I thought it was the number one problem that needed a fix in our great country. 14 years later it doesn’t even rate in the Top 10. Today and around the World I believe Civil Unrest: if we don’t nip it in the bud it could blossom into another Civil World. That’s something Globalist and the Democrats would love to see. When I started to research this I came up with Larry Elder | “Uncle Tom Documentary” that was released June 2020. Then I found a link to AMERICAN THOUGHT LEADERS, By Jan Jekielek.
Checkout the Complete Interview HERE.
Some of the highlights Mr. Elder stated in this episode was I have been working on this
film for two years, along with the director, Justin Malone, and it is about the grief people like Candace Owens, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Allen West, and Clarence Thomas get for simply suggesting that maybe, just maybe, the policies that blacks have been following, the democratic policies that blacks have been voting for, the left-wing policies that maybe we ought to rethink.
Uncle Tom is not an angry film.
It’s not a film that says: how dare you call us these nasty names? It’s a film that says: why can’t we have an intelligent discussion about whether or not we should be supporting school choice? Why can’t we have an intelligent discussion about whether or not we should be supporting Roe v. Wade? Why can’t we have an intelligent discussion about whether or not we should be having stronger borders? Because the studies suggest that unskilled illegal aliens take jobs away from unskilled black and brown workers and put downward pressure on their wages. Can we have a discussion about this without my being called an Uncle Tom, a self loather, or a sellout?
Uncle Tom suggests: The number one problem in the black community is not racism. It’s not bad cops, although we both know both exist. The number one problem is the large number of blacks who were raised without fathers. In 1965, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who later on became a democrat senator from New York, wrote a paper called “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action”. At the time, 25 percent of blacks were born outside of wedlock, a number that he thought was horrific.
He felt if we don’t do something, take some sort of national action, this is going to get worse. We’ll fast forward. Now 70 percent of black kids are born outside of wedlock, 25 percent of white kids now are, and nearly half of Hispanic kids are. Forget about Larry Elder. Barack Obama once said, “children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and twenty times more likely to end up in prison.” [Barack Obama’s remarks at the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago on Father’s Day]
In my opinion, if you look at the proliferation of kids born outside of wedlock, it parallels the rise in social spending under the so-called war on poverty that was launched in the mid-60s. Lyndon Johnson launched it with the best of intentions. He felt that it was going to make people more self-sufficient. All it did was create dependency. What is done is to incentivize women to marry the government and incentivize men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility. It is the number one social problem in America in general and the number one social problem in the black community in particular, and we’re not having that discussion.
Now, this is something that we’re not even having a discussion about.
Former President Obama unleashes on Trump, GOP – Full speech from Illinois
Mr. Elder stated: The narrative is that racism remains a powerful impediment for black progress in America, whether it’s systemic racism, a term you hear a lot, structural racism, another term you hear a lot, institutional racism, or one that I heard Beto O’Rourke come up with, foundational racism. If America were institutionally racist, why is it that in the 50s if you ask white people, would they ever support a black person president? The answer was no. Fast forward, Obama got elected. He got a higher percentage of the white vote than John Kerry did. We’re [still] talking about institutional racism. It’s crazy.
Part of the protesters are demanding diversity in our police departments.
As if, once you have diversity, magically these problems are going to go away. L.A. is about
40 percent or so Hispanic, about 30 percent white, a little under 10 percent black, the rest of
it is Asian or Pacific Islanders. That’s exactly the percentage of the LAPD, and it is still being accused of being racist. In the NYPD, it’s the same thing. If you look at the racial demographics of the city and look at the demographics of the police department, they mirror each other, and still recently, the officers of the NYPD are being subjected with water balloons. [There are] urine-filled water balloons, trash cans full of water thrown at them, cars set on fire. Never mind how diverse the NYPD is. The average person that the average person on the street is going to encounter will be a person of color, [but] it doesn’t matter, because of this false narrative.
The stats simply do not reflect the idea that the police are going after black people.
If anything, the stats show the opposite. There is a black economist named Roland Fryer who teaches
at Harvard. Because of all these prolific, high profile shootings, he just knew that the police were disproportionately using deadly force against black people. He was kind of surprised that no one had
done a comprehensive study to corroborate that, so he thought he would do it.
He said that the results were the most surprising of his career.
