IS What You Will End Up Being Like !!!
Seek To Be Happy Without a Story, Not A Story With A Happy Ending.
The Law Of Attraction Explained | Really Understanding the Law of Attraction!
Being sincere, wholehearted, heartfelt, hearty, unfeigned means genuine in feeling.
A sincere wholehearted apology suggests sincerity and earnest devotion without reservation
or misgiving. promised our wholehearted support heartfelt suggests depth of genuine feeling outwardly expressed. expressing our heartfelt gratitude hearty suggests honesty, warmth, and exuberance in displaying feelings. received a hearty welcome unfeigned stresses spontaneity and absence of pretense.
Being Successful is about NOT Living Someone Else’s Lie?
Many explanations of the Law of Attraction use particle physics to validate the scientific basis for
the Law of Attraction. Therefore, one cannot use particles on one hand to validate the Law of Attraction and then on the other hand say that one is comparing apples to oranges.
I think perhaps, we must realize that the Law of Attraction is only one Universal Law that works in
tandem with other Universal Laws. In addition, we must realize that we don’t yet understand all the specifics of the way that spiritual consciousness creates the physical universe nor how our individual intentions interact.
We often forget that we are all in this together.
Every consciousness for itself has never ended well.
Vibrational resonance can change the orbit of planets. Magnetism does not operate alone,
the force is actually electromagnetism. Gravity or more accurately the space-time continuum
is warped and affected by mass – and what is mass? Concentration of energy.
Perhaps the Law of Attraction is really a form of gravity.
Why WOULD I Expect The Employees to Give Me Their Best
if I’m Only Giving Them the Bear Minimum?
In addition, thought is not the most important component in Attraction.
Our thoughts and emotions often spring from our Spiritual Being, but they are not the source of our true power. Our desires are the carrot being waved in front of the rabbit that can motivate us to change who we are.
But just ignoring our negative thoughts and emotions by covering them over with positive platitudes
will not attract the changes we seek. It only serves to increase our dishonesty and put more distance
between us and our true spirit. Feelings are the language of the Soul.
We would do well to listen to the message instead of discounting a feeling that we deem as negative.
If it guides us to the solution to expand our Being, is it really negative after all?
Do Good for Others, and You Will Find Happiness
Happiness is Knowing You Aren’t Lost
What Are Positive Affirmations (And Why Are They Powerful)?
They say actions speak louder than words. However, this doesn’t mean that words don’t have any power.
In fact, they do, and this is why what people say often affects us either negatively or positively,
even if we don’t want to admit it sometimes. However, you also can utilize this fact to your advantage.
You can use words to affect your mood and thinking or other peoples’.
You can make use of positive affirmations to motivate yourself or encourage other people.
6 Reasons Why Laughter Is the Best Medicine
Laughter is Contagious The discovery of mirror neurons—what causes you to smile when someone smiles at you—gives credence to the belief that laughter is contagious. When you’re feeling down, finding friends to laugh with can help your brain trigger its own laughter response and foster closeness, both of which contribute to your sense of well being. It turns out there’s some scientific veracity behind the old adage “laughter is the best medicine.” “Laughter activates the body’s natural relaxation response. It’s also like internal jogging, providing a good massage to all internal organs while also toning abdominal muscles,”
says Dr. Gulshan Sethi, head of cardiothoracic surgery at the Tucson Medical Center and faculty at
the University of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine.
THE SECRET TO ATTRACTION: True Meaning of Like Attracts Like in Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like – so why do electrons repel?
I have to explain this is with music as music is a form of vibration we can all relate to.
If I have a piano in one room and I play a note on a violin in another room, this same note
will resonate so much that this same note if you are sitting near the piano you will hear coming from the piano. This is a Law Sympathetic Resonance, a little less esoteric than Law of Attraction, however,
really the Law of Attraction is really the Law of Sympathetic Resonance
at much higher frequencies of thought. It’s not the same as electrons, energy or magnets.
It is more like music actually our whole universe is like a big symphony of music,
this is why the law of attraction works for like attracts like.
