That different strains work for different people.
Alysa Erwin was 14 years old, she started noticing an odd sensation in her neck.
She began experiencing debilitating headaches, blurred vision, nausea, major body pain, changes in
personality and mood, and just felt sick and overall abnormal. During the many visits with their local doctor, the office refused to give her any scans and continually labeled her a hypochondriac,
both behind her back and to her face.
After months of this unhelpful and patronizing administrative incompetence, Alysa’s mother,
filled with frustration, took her back to the local hospital demanding some sort of brain scan.
It was only then that a CAT scan was given. After seeing the build-up of fluid in her brain, she was next given an MRI. This was when it became apparent that her discomfort was not just a figment of her imagination, but that she was suffering from a serious ailment. Then, following an onslaught of tests, in the Spring of 2011, she was diagnosed with Grade 3 anaplastic astrocytoma — brain cancer — at the University of Michigan hospital.
Due to the state in which her cancer was in at the time, the doctor was unable to administer any certain types
of radiation. Yet, Alysa had made it clear that she did not want liquid chemo either way, so she was prescribed chemotherapy in pill form. Her parents were told she might live 18 to 24 months with chemotherapy treatments, but after only five days of its use, Alysa was overwhelmed by the sickening side effects and decided to discontinue the therapy. It was then that Alysa’s grandparents gave the Erwin family a desperately needed peek through the Orwellian shroud the American government maintains on the topic of cannabis;
specifically its miraculous medical value.
Alyssa’s grandparents introduced her to Rick Simpson Hemp Oil, and the Phoenix Tears Foundation,
and after watching the videos What if Cannabis Cured Cancer and Run From the Cure —
it was then that her regiment of cannabis oil began.
Side Note: Rick Simpson advocates the use of toxic solvents such as Naphtha and denatured alcohols (toxins have been added to prevent consumption) like isopropyl alcohol. These have important industrial purposes, should have no place in our tinctures, oils, concentrates, etc. !
Some Cannabis Experts Use These Type Solvents And Tell Me It Works for their Patients?
How to make Rick Simpson Oil (Hash Oil) Quick and safe using Everclear (2018)
That is why it’s important to do your own research
and find someone with expertise in the field.
Experts are finding that relatively low doses of THC of 2.5 to 5 mg can very often treat many common issues like anxiety, ADD, PTSD, and even depression. However, other conditions like cancer may require upward of
15 to 20 mg of THC and that’s where patients need more CBD and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids to balance out the euphoria. And sometimes a 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC may be effective for one and not another.
In the end, though, everyone is unique so you have to find what ultimately works best for you…
Modern-day scientists have increasingly been turning their attention to cannabis
due to its potential to inhibit or destroy cancer cells,
and at the very least, manage the pain and symptoms that come with the illness.
But then, ancient people seem to have known that already.
CANNABIS MEDICINE: A Guide to the Practice of Cannabinoid Medicine.
DR. DAVID BEARMAN, with Maria Pettinato PhD, RN
Cannabis Medicine: A Guide to the Practice of Cannabinoid Medicine is a quick introduction and overview
of cannabis, cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system (ECS) for both health care professionals and discerning patients. Dr. David Bearman has been practicing cannabinoid medicine for over ten years and has been an expert witness on cannabis even longer. In clear, concise prose he explains how cannabis works in humans, why it works, dosing, routes of administration, medicinal uses of cannabis, and much more.
Not only does he cover all the basics of cannabis and how it works, he also gives readers a step-by-step outline of how he runs his practice. This is an extraordinarily valuable tool for anyone interested in cannabis medicine.
Dr. Bearman is one of the most clinically knowledgeable physicians in the U.S. in the field of medicinal marijuana. He has spent 40 years working in substance and drug abuse treatment and prevention programs. Dr. Bearman was a pioneer in the free and community clinic movement. His career includes
public health, administrative medicine, provision of primary care, pain management and cannabinology.
Dr. Bearman has close to 40 years professional experience in the drug abuse treatment and prevention field includes being the Co-Director of the Haight-Ashbury Drug Treatment Program, being a member of Governor Reagan’s Inter Agency Task Force on Drug Abuse, a member of both the Santa Barbara and the San Diego County Drug Abuse Technical Advisor Committees, and a consultant to Hoffman-LaRoche, Santa Barbara County Schools and the National PTA. He has been recognized by the Santa Barbara Medical Society
with the Humanitarian Recognition Award.