Not only were the police not using deadly force disproportionately against blacks, they were more hesitant, more reluctant to pull the trigger on a black suspect than on the white suspect, presumably because they were afraid of being accused of being racist. That same result was replicated in a study published in a publication put out by the National Academy of Sciences, where researchers looked at every shooting in 2015 [and] every shooting in 2016. [There was the] same conclusion: the police were not using deadly force
disproportionately against black people.
The reason blacks are two and a half times more likely to be killed by a cop than a white person is the crime rate, which is substantially higher in the black community than in the white community. A young black man is eight times more likely to be a victim of homicide compared to a young white man. The number one cause of preventable homicide of young whites is accidents like car accidents and drownings. The number one cause of death, preventable or non-preventable for a young black person is homicide,
almost always committed by another young black person.
It’s not cops killing black people, it’s black people killing other black people.
According to the CDC, the rate at which cops kill blacks has declined 75 percent in the last 50 or 60 years, while the rate at which police kill whites has flatlined. So arguably, if anybody has anything to complain about, it’s white people, because if you look at the crime rate, one would have thought that the rate at which police kill blacks would be even higher. If anything, the cops are hesitant, as I mentioned in these studies,
to use deadly force against a black person because of a fear of being accused of being racist.
How, nine unarmed black men were shot and killed by the police according to the Washington Post last year [in 2019]. Nineteen unarmed whites were shot and killed by the police last year, altogether fifteen [fourteen] unarmed blacks. That number is still smaller than the nineteen whites who were shot and killed. If there’s a White Lives Matter protest that was arranged, I never heard about it. It is not happening. [Editor’s Note:] These numbers have since been updated by the Washington Post to 13 unarmed black men and
25 unarmed white men.
Isn’t this good news? That’s the other thing about my movie I tried to stress. I’m suggesting that the problems that you’re talking about in America can be explained away in a nonracial way. Isn’t that good news? To know that the disproportionate number of blacks being killed by the police has to do with our crime rate and not because the police are racist, isn’t that good news? Then shouldn’t we start tackling what’s going on with our families that’s causing all of this stuff?
Mr. Elder also states: Heather Mac Donald: Probably nobody has done a better job of assembling all the data on police and police interaction with civilians, then Heather McDonald. Read the police public context survey. Heather Mac Donald wrote the book; The War on COPS, How the new attack on law and order makes everyone less safe. And In Chicago, Mac Donald said, where blacks are about a third of the total population,
80 percent of the homicides are committed by blacks, compared to one percent by whites.
I googled for a minute to see if that checked out, and it didn’t.
But the numbers I found were from a different year and the difference was small.
In 2011, the last full year for which I could find the statistics, of 128 homicides in Chicago broken down by race, blacks represented by far the most killed (75 percent of all victims compared to 5% for whites) and the vast majority of killers (71 percent of those convicted for homicide to 4 percent for whites.) The reasons for this are surely rooted in history, economics, sociology and some other social sciences you can name.
And it doesn’t exactly prove everything Mac Donald might like it to prove, but it does demonstrate that a lot more African-Americans are being killed by other African-Americans than by white cops. Does this demonstrate anything fundamental about the questions that divide Mac Donald and
the Black Lives Matter “narrative”? Not really.
If we’re talking about whether there is some racialized thinking that leads to some officers being more likely
to pull the trigger if the target is black, it doesn’t change things much if we bring in numbers, by race, of who is killing and getting killed when no police officer is involved. But I suppose it does support her implication
that if someone wants to reduce the number of killings of African-Americans, the effort should focus on
stopping the main murderers of African-Americans.
That’s something that the DOJ does every three years. They asked over 60,000 Americans
“In the last year, did you have contact with the police? If so, tell me about your contact.
Were you verbally abused or physically abused? They can’t find any evidence whatsoever of
a pattern of abuse against black people. It’s not like the government doesn’t care about this.
They’ve been looking at it.
There’s a study that came out during the Obama administration called Police Data Initiative.
It was published by the National Institutes of Justice, which is the research arm of the DOJ. They tried to find out whether or not black people were being pulled over because of racism. They found out 75 percent of black motorists admitted that they were stopped for a legitimate reason. The other big takeaway is that you name the offense, whether it’s speeding, driving without a license, driving without your headlights, or driving without an expired tag, a black motorist was more likely to do it.
