Autism has never been reported in history, unlike other diseases which have been well documented.
In the 1940s autism was first described, shortly after vaccines were introduced. Since then, rates have gone
up-as vaccines have increased. In nature all immunity occurs by exposure to mucous membranes not via intramuscular injection (as with vaccines). Physicians dropped the ball by not requiring safety and efficacy trials for vaccines before liberally injecting them into our children.
Caesarean Section cause of Autism?
Soon it will be a fact that vaccines cause autism and this will be one of the darkest days for medicine and mankind. Vaccinations have been around longer than the recent rash of autistic children. We must study recently adopted practices: plastic bottles, the lack of nutrients from dieting mothers trying to keep slim;
toxins thought tolerable but actually subtly changing metabolism; irradiated dairy products; electronic fields….pesticides and the toxins that causing enlarged craniums make it essential that we adopt Cesarean sections more frequently…
Common Everyday Toxins To Avoid
When you’re cleaning your family home or bathing your child, the last thing you are probably thinking about is exposing your family to toxic chemicals. However, that’s the reality if you have not researched the products you are using and chosen ones without toxins. While many companies are responding to the nationwide push to “clean up” their products, most are not quite there yet and still contain numerous everyday toxins. If you’re ready to reduce the toxin load in your home and want to protect the ones you love and yourself, check your products and do your best to avoid these five everyday toxins that are in many
household cleaning and hygiene products.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
A filler ingredient that is often added to personal hygiene products to make them foam, sodium lauryl sulfate
is one of the big offenders. The Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database rates SLS as a “moderate hazard” based on the fact that research proves it is linked to cancer, neurotoxicity, organ toxicity, skin irritation, and endocrine disruption. Furthermore, studies show that undiluted sodium lauryl sulfate can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea if ingested as well as it has adverse effects on the kidneys, liver, and central nervous system.
Although it is derived from coconuts, SLS is contaminated with a toxic byproduct as a result of the manufacturing product. It is present in most mainstream body washes, soaps, shampoos, toothpastes, and laundry detergents. The toxin may also be listed as sodium dodecyl sulfate, sulfuric acid, monododecyl ester, sodium salt, sodium salt sulfuric acid, sodium dodecyl sulfate, aquarex me, or aquarex methyl. To avoid the product, look for products that are marked as “SLS free” as well as shampoos and other products
that are made with essential oils.
Bisphenol-A or BPA is an industrial chemical that has been a component of plastics and resins for decades. The biggest concern with this chemical is its ability to seep into food and beverages from containers made with BPA. Some research has indicated that the toxin may have possible side effects on the brain, behavior, and prostate glands, particularly in fetuses, infants, and children. Further studies show that the chemical may also be linked to an increase in blood pressure.
BPA is most commonly found in polycarbonate plastics that are used to create food and beverage containers. However, it may also be found in other consumer products. Some epoxy resins containing the toxin are also used to coat the insides of metal products, including food cans, bottle tops, and water supply lines. To avoid this toxin, look for products that are marked “BPA free” and cut back on canned goods. Likewise, avoid heating plastics in the microwave or placing them in the dishwasher, as this may cause them to break down. Also, look for alternatives, such as glass, porcelain, or stainless steel containers, particularly for hot foods and liquids.
Artificial Food Coloring & Dye
The most common culprits are Yellow 5 and Red 40; however, other common dyes include Blue 1, Blue 2,
Green 3, Orange B, Red 3, and Yellow 6. Artificial colors are most common in candies and baked goods, but some companies also put them in beverages, pet food, and even some meat products. To avoid the effects of artificial food coloring and dye, look for foods without any additives and try your hand at naturally coloring foods at home with things like fruits and vegetables.
While most people know to avoid direct exposure to high concentrations of ammonia, few people realize how common the chemical is in household cleaning products. The chemical is found in everything from plastics to fabrics, dyes, and household cleaning solutions. While some individuals are more sensitive to the chemical than others, anyone can experience negative side effects from the toxin. The most common form of exposure is inhalation that can cause eye, nose, skin, throat and respiratory irritation. Over time, the chemical can even contribute to bronchial and alveolar edema as well as respiratory disorders.
The chemical is most commonly found in polishing agents, such as those used to clean windows, bathroom fixtures, sinks, and jewelry. The chemical evaporates cleanly without leaving any streaks behind,
which is why it’s often chosen for such cleaning products.
Vodka is an effective alternative to ammonia if you’re cleaning a metal or mirrored surface.
Likewise, toothpaste can be used as a safe silver polish.
