How to Slow Down Cancer Naturally

Natural Ways To Stop Cancer Cells From Growing And Spreading
The fatal nature of cancer lies not so much in the tumor that develops; it’s the spread of cancer throughout the body that’s most lethal. A new health breakthrough turned the tables a little bit and opted not to look at what natural substances can fight a tumor — but rather, which ones can slow the spread of cancer.
And it’s led to some enlightening and positive news for treating cancer.
Metastatic tumors are the cause of more than 90% of cancer related deaths. Metastasis formation can be considered as a culmination of the Darwinian evolutionary process within the tumor, when competition of multiple clones results in the development of cell inherent traits that favor tumor dissemination. Cancer stem cells (CSC) which possess self-renewal properties and genomic instability are considered to be an engine of tumor evolution. Cancer cells which have the capacity to colonize distant organs have the features of CSC and, in addition, exert their tumor-initiating capacity under adverse microenvironmental conditions. Recent studies support an idea that metastases can be driven by the evolved and selected subpopulations of CSC. In this review we discuss the common hallmarks of CSC and metastasis initiating cells (MIC) and prospects for the development of anti-metastatic therapy.

Five short stories about stem cells and cancer
Elyn Jacob’s  is a certified cancer coach and strategist and a two-time breast cancer survivor. She empowers men and women to successfully navigate the process of treatment and care. Elyn knows that cancer treatment requires an individualized plan, as every cancer is unique and there is not one plan for treatment that fits the needs of all–and she knows that healing often requires diverging from the medical standard of care.
All too often people are pushed into a path for treatment that does not suit his or her core needs or desires.
Many people find it a challenge to find a doctor who can hear and respond to their opinions and questions,
and who dismiss holistic treatment options.
Elyn’s own experiences with breast cancer enables her to deeply understand the questions and concerns faced by those affected by cancer. Her mission is to ensure that her client’s voice is heard and her goal is to help people find the right treatment, doctors, and post cancer care–and most importantly, to discover and correct the root cause of one’s cancer.
Elyn has published in the peer-reviewed  Journal of Cancer Biology and Treatment and Archives of General Internal Medicine.
Learn how you can help prevent recurrence and minimize the treatment side effects and resulting effects that compromise your health and well-being. Empower yourself to go beyond the current standard of care to resolve the reason for your cancer and to heal yourself of cancer.
While Elyn is grateful to have received the 2013 Best of Manhattan award and the Breast Cancer Wellness 2014 Ambassador of the Year award, the most important reward is helping others to improve not just quantity of life, but quality of life as well. Elyn knows that it is not enough to treat cancer; the goal is to beat cancer.
Her goal is making the lives of cancer patients as long and high-quality as possible.
She is passionate about helping others get past their cancer and into cancer-free lives.

Cancer Fighting Supplements
According to (the government’s website for research articles in the medical fields)
There are over 100,000 articles about Glutathione! This is a huge number, and highlights just how important
of a molecule Glutathione is. Glutathione is the “Mother” of all antioxidants and one of the few that the human body makes endogenously (that’s a fancy way of saying it’s made inside the body).
It is also vitally important for detoxification.
While you may typically think of a detox as something you do once or twice a year, glutathione is in it for the long haul, working around the clock, every day, to remove the toxins that can make us sick. Suffice to say, it’s one of the most important nutrients not just for optimal detoxification but also for optimal health. In fact, glutathione is such an important compound that researchers are starting to suggest that levels of this critical nutrient are predictive of longevity.
Glutathione is the second-most abundant molecule in the body, just behind water (a clue of just how important it is to health). It is made up of three amino acids—glycine, cysteine, and glutamate. It is present in every cell but especially concentrated in the liver where it plays a major role in phase II detoxification, the stage in which glutathione binds to toxic molecules to prepare them to be removed from the body.

