Proto-Trump = Truman

The Flag And The Cross has served a great part.
We Have Always Had A Great Presidents —
Step In When We Needed One. Trump#2020!!!

Before Starting back blogging about cancer after labor day —
thought I would type out a few thoughts for Labor Day Weekend.

The two presidents that shared low approval ratings and a penchant for ad hominem attacks on
political enemies. (Presently Trump’s Approval Rating has climbed back to 51% since
May 3rd when it stood at 39% when he was being blamed for his Covid-19 response.)

When President Harry S. Truman left office in January 1953, most Americans were glad
to see him go. Since the introduction of presidential approval ratings, Truman’s 32% rating was
the lowest for any departing president except for that of Richard Nixon, who 21 years later resigned
amid the Watergate scandal. Americans were tired of five consecutive — Democratic presidential terms.

The Depression and World War II were both over, and people wanted a different sort of leadership that could jump-start the economy. The outsider Truman had been an accidental president to begin with. When an ailing President Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for an unprecedented fourth term in 1944, worried Democrat insiders panicked. They feared that far-left-wing Vice President Henry Wallace might end up
As President if Roosevelt died in office.

Party pros replaced Wallace with the obscure Truman, a Missouri senator.
They assumed that if worse came to worst, the non-entity Truman would be a token caretaker president.
(Much Like Some Americans are concerned about Kamala Harris taking over for Joe Biden.) 
Earlier, Truman had been immersed in scandal, owing to his ties to corrupt Kansas City
political boss Tom Pendergast.

When Truman took office after Roosevelt’s death in April 1945, he knew relatively nothing about the
grand strategy of World War II. No one had told him anything about the ongoing atomic-bomb project.

But for the next seven-plus years, Truman shocked the country.
* Over the objections of many in his cabinet, he ordered the dropping of
two atomic bombs on Japan.

*Over the objections of most of the State Department,
he recognized the new state of Israel.

* Over the objections of the Roosevelt holdovers, he broke with wartime ally
the Soviet Union and crafted the foundations of Cold War Communist containment.

* Over the objections of many in the Pentagon, he integrated the armed forces.

* Over the objections of some of his advisers, he sent troops to the Korean Peninsula
to save South Korea from North Korean invasion.

* Over the objections of civil libertarians, he created the CIA.

* Over the objections of most Americans, he relieved controversial
five-star general and American hero Douglas MacArthur of his duties.

* Naturally, there were widespread calls in the press for Truman to resign and
spare the country any more humiliation.

Truman swore. He had nightly drinks and played poker with cronies.
And he shocked aides and the public with his vulgarity and crass attacks on political enemies.
Truman mocked the widely respected Senator William Fulbright as “Half-bright.”

In the pre-Twitter age, Truman could not keep his mouth shut.
When a reviewer for the Washington Post trashed Truman’s daughter’s concert performance,
Truman physically threatened him.

“It seems to me that you are a frustrated old man who wishes he could have been successful,”
Truman wrote in a letter to critic Paul Hume. “Someday I hope to meet you.
When that happens, you’ll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below!”

Truman trashed national icons — including the military that had just won World War II.
He reportedly said of MacArthur’s firing: “I didn’t fire him because he was a dumb son of a bitch although he was, but that’s not against the law for generals. If it was, half to three-quarters of them would be in jail.”

Truman was supposed to be slaughtered in the 1948 election.
Roosevelt’s holdover New Dealers made fun of his Midwestern parochialism. Democrats
had blown up the party during the 1948 nominating convention. Left-wingers, who could not stomach Truman, broke off and supported the progressive Henry Wallace as a third-party candidate. Democratic segregationists, who hated Truman’s military integration order, ran Senator Strom Thurmond as a fourth-party Dixiecrat alternative. Thurmond promised to keep the South racially segregated.

In the general election, polls predicted an easy win for Republican challenger Thomas Dewey. Instead, Truman won by a comfortable margin. With Truman’s second term due to expire, Democrats forgot his “the buck stops here” pragmatism. Instead, they returned to elite progressivism and nominated Adlai Stevenson,
a liberal’s liberal.

Stevenson lost both the 1952 and 1956 elections to General Dwight Eisenhower,
a national icon. For all his criticism of Truman, Ike governed more or less as Truman did.

It took a half-century for historians to concede that the feisty Truman had solid accomplishments, especially in foreign affairs. Even his vulgarity was eventually appreciated as integral to the image of “Give ’Em Hell” Harry. But if he’d had access to Twitter, or had a Robert Mueller to hound him, the loose-cannon Truman probably would have self-destructed in a flurry of ad hominem tweets.

An obsessed special prosecutor would have followed Truman’s checkered pre-presidential career all the way back to Kansas City to uncover likely unethical behavior.

Yet in the end, Truman proved successful because of what he did —
and in spite of what he said.

Trump revises Truman’s ‘buck stops’ motto:
President Harry Truman displayed a plaque on his desk that read, “The Buck Stops Here.”
This phrase meant that, regardless of the circumstances, whatever happened during his term of office was his responsibility as president. If President Donald Trump had a similar plaque on his desk, it would read,
“Whatever is Positive Stops Here; Anything Negative is Someone Else’s Fault.

”When asked why the inventory of masks, respirators, gowns and other medical supplies needed during the coronavirus pandemic was low at the federal level, Trump’s response was to blame someone else: in this case, President Barack Obama and his administration. When asked by a reporter during one of his many coronavirus news conferences about the lack of supplies, Trump’s response was that the shelves
were empty when he took office.

That was a ridiculous comment.

But, even if the inventory was lacking — and I don’t think it was —Trump and his administration had three years to make up any deficits. Why wasn’t this done?

This goes to the heart of Trump’s refusal, early on, to take important steps to deal with the potential pandemic that was about to affect the world. He finally took action but, by that time, thousands were infected in our country. We are indebted to the medical professionals tirelessly working to save lives. Similarly, thank you to those keeping supply chains moving, particularly the food supply chain. Kudos to all who work from home.

However, Trump can’t be fully blamed for every state having had different outcomes;
some Governors responded better than others. Despite the rioting in Portland Oregon. Governor Kate Brown had done an incredible job at keeping cases/death down in her state. Leading me to believe ‘really’ how contagious this pandemic can be if you’re outside.

That said, everybody should use personal responsibility. Everyone contributes:
Observing stay-home orders and social distancing recommendations has impacted our local economy dramatically. The economic development council asks residents to support local businesses. Some remain open to walk-in customers and some are providing alternative services such as delivery and curbside pickup.
Others are expanding online initiatives. All too many are shuttered, temporarily.

Order a take-out dinner from a local restaurant. Go to the local hardware store rather than a big-box enterprise. Purchase some gift cards or certificates to help local businesses with cash flow during these surreal times. Doing these things puts your money back into your community. Those who own, manage and work in these establishments are our neighbors and friends. Showing local support now will help speed the local recovery.

The “never Trumans” in the Democratic party were not much different from the Republicans’ never Trumpers, a group of neoconservatives who Trumpism has thrust into irrelevancy.
In the election of 1948, Southern Democrats rallied around Dixiecrat and South Carolina
Gov. Strom Thurmond, and Henry Wallace ran as a Progressive Party candidate.

So, how did Truman pull off the “miracle of ’48”?
In the last three months of the campaign, he adopted an ingenious strategy of running against the “do-nothing Republican Congress.” He fled Washington by train on his “whistle blow” tour through the heartland. He pitted the social and financial concerns of blue-collar Americans, farmers and faith-based voters against the moneyed interests and deep-pocketed lobbyists on the East Coast. This, of course, led to the populist, “Give ’em hell, Harry” rallying cry of Middle America.

He warned voters that if they “stay at home” on Election Day, they would only
“keep these reactionaries in power” and “deserve every blow you get.”
Trump should borrow this strategy from Truman. There is no economic or political gain
from swimming in the swamp and negotiating a “fiscal stimulus” bill with the Democrats
that will be larded up with special interest spending.
He should campaign against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s $three trillion monstrosity of a “stimulus” bill containing goody bags, paid for by taxpayers, to every liberal special interest group imaginable. That bill stimulates nothing but Pelosi’s contributor list — from teachers unions to environmental lobbyists to trial lawyers to government workers. Americans are disgusted by the opportunism of Democrats —
that would dare use a public health crisis to fund union pensions, the National Symphony Orchestra and environmental justice grants, whatever those are.
Trump is the modern-day Truman against a lifetime politician and his running mate, another lifetime politician — neither of whom have any business or job-creating experience. He could barnstorm around the country denouncing Democrat tax hikes and their obsession with issues such as climate change that would require strangling our energy industry. This would be cheered in China and Europe, but it would hobble America’s Midwestern industrial base and put millions of miners, drillers, truckers, construction workers and
other hard hats in unemployment lines.

Detroit auto worker who Biden snapped at over guns speaks out 🙁

The Democrats have been apologists for the rioters, gangs, looters and anarchists
who have burned down inner-city neighborhoods, harming the very minorities they say
they want to help. Trump could win the election as the candidate of public safety alone.
The most populist issue of all is to fully open the American economy in a safe and
effective way to reduce unemployment and get American families a paycheck.

Democrats have defined themselves as the lockdown party.

Truman used to say: “I didn’t give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
Trump’s special challenge is that, unlike Truman, he isn’t just up against a corrupt
East Coast elite core of deep-state, deep-pocketed lobbyists and the wealthy social snobs
who view Middle America as flyover country — He also must combat the bleed-blue media.
Given how unpopular the media is today, he can even turn the bias and blinding hatred at places such as CNN from a liability into an asset by again running against the fake news industrial complex. All of this is to say that voters need to be reminded daily that the left doesn’t just disdain Trump but also disdains the values and pro-America principles of Trump voters.  So its Time to rile up the “deplorables” once again, circa 1948 and 2016.
The TRUMP Fight Song [unofficial ] – TRUMP 2016
Presidents Trump’s accomplishments are numerous in his 1st term. 
6 Reasons Why the Iran Deal Was Bad for AmericaWATCH: 2:14
“Know Thyself” Kneel at the Cross, Stand for the Flag,
Cherish your Family, Seek the Truth, Honor your Country.

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