Chosen over the Eastern Wild Turkey:
The Bald Eagle has been the national bird of the United States since 1782 when it was placed with outspread wings on the Great Seal of our country. It appears in many government institutions and on official documents, making it the most pictured bird in all of America. The bald eagle was officially adopted as the emblem of the United States five years later, in 1787. The eagle is often a solar symbol, and can be linked to all sky gods.
It signifies inspiration, release from bondage, victory, longevity, speed, pride, father and royalty;
an emblem for powerful nations.
“Love is this road we call Life.”
As a youth, I wiggled and twisted and sometimes even looked at the road for long periods of time laying in the back window. “It was like hundreds of roads we’d driven over – no different – a stretch of tar, lusterless – the love of a new destination, scaly, bumpy, humping toward the center. On both sides of the road were telephone poles, tilted this way and that way and leaning one way or the other… There were billboards everywhere —
which made no sense to me.
And Down yonder an increasing clutter of them.
It was a tottering barn in a waste field, the Mail Pouch ad-half weathered away.
Large woods: spring blooms and fever autumn color – leafless now – the bare branches netting darkly against the sky. Then down, where the road curved away, a big white farmhouse, trees on the lawn, picket fence – and above it all, way up, a television aerial, struck by the sun, and family restaurants and motels that glared neon.
“When you return back to the road that you have beautiful memories from the past,
the road starts talking to you!”
I guarantee if I did anything like that today, it would for sure get my father a ticket.
“To release ourselves from accountability of our choices is to say that we can be ‘reckless’ without causing a ‘wreck.’ And maybe that’s why the road of life looks more like a parking lot.” Another difference about the child in me …was that I would fall asleep in one location and wake up in another.
Life in the late 60’s and 70’s was so peaceful and serene. Most of our Dad’s were WWII or Korean war vets and we respected them for it. They taught us the important standards of life “the Golden Rule” treat others the way you would want to be treated and that of respecting your elders which helped them
pull out of the Great Depression in the Early to Mid 50’s.
Life back then was tough prior to Interstate Highways without power steering driving
a truck took war time character.
“Sometimes the best way to find your road is to get lost. Sometimes the only way to find a way is to get lost.” “Sometimes you can’t see the road ahead but as you keep going, it gets clearer.
Stay the course as the fog of life dissipates.” “Many past mistakes pave the road to future discoveries.”
“What’s the point of complaining about past history and our tragedies, obstacles, and scars?
What’s the point of playing the role of victim?
It’s your road, you’ve walked and been barefoot among all the difficulties!
“Just like a GPS, the universe sends you signs to show you the best course.
What’s the point of revealing your misery to others no matter how close they are?
I am sure too that you know your way, and your heart will guide you to the best destination
if you only trust the light within…” No one will ever feel your pain or how much it hurts.
No one will understand your fears or why you suddenly couldn’t hold on anymore.
“In Today’s World – People are so easily offended and divided by the Democrats’ Neanderthal
thoughts of a better life through socialism. As Life becomes filled with unanswered questions
by non listeners, it takes courage to seek those answers that continue to give meaning to your life.
In today’s world we can spend our life wallowing in despair from the violence around us and a globe filled
with madness. Wondering why we were the one’s who were led towards the road strewn with pain,
be assured that we are a collected society strong enough to survive it.”
In my travels through out the 50 States: I have learned:
“No man is brave that has never driven a thousand miles. If you want to know the truth of who you are,
drive until not a person knows your name. Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine,
crueler than mirror-glass. A long stretch of road will teach you more about yourself than
a hundred years of quiet introspection.”
ALL THE WHILE Viewing the Mackinac Bridge over Lake Michigan in your rear view mirror.
“How little we understand of the gifts we have been given or the shape of the path until
we reach our salvation.”
“All my life it has always come back to one thing, my need to feel free and the need to feel the breeze,
the ride provides a freedom this free spirit needs, where every road is another blessed memory, a new experience to carry inside my journey, a sense of belonging to a familiar tribe,
a brotherhood that goes beyond the small town cliques and nepotism.”
Travel Photography: Photographing All 50 States
“Intelligence arouses fear and respect, the lack of it keeps one on the narrow minded road of disrespect, stupidity and an inferiority complex.” So get out and smile at the world around you and
realize the world is not what it seems.
“Why does every road eventually narrow into a point at the horizon?
Because that’s where the point lies.” “Let us search the old highways.”
“They say life is a highway and we all travel our own roads, filled with subdivisions and cul-de-sac
and the road that leads to nowhere. But for others …. might just be the road that leads to somewhere
(HOME and Where The heart is!”)
Some good, some bad, yet each is a blessing of its own.”
“It’s the ride of life, the journey from here to there living and loving every moment like we have none to spare.” “Could America Present: have been the fork in the road we never took, at a singular point we jumped the wrong way from? Might there have been fewer crimes in the name of Jesus,
and more mercy in the name of Judas?
God Bless The Broken Road!!!
Throughout history has taught us that a tough road creates a strong person!”
“You will come to many crossroads throughout your life!
Sometimes you will be very lucky because both ways will be the right way.
Sometimes you will be very unlucky because both ways will be the wrong way!”
“The road may be long, tortuous and wearied. But the resulting success is enduring, sure and sweet.
The fool abandons hope in the wearied journey of life.
The wise gets going – holding firmly to the promise of a better tomorrow.
He that gives up too soon fails to understand that life rewards with success only those who cling on to hope against hope. “Sometimes, the road that you don’t know, is the road that you will find the answer you should know.” “Some roads steal your time; some roads steal your comfort and some roads steal your heart!”
“If this journey of life is only walked alone it will be a long and lonely hard road to follow.”
“If you don’t go to very difficult roads, you will only reach places where everyone reaches!”
“Those who run to see the end of the road will miss the road itself —
when they see that there is nothing at the end of the road!”
“All the roads that I’ve taken have taken me back to myself.
To the dreams of that little boy in the back glass wondering what life was all about.
“If you are not asking when the road will end, where the road is going, when the weather will darken,
what are the dangers on the road, you should know that you are traveling on a great road!
On a fascinating road, you only think about the beauty of the road, you never ask questions!”
“All your life, you will always encounter two roads:
One is easy, the other one is difficult –
One is flat, the other one is steep!
For glory and honor and for real success, choose the hard road!”
“It is good to go boldly and quickly on some roads, but on some roads it is absolutely necessary
to go with fear and very slowly! Fear and slow moves can help you stay alive on those dangerous curves that occur in life!” “And an Education is the journey in which roads never ends.”
And remember: “If there’s a there — there’s a road that’ll take you there.”
“The road listens — It believes in you and will take you there.”
Tiffany Markins this was my take on our chat last night
“Only the righteous path leads us the right way”
GOD BLESS Donald J. Trump and The Republican Party
DJT – We Share The Same Birthday – June 14 | Flag Day!!!