Dr. Danial Schecter is the co-founder and medical director of the Canadian Cannabinoid Medical Clinic (CMClinic), one of the largest referral only clinics in Canada specializing in cannabinoid medicine. Dr. Danial Schecter is a practicing family physician and the founder/ Chief Medical Officer of Cannabinoid Medical Clinic, which uses prescription cannabinoids and medical cannabis therapies to treat patients suffering from chronic pain and disabling illnesses. He also serves as the Chief Medical Advisor at AusCann and a Hospitalist at Royal Victoria Hospital. Danial has established a unique skill set that includes patient care,
cannabinoid education and business development.
He has trained dozens of physicians in the field and has lectured at over a hundred events internationally.
He spearheaded the creation of the Patient Handbook on Medical Cannabis used by many Canadian physicians as a patient education tool and has evaluated thousands of patients to decide if cannabinoid medicines are appropriate for them. Dr. Danial Schecter has recently been appointed Director of Global medical Services at Canopy Growth Corporation. Prior to this Dr. Schecter’s interest in cannabinoid medicine led to the founding of the Canabo Medical Clinic (CMClinic), Canada’s largest referral only clinic specializing in medical cannabis.
He is involved in education and outreach within the medical cannabis space including education and research and has consulted with industry both nationally and internationally. As a recognized expert he has trained thousands of physicians and pharmacists on how to help patients decide if cannabis is right for them.
Outside of cannabinoid medicine Dr. Schecter holds a fellowship in Hospital Medicine, is an active hospitalist at the Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre in Barrie, Ontario and also provides house calls to at-risk elderly and palliative care patients.
I love the Portland feeling and arriving at their beautiful airport at midnight and the residential overlooks around Portland Oregon. I love Portland for its bastion of dedicated green thumb gardeners, impassioned seed savers. and for the pollinator habitats, rain gardens,
and sheet mulching happening on every corner.
I love Portland for the numerous Cannabis Dispensaries | Farma PDX was Named Best Cannabis Dispensary in Oregon by Leafly and Cannabis Now https://cannabisnow.com/
Whose mission is to improve people’s lives by reframing their relationship with cannabis.
Farma has been honored to have its very own cannabis scientist Jeremy Plumb was voted Portland’s Best Best Budtender in Willamette Week’s Best of Portland Readers’ in a 2015 Poll. Farma’s Jeremy Plumb is a bundle of frenetic energy bursting at the seams with cannabis knowledge.
He created the popular Cinex strain.
Today Jeremy Plumb CEO and founder of Newcleus Nurseries Says that Cannabis Will Change
How We Farm Carrots and Oranges—and Maybe How We Prescribe Drugs at TFNW 2017.
GreenBridge Medical was established by Allan I. Frankel, MD, in 2007 to serve the residents of Santa Monica, California, and its environs. The center has a mission of treating patients that are living with chronic pain through a combo of medical cannabis and traditional treatment options. Dr. Frankel is an expert in internal medicine and an expert in the application of clinical cannabis. The doctor has been working alongside
Mark Kurzman, MD, since 2017.
GreenBridge Medical is highly committed to explaining and interpreting the treatment process to the
new patient. The center is welcoming, whether you arrive by referral or you find the clinic on your own.
The treatment process mainly consists of a regimen of regular cannabis doses delivered through spray or capsule. Dr. Frankel is on the cutting edge of cannabis medicine, developing treatment plans for his
patients that entail measured doses of particular cannabinoids targeted towards specific maladies.
There is a team of educational consultants that provide relevant information concerning medical cannabis.
You can make consultations via phone, video call, or in person.
Follow up care is also available for different conditions.
Robin Swan has 30 years experience as a herbalist, holistic healer, therapist and advocate
of the profound health benefits of cannabis. She hosts a radio show on ESPN in San Diego, California. The Robin Swan show is dedicated to bring cutting edge news around cannabis as a science
as well as hosting those cannapreneurs who are heart centered in their business practices.
Robin Swan with Firebird Touch Therapy post an eye-opening videos about cannabis oil,
your life, and how you need to wake up and take responsibility for your life.
For Further Information: