What Makes The Smartest People ~ The Smartest People In World History!!!
Lived: Mar 14, 1879 – Died Apr 18, 1955 (at age 76)
0nly A few individuals are born with remarkable intellect and possess human knowledge as profoundly as Einstein. Heralded as a great genius of his time he revealed the secrets of the Universe and brought a breadth of understanding that changed our whole perception of the world. Though, even for all of his lifetime achievements, there was one particular year that stood out as being the miracle year of Einstein’s career when most of his greatest works were published. 1905 was called Einstein’s ‘Miracle Year‘ with dazzling discoveries he was said to have revolutionized science producing four papers that changed what we know about the world. The scientist was at the age of 26 and the results of his efforts achieved during this time called nothing less than spectacular.
“The first explained how to measure the size of molecules in a liquid, a second posited how to determine their movement, and a third described how light comes in packets called photons—the foundation of quantum physics and the idea that eventually won him the Nobel Prize. A fourth paper introduced The Theory of relativity, leading physicists to reconsider notions of space and time that had sufficed since the dawn of civilization. Then, a few months later, almost as an afterthought, Einstein pointed out in a fifth paper that matter and energy can be interchangeable at the atomic level specifically, that E=mc² the scientific basis of nuclear energy and the most famous mathematical equation in history.
As astrologers, are keen to observe what kind of planetary activity was occurring in
this particular year for such a remarkable time of accomplishment in the life of the Physicist.
What has been observed is that in 1905 Einstein completed a thesis gaining a Ph.D. and writing, completing and submitting his papers when transiting Saturn formed a conjunction to Jupiter in Aquarius in the 9th house.
The transit of Saturn aspect his natal Jupiter opposite Uranus aspect along the axis of knowledge (3rd/9th).
To add, transiting Jupiter was also in the 11th house trine natal Uranus
in the 3rd house, massively reemphasizing the Jupiter/Uranus aspect in his horoscope.
The Jupiter-Uranus aspect is such a significant planetary combination for scientific knowledge and the movement of Saturn across this aspect indicated the time was ripe for it to be harvested. I shall explain why,
in Einstein’s astrology chart Jupiter-Uranus plays such an essential, significant and
important part in his intellectual life.
Jupiter being placed in its own house can expand the boundaries of philosophy, knowledge,
and it also broadens awareness and can signify the consciousness expanding. Furthermore,
it offers a perception of life that is macroscopic and involves plenty of activities with teachers,
mentors and gurus and obviously becoming oneself a teacher of knowledge.
Jupiter is placed in the sign of Aquarius and is opposite Uranus, a double whammy, highlighting the great teacher and philosopher (Jupiter) of the cosmos, scientist, and physicist (Uranus). A Jupiter-Uranus aspect asks the big cosmological questions, and is on a journey of illumination, searching for answers that go beyond the rational, analytical and reasonable explanations.
Jupiter being the biggest planet in the solar system massively expands knowledge about science, space, and even astrology. A powerful intuition is usually an inherent factor in the personality, and the Jupiter-Uranus mind is restless on its journey across space and time. Jupiter-Uranus can have flashes of insight and truth and are always in search of knowledge; they can be a spiritual person who is light years ahead of their time.
The Jupiter-Uranus contact also increases the scientific ability, broadening the perspective and the mind perceives possibilities everywhere. Jupiter in astrology can also mean being famous and with Uranus ruling higher mathematics it equates with Einstein coming up with the most famous equation – E=mc²
E=mc² Explained
Einstein’s Proof of E=mc²
Theory of relativity explained in 7 mins
Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity Made Easy
Uranus in the 3rd house was probably why he was a great mental channel and attracted
him towards progressive, revolutionary ideas that can lead the mind to new insights; he was
an inventive, original and intuitive thinker. The Uranian mind grasps concepts whole, and sometimes
their ideas are light years ahead. Uranus in the 3rd house is the lightbulb over the head moment.
science, astrology, mathematics or astronomy.
This placement of Uranus will usually attract them into associations of like-minded people,
and the mind is also gifted at synthesis and good at making intuitive leaps.
In 1900, the transiting Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius was conjunct Einstein’s Moon
in the 6th house and trined his Mercury in the 10th house when he was published by a prestigious academic and the first of his scientific works to be printed.
Einstein took a holiday to New York in 1921, for the first time when transiting Jupiter was conjunct
the I.C and square his natal Moon (both I.C and Moon relate to home) and it certainly puts an emphasis on the need to expand one’s roots as Jupiter rules by expansion and travel and teaching.
Saturn was also transiting through the 4th house opposite Sun in Pisces and a lot of it involved business and there were three weeks of lectures and receptions. Uranus was also opposite Uranus, and he was around 42 and experiencing the midlife crisis and the urge to uproot in life.
