with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
The Sound of Footsteps – Motivational Video
Take a moment & read this ~ it’s good.
Sami Roberts
Our Global Nations are hurting. Lord, we need You!
Please sweep through the world and heal this land.
Restore our strength, renew our minds, and cast out anything that’s not of You.
In Your Son, Jesus’ name, WE pray. Amen.
You cannot move on ~ until we accept: • you will not receive closure in every situation
• you cannot change people, no matter how much you think they need change.
• some people won’t apologize because they can’t • some things cannot be explained
• people can only change themselves • So you can’t change everybody!!!
The world needs more love and less opinions.
Today and every day, God’s got you.
Let go of what’s holding you back. God has better things ahead.
When life doesn’t go as planned, remember that God knows best.
Thank you Jesus for putting the best people in my life. A life that feels good on the inside is so much more important than a life that just looks good on the outside, The sooner you realize that some people aren’t meant to be in your life forever the better. Just tell yourself to be thankful for the season you had and let go.
No hard feelings. The sooner you realize that some people aren’t meant to be in your life forever the better.
Just tell yourself to be thankful for the season you had and let go. No hard feelings.
I’m a firm believer in “be the kind of person who makes everybody feel like somebody.”
If you’re having one of those days where it feels like you’re completely on your own,
please know that God is with you.
My best friend said, “at some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live in
what is happening” and that’s good advice for everyone. No matter the truth, people see what they want to see,
but God knows everything and that’s all that matters.
Racism is a heart problem. It hurts me that there are people too full of hate and too full prejudice
to see that we are all God’s children.
Today I saw something that said, “don’t be afraid to lose people; be afraid of losing yourself trying to please everyone around you” and that’s so important
I saw a quote that said, “Speak to people in a way that if they died the next day you’d be satisfied with the last thing you said to them,” and I can’t emphasize this enough. I don’t know what you’re going through right now, but I want to say this: Don’t hurry through it & don’t hide in pain. Talk to God about your hurt & allow
Him be your strength to keep going one day at a time.
My pastor said, “Jesus has so much more for you than what you’re holding onto”
and that’s something everyone should hear. “when it feels like your back’s against the wall and you can’t keep going, God is fighting for you” and that’s so important to remember during the hard days. even on the bad days,
remember God has a plan for your future.
Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
– John 13:7
“If you have the chance to make people happy, just do it. Sometimes people are struggling silently.
Maybe, your act of kindness can make their day.” Today I heard a pastor say,
“God isn’t comparing you like you’re comparing you” and that’s so important to remember.
Do you ever think about how your life would be if you would’ve made just
one decision differently or is it just me???
Jesus has my heart. Shining for Him. Always smiling. Stop trying to prove yourself to others
when what God knows about you matters most. God made you for a purpose. Don’t doubt it.
This year has taught me to appreciate everything and take nothing for granted.
When looking back doesn’t interest you anymore, you’re doing something right. Keep moving forward.
Friendly reminder that Jesus is greater than whatever you are facing right now. Maybe you’d do parts of your life differently if you could, but don’t discount what you’ve been through and the person you’ve become. everything happens for a reason. Through absolutely everything, I know Jesus is with me. Kindness matters because life is hard and people have feelings. Jesus said to love one another and that includes everyone.
Read that again.
“Stop waiting for Friday, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life.
Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you
are in now.” I don’t know who needs to hear this but please remember that no matter how alone you feel…
God is always with you. I’m that person who will go shopping with you and tell you to buy everything you like.
Sorry, not sorry.
The only way to sleep is with a fan on. sorry, I don’t make the rules.
Praying for your friends is so important. you never know what they could be going through that they don’t talk about. Shoutout to the people who haven’t felt okay lately, but get up everyday and refuse to quit. stay strong.
First impressions are important, but so are second chances. read that again. If this year has taught me anything, it’s that you never know what the future holds. I’m such a believer in “it’s so important to love someone a little extra on their bad days.” Whatever you’re worried about, God is taking care of it for you.
The pain that you’ve been feeling, can’t compare to the joy that’s coming. Romans 8:18
Friendly reminder that God’s not comparing you to others, so you shouldn’t be comparing yourself to others either. just focus on being who He made you to be. Maybe everything you’re going through is God preparing you for something great. I’m such a believer in “you’re only as pretty as you treat people.”
How would I describe 2020?? Well, when Michael Scott said,
“I’m going through a little bit of a rough patch, the whole year actually” that pretty much sums it up.
People may let you down, but God never will. He’s always by your side.
Just because someone seems okay on the outside doesn’t mean they’re okay on the inside. don’t forget to check on your friends. When everything seems like it’s falling apart, that’s when God is putting things together in just the right way. I think part of trusting God is looking to the future with excitement and not worry or dread.
Be the reason someone feels welcomed, loved, heard, seen, and supported today.
Don’t ever let someone make you feel bad for doing what’s best for you.
Respect yourself enough to walk away from what you want when you know it’s not what you deserve.
Just because some people don’t like you, doesn’t mean you need to change.
You should never change to please others. Be who God made you to be and you’ll be okay.
Don’t ever assume you know what someone else is going through or what their life is like because you don’t.
Everyone is going through something. Be kind.
There is always a purpose for your pain with God. keep going. Nothing is too big for God to handle.
Whatever you’re going through, you’re not going through it alone. God’s got you.
Even in uncertain times, I’m certain that God still has a plan. you never know whose life may be impacted because of you. be kind. build others up. go out of your way to show love. 0ne of my biggest goals is to make my parents proud. You won’t have to chase what God sent and that’s how you’ll know it’s right.
Whatever it is you’ve prayed about today,
God is saying, “I got you.”
Do you ever just wish you could go back in time and do a few things differently??
I don’t know who needs to hear this but the world would be so different without you in it. “Don’t be afraid to lose people, be afraid of losing yourself trying to please everyone around you” YES. always keep in mind that God knows what’s best for you. If people don’t respect or appreciate you …you shouldn’t be in their life. Don’t ignore the signs you asked God to show you. Pay attention to the people who make you feel your best when you’re around them.. friendly reminder that nothing good comes from tearing down other people so don’t be that person. be kind. I’m a strong believer that a little bit of kindness goes a long way.
“At some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live in what is happening”
and that’s good advice for everyone. Actions speak louder than words.
Loving God changes how you love others and how others see you. Today, I’m praying for peace and rest in all the hearts of people who are fighting unseen battles that others know nothing about. If there’s one thing I’m absolutely sure about it’s that God is good. If you wouldn’t like it done to you, don’t do it to others.
Read that again.
In the words of Michael Scott, “Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice, strike three.”
Be the person that will help others find their way back to God.
When God closes a door, don’t keep pulling on the handle. Let It Go.
MAY His presence go before you and behind you, and beside you all around you,
and within you He is with you, He is with you!
When God tells you no He is simply protecting you from less than His best.
It’s such a good feeling just driving around on a sunny day with the windows down & music up.
“Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so you will discover that He is the rock at the bottom. ”WOW.
Whatever you’re holding on to, pray and give it to God. Don’t try and manipulate or force the outcome.
Be strong, have faith, and trust Him to open the right door at the right time.
If you have the opportunity to make someone happy, do it. Sometimes people are struggling silently and your kindness could mean everything. Today I read, “God didn’t remove the Red Sea, He opened it. Just because God hasn’t removed your problem, doesn’t mean He won’t provide a way through it” and that’s a good reminder for everyone. Pay close attention to the people you feel your best around and the people you feel your worst around. The Same God that created mountains, oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you too. Imitation is the highest form of flattery