“Hope is seeing the light, despite being surrounded by darkness”
When I first went to Facebook to discover people that went through cancer and prevailed.
I Began blogging those cancer survivor stories in Solitarius.org which you can find through
the search bar in the upper right hand corner below the mountain scene in this blog.
I had many people come at me wondering what I have researched about Lyme Disease…
telling them I never really gave it much thought as they told me not many doctors do either and
for those with Lyme Disease its much like the death sentence given cancer patients.
Therefore, I also started to blog post about Lyme Disease as well!!!
Lyme Disease Facts That You Should Know
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria.
This bacterium is spread by infected blacklegged ticks also known as deer ticks.
Treating Lyme disease can be difficult because the bacteria are not easily destroyed and have a history of bouncing back. Moreover, antibiotics, which are the only US FDA approved Lyme treatments, attempt to control the symptoms but cannot stop recurrent attacks as the bacteria tend to get resistant to antibiotics. Hence a healthy immune system is most important and there are no drugs or conventional medicines that boost immunity. On the other hand, Ayurveda and Homeopathy have various researched ways to boost immunity with specific herbs and nosodes.
You may speak with our Homeopaths & Ayurvedic Doctors to boost your immunity and balance your being by clicking here.
You may view our evidence based products here.
Biogetica Doctors Carefully Evaluate all Research
Before Formulating our Groundbreaking Kits.
There has been growing research on numerous herbs, homeopathic ingredients and supplements globally for boosting the immune system.
Below is information on the more compelling and popular ingredients that we have found after studying all possibilities from traditional medicine systems and the latest research available today.
We strive each day to give natural medicine the respect it deserves and hope that you will join us in this quest today. We vow to be with you every step of the way on the road from disease to ease that manifests each day!
Herbal Research
This peer reviewed and published research has most probably not been studied or approved by the FDA in your country as a cure of Lyme disease. The FDA of each land is the only authority that can decide if something is a cure or not and hence no claims can be made and you are advised to see a local Doctor for Lyme disease. However, you’re welcome to take these herbs for immunity. Generally Ayurveda is only accepted as medicine in India. Homeopathy is considered medicine in most parts of the world but can only be used for over the counter issues in the USA.
Olive Leaf Extract: The active principle (main substance) in Olive leaf extract is Oleuropein.
This substance is believed to form a barrier field around the infected cells which may help
in inhibiting the infection.
Studies suggest that this herb may help boost the immune system against foreign invaders.1
Astragalus: This herb is believed to possess properties that may potentially boost the immune system and protect the body against foreign invaders. Laboratory tests have indicated that astragalus may enhance the functions of the natural killer cells, which can successfully inhibit cell invasion.2
Echinacea purpurea: This herb is believed to potentially empower the immune cells, so that they can inhibit bacteria, viruses and abnormal cells. Research on Echinacea species has indicated that the plant possesses properties that may inhibit infective agents by increasing the overall activity of infection-fighting cells and enhancing immunity.3
Homeopathic Research
Veratrum virdi: This natural ingredient is used in homeopathy for various conditions. Clinical investigations suggest that it may boost the immune system and is useful in managing inflammatory responses.4
Ledum palustre: This homeopathic remedy is traditionally used for insect bites and in certain conditions of the joints. Studies suggest that it may be beneficial in painful and inflammatory conditions.5
We hope and wish that countries across the globe study this research in the interest of public health and then do the best they can for their citizens that are suffering. Lyme disease today is a global pandemic and solving it for the sake of humanity must take precedence over any patent for profit pharmaceutical agendas and intentions!
Whether you are Suffering From Lyme Disease or not,
it is a Great Idea to Keep Your Immunity Boosted!
Herbs, Supplements, Ayurveda and Homeopathy are all believed to help keep your immunity boosted! Biogetica brings them into your life from the far corners of this earth, in a unique set of products and services designed to accompany you back to health and wellness.
Consult With one of our Homeopathic or Ayurvedic Specialists Now!
Our Natural Health Practitioners will guide you to understand and balance your constitution, and boost your immune system. Now is a great moment to start the journey back to health and freedom!
Each journey begins with one step.