He also published an essay, “My First Impression of the U.S.A.,” in July 1921, in which he tried briefly to describe some characteristics of Americans, much as Alexis de Tocqueville did, who published his own impressions in Democracy in America (1835). For some of his observations, Einstein was clearly surprised: “What strikes a visitor is the joyous, positive attitude to life . . . The American is friendly, self-confident, optimistic, and without envy.” Obviously describing Sagittarius rising in America’s chart. Source:
Some not-so-known facts about the greatest genius of his time.
1. Einstein failed his first college placement test.
It was clear from the beginning that Albert was rather different. He was considered
to have a speech impediment that caused him to speak very slowly.
He would rehearse full sentences in his head before he would speak them.
He was nine years old before he began to speak clearly; this speech impediment
is now known as “Einstein Syndrome.”
His parents actually believed him to be exceptionally challenged, which we all know today
was inaccurate. The real truth was that Einstein was capable of learning anything but he just learned things differently than most would consider “normal.” Most would now consider this very similar to “asperger syndrome”
2. He was a visual learner.
While discovering and solving different equations and comparing gravitational reactions,
he did the majority of his work through visualization. He was able to accurately imagine his experiments
in his mind so that he could watch them play out. In turn, we can conclude that most of what he discovered,
he discovered by looking within.
3. He did a lot of drugs.
He was known to smoke a lot of marijuana and it is said that he also enjoyed an array of hallucinogenic drugs. Dimethyl-triptimene, a drug also known as DMT, was found in his system during his autopsy. This in itself is profound because DMT is said to have extreme effects on the human consciousness. Interestingly enough he and Nikola Tesla have said that their greatest discoveries and ideas showed themselves during meditative visions (possibly trips?). He was also a heavy user of cocaine, LSD, and meth.
4. He constructed the Theory of Relativity.
He realized that matter actually distorts the space-time around it resulting in what we know as gravity.
Which led him to another question; what is gravity? Gravity is acceleration; one force moving against another.
In the open universe, though, some of this force is unseen which would later become described as
“dark matter.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=s2nU9DzEi-cNow through Einstein’s theory,
we are able to understand that we live in an ever-expanding universe, in constant acceleration at phenomenal speeds gravitating around more massive matter.
5. Albert’s second wife was actually his first cousin.
They shared a maternal grandmother and to make matters more strange
their fathers were also first cousins. I’m just as shocked as you are.
6. Einstein was actually quite the macho man.
He was known for having an impressive roster of mistresses. He married twice and had three children.
This leaves one to wonder where in the world he found the time to do all of this? Discover universal laws, explain gravity, have a career, and court multiple women..
It’s now no surprise that his life’s goal was to time travel….all in one lifetime?
7. He Had a Love Affair With Lina his violin and was a talented player.
Albert excelled in mathematics, physics, and beloved music. He was even known to do
large performances in concert. That is a lot of talent crammed into one man.
8. There is an element named in his honor.
It was discovered in the aftermath of the first hydrogen bomb detonation.
After his death, it was decided that the element be called “Einsteinium.”
9. He was, personally, extremely anti-war.
He did not believe in violence and adamantly opposed war of any kind. He did not initially
intend for his theories to be a stepping stone in the development of nuclear weapons.
10. His brain was stolen.
The pathologist who was directed to examine Einstein after his death, stole his brain and kept it in hiding
for more than twenty years. His goal was to find the source of Einstein’s genius, but he was unsuccessful.
11. He was quite the humanitarian.
Although it was said that he was a poor family man, he advocated for many human rights movements.
He involved himself with the United State’s civil rights movement fighting racism. Also, given that he was
a Jew who fled Germany during the Nazi regime, he used his connections with other countries government leaders to influence them to accept Jewish- German scientist refugees fleeing the Nazi Regime.
This saved thousands.
12. Einstein’s ideas and discoveries are priceless.
The story of the man who looked inside himself to unlock mysteries of the universe
is something that feels so similar to science fiction— nothing short of miraculous and amazing.
How Einstein’s Brain Is Different Than Yours.
What made Albert Einstein one of the greatest scientific geniuses the world has ever known? His scientific breakthroughs revolutionized the way we understand the universe. The World Science Festival, in partnership with the 92Y’s 7 Days of Genius Festival, presents an in-depth look into the genius of Einstein. Join physicist Brian Greene, neurologist Frederick Lepore and author and filmmaker Thomas Levenson for a lively informative conversation on the science, the brain and the life of one of history’s most fascinating men.
Moderated by Cynthia McFadden of NBC News.
Who was Albert Einstein?
Actors Geoffrey Rush and Johnny Flynn share their insights
into the man they both portray, at different stages of his life,
in National Geographic’s series Genius.
The General Theory of Relativity is much like racism in this country which does not exist?
Rather It is perception of the person and the image they cast off and
how other people perceive that person to be.
Hence we should not judge a book by its cover
So Smile and WELCOME the other person into you LIFE!!!
Two Smiles Make Everything Okay When We Meet