Hey Tiffany Markins:
An abstract writing much like art provides definitions and examples of the two main types of abstracts: descriptive and informative. It provides general guidelines and general tips for you to keep in mind which are thought provoking. Finally, its NEW AGE abstracts broken down into their components.
Much like abstract art and why Lincoln wears the sunglasses in the above Artwork.
Solitarius is Abstracting and indexing subjects aimed at compiling a body of literature for
A particular subject designed to draw the attention of the person reading it.
Charlie from Top 10s counts down Stephen Hawking’s Warning For #2020!
The scientist Stephen Hawking gave some warnings and predictions for the far future as well as the new year and decade we are going into: 2020! Here are his biggest predictions for the future of the Earth including robots and going to new planets & universes like SpaceX going to Mars! #Future #Animation
If 2020 hasn’t been crazy enough:
The “God of Chaos” Asteroid That Might Hit Earth
2020 QG —originally known by its internal designator ZTF0DxQ—is an Earth-crossing near-Earth asteroid (NEO) and potentially hazardous object (PHO) that flew by Earth at a distance of ~2,900 kilometres (1,800 mi) (less than one-quarter of Earth’s diameter) on 16 August 2020. The car-sized asteroid flew past our home planet in the closest flyby of such space rocks on record and scientists hardly had any information about it until it departed. The first image of this record-setting space rock, asteroid 2020 QG, was taken by a NASA-funded facility six hours after the closest point of approach as the asteroid was heading away from Earth.
The SUV-sized asteroid was discovered by two students of IIT-Bombay, hailing from Pune and Haryana.
The students are Kunal Deshmukh and Kritti Sharma—working on a research project to hunt for Near Earth Asteroids—who discovered the celestial object just hours later using data from
the robotic Zwicky Transient Facility, (ZTF), California. — IANS
The asteroid passed 2,950 kilometres above the southern Indian Ocean on Sunday at 12.08 am EDT
(9.38 pm India time), NASA said, “The asteroid was small – roughly the size of a large car – so would most likely have broken up in the Earth’s atmosphere anyway without causing harm. Paul Chodas, director of Nasa’s Centre for Near-Earth Studies, said: “It’s really cool to see a small asteroid come by this close, because we can see the Earth’s gravity dramatically bend its trajectory,” and “Our calculations show that this asteroid got turned by 45 degrees or so as it swung by our planet.”
NASA Warning: Massive Asteroid Approaching Earth!
As if Earth didn’t have enough going on right now — In yet another 2020 surprise:
An asteroid heading towards the Earth has a fraction of a percentage chance of colliding with the planet, according to Nasa. There are reports an asteroid is heading our way and could reach —
Within 300 Miles Of Earth November 2020 Election Eve’
NASA has predicted a small asteroid heading towards the Earth has a 0.41 percent chance
of hitting the planet one day before the US presidential election that is scheduled for November 3.
NASA scientists have predicted that the asteroid “2018VP1” with a diameter of 0.002 km (about 6.5 feet)
will pass near Earth one day before the 2020 US election, reports the CNN.
Although the chance of the asteroid hitting the earth is extremely slim. The space agency is saying that there could be three potential impacts “based on 21 observations spanning 12.968 days. This report comes days after an asteroid the size of a small car just flew by our planet at an extremely close distance? The good news is it was only about the size of a car, however, NASA had absolutely no idea that it was coming.
Response to Globebusters – The Earth Still Isn’t Flat.
It was first identified when Astronomers spotted the object from Palomar Observatory in San Diego County
in 2018 followed by a 13 day observation arc and have not been detected since. Asteroid 2018VP1 is currently projected to come close to Earth sometime during the day before the 2020 presidential election on Nov. 3, according to NASA. The asteroid will likely come as close to between 4,700 miles and 260,000 miles
of Earth, according to Forbes.
The good news is there is only a 1 in 240 (0.41%) chance of the asteroid entering earth’s atmosphere and because the asteroid is only around 7 feet in diameter, if it does manage to enter the Earth’s atmosphere, it would appear as an extremely bright meteor and break up into tiny pieces. The logarithmic scale used by astronomers to rate the potential hazard of impact of an asteroid rates 2018VP1 Actual scale values less than – 2 reflect events for which there are no likely consequences, while Palermo Scale values between -2 and 0 indicate situations that merit careful monitoring. For the past 290 million years, large asteroids have been crashing into Earth more than twice as often as they did in the previous 700 million years, according to a 2019 study in the journal Science. Asteroids still only hit Earth on average every million or few million years,
even with the increased crash rate.
NASA’s list of potential big space rock crashes shows no pending major threats.
The biggest known risk is a 4,200-foot wide asteroid with a 99.988% chance that it
will miss Earth when it flies very near here in 861 years.
2020 is the most interesting year ever, isn’t it? –
Oh, 2020 please give up!
Along with the Lockdown from Covid-19, killer bees, hurricanes, fire tornados,
what else ya got 2020 to throw at us and to think about…
AND what would we see if we could journey through time, from Earth’s birth up to its death?
Watch the (video below) on a voyage through time, from planetary creation to
the blossoming of life, from the first civilizations to the planet’s ultimate demise.