Your Life Does Not Get Better By Chance – It Gets Better By Change.
Who Do You Think You Are – Angry Kid (Special)
Reality being, it is not going to happen.
Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.
Whether it be changes within work, relationships, friendships – absolutely anything –
you will never see the changes you want manifest if you are not willing to make one yourself.
Progress is impossible without change.
What have you done today to change your life?
Many of us are guilty sometimes of just waiting for life to happen to us. We sit around forever,
waiting for some miracle to happen, hoping that somehow life will get better with minimal effort from us.
For many people, this way of thinking is leaving them crippled.
They want to become fit and healthy, or for their job prospects to improve,
but they’re too lazy to make that change.
They are stuck in the mentality that someday, somehow,
life is just going to work out – as if by chance.
I’m here to break the bad news: that is not how it works!
Sadly life doesn’t get better just by chance; it takes real, consistent change and commitment to building the life of your dreams. As self-help expert Darren Hardy says, people don’t just become ‘lucky’ – luck has to be earned.
He has a very simple formula for generating your own luck:
How to channel your next step AND TAKE ACTION ON IT!
Preparation (personal growth) + Attitude (belief/mindset) +
Opportunity (a good thing coming your way) + Action (doing something about it) = Luck.
That means that if you want to improve your circumstances, you’re going to have to put in some hard work first. But fortunately, that doesn’t need to be daunting.
First things first, you’ll need to start by looking at your daily habits and taking stock of what’s holding you back. What you do daily – even the seemingly little things – dictates who you’ll become later on in life.
These routines help to determine your future and shape your circumstances,
so you need to start by making sure you know exactly what direction your habits are taking you in.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”
This quote is often wrongly attributed to Albert Einstein but, whoever really said this, there’s a lot of truth in it.
Learn How To Control Your Thoughts And Mind – Inspiring Motivational Video
If you want something to be different, you’re going to have to do something different.
Continuing to do the same thing over and over again is only ever going to produce the same results –
and probably make you really frustrated in the process.
So let’s get real. If you want to make improvements in your business, you’re going to have to review your business, check out your competition, jiggle things around, ditch the things that aren’t working for you, and find new, creative ways to drive your business forward. If you want to improve your fitness, eating badly and sitting on the couch all day is not the way to go about it!
To reach that healthier level of fitness, you’re going to have to make some changes –
cut back on the unhealthy food in favor of a more nutritious diet,
and participate in daily fitness activities.
But I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, am I?
This is nothing new or groundbreaking – in fact, you’ve probably heard it a million times and,
deep down, you know exactly what you need to do.
Now’s the time for you to wake up, smell the coffee, and stop sleepwalking your way through life.
If you’ve made it this far, you’re already on the right track, so next, you just need to take the leap.
Today is the day to start making changes in your life – no more putting it off,
no more waiting around for those changes to fall from the sky and land in your lap.
Take control: think of one thing that you can start doing today that will help improve your life.
It doesn’t need to be anything big – maybe it’s going for a 20 minute run after work,
or learning something new about your industry.
Once you’ve made that tiny little change, think about what you could do tomorrow,
and the next day, and the next. Imagine how drastically your life will change, and how much more exciting your opportunities will become if you did just one thing differently each day. The results you’re looking for may not happen overnight, but you’ll very quickly begin to reap the reward.
Learning To Trust Yourself
Finding the capabilities to truly learn to trust yourself is anyone’s guess. Trusting you are making the right decisions, living the life you want to be living, befriending the appropriate people, cutting out the negative. Unsure and insecure, right? We’ve all had times of self-doubt, self-loathing, not feeling fulfilled with our lives.
It’s not exactly easy to learn how to let go of our hate.
We want to cling like a newborn baby because it has caused us hurt and
we’re not quite ready to let go and forgive a certain situation that has had a negative impact on us.
All we truly have is trust in ourselves before we can ever move onto our next achievement.
It is by trusting in yourself that you can make decisions in your life.
Every day we make decisions big and small that require us to trust in ourselves.
This can, of course, be challenged at times when something may happen in your life and create a negative impact. You may have to take a step back and wrap your thoughts and emotions around what has happened and how you can take the next step in moving forward. Sometimes it can be fixed, sometimes you have to let go and move on trusting in the powers that be to guide you. In life, we have to find what is important to us and for us. If that means making difficult decisions then so be it.
There will always be a critic, always! If you know this, it may just make things that bit easier.
Value your choices and trust the choices you make even if it results in outcomes you don’t necessarily want. Maybe you face losing someone or face negativity as a result of a choice you need to make in order to better yourself as a person and to better your life.
Hopefully, you’ll have a select few people that will be able to stand with you against the critics,
one way or the other. If you feel bad about something in your life, trust yourself in moving forward and try not to be afraid of what may or may not be. Do not be discouraged especially if you feel you are making the right decision even if faced with adversity.
It’s important to trust your decision and by doing so, you will build true trust within
yourself and leave the rest to fate or faith whatever your preference… leave it to that.
We can only hope it’ll work out, right?
Acknowledge what has gone before, tip your hat, smile and progress. It may be leading into the unknown,
but at least you’ll know yourself. Life’s lessons must be learned, it’s mother nature’s will, otherwise there would
be no purpose for your being. What are we if not ourselves? It is only and all of anything we ever can be!
Believe and trust in the next step and your answers will come. We cannot change people,
we can only change ourselves and through that hopefully, we can change the world one tiny piece
at a time and know that it was our contribution as a person that did it.
Forever transition, forever grow… let it go!