because he’s so outspoken in sharing his Christian faith that some of his detractors classify it as too
shove-it-down-your-throat. Shoot, even a minor league baseball
mascot mocked him for this.
Never was that more evident than in the 2009 BCS National Championship game between Florida and Oklahoma. Tebow wrote a Bible verse, John 3:16, in eye black beneath his eyes for the game — a practice that was banned by the NCAA in 2010. Then, 90 million people googled the verse that reads, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Here’s where it gets weird, though.
Exactly three years after Tebow shared his message with the world,
he inadvertently did it again during his first NFL playoff game with the
Denver Broncos against the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2012.
Besides leading Denver to an overtime win — thanks to a game-winning 80-yard pass to
Demaryius Thomas — he invoked some pretty surreal numbers relating to the
biblical line he repped in ‘09.
Before making his way to the postgame press conference of that game,
Tebow explained he was stopped by a public relations person, who began explaining to him what just occurred. “‘I don’t think you realize what happened. During the game you threw for 316 yards, your yards per rush were 3.16, your yards per completion were 31.6, the ratings for the game were 31.6, the time of possession was 31:06.’ During the game, 90 million people had already Googled John 3:16 and it was the number one thing trending on Facebook and Twitter. A lot of people will say it’s coincidence. I say big God.” — Tim Tebow
Why are the simple things in life so hard?
The reason the simple things in life are difficult is because people have preconceived notions.
Like you think you know what love is, and then BAM life throws you for a loop and now you cant even make heads of tails of anything. Why is life so much harder for some people than others?
Some people’s lives are harder than others simply due to the fact that they are capable of more in respect to other people. painful times in life, are the times that help you grow and become more wise through the years.
Life is so hard because you didn’t prepare for it especially financially). Your mind always thinks life is hard. It will become easy if you have a positive mindset. But be careful not to deny the fact that “life is difficult”. Life is hard because you play life easy.
It will become easy if you play it hard.
Question: “Why is life so hard?”
Answer: Life IS hard. It is harder for some than for others, but we all must cope with being imperfect people in an imperfect world. Accidents, disasters, illness, heartache, loss—the ways that the human heart can suffer are myriad. Even Jesus agreed that life is hard, but He didn’t stop there. He said,
“In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Life was never supposed to be hard. When God created the world and placed the first man and woman in it, life was perfect (Genesis 1–2). Bodies were perfect. The temperature was perfect. The first couple’s relationship was perfect, and they had everything they needed or wanted. They even had the presence of God with them.
They lived in paradise.
Enter sin (Genesis 3). When Adam and Eve chose their own way over God’s, everything changed. Perfection was marred, and life became hard. As a result of humanity’s disobedience, God cursed the perfect world He had made so that it turned on the man and woman. Thistles sprouted where flower beds had been. Food was no longer available everywhere they looked. They must now forage, plant, struggle, and reap in order to survive. Sin ruined everything.
Now “the whole creation groans” (Romans 8:22, NAS), and we groan with it.
Sin still affects our world, and life is still hard. Sin has a ripple effect that carries its destruction to others. Consider this example: a man gets drunk. That’s one sin (Proverbs 20:1). He comes home and beats his wife and children: more sin. His wife suffers a broken nose that will cause her difficulties for the rest of her life. The children are so traumatized that they run away, eventually getting involved in drugs and prostitution. More sin. One son gets in his car and, under the influence of drugs, ignores a stop sign and slams into a bus,
killing six people.
Their families will now grieve the loss for the rest of their lives, and others will be affected by their pain in various ways. The fallout from one sin continues to spread, impacting countless other people who then impact other people, and the legacy goes on. That’s only one sin.
Multiply that by tens of millions, and we start to understand why the world is so messed up
and life is so hard.
Another reason life is so hard is that this is not our final home. Those who belong to Jesus are here on visitor’s passes. We became citizens of another kingdom the moment God adopted us into His family (John 1:12).