A family of enzymes called glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) is responsible for binding glutathione to these toxins—which can include excess hormones, man made chemicals, environmental pollutants, pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals—preparing them for excretion. Once it has attached to the toxic molecules, glutathione helps make them water soluble so they can easily be flushed from the body. If it weren’t for glutathione, toxins would back up in our bodies, leading to illness and disease; indeed, depletion of glutathione in humans is linked to diseases like cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and cardiovascular disease.

Give Your Glutathione Levels A Boost!
Glutathione is naturally produced in the body, but aging, poor diet, alcohol, stress, intense exercise, This bombardment from so many angles can make it difficult to maintain healthy glutathione levels, but the good news is that there are plenty of effective ways to naturally boost production of this health promoting nutrient. Glutathione is found in some foods, but it is not very effective at increasing your levels because it is broken down during digestion, with only a small amount making it to your tissues.
That said, there are foods that increase the activity of GST enzymes (those enzymes that help glutathione attach to toxins during detoxification). High-sulfur foods like garlic, onions, broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, and cauliflower contain the compound sulforaphane which is the primary inducer of GST enzymes. Broccoli sprouts have also been shown to be an exceptional way of increasing GST enzymes. In addition to eating an abundance of these foods, there are specific nutrients you can take to build your glutathione levels.
The unique study, which comes out of Washington State University, led to the conclusion that diet, nutrients and natural chemicals within plants (like flavonoids) could possess abilities to halt cancer in its tracks.
It was published online in the journal

“Cancer and Metastasis Reviews.”
Dr. David Brownstein notes  cancer starts with iodine deficiencies—  just as it does with
 low oxygenation of tissues with no one looking into the fact that low iodine and low oxygenation of tissues are directly related. Doctors are still scratching their heads wondering why cancer rates have been exploding but do not pay attention to doctors like Brownstein who has seen over 90 percent deficiency rates among his patients and reports other doctors seeing the same.

Copper and zinc are essential nutrients necessary to sustain the health and function of the human body.
These two metal compounds naturally exist in the environment around us including our food and water but can pose major health complications if they are concentrated in our bodies inadequately. Up until 1963, clinicians did not even question the possibility that zinc deficiency may cause serious health symptoms nevertheless
pose a fatal threat (5). 
Since then, an increasing rate of chronic illness and disease has caused researchers to further investigate how both metal toxicity and deficiency affect our health and wellbeing. Symptoms of a copper and zinc imbalance are plentiful and can lead to total body dysfunction if left untreated. Learn if your symptoms are signs that a low copper and high zinc nutrition plan can improve your quality of life. 
You can test your copper to zinc ratio through a simple hair mineral analysis.  

RECOMMENDED: New Therapies on the Horizon as We Learn How Cancer Spreads

Dietary needs of these wandering cells could prove to be an Achilles heel.

Top 24 Most Well Researched Cancer Fighting Foods
The researcher focused on genes that stop the process of “metastasis,” which is one of the scariest
terms in all of health. That is clinical term for cancer spreading. Searching through the medical literature,
the researcher found that the link between nutrients and metastasis is not a common topic in studies.
People tended to study the genes that suppress metastasis, but not substances that could be
playing a role in that suppression.
So the researcher looked harder into the studies and documented a group of such substances that directly seemed to affect the genes of different cancer that control its spread.
That list of substances included vitamin D (of course, as this is a huge disease-fighter), several amino acids, ginseng, lycopene (the cancer-fighter within tomatoes that turns them red), ethanol, pomegranate juice, curcumin, and Omega 3 fatty acids and it’s always important to remember that fish oil can turn rancid if it sits around to long and its derivative plant source is a better choice.

These, and others, affected cancer of the breast, colon, prostate, skin and lung.
These substances, some of the most popular in alternative medicine, were able to turn metastasis suppressor genes on or off. Therefore, what you choose to eat, or perhaps buy in the supplement shop, could affect the spread of tumor cells. Unfortunately, this is an area that has not been well studied — but, of course, should be. Why don’t we spend more time studying the cancer-fighting nutrients within easy-to-find foods rather than constantly focusing attention on drugs?