Sodium Hydroxide
A highly versatile substance, sodium hydroxide or lye is often found in powerful household cleaning products. The chemical is extremely corrosive, so if it touches your skin or enters your eyes, it can cause extreme burns. Not only that but if you inhale sodium hydroxide fumes, it can damage the lining of your esophagus and cause a sore throat that lasts for days or cause further damage.
Not surprisingly, the chemical is often found in oven cleaners and drain openers. However, it can also be found in cosmetic and personal care products, such as foot powders, hair dyes, makeup, nail products, shampoos, and more. Instead of using cleaning products laced with lye, try baking soda and vinegar instead. Likewise, look for personal care products and cosmetics that are free of the irritant to limit your exposure.
Now that you’re aware of the various toxins that could be affecting your health, do yourself a favor and read the labels of a variety of household cleaners, makeup, and hygiene products to ensure that you stay safe and healthy.
Health, Home, and Happiness, is a blog by Cara Comini and she believes that a healthy body and mind starts with a healthy gut. Cara believes that natural, organic sustainable produce and traditionally prepared food is designed by God to be best for the earth and people alike and enjoys learning more about this all the time. Her whole family eats primarily grain free at home. Cara blogs is about incorporating traditional food, natural remedies, and healthy habits into real life. The goal of her writing is to encourage the average family that eating real wholesome foods is something that is a priority and can realistically be done. Cara lives in Montana with her three young children. They enjoy the sunshine, swimming, fun day trips (with Healthy
food packed to bring along!) and hanging out with friends and family.
She uses background in the medical industry to help decipher what is nutritional propaganda and what are ‘statistically significant’ studies. She believes that natural, sustainably produced and traditionally prepared food is best for the earth and people alike and enjoys learning more about this all the time.
Cara started researching dietary intervention for her daughter 8 years ago, as she was on the autism spectrum at that time and conventional treatments were not helping. The family used the Gut and Psychology Syndrome protocol for 3 years, and still primarily eats a grain-free diet now, though not as strict. Most of the recipes on Health Home and Happiness are GAPS friendly and simple enough to prepare with children underfoot. You can see the recipe index here.
As more and more of her friends started having babies and asking Cara about recommendations, she wrote
The Empowered Mother– a mother-to-mother guide from a holistic perspective to help prospective parents understand the pros and cons of conventional and natural treatment and preventative tools in pregnancy, childbirth, and the baby’s first few months.
Lately, she has been helping families stock their freezer with delicious pre-made main dishes that are Paleo and GAPS-friendly. Click here to learn more about grain-free freezer cooking.
You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram.
The goal of Health, Home, and Happiness is to encourage the average family that eating real wholesome foods is something that is a priority in our lives and can realistically be done in any family.
I knew my daughter Hannah had autism when she was only 12 months old although she wasn’t professionally diagnosed until age 4. Today, Hannah no longer carries an autism diagnosis and the progress she has made has been nothing short of life changing. There’s more,
Hannah has successfully transitioned off of GAPS and is now eating a normal traditional diet which includes grains and starches – with no regression or recurrence of symptoms!
For those of you new to GAPS, it stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome.
GAPS is a temporary diet that was designed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD
to reverse autism in her own son. GAPS works to heal the gut lining, rebalance intestinal flora, and help with nutrient absorption.
In a nutshell, the GAPS Diet cuts out grains, sugar, and starch, and adds in foods rich in probiotics, healthy fats, and amino acids needed to heal and seal the gut wall. Once the gut lining is healed, many chronic health problems magically go away- things from autoimmune diseases to behavior problems to eczema.
Hannah’s Story of Reversing Autism
To understand Hannah’s case, it is important to understand mitochondria, which act like batteries in our cells to produce energy critical for normal function…. Emerging evidence suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction may not be rare at all among children with autism. In the only population-based study of its kind, Portuguese researchers confirmed that at least 7.2 percent, and perhaps as many as 20 percent, of autistic children exhibit mitochondrial dysfunction. While we do not yet know a precise U.S. rate, 7.2 percent to 20 percent of children do not qualify as “rare.” In fact, mitochondrial dysfunction may be the most common medical condition associated with autism.
National public health leaders, including those at CDC, must now recognize the paradigm shift caused by this biological marker with regard to their current position of dispelling a vaccine-autism link. Science must determine more precisely how large the mitochondrial autism subpopulation is:
1 percent, 7.2 percent, 20 percent?
I had been keeping an eye on Hannah’s development from 4 months old when she wasn’t making eye contact, rolling over, or interested in anything other than nursing, I knew something was up, but it was right near her 1st birthday that I looked up the diagnostic criteria for autism, and realized that yes, she most likely did qualify as autistic, though most professionals won’t diagnose it until 3 years. It wasn’t until she was 4 that she received a formal diagnosis from a professional, but I knew I needed to start intervention as soon as possible in order to give her the greatest chance for a full recovery.