We are ambassadors, here on assignment for our Father, the King of kings (2 Corinthians 5:20).
We’re not supposed to feel at home in this world. We don’t belong here, so it’s only natural that we often feel like aliens and strangers (Hebrews 11:13). Life is hard many times because those who’ve been redeemed and transformed by Jesus Christ live with a deep yearning to go home (2 Corinthians 5:17).
But as obedient children we remain faithful to our assignments until our Father calls for us.
When life is hard, it is a reminder that this world is not our final destination. As difficult as circumstances may be, Paul called them “light and momentary troubles” (2 Corinthians 4:17). Paul and many of the first-century Christians knew how hard life was in ways that most of us never will (2 Corinthians 11:23–29).
Some of their struggles are showcased in Hebrews 11, a chapter that reminds us that, as hard as our lives are,
many have it worse.
As we grow through troubles, we develop the character of Christ—who also struggled much during His time on earth (Isaiah 53:3). His example of selflessness, endurance, and trust in God is an example to us: “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:3).
Life is hard, but Christ is our advocate (1 John 2:1), our intercessor who pleads our case to the Father.
He knows what it feels like to struggle through difficulty, depression, fear, heartache, and the host of human situations that make life so hard (Hebrews 4:15). Life is hard, but the Holy Spirit is our comforter
who helps us and stays with us forever (John 14:16).
Life is hard, but it is brief. Compared to eternity, our earthly lives are like a mist that vanishes with the morning sun (James 4:14). What we do during this time on earth affects the rest of eternity. We can grow bitter, hard, and waste our struggles. Or we can endure (James 1:2–4), grow, learn faith, develop compassion for others who are struggling, and wait for our final reward. At that time, we will hear our Savior say,
“Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord!” (Matthew 25:21)
4 reasons why life is so hard and 40 ways to live a better one.
I am Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 6 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets.
If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Twitter or Facebook.
There’s no doubt about it: life is hard. It’s a given.
Life is so hard we don’t even realize how often we walk around complaining about how hard life is anymore.
It’s kind of trending, in fact.
But there’s no doubt that life is also amazing and wondering, and with the bad stuff always comes some form of goodness, even if it doesn’t feel that way at the time.
If you’ve ever found yourself crying into your hands wondering why life is so hard, you are definitely not alone.
But humanity is slowly, albeit painfully slowly, starting to realize that a lot of the bad things that happen to us do not actually happen to us, they are just things that happen.
It’s our negative attitude or disposition that turns neutral circumstances into something full of despair and anger, confusion and frustration.
You got it: emotions, thoughts, and feelings. They are what make life so damn hard.
But there are other things too. Here are four reasons why life continues to be so hard for you.
1) You are Selfish.
Yikes, way to hit the ground running, right? If you are an overly selfish person, you might find that life is a lot harder than people who tend to give of themselves to others.
We don’t mean you have to save a small country from famine or give someone the shirt off your back, but it is nice to consider others from time to time to take the focus off you.
When you take the focus off you, say to those poor, hungry people in the small country mentioned above, it makes you realize how good your own life is and it helps you to be grateful for what you have in life.
When we practice gratitude we are not only saying thank you to the universe for all that we have, but we are thankful for life in general. That makes life suck a whole lot less, trust us.
2) You are a Hypocrite.
If you are someone who tends to think she lives and dies by her word but then goes back on her word, either to yourself or someone you know, then you’ll find that life is not as fun as it could be.
The major reason people go back on their word is because of discomfort.
We say we’ll lose 10 pounds in the new year, but it’s really hard.
In fact, it’s not hard at all.
What’s hard are the thoughts we have about losing 10 pounds. Losing 10 pounds is neutral.
You say you’ll do something and then you don’t.
That’s what makes life harder than it needs to be.
If you do the things you said you would do, you’d live a much easier life,
even if it means being uncomfortable from time to time.
(The only way to overcome adversity and conquer any challenge is through mental toughness.