We are trying to compare two different things, in each world there are different laws, for example we say water always seeks its level that is a law, but if we go down to a bug eye view, no the law is wrong, water is round and sticks up like a bubble it has a surface that is bulbous. That is because a drop of water has more resistance to gravity than say a bucket of water, because the drop is too small for gravity to push flat so instead it does as best as it can and pushes down all around and that forms the drop.
Which is true: Do Opposites Attract? Or Does “Like” Attract “Like?”
A question on attraction has brought up an interesting dichotomy:
Which is true: Like attracts like – OR – Opposites attract?
I am stating that if you need to express compassion in your life, that need in you will attract people who demand compassion from you. Take the case of Mother Teresa: she was called by God to treat the poorest
of the poor. She thus sought out these people. But she attracted then to herself, because of her actions,
the highest vibrational people on the planet. Her actions, in giving to the poor, came from her Love of and Obedience to God. But she did not “attract” the poor, but by her actions,
attracted people who vibrated at her level.
As I see it, Mother Teresa “attracted” the poor to her…because they needed her.
Do you see the dichotomy? What is going on here?
How does the LOA work- like attracting like- or like attracting opposite?
What I am basically saying is science says nature abhors a vacuum, therefore, a square peg and square hole are attracted together. One is a need, the other is an expression. However, the law of attraction (as in like attracts like) would have to say no: a square peg attracts another square peg and a square hole attracts another square hole. I am using geometry to express thought here. The entire “Sermon on the Mount” if said in LOA (like attracts like terms) would have had to have been something like this.
“I have some news for all of you, The poor in spirit will only attract more poor in spirit.” …
Do you see our points?
Want To Be More Successful in Life?
Whatever you want to succeed in doing, you have to start working on it.
Nothing will happen if you do nothing at all.
A Smile Really Is Contagious
Scientists In Sweden Have Figured Out Why It’s So Difficult To Keep A Straight Face
If Others Around You Are Grinning Away. It’s Your Unconscious Mind Taking Control. Researchers At
Uppsala University Had Volunteers Look At Pictures Of Expressionless, Happy, And Angry Faces. In Return They Were Told To Adopt Blank, Happy, Or Angry Expressions. When They Had To Meet A Smile With A Frown, Or A Frown With A Smile, They Had Trouble. Twitching In The Subjects’ Faces — Measured With Electronic Equipment — Indicated They Simply Didn’t Have Control Of Their Muscles. It’s Believed That There’s A Shortcut To The Part Of The Brain That Recognizes Faces And Expressions That Bypasses
The Area Responsible For Conscious Processing.
For Those Of You Looking For A Source On This Study:
Sonnby–Borgström, M. (2002), Automatic Mimicry Reactions As Related
To Differences In Emotional Empathy. Scandinavian Journal Of Psychology, 43: 433–443
I Found It In This Well Sourced Article On The Effects Of Smiling.
There ’s Magic in Your Smile: How smiling affects your brain.
One word of warning though – to those believing that thoughts are not “things” WRONG!
Look at any modern up to date chart of electromagnetism and you will see that brainwave frequencies account for a very large amount of “stuff” on that chart. Every single thing consists of energy vibrating
at specific frequencies. That’s what E=mc² means!
Truth is that this is at the very heart of this debate. Thoughts ARE “things”.
When you get a lot of different thoughts you will get a lot of great ideas and production!!!
They have weight and mass. In the 50’s and 60’s the Russians built machines to record AND decipher thoughts. Successfully. This fact had far much more to do with the “Cold War” than most Americans can ever imagine. Read: “Psychic Discoveries” by Lynn Schroder and
Sheila Ostrander and “The Field” by Lynne McTaggart.
Kreskin meets Lynn Shroeder and Sheila Ostrander
What Does Relational Gravity Mean?
Remember the expression “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
That’s the heart of the theory of relational gravity as it relates to our social lives. Put another way,
via Dr. David McClelland of Harvard University, the people you’re around you
“determined as much as 95 percent of your success or failure in life.”