Not surprisingly, the researcher calls for more investigation into how nutrients and metastasis are connected. Also, it is clear that there are many more natural compounds out there, more chemicals found within food cures, that haven’t even been looked into yet. The answers to fighting cancer will be found in nature —
the hard part is the search.

Starving Cancer
Dr. William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game. And when it comes to fighting cancer, many believe that it is possible to starve cancer with the foods we put into our bodies. One believer is Dr. Li , ( ), who claims that eating cancer-fighting foods cuts off the supply lines that feed cancer cells (or anti-angiogenesis).  Since ancient times, people have been constantly exploring the possibility of ageless beauty – Agelessness , how to improve the nutrition of the cells to achieve the purpose of disease prevention and treatment, so as to achieve the human body’s natural life of 120 years? Maybe here you can find your answer …人类自古以来,即不断探索不老的可能,如何通过改善细胞的营养来达到防病治病的目的,从而达到人体的自然寿命120岁?也许在这你能找到你的答案…

9 Amazing Natural Foods to Stop Cancer (New Cancer Information)
Cancer is one of the biggest killers in America and worldwide. It’s often diagnosed in it’s later stages and at that point it may be too late.  Even when it’s diagnosed early on the medical system strongly pushes chemotherapy which leaves the patient struggling for life and vitality itself. The chemotherapy then weakens the body and can and often does kill the cancer patient faster than no treatment at all. A 25 year study done by the University of California Berkeley found this to be true, you can read about that study here.  With that being said, catching cancer before it proliferates and grows out of control is a big advantage to you and your health and could literally save your life. Not only that but the two most powerful ways that you can prevent cancer also inhibit other health conditions and diseases and increase your quality of life the day you begin implementing them. 


A new study suggests the spread of cancer is tied to dietary omega 6 fatty acids,
Including palm oil, and that blocking a key receptor can prevent it.
Metastasis, the spreading of cancer cells to other parts of the body, is the main cause of cancer-related death. New research has identified the cells responsible for this process in oral tumors, and also a promising way to stop it. The key lies in the cells’ ability to absorb dietary fatty acids—particularly palmitic acid, a major component in palm oil. Metastasis-initiating cells have high levels of the fatty acid receptor CD36 and seem to rely on certain fatty acids to thrive. Blocking the CD36 receptor prevented human oral cancer transplanted into mice from spreading, and a similar effect was found in melanoma and breast cancer cells.
Senior author Salvador Aznar Benitah of IRB Barcelona tells us more about these promising findings.

ResearchGate: How did you discover these metastasis-initiating cells?

The cells responsible for cancer’s spread — and for most deaths from cancer — may have a fatal weakness according to studies in mice: a reliance on certain fats to fuel their invasion. It is a difficult and hazardous undertaking for a cancer cell to uproot itself, travel through the bloodstream and take hold in an entirely different part of the body. (Non-cancerous cells are often programmed to self-destruct if they leave the tissue they live in.) Researchers have long struggled to understand which cancer cells can manage the feat,
and how they do so.
But a study published on 7 December in Nature1 has identified a population of oral tumor cells that are able to make the journey in mice, and has found that such cells may feast on fats to fuel the trip. Determining how certain cancer cells spread throughout the body — a process called metastasis — is a big step forward, says Xiang Zhang, a cancer researcher at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas,
who was not involved in the study.
“Now people have a suspect they can follow.”
To find that suspect, Salvador Aznar Benitah of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine at the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology in Spain and his colleagues looked among oral-cancer cells for those that could seed tumors. Within that population of cells, the team found some that expressed high levels of a molecule called CD36, which helps cells to take up lipids from their environment.

Such lipids could serve as an energy source for wandering tumor cells, they reasoned.
“Metastasis takes a lot of energy,” says Ernst Lengyel, a gynaecological oncologist at the University of Chicago in Illinois, who was not involved in the project. “As a cell you must be able to adapt to changing environments, reprogram protein expression, establish a beachhead and start proliferating as soon as possible.”