Check out my no-nonsense guide to developing mental toughness here).
3) We are Not as Free as We Think.
While humans like to hang on to the idea of free will, the truth is that many factors play into our decision making and choices in life. Many of which we are not even aware of.
Take, for instance, stories your parents tell about your hometown: do you also believe that there is nothing
for a teenager to do in that small town on a Friday night besides break into cars?
Is that the story you believe or is that the story you grew up hearing and never bothered to question?
We carry with us a tremendous amount of information that is not of our own minds,
yet we’ve adopted it as truth in our lives.
These thoughts often dictate how we make decisions and how we live our lives.
“I can’t find another job.” Well, not with that attitude.
When you examine how you think and feel, you might find that your free will has been compromised
by a lifetime of information coming from all directions. Perhaps it’s time to consider another viewpoint?
4) People Suck.
At the end of the day, no matter how hard you work on yourself, there will be another person waiting in the wings to burst your bubble.
The great burden of being alive is that we cannot control other people. We can only control how we feel and how we react to the neutral circumstances that come our way.
Circumstance remains neutral until we assign a value to them and blow them way out of proportion.
Consider that the next time you find yourself face to face with someone you don’t like:
It might help you see them in a different way and tolerate them for the time being.
Remember though, that your frustration with other people, which only causes you discomfort,
is about you and not them.
Dig a little deeper to find out why someone is driving you bonkers before you
write them off completely.
Once we accept that life is hard, we uncover some brutal lessons that will
help us live better lives.
Here are 40 brutal lessons that I’ve encountered from living a tough life:
40 Brutal Lessons About Life !!!
One of the most painful experiences I’ve ever had to live through was the passing of a close friend.
She had been diagnosed with terminal cancer just two years before her death, and had dedicated her life towards serving others with purpose and passion in the time she had left.
On the day of her passing she had told me her greatest regret: that she didn’t start sooner.
That she had spent so much of her life caring about distractions and drama.
Since that day, I’ve tried to live my life to the fullest, never wasting a day in the way she had regretted.
I’ve let her words guide me, living by them as my constant reminder.
Here are 40 hard truths that are captured from her advice,
some which we may not want to hear, but have to.
1) Change is uncomfortable. Change will always be strange, weird, and discomforting,
but that’s just the way it is. Be patient, and wait for change to become the norm.
2) How you respond to a situation is more important than the situation itself. You are kidding yourself if you believe life should be simple and uncomplicated. There will always be difficult choices and tough situations, and playing your cards right is the best way to move forward in life.
3) You are your own worst critic. You never give yourself the credit that you deserve, and you need to acknowledge that. You can be too hard on yourself, and you need to feel good about your own strength.
4) You neglect yourself too much. This is something we all do. Take care of yourself,
your needs and your wants, and your life will be much better in every aspect.
5) Don’t waste time and energy on people who don’t respect you and things you don’t care about. It can be easy to exhaust ourselves on pointless endeavors. But life is too short doing things
that have no intrinsic value to you.
6) Distractions can take over your life if you don’t pay attention. Take a look at yourself:
is your life filled with distractions? Could you do without them? Master your focus to master your life.
7) Anxiety is a part of life. You will never feel truly confident, so stop waiting for that elusive imaginary level of confidence, because you are using it as an excuse.
8) Waiting for the right circumstances is wasting your life. We often don’t want to move forward until all the stars have aligned. But guess what? The stars will never align unless you move them yourself.
9) Daydreaming is dangerous. Reminiscing about the past or fantasizing about the future can make you miss out on the only part of your life that matters—the present.
10) You don’t listen to things you don’t want to hear. Many of us surround ourselves in a bubble of opinions and truths that make us feel comfortable. We fail to grow because we never take in
what we don’t want to hear.
11) The toughest walls will help you grow the most. Every tense and hard situation will help you grow a little bit higher and a little bit stronger. Embrace challenges for what they are.