Again, isn’t this good news to know that the disproportionate cases of blacks being pulled over has to do with behavior and not because of racism? Again, that study came out in 2013.There was an allegation years ago that the police were [specifically] pulling over a black motorist on the New Jersey Turnpike. The then Governor Christine Todd Whitman ordered a study. The study came in, and they found out officers couldn’t even tell the race; the cars are going too fast.
The reflection of the light at night, forget about it.
You can’t even tell who’s in the car. They concluded that the reason black people were being pulled over,
is because the faster the speed, the more likely it is, it’s a black driver driving.
She didn’t like the results. She complained about bad methodology and hired a different group.
[With a] different methodology, [they received the] same result. [Racism is] not there.
The data just do not support that. Isn’t this good news.
By the way, it doesn’t mean there aren’t bad cops. When a cop kills somebody, no matter his race or her race, that should be investigated by the feds. They have awesome power, and they should be watched, but the idea that there’s some sort of systemic pattern simply is not borne out by the data. If it were, I wouldn’t say what
I said. I don’t want the police to have a free rein and go after black people any more than anybody else does.
It just isn’t there. You’re making things worse.
One of the scenes in the film is this now famous interview that you did with Dave Rubin, where on camera he kind of realizes that he doesn’t get what he means about systemic racism himself. Why are we still talking about systemic racism? If, as you’ve argued, there really aren’t many real examples of it?
Mr. Elder also stated: Because [the concept of systematic racism] advances the agenda of a lot
of people. It advances the agenda of the media. I think a lot of people in the media went into the profession because of [Bob] Woodward and [Carl] Bernstein. In the 1970s, they’re the ones who exposed Richard Nixon and all the stuff he was doing. A lot of people went into journalism because they wanted to be a champion, right the wrongs, what’s the term: comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, something like that. I think a lot of young people who have gone into the media truly believe that racism remains a major problem in America. They’re around a lot of other young people, and they all say the same thing,
so they’re all having these feelings being reinforced.
I also think that it sells copies. If you run stories about George Floyd being a microcosm of the racism in America, it sells copies. Racism sells. It also advances the interests of academia, there are a whole bunch of professors that are professors of African American Studies, professors of ethnic studies, and where are they going to go if all of a sudden, people realize that race has never been more insignificant in terms of
becoming successful in America?
Where are these people going to go?
And of course it advances the agenda of the Democratic Party, because without getting black people angry and stirred up over the assertion that “racism remains a major problem, and by the way, these republicans over there don’t give a damn about that, and we do,” the Democrats don’t get that 90-95 percent, nearly monolithic black vote without which they cannot win at the presidential level. They have to constantly talk about race and racism, and they have to go after people like Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and Allen West, because they reflect the antithesis of what
the Democratic Party stands for.
The Democratic Party stands for “you are a victim, and we’re here to help you.”
Black conservatives are saying, “Not only are we not victims, but many of your policies are hurting the very people you claimed to help.” Take the minimum wage. Study after study has shown that what it does is cause employers to defer hiring decisions, reduce the hours of people’s jobs, or raise prices on the very people who are going to be buying things in the inner city that don’t have a great deal of money.
These things are counterproductive.
The welfare state is counterproductive for the reasons that I just mentioned. You’re incentivizing women to marry the government and allowing men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility, that’s why we have this 70% out of wedlock birth rate right now. Not doing anything about illegal immigration hurts. George Borjas, the Harvard economist, has probably done more work on the impact of legal and illegal immigration than maybe any other economist. He says no question that unskilled, illegal aliens compete for jobs that otherwise would be held by black and brown unskilled Americans and puts downward pressure on their wages. We’re not even having that discussion.
For a black conservative to raise these kinds of issues, instead of igniting a healthy discussion about whether or not we ought to be advocating tighter borders and whether or not we ought to be voting for the party that does that, people like myself are denounced as Uncle Tom and sellouts. The word that I dislike the most is not Uncle Tom, not bootlicker, not bug-eyed bootlicker, not bug-eyed foot shuffling bootlicker, not coconut, not Oreo, not the Antichrist.
I’ve been called all those things.
You suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome
You kneel for the National Anthem
You think you are fighting fascism
when you punch people you disagree with
You think America was never great
For the rest of you – here is a chance to see international media star Larry Elder, the Sage from South Central! He gave us his unique spin on the first 500 days of the Trump administration.
If you love liberty, think America is great, and stand for the anthem, you’ll have a great time.