A clear diversion. Some stating it’s only the planet we have and a hoax just like this ridiculous virus.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal:
Has been widely ridiculed for its massive disruption to the economy and a price tag of tens of trillions of dollars. Now some Democrats are countering that this isn’t the first Green New Deal in America. They point to President Obama’s fiscal stimulus plan of 2009-2010 as an example of how spreading around tax dollars for green energy programs can be good for the environment and the economy. Think again.
By every objective criteria confirmed by every independent investigation, the avalanche of green dollars in Obama’s first term was a colossal waste of money. In all, Obama (and George W. Bush before him) spent some $100 billion on giveaways to wind and solar power producers, electric cars and
for weatherizing homes and buildings.
It was arguably one of the largest corporate welfare experiments in American history, enriching an industry
and its investors. Most of this money went for research to speed up commercial applications of green energy
or was pipelined into bank accounts of individual companies. The most infamous of these was, of course, Solyndra, the solar energy company that received $530 million of taxpayer handouts and was touted many times by Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden, as the next big thing in green energy.
It never produced any energy to speak of before it went bankrupt.
The New Green Deal calls for the government to retrofit all of the homes and businesses
in America so they are energy efficient. The Obama administration launched a $5 billion program for this purpose and DOE Secretary Steven Chu referred to this program as “one of our signature programs.”
The House investigators found a “stunning lack of oversight of this program” with “no one checking the quality of the work performed, allowing poor workmanship to go undetected and undeterred. Many DOE contractors did not do the work promised by DOE and many of them actually damaged homes.”
Anyone want these people coming into your home?
What about the grandiose promise of retraining Americans who lose their jobs due to the Green New Deal? Under the Obama administration, the feds allocated $500 million for “green” worker training.
This was supposed to train 124,893 people, but in 2012 the Labor Department Inspector General found the program only trained 52,762 (42% of the target), and only 8,035 actually got jobs (10% of the target).
No wonder coal miners, truck drivers and oil and gas employees aren’t thrilled about losing their jobs.
Meanwhile, the clean energy source that the government ignored, natural gas, exploded from 25 percent of electricity production to almost 40 percent. No one in Washington saw the shale revolution coming.
The Obama administration was openly hostile to fracking. There was no “natural gas new deal” and, in fact,
this industry received hardly a penny of federal subsidy. There were no mandates at the state level requiring people to use natural gas. Fracking and horizontal drilling were developed in the hinterlands of Oklahoma, North Dakota and Texas, not in a Department of Energy lab inside the Washington Beltway.
Yes, Obama gave us a test run on the Green New Deal. The return on investment was miserable.
The sane conclusion would be: Never again. Instead, AOC, the environmental groups and at least four major Democratic presidential candidates want to try it all again. But this time with trillions of dollars.
A Reminder that Obama’s Green Failures American citizens paid for… “Nordic Wind Power,
which received $16 million in stimulus funds, went bankrupt.”
List Of Failed Green Energy Jobs & Companies – Obama FAILURES!!!
Update: 7/19/16: The Amonix Solar: FAIL! – A manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas,
subsidized by more than $20 million in federal tax credits and grants given by the Obama Administration,
has closed its 214,000 square foot facility a year after it opened.
Solar Trust of America: FAIL! – Filed Bankruptcy in Oakland, CA, April 3, 2012
Bright Source: FAIL! – Bright Source warned Obama’s Energy Department officials in March 2011 that delays in approving a $1.6 billion U.S. loan guarantee would embarrass the White House and force the solar-energy company to close. Bright Source lost billions of dollars but is getting more money to keep trying.
Can you say, “This isn’t working Mr. President?”
Solyndra: FAIL! – Obama gave $500,000,000 (that’s a HALF BILLION!) in taxpayer money to Solyndra who shut its doors and laid off 1100 workers in August 2011 after billions in losses due to failure to make a solar product that works! Barack Obama was not vetted before being elected President and neither was Solyndra before Mr. Obama threw that taxpayer money down the drain of unproven technology.
LSP Energy: FAIL! – LSPEnergy LP filed bankruptcy protection ~a sale of its assets in Feb 2012
Energy Conversion Devices: FAIL! – On February 14, 2012 Energy Conversion Devices, Inc.
and its subsidiaries filed for bankruptcy
Abound Solar: FAIL! – Abound Solar received a $400 million loan guarantee from Barack Obama then announced in June, 2012 that it would file for bankruptcy. Many of these failed corporations, such as Abound, donated MILLIONS and continue to donate to Barack Obama’s campaign. Can you say, “Democrat Slush Fund”? Yes this is illegal. But Democrats are being protected from being prosecuted, for now.
SunPower: FAIL! – SunPower stopped producing solar cells in 2011 at near bankruptcy then restructured with the help of, get this, oil giant TOTAL, Inc. who owns 60% stake in SunPower. Irony?
The company is still struggling.
Beacon Power: FAIL! – Beacon Power Corp filed for bankruptcy protection in October, 2011 just a year after Obama approved a $43 million Government loan guarantee. They remain barely in business, still struggling to make energy that makes sense or that works at all.
Ecotality: FAIL! – ECOtality, a San Francisco green-tech company that never earned any money and remains on the verge of bankruptcy after receiving roughly $115 million in two loan guarantees from President Obama, who wants to do some more of this kind of Democrat Slush Fund Guarantees after he is elected to a 2nd term.
A123 Solar: FAIL! – A123 Solar received $279 million from taxpayers thanks to President Obama’s Department of Energy loan guarantees even after the Solyndra bankruptcy and
is getting another $500M from Obama after a loss of $400M.
UniSolar: FAIL! – Uni-Solar
filed for Ch 11 bankruptcy on June 20, 2012 after laying off hundreds of workers.
UniSolar received even more Obama money after showing progress, no profits and is still failing…
yet they still remain in business with Obama’s help.
Azure Dynamics: FAIL! – Azure Dynamics filed for bankruptcy in June , 2012 wasting millions in Obama “Stimulus” money and received abatement on taxes owed and several tax credits. Azure Dynamics LLC filed for bankruptcy protection in Canada and the US. Azure laid off 120 of its 160 employees in Oak Park; Boston; Vancouver, British Columbia; and the UK.
Evergreen Solar: FAIL! – Evergreen Solar received $527 Million in Taxpayer money from Obama and filed bankruptcy in late 2011. Evergreen, which closed its taxpayer-supported Devens factory in March, 2011 cut more than 1800 jobs. Evergreen’s $450 million factory, turned out to be a “waste” of taxpayer money.
Ener1: FAIL! Ener1 Inc. received a $118 million U.S. Energy Department grant from President Obama to make electric-car batteries but filed for bankruptcy protection January 2012 after defaulting on bond debt.
Update: In May 2012 Obama visited a dusty, desert town 30 miles outside Las Vegas Wednesday to declare he’s doubling down on failed federal efforts to boost the solar industry which has NEVER proven to produce a single working product. Like Socialism, no evidence it works, they just kept doubling down on the failed ideals!.
Republicans believe Obama was gambling with taxpayer dollars as he aggressively pushed alternative forms of energy proven to be more than 20 years off in working effectively and being affordable. After the failure of Solyndra, which resulted in the loss of half a billion dollars in taxpayer dollars?