Benitah and his team found that high CD36 expression was required for metastasis in mice.
Antibodies that blocked CD36 — and eliminated its interaction with fatty acids — completely inhibited metastasis, although they did not affect the development of primary tumors.  
The researchers also mined public databases and found that high expression of CD36 correlated with poor medical outcomes in bladder, lung, breast and other cancers in people.
Benitah’s team is now working to develop antibodies against CD36 that could be used in clinical trials,
although he estimates it would take at least another four years to reach that milestone. Benitah notes that such a therapy may be effective even after cancer has started to spread: in mice, experimental antibodies eradicated metastatic tumors 15% of the time. The remaining metastatic tumors shrunk by at least 80%.
The team is also looking at the implications of another finding: feeding the mice a high-fat diet led to more and larger tumors in the lymph nodes and lungs — a sign of metastasis — compared with mice on normal diets. Benitah’s team is now carrying out a study that aims to enrol 1,000 people with cancer, profiling lipids in their blood to look for any links to the spread of cancer cells. But at this stage, it is too early to tell people to avoid fatty foods, cautions Lengyel — especially people with cancer who may need a high-energy diet.
“That’s a very dangerous message,” he says. 


The Lymph System Allows Cancer To Spread. Here are 9 Ways To Stop These

The Doctors Health Press, a publisher of various natural health newsletters, books, and reports, including
the popular online Doctors Health Press e-Bulletin, is reporting on a study out of Washington State University that led to the conclusion that diet, nutrients, and natural chemicals within plants (like flavonoids) could possess abilities to halt cancer in its tracks.
As reported in Doctors Health Press e-Bulletin
The fatal nature of cancer doesn’t lie too much in the tumor that develops; it’s the spread of cancer throughout the body that’s most lethal. A new health breakthrough has turned the tables a little bit and opted not to look at what natural substances can fight a tumor—but rather, which ones can slow the spread of cancer. And it has led to some enlightening and positive news for treating cancer.
The Doctors Health Press e-Bulletin article,  “How to Slow Down Cancer Naturally,”  reports the researcher focused on genes that stop the process of “metastasis,” which is one of the scariest terms in all of health. This is the clinical term for cancer spreading. Searching through the medical literature, the researcher found that the link between nutrients and metastasis is not a common topic in studies. People tended to study the genes that suppress metastasis, but not substances that could be playing a role in that suppression.
So, the researcher looked harder into the studies and documented a group of such substances that directly seemed to affect the genes of different cancer that control its spread.
The Doctors Health Press e-Bulletin article also reports that the list of substances included vitamin D
(of course, as this is a huge disease-fighter), several amino acids, ginseng, lycopene (the cancer-fighter within tomatoes that turns them red), ethanol, pomegranate juice, curcumin, and fish oil.
These substances and others affected cancer of the breast, colon, prostate, skin, and lung.
As the article outlines, these substances, some of the most popular in alternative medicine,
were able to turn metastasis suppressor genes on or off. Therefore, what a patient chooses to eat, or perhaps buy in the supplement shop, could affect the spread of tumor cells. Unfortunately, this is an area that has not been well studied—but, of course, should be. The researcher calls for more investigation into how nutrients
and metastasis are connected. Also, it is clear that there are many more natural compounds out there,
more chemicals found within food cures, that haven’t even been looked into yet.
The answers to fighting cancer may be found in nature—the hard part is the search.
(SOURCE: Meadows, G., “Diet, nutrients, phytochemicals, and cancer metastasis suppressor genes,”
Cancer and Metastasis Reviews, published online June 13, 2012.)
Doctors Health Press e-Bulletin is a daily e-letter providing natural health news with a focus on natural healing through foods, herbs and other breakthrough health alternative treatments. For more information on Doctors Health Press, visit
The Doctors Health Press believes in the healing properties of various alternative remedies, including Traditional Chinese Medicine. To see a video outlining the Doctors Health Press’ views on Traditional Chinese Medicine, visit

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