Change Before You Have To

Tiffany is a force of nature, all passion and strength with a heart of gold.

She can be as stubborn as a bull, but that side only comes out when she is standing up for someone or something that she really believes in. Tiffany is an empath, feels everything deeply and is an incredible friend
or partner to have, because once she has given someone her heart, she loves with every fiber of her being. 
Tiffany stated; Yesterday I had the chance to speak to my daughter regarding salvation and the dream
I received in Sept. 2019. Ever since I saw Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne at our church,
one thing stuck in my mind was what he said.

“The only thing we can take to Heaven is ourselves.”
Wow! How true is that? Therefore, this captured my heart. In an instant, I thought of my daughter,
my three grandkids and my son-in-law. But I never realized how much impact it gave me until the next day.
I woke up thinking, “was this dream real?” And before I could do anything else, I started to journal my experience since it was fresh in my mind. I believe God was speaking to me in my dream.
The thought of my kids being left behind saddens me. And with that kind of thinking, I cried, and cried more as I write. As a mother, I don’t want my kids left behind. In fact, I don’t want anybody left behind. So, I told her, even if you got saved as a teenager, I need you to rededicate your relationship with God and get your family to do the same; because we are living in the end times and you don’t want to be left behind. You want to make sure you are right with God so that you will be able to enter God’s Kingdom. REPENT AND BE SAVED!
Nothing matters without God. I for one is a living testimony in what God has done in my life.

Thank you Jesus!

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
We may feel like failures and wonder why God allows suffering. But as time passes we learn to look back and see how it all worked out for the best  and the trial and tribulation drove us closer to Him. Today, God must be working in my heart. For three weeks straight, a friend that I knew during my childhood years has been trying to connect with me. Every Friday she would come with her husband to bring a bag of groceries from our Church. And usually she often stayed in the car while her husband made the delivery.

But what started this bitterness is because of miscommunication regarding our Bible Study.
The bible study is hosted by Lucy therefore, it was her group/her home. I was her assistant.
We had about 15-20 attendants weekly……the most in any life group we have in our Church.
It was so successful that we were the talk of the Church.
Everybody wanted to know how we did it.
But to make a long story short, this friend that I am talking about decided that we need to make some changes. According to her, she was told by some leaders at church that we couldn’t do certain things and that we had to split the group. In honesty, she didn’t like how we ran it. Lucy, myself and others got upset. Some tried to be obedient to change but it was hard to be obedient because our feelings were hurt.

Today, when she visited and came out of her car, I felt pressured to speak to her. We talked a little and shared our feelings about politics because we often talked about that in the past. And when we had our friend visiting from California, all of us classmates would get together and meet for lunch at some fancy restaurant at a fancy hotel. It was fun, what I’m saying here is that, as Christians, sometimes we allow our flesh to run our life.
And if you allow it to control you, you will lose your joy, hope, and victory, even your reason for living.
In the end, you’ll become weak, powerless, and devoid of the desire or energy to pursue anything,
let alone the high calling God has for your life.

The one factor that does impact God’s ability to use you is your own obedience to Him.
Your heart must be willing. You must take authority over the flesh that would take you down a lazy path.
And you must yield your body to God’s Spirit as an instrument of righteousness.
That’s when you’ll find yourself on the path that leads to being used by God!
If you think your “today” is not going well, think of what the future of those who die without Christ will be like (Rev 20:12-15). Sometimes when I look at people, I think, “I wonder where they’ll spend eternity.” Will it be in torment? Do they know the Savior?” I feel badly for those who are lost and don’t even know it. How sad that they don’t know the joy of being saved like we do. We might have a negative attitude, but at least God has rescued us and redeemed us. Think how sad it makes you feel that so many are going to die without Christ,
and then do something about it–tell them how they might be saved – “Change Before You Have To.”

As I take a break from writing, a thought crossed my mind. Where did all the years go?
I remember as a young girl, all I could think about is playing and having fun. No toys were needed.
But I did have one Barbie and a fire truck that had pedals. With that being said,
I drove it everywhere in the yard. That tomboy came out of me.
Now that I am in my adult years, the thoughts of today are different. We are now facing chaos in our country and the world. Many are afraid, worried and even having sleepless nights. Some are even praying that God will remove the hatred in people, stop the chaos and corruption and heal our land. What are we to do?
Faith in the news, says, “If we start our day off with prayer and give thanks for all we have,
if we serve someone who is less fortunate than we are, if we think of our glorious and joyful future with Christ, if we think about those who are not yet saved and witness to someone today, and if we take a walk and walk in the Word daily, I think we can do much to turn a negative attitude into a positive one.
God would want it to be that way.” Tiffany Markins!!!
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