I started by keeping her on a Weston A. Price Traditional Diet of all organic, nutrient dense foods as she was weaning, but when I didn’t see improvement with that we tried the gluten free casein free diet, which helped her ability to learn temporarily. After a while, however, she lapsed back into ‘autism land’.
As a desperate young mom with an autistic toddler, and now her infant baby brother, I continued to search for ways to help my child. Googling ‘what to do when the gluten free casein free diet stops working autism’ brought up the GAPS Diet – this was 2009 when GAPS was just beginning to be known across the internet.
It took me a few months to work up the motivation to place my small child on such a restrictive diet, but the waking up every 2 hours all night every night, her not making progress in speech or occupational therapy because she was unable to learn, and wanting so desperately to improve her quality of life pushed me to give GAPS a try. Just after Hannah’s 3rd birthday I said we would only try GAPS for 30 days.
And I tried it with her, to make sure I felt okay on such a different diet than typical Americans eat.
Starting GAPS
We started GAPS with the intro diet in November 2009. I saw such great progress with her (and myself- GAPS cleared up a dairy allergy that I’d had since childhood, in just 6 weeks of the intro diet!)
that I committed to keep going.
She was able to learn again, and seemed to be starved for GAPS food;
she was actually eating more than I was as a lactating mother!
Continuing GAPS as it was needed
We continued GAPS for 2-1/2 years, working to heal the gut lining. Hannah’s digestion improved, and she started eating less after having been on the diet for a few weeks- her body was so starved for nutrients at first that she would eat everything in sight, but slowed back down to a typical toddler amount
after a few weeks on GAPS.
The most exciting part of Hannah’s improvement on GAPS was that she was once again able to learn.
She started making progress in speech, occupational, and physical therapies. She took an interest in other children, was sleeping well at night, and was happier during the day.
GAPS gave her quality of life so much improvement, that there was no question that we had to continue the diet as long as it helped her.
As we continued, I got better at cooking GAPS food. In the beginning we ate vegetable soup, cooked chicken, hamburgers, and scrambled eggs nearly every day. GAPS forced me to be more creative with the allowed GAPS food, and I was able to expand to very enjoyable meals!
Hannah knew her diet was different, but she was content with her food. Other parents would look on at me jealousy as she gobbled up eggs, meat, fruit, and veggies. The diet took effort to continue with,
but once we had been on it about 6 months it just became routine.
Transitioning off the GAPS diet after 2 years
GAPS is intended to be a temporary diet, so after Hannah had been on it and doing well for 2 years, I started trying some foods that weren’t GAPS legal about once a month. We started with potatoes, popcorn, and whole raw milk and she did well. We continued introducing new non-GAPS foods and watched carefully for any reactions (wheat was the last thing we introduced). If her gut wasn’t healed enough to tolerate a food I saw reactions in the form of skin rashes, night terrors, or loss of eye contact- every person’s reactions would be different though.
In June we traveled to California for my little brother’s wedding. She had been transitioning off GAPS for 6 months by then, so I decided to just let go and see if she could eat what everyone else was eating. She did great! No reactions to the food at all. We were officially and successfully done with our GAPS and
food allergy journey!
No longer Autistic!
Though Hannah still has some learning disabilities (I believe this is from the long time that her brain was bombarded with toxins pre-GAPS, and we’re trying other therapies to continue to help with this), she just was tested this fall and no longer meets the criteria needed for an autism diagnosis.
She has benefited so much from the GAPS diet, and has come so far from the 12 month old who would just fuss or stare off into space all day. She is toilet trained, loves interacting with peers, talks, learns new things, makes great eye contact, and is getting much better at accepting changes to her routine.
We still eat mostly GAPS at home, since it is such a nutrient dense diet that our whole family thrives on.
But being off GAPS means that I don’t have to stress when we’re out and
we can just eat what everyone else is eating.
The GAPS diet has been amazing for our family, I am so thankful that Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride wrote the GAPS book in time to help Hannah. I’m also thankful it’s not a diet we have to be on for life,
but it was so worth it to stick with it for the couple years we needed to be on it.
More Information on the GAPS Diet.
The Five Most Common GAPS Diet Mistakes
GAPS Diet: Heal Your Autoimmune Disease Now
Overwhelmed by the GAPS Diet? Help Has Arrived
How to Speed Healing and Shorten Time on the GAPS Diet
Coming Home to Autism by Tara Leniston