️ The Awakened Ones:
Many visitors of this blog like reading posts like this one, because they tell me it expands their minds and they don’t know where I am going with it and gives them something to think of with required research … either than having cancer or whatever else ails them. Because what excites one person might bore the fuck out of another
Blunt Madness
I hate no one, I have an open mind and heart.
But I refuse to hate anyone… just seems like lately having hate in your heart and letting it get the best of you is easier now far more than ever. Truly, that makes me sad. Honestly ~ Emm
Does the golden ratio exist in nature?
Tibetan Healing Sounds: Cleans the Aura and Space. Removes all negative energy
Sacred to over a billion Buddhists, Hindus and Jains, enigmatic Mount Kailash is quite possibly the world’s holiest mountain. Pilgrims from across Asia trek across the spectacular high-altitude landscape of remote Western Tibet to pay homage and walk around the sacred mountain. It is one of the world’s great overland trips and, despite the altitude, is surprisingly accessible.
Kailash (Kang Rinpoche, or ‘Precious Snow Mountain’ in Tibetan) gets much of its power
from its striking physical location, a lone peak detached from the main Himalayan range in Tibet’s Kangdise mountains. The curiously four-sided mountain rises sheer from the surrounding plain, with its four faces facing the cardinal directions. Springing from its foothills are the sources of four of Asia’s greatest rivers – the Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra (Yarlung Tsangpo) and Karnali (which flows into the Ganges).
Walking the Pilgrimage Circuit
The three-day clockwise walk around Mt Kailash is one of Asia’s classic treks. It isn’t particularly strenuous but it does take you to high altitudes, starting at 4670m and peaking at 5650m at the Drölma-La pass, so you need to be well acclimatised and physically fit. Days are not long (the first and third days are essentially half days) and it’s possible to hire local yaks or porters to carry your gear. You can either camp en route or overnight in simple pilgrim accommodation at the monasteries of Drira-puk and Zutul-puk.
A journey around Kailash is as much a spiritual as physical journey.
You’ll walk with Tibetan nomads, Indian tourists and Bön pilgrims (who make the walk anti-clockwise),
passing three monasteries and dozens of sacred sites with rocks carved with stone mantras en route.
Such is the spiritual power of Kailash that a single circuit – or kora – of the mountain is said by some to erase the sins of a lifetime. The most popular time to walk the mountain is during the Saga Dawa festival which usually begins in May and ends in June, when thousands of pilgrims (and many tourists) descend on the mountain to celebrate Buddha’s enlightenment.
A large prayer pole is raised with great fanfare at Tarboche at Kailash’s southwestern corner, after which everybody starts off on their trek. Check on the political situation if planning a trip for the festival, as the region is sometimes closed to foreigners at this time, in fear of pro-Tibetan demonstrations.
Christian’s believe in GOD: but when you tell them you received a vision through prayer for a blog and without any knowledge of the internet or knowing how to type. Then you begin to attract people that heavenly guide you to the vision. One by one they came when I needed them to get me to the next step.
A Reason — Season for A Lifetime: I wish people to believe that people come into your
life for a reason and for the sake of our country at present time. Bringing people together
is for the greater good and it tackles racial & economic equity across the United States.
Proving we are better together than rioting and hurting one another.
Fighting this war against evil with a chance killing the Global Economy. While protecting our children from the darkness of liberalism. This world is in deep shit. I do know who is right and who is wrong. And have a hunch there is something going on within world governments, I therefore, always observe both sides, We all know diversity actually means less or no whites. Think about that when they say ‘diversity is our strength’.
We are fighting for our simple human rights, why can’t we all live together as one.
WE must … Raise our vibrations and see ‘why’ it’s important to vibrate at a LOVE frequency.
This has been hidden from us and it’s the answer ~
Love is the key.
This is very important ancient knowledge.
Please take time to watch these videos.
The Roswell Interview simply states nothing can’t come from nothing. So existence is what is left, and that IS all. It reminds me of the wording of god: I am who I am. As we’re all like waves in the ocean, which is and will be at every moment in another state, nobody can grasp its reality in entirety, changing ever the same.
From this reality the EBE talks and therein is all importance to know, because if we understand then
we begin to enter the kingdom of god.
From reading all of the 1947 Roswell Alien Interview I am of the opinion that much of the content of the Christian Gospels has been fabricated by man to subdue us into believing that there is and has been only
one God. To create all that we all know on earth could not have possibly have been created by one powerful being/God/other being in the space of seven earth days, it is just physically impossible and quite simply ludicrous to believe such a thing.
Everything is Electricity
Tesla was one of the many alien geniuses with such knowledge. I saw the Roswell interview and they said he was one of the AS-BE (a soul from somewhere else) trapped in this world like a prisoner. When you tell people this stuff they are naturally attracted to you for no reason… Insta harmonics.. At 60, I especially like referencing the ancient mysteries – it’s just great to return to my ‘old’ knowing to being now elegantly
re-framed by the ‘new’ physics.
Oh those ‘Ancients’! Fibonacci and Golden Mean inherent and the Majesty of Life.
Da Vinci and Sir Francis Bacon, Dr. John Dee and many others knew this intuitively. – _ –
What if each 3D universe has its own law of physics that limits our dimensional travel and
are separated under another spatial dimension.
Living Through the Golden Ratio – Tap Into the Nature of the Universe
It Makes no difference, the process is expanding/evolving, you’re “stretching the rubber band” so to speak and that’s right on point with the “Unified Field Theory” un-der/stand , in-ner/stand , over/stand ~stand-free~ Gratitude-Divine~Free~Equal~Love~Uni°ver°sal~ ~One/ness~ ~Creation divides to create ~ ~ Man divides to conquer 28:27 breathing from the mouth + tapping 1 minute breathing Nose, starts again. 31:26 numerology chart and fi frequency algorithm!!!
The mental plane, or world of thought, in Hermeticism, Theosophical, Rosicrucian, Aurobindonian, and New Age thought refers to the macrocosmic or universal plane or reality is made up purely of thought.
In contrast to Western secular modernist and postmodern thought, in occult and esoteric cosmology,
thoughts and consciousness are not just a byproduct of brain functioning, but have their own objective and universal reality quite independent of the physical. This reality itself constitutes only one gradation in a whole series of planes of existence (the total number of planes varies, although seven is a common number in Theosophical formulations). In most such cosmologies and explanations of reality, the mental plane is located between, and hence is intermediate between, the astral plane below and
the higher spiritual realms of existence above.
One question: What is in the Inner Earth?
Gravity is no different than Magnetic acceleration i.e. the Di-Electric Field i.e. NON CARTESIAN INERTIA. Quantum and modern physics of the highest caliber. 28:11 The beginning exercise ~ I wonder if that planet follows the golden ratio in our solar system. This a Beautiful way of thinking- feeling multidimensional awareness – Moving into the golden rhythms of life. The Divine blueprint is the pH scale of balance
it’s the balance that we seek !!!
This beautiful knowledge just proves it more to me !!!
Yesterday I was writing about such (Golden Ratio) which begs the Questions of me:
Is the telepathic channel open and active?
(A few personal confirmations/Experiences). Is the Universe responding?
Why do I blog posts like this one … Or Am I being read like a book?
Or Am I living in a Truman show? (am I naivete to the reality)
The Truman Show Tried to Warn Us
How does the Universe Bring back what I truly Wish to learn and discover?
Many things to be answered. I feel my focus sharpening and my presence becoming more foundational.
It is Amazing how you start to say yes to that little voice looking out for you as the world shifts.
A lot of things I know. Prayers Answered Thanks 4 Sharing.
Might be that my insights help trigger yours.
I personally do not follow the law of man, never have done never will. I do though follow my taking my
mind into consideration. I follow a spiritual law, principles and try applying disciplines of spirituality in all aspects of life. Yet I am still humble enough to admit that I am still human, meaning I have many flaws that need attending to. But could you imagine 7.8 billion people like me? It would be heaven on Earth, lmao!!
Again 7.8 billion people thinking outside the box and for the crazy one percent that DO control the world …
they would not have control over what goes on.
This is just a thought: So in order to get back closer to the Creator (the Creator of the source of the vibrations and frequencies.) The entity …. that aligned the planets and gave each one its own frequency, which may be the cause of what holds us together, Back to point being. We need to seek truth, the same truth the 1% is holding back from us. The only way to do that is to break the hold they have on the world and live together as one.
The Golden ratio proves beyond a doubt that everything has been MADE FOR A PURPOSE OR REASON FOR BEING. Anyone else find this while on the path of serendipitous browsing?
This last six month, I seriously began studying up on the fi spiral and fi sequence.
These videos just helped me expand my mind a lot ..The hidden truth behind the longitude and latitude grids, to track the Stars and feed the meaning as well as the grid off the planet into postal routes giving Postal Masters complete control.
Every King, Queen, President and CEO works their sphere of influence in their postal grids and their postal roads with every war in known history having been a postal Road or territory War . Everybody should and everybody needs to get to know Federal Court Judge David Wynn Miller. To divide is to conquer the number one rule of War. Check out Ken Wheeler (Theoria apophasis) on YouTube your brain might explode. Not kidding. Nikola / Pythagoras 1-9 (3-6-9) is doubling in vortex (fluid) math = Fibonacci Sequence.
Roller coasters were invented to distract Americans from sin.
In the 1880s, hosiery businessman LaMarcus Thompson (a religious man) hated that Americans were tempted by hedonistic places like saloons and brothels. So he set out to straighten up one of these most immoral bizarre and craziest places he could think of:
At the oddly named town of Mauch Chunk. PA. in the eastern part of the state, Thompson came across people riding an old mining railway – for fun. There, he built
America’s first roller coaster and gave it to Coney Island … to give New Yorkers some good, clean fun—away from seedier pastimes.
The town of Mauch Chunk was a small picturesque Pennsylvania town with a fascinating history. Established in a wilderness on the banks of the Lehigh River in 1818, Mauch Chunk became a bustling coal transportation center, tourist Mecca, the esteemed seat of Carbon County by the middle of the 19th century. Riding the wave of prosperity along the river, canal, Switchback Gravity Railroad and overland RR as “Black Diamonds” (anthracite coal) were transported by increasingly efficient means, famous as the “Switzerland of America” to 19th century rail excursionists.
The town declined economically in the 20th century when petroleum replaced coal in home and industry and rail excursion tourism was replaced by the automobile. In 1954, the economic revival took a strange course. Mauch Chunk traded its name for the body and name of 1912 Olympic hero Jim Thorpe and probably one of the best athletes known to man. Making me realize Great Men are born to be great. Although this bizarre exchange received nationwide attention, it did little to revitalize the town. Revitalization came to Jim Thorpe over several decades through promotion of the town’s historical and architectural legacy, and the natural beauty of its surroundings.
Vortex math—–NIKOLA TESLA…. the key of the universe….
There are rumors that Tesla received his knowledge from beings of outer space, and not only that it’s quite a coincidence that the free electricity system of Tesla was like the Pyramids of Giza,
you know where I am going right?
So … through the Law Of Attraction: I was thinking about the golden ratio yesterday, and today,
this video was in my recommendations …
That’s not weird at all…… it’s the Law of Attraction.
She is completely wrong about the Pythagorean number system being a system of endings or “death”,
look up Vortex Mathematics and Marko Rodin. 0-9 is an infinitely cyclical number system where every number returns to 9 indefinitely.
Imagine: Vitruvian Numerology … And the world will be as one …
Thinking Outside the “box” creates a “reality spot” inside Life’s illusion…
Check out Metatron’s cube:
When I saw the magic of how they entwined one another to create Metatrons cube.
I was shaken to the core how perfect it was. A eureka moment to me.
Phi has always pulled me along and intrigued me. Astrology, numerology, pyramid power, crop circles (called pictures now), science, knowing self, awareness and staying present are many attributes that have led me from there to where I am now. It’s been a great ride so far and I’m looking forward to spreading my awareness of Phi to the masses by at least 1.618033987, otherwise known as the golden ratio, the secret to perfection?
This is paradigm shifting information we all need. Be the change.
For tuning into the phi rhythm, I would advise Heartmath and Dan Winter …
when you leave this Realm of thought and dream where are you?
Are you a Starseed?
Starseeds often don’t fit into the structures and systems of the 3D physical world. They may have a hard time relating to humanity and, nonetheless, have a deep yearning and call to serve and support humanity in transcending fear and overcoming limitations of bringing spiritual light and authentic truth into the physical. Starseeds are typically very intuitive, curious, open to psychic and spiritual abilities, and fascinated with spirituality, the higher realms, and cosmic knowledge…
This of course comes about after experiencing the insecurity, aloneness, confusion and
longing present in the human experience, and manifest through forgetting their true nature.
– If you feel excitement about the idea that you may have originated in another realm,
you very well may have. Tune into your inner guidance through meditation,
or though dream work to learn more.
– If you are a Starseed, Earth Angel, or if you originated here on Planet Earth, as a soul you have so much to share. Remember to take on this lifetime one moment at a time, focusing on getting to know the real you, and learning how you may best love and be of service.
Do you ever feel like you’re different from most people?
Like you’re from another planet or just from the stars?
Well…. You might be right.
Have you often experienced a feeling of not fitting in? Or perhaps you’ve always had a vague suspicion,
that although you’re living on Earth, you’re not really from here?
Do you long to “go home” without really knowing why, where, or even what that means?
Your soul very well may have journeyed to the Earth plane from elsewhere in the cosmos.
Do you feel like you’re from another dimension or another planet?
This is one of the top signs you are!
Work to remove the filters of your ego mind, and more of your authentic truth and light will be able to rise to the surface.As you open your heart, raise your vibration, and reconnect with who you authentically are in the present moment, as a result, more of the truth about your origin will come to light as well… One step at a time.
Here are 20 Signs You Very Well May Be a Starseed…
Keep in mind, this is just a start.
GRATITUDE: God is within! Meditation
This maths system is essentially accessing codes of creation to generate a more complete existence. The first civilized population on Earth which lived centuries before, Egyptian scientists in fact from whom the basics of all knowledge came from, everything in life turned into a Circle which means Cycle after Cycle.
That’s why we count 0 to 9 then back to 0 again to 9, the same as well apply to days, years.
Universal Law is One Harmony, that’s why we are all connected to
the Oneness of Mother Universe.
That erase your sentences about counting to an end as such things do not exist within that Force which is Infinite. How can we imagine a world with separation? We have to think and look into the One Infinite and Divine Power which created everything.
At the end we all are connected in One Chain, One Mind, One Source, One Energy.
Breaking patterns down to maths in order to identify and name key points and label them only so as to rearrange them in a new formulaic way based on the numbers they were assigned purely as identifiers of those key points in the original pattern is all too structured a way of thinking for me. is it the number, the sound of it vocalized, it’s shape on paper, a ratio or pattern has no need to be numbered beyond the purpose of describing it, does it. The numbers are a language of description, they’re not the pattern but a structured language.
One foreign to me is there nothing a little more tai chi or intuitive along the lines of natural harmonic pattern divination, just commenting in the tight confines of structured written words is forcing my brain along imposed concrete paths it’s not really happy with, intentional structured thinking is straying way too far from sleep.
Half awake and half asleep, v. Just sleepy!!!
Golden Ratio = Proof of G-d …
God = Universe = The Law of Nature
I go into so much detail about our Universe and perception on my own channel. You don’t need math or numbers to understand the Universe. Also is no one going to link the fact that one ray of light is separated into 10 to the prism and the colors of the rainbow? Roy G Biv!!! You’re probably shifting some old density patterns…waking up is not a smooth process …it’s like peeling an onion…you keep on crying…shred many layers… but it ends up tastes good. Non judgemental, Grounding and going slow is key … also drink plenty of water!! Living Life is all about the beautiful truth:
all life is equal and should be viewed as equal if we truly ever want to see Divine Freedom .
How to Calculate Your Numerology Birth Path Every path
~ has primary and secondary influences ~
I listened to these scriptures which HAVE INHERENT POWER!!! and Jesus healed me of breast and liver cancer. I was only on chemo for 3 and half months and my Dr./oncologist came running in the room and said that the cancer had melted. I am a teacher and God has totally changed my life. Praise the Lord for his kindness and Thank you brother John Hagee for speaking the scriptures under the anointing.
I have 2 teenagers to raise as a single parent.
I believe God performs miracles and does great things for this family
Immerse yourself in Bible verses on healing, and press through to victory.
The peaceful music and beautiful video will uplift your spirit as you confess –
God’s healing promises over your life.
All life deserves its perfect place of balance on the pH scale !!! The willingness to kill and spread fear,
the willingness to cook and spread illness and disease truly needs to die !!!
I truly love that I am here in the creation of an alkaline environment of freedom.
I always wondered whose voice was that in all the videos of the universe inside you and now I see her voice …
I love her voice. To me it is like relaxation music.
Doctor Theresa Bullard has such a nice voice….. Another good video! Love you
I am a nine (9) in Pythagorean. 4 is my Vitruvian number. 8 has always been my lucky number
which is 4+4 to me. I was born on the 4th and 9 is the year in the decade.
As I am beginning to unravel all this. I am beginning to see myself anew.
A lot of knowledge has been hidden from me. ~Anonymous
I knew it was only a matter of time before The Universe shared it with me. ️
Alan Watts … The Universe Inside you! ️
Living Through the Golden Ratio – Tap Into the Nature of the Universe -_-
Consciousness, and Completely Self Heal yourself!
You Can Completely Self Heal Yourself with this Powerful Method
Developing Multidimensional Awareness https://youtu.be/-KGcmkggtHI
Lucid Dreaming: The Secret of Tesla & Einstein’s Greatest Discoveries https://youtu.be/mbDQbDa8tZ4
Feather Of Energy perfect
The name, a word, a last name… everything has a vibrational energy attached to it. We do not choose our
name but it was given. We respond to it. Is attached to us. It becomes part of our own vibrational frequency.
In my case and after my spiritual awakening I have realized that there was “something off” about my name,
so I changed and now it resonates with me.
THE 10 FEATHERS OF HAPPINESS by Natasha Saltzer.
A video to inspire you on how to bring more self-nourishment into your life, in 10 simple steps. Natasha has created this beautiful video as a gentle reminder of the things you could do to take care of yourself physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Through her personal experiences recovering from severe ME/Chronic Fatigue syndrome, she is passionate about helping others live healthy, happy lives and to share the wisdom gained on her own health journey. In today’s busy, modern world, self-nourishment can fall down the list of priorities, leading to an unbalanced and stressful life, with a high chance of ill-health developing. People often realize too late that they have not been looking after themselves properly and meeting their own diverse needs for health and happiness. For many people they excel at looking after others, but not themselves, which often leads to exhaustion and frustration. It is important that we give ourselves the nourishment we need first –
so that we have enough energy to give to others, without risking burn out and ill-health.
Nothing was really said in this particular video because your mind is still too limited.
The spooky part is this is exactly how you can predict the movement of a price in the stock market.
Geometry = pivot points. Mathematics = fibonacci.
Combine these two and you will see the magic. I make a living on trading using this method.
Believe me, this really works in our daily life.
Research plasma energy…watch videos!!!
Look at 43:23 or 32:22 your number is ?
In 1965, American radio host Paul Harvey took to the airwaves with a grave warning of the fate of America.
This foreshadowing is crazy after watching everything he discussed come to fruition, no thanks to globalist communists. #TRUMP2020LANDSLIDE or we’re gone!️
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ41EGMQe-Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZK68Jemhm8