Homeopathy considers healing of the entire being and not only the physical manifestations. Thus, Homeopathy aims to achieve balance across the molecular and vibrational nature of life to live with ease. When the immune system or internal vitality of the human body is deranged, it becomes incapable of keeping itself disease free. Homeopathy helps to balance and restore that vitality. Once the vitality is restored to its original state,
it is able to function optimally without any external aid.
The complementary advice of our naturally inclined Homeopathic or Ayurvedic practitioners does not replace the advice of a licensed Doctor in your state. Our message is one of love, not hate.
We don’t claim to cure or treat any disease, but vow to be with you every step of the way, to ease.
Browse Through our FULL SPECTRUM Immunity Boost Kits
Our Full spectrum kits are a synergistic combination of evidence based natural solutions that will potentially lead us back to health and freedom. Our multidisciplinary natural kits meticulously deliver
the best the earth has to offer to your doorstep.
P.S. We put people before profits and will deliver these services to you against any donation
if you truly cannot afford them. You may email us on admin@biogetica.com if you wish
to avail of this donation based program.
Biogetica’s mission is to provide you with integrated natural solutions that target root issues across the physical, energetic and informational spectrum of your life. Our Doctors research all possible ingredients and combine them synergistically into kits to potentially lead you back to health and freedom.
Biogetica’s approach to healing is based on the following aspects:
1. Heal the Entire Being:
Biogetica has a unique and comprehensive Holographic model of healing which synthesizes all the traditional natural health systems to simultaneously ease physical, mental, emotional layers of your being. You, as a living, thinking, feeling, vibrating being, are much more than a collection of inter-related chemical processes. You are life itself. Life can never be reduced to a series of chemical reactions as chemical reactions cannot create life.
Every thought, emotion, vibration or action leads to a series of chemical changes in the body. Biogetica recognizes this and balances the ENTIRE BEING, bringing mind, body, and soul into harmony. Treating an ailment on a molecular level alone, seldom has a lasting effect as the untreated social, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic patterns cause the ailment to manifest once again on a physical plane. Holistic healing is necessary for lasting relief. Biogetica, therefore, uses Resonance Homeopathic to harmonize the entire being; flower essences to attune the mind; Ayurvedic, Tibetan, and Chinese herbs to balance the energetic and the physiological manifestation of the five elements; and nutraceuticals to coordinate cellular nutrition.
2. Look for Natural Solutions:
Our bodies are made of and supported by nature and therefore can only be healed by nature in the long term. Chemicals are often necessary for immediate change in an acute situation but tend to do the body more harm than good in the long run. Hence, Biogetica’s Doctors are dedicated to providing natural solutions that are supported by evidence and prior use. To us, the argument is fairly obvious: One would use wood to fix a desk made of wood or metal to fix a car made of metal, so why use chemicals to fix a body made of nature?
Nature has blessed the Earth with natural remedies and healing mechanisms. It would be wise not to ignore them. The intelligence of nature is much greater than that of man. Unfortunately, man still focuses on chemical medicines, as they can be patented and sold for huge profits. Allopathic attempts to treat chronic ailments by interfering directly with the chemical processes using man-made substances have essentially been a failure.
We claim to be cracking the gene code, but we still can’t cure a cold with man-made substances!!!
Homeopathic and Naturopathic methods are never studied and verified by governing bodies, as there is no one who will spend millions obtaining an approval on herbs, knowing that they cannot be patented and sold exclusively by them.
3. Appeal to the Balancing Forces Inherent in all Nature:
Life cannot be recreated with chemical interactions and there is much more to life than molecular interactions. Our bodies are the most advanced pharmacies on the planet and millions of functions happen each minute with astounding precision. Biogetica therapies are designed to appeal to the balancing forces apparent in all nature by reminding and stimulating the body towards a certain function. The nutraceuticals in our kits provide specific nutrition for a function, the herbs in our kits balance the terrain of the body so that it is able to perform that function and the resonance homeopathies are designed to remind the body to be in resonance with that very function.
4. From Medication to Meditation:
Good health and freedom involve every aspect of our being including diet, lifestyle, exercise, emotional states, thoughts and energetic patterns. Biogetica Drs. have therefore designed diet, nutrition, exercise, and meditation protocols specific to various life situations.
We encourage you to actively partake in these for best results.