12) Even the best chess grandmasters know when to move back. Like chess, life is a game where you have to know when to step forward and step back. It’s all about stepping into the winning position,
regardless of where it might be.
13) Pay attention—everyone has something to teach. Don’t take the world for granted.
Every obstacle and every interaction can become your teacher.
14) You don’t always get what you want. Deal with it, accept it. Learn to play with what you’ve got, instead of refusing to play at all.
15) Acting like the victim will have you treated like one. Stop complaining; life isn’t fair.
Move on from your tragedies, and let you define your life, not the other way around.
16) Sometimes you don’t need closure. There are times where we have to move on from certain people or parts of our lives. We don’t always need to know “what could have been”; just know what could be.
17) Habits are the hardest things in the world to break. Be conscious of your daily habits, especially the negative ones. Don’t constantly fall back into toxic patterns, which will always try to come back into your life.
18) Don’t underestimate your mental strength. Your mind can do whatever you focus on.
Use your mental strength to its greatest potential.
19) You can’t create positive habits overnight. Change takes a while.
If you find yourself struggling to better yourself, remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day.
20) Patience and waiting are different things. Don’t wait for things to happen;
patience is about taking yourself forward one step at a time and staying positive about it.
21) People won’t always be honest about their feelings towards you.
Their actions are more important than their words, so pay attention.
22) Don’t let shallow factors define the way you judge others.
Don’t value titles, money, and accomplishments; instead, value humility, kindness, and integrity.
23) Popularity doesn’t matter. Live your life without giving a damn about popularity.
Do what you want to do, not for the applause, but for the purpose.
24) Evaluate your sources of validation. Don’t live your life searching desperately for
the validation of others. True validation can only come from within.
25) Listen to yourself. Don’t forget what you really feel and what you really want;
it can be easy to lose track of your true values in all the noise.
26) “I’m busy” is the worst excuse. We are always “too busy”.
But finding the time to do something is showing that you value it.
27) You cling onto things that are keeping you down. Evaluate the people and things
you have in your life: if they aren’t helping you move forward, then they are keeping you down.
28) Your greatest superpower is staying calm. Don’t overreact, and don’t take things personally.
Learn to be bigger than that; learn to stay calm.
29) Negative thoughts are a part of life. Letting your momentum go to waste simply because you had a bad day will forever keep you from reaching your dreams. Don’t let negativity define who you become.
30) Stress comes from within. No matter how tough or difficult a situation may be, the way you respond to it comes from within. Stop yourself from stressing out over everything.
31) Life will give and take, always. When life takes away something important from you,
remember that it gives you new things to appreciate and love. Life is in a constant state of flux.
32) Find peace through forgiveness. Holding grudges over others doesn’t hurt them as much as it hurts you. Solve your inner turmoil by forgiving those that have wronged you.
33) No one stays bad forever. We are always changing. Judging someone by their history
no matter how much they have changed is unfair. Give others the chance to grow.
34) Don’t let disagreements turn into hatred. We have a tendency to dehumanize people
that we don’t share opinions with. Be cautious, and watch yourself when you argue.
35) Learn to be more human. The modern world has taken some of our humanity from us; learn to embrace what it means to be human again. Smile, look people in the eye, and don’t stare at your screens all day. Talk and listen.
36) We don’t have the time to fight. There are only so many years before we say goodbye to everything,
so why waste your time arguing and fighting?
37) Placing expectations on others will only leave you brokenhearted. Don’t expect; just appreciate.
38) Not everyone will respond and act the way you do. You are only setting yourself up for disappointment if you think that people will treat you the way you treat them.
39) Positive people find positive people. The way you think and act determines the type of people
who stick to you. If you want good people around you, then you must be good, too.
40) Life will turn on you … Nothing lasts forever. Look around you and say thanks.
Appreciate what you have—love, life, and happiness.
SO Ask Yourself:
Which of the points above make the most sense to you?
How can you change yourself for the better?