Or maybe a little less stringent, “it’s not what you know, but who you know that counts.”
Of all the reasons to be discerning about your friendships and there are many, the concept
that our friendships build an orbit around us, controlling the pushes and pulls of our lives,
holds the most water. But let’s not think of our friendships as tools for getting ahead in life,
or fast-track tickets to success.
Frankly, “success” and “failure” aren’t granular enough to warrant an orbit shift as severe as friendship culling. Instead, think about where you’re dissatisfied with yourself. How you react, how you support, how you contribute. How you spend your time, how often you learn new things, how brave or afraid you are when you stand on the precipice of something unfamiliar.
Philosophy of Consciousness: Why You Are Not Stronger Than Your Environment!!!
Now think about the five people you spend the most time with.
You’ll only get to where you want to go if you’ve got the right teammates.
And not every friendship is created that way.
Speak your mind is to speak of a somewhat abstract concept, which is not at all clear for many people.
It is a word that aims to encompass the processes that happen in our brain:
thoughts, consciousness, perception, beliefs, desires, sensations, etc.
The mind is the terrain where conscious, unconscious and functional processes take place.
That mind is reflected in ideas, actions and different manifestations of brain activity. All this is produced
from structured processes. In other words, all this mental activity is not random, rather it obeys patterns or blueprints that are learned throughout life. This does not mean that it is something unchangeable.
In the brain, everything is susceptible to change.
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled”
While we still can’t engage in the world socially the way we once did, reflect on who you’ve got in your sphere
of influence. I’m sure you’ve heard the quote, “who you surround yourself with, is who you become” a million times. The truth is that most of us have people in our lives that we care about but we know aren’t good for us. Darren Hardy spoke about this in his book
The Compound Effect. He cites a 25-year long study done by social psychologist Dr. David McClelland
from Harvard University. At the end of those 25 years he found that the people around you
determine up to 95 percent of your success.
Being successful requires daily actions… You have to attract successful people to
become successful and push yourself out of the comfort zone.
A lot of us have negative or toxic people in our lives either because we’re friends with them
for so long, or we think they’ll change. Sometimes, we may even think that we don’t deserve any better.
But who you spend time with really is who you become.
So if you want to have a successful life, it might be time to drop them.
I’ll teach you how you can make this process as easy and painless as possible in 3 steps.
Identify Negative People.
First thing you want to do is to ask yourself if this person or group of people are really benefiting me?
Do they bring out the best in me or are they tearing me down? It’s perfectly okay to be honest about it.
Do not worry that by doing this, you are being selfish. What you are trying to do is to figure out what’s going to be best for you long term in creating and enjoying the kind of life that you want to have,
even though you may really care about that person.
Cut Your Ties With Them.
The second thing is to distance yourself and let go of that relationship. A lot of times it’s actually easier said than done. I remember having a friend that I really cared about but who lied all the time and made hurtful remarks. I tried to be understanding but I got to the point where I didn’t even know anything he said was true. If I asked myself, is this the person who I want to become?
And if I was being honest with myself, the answer was no. It wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
I wanted to hold myself to a higher standard because I really believe that in life you get what you tolerate.
So if you’re tired of being treated like crap or being walked over, then don’t tolerate that anymore.
Make BIG changes in your life for the better:
Surround Yourself with Awesome People.
The third thing you want to do is to start to surround yourself with awesome and empowering people.
In the same way that negative, toxic, and pessimistic people bring you down, bring on people who excite and
inspire you to be a better person.
The greatest tool you have for combating negative people is your own positive attitude.
Start to embody the positive qualities that you want to see in other people because as you do…
you’ll begin to attract those people into your life.
As they say, “like attracts like”, and it’s contagious!
But what can you do to keep yourself in high spirits?
Try any of the following:
Surround yourself with positive people.
Commit random acts of kindness.
Keep a gratitude journal.
Listening to Good Music.
Spend time in nature.
Meditate everyday.
Do you have negative people in your life?
Do you want to be successful?
How do you plan to make big changes in your life?
Write your thoughts in Journey now.