Catch-22 [catch-22] definition is –
a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem that denies a solution. a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions.
NOUN: catch-22 (noun) · catch-22s (plural noun) · catch twenty-two (noun) ·
catch twenty-twos (plural noun)
“a catch-22 situation”
Once you make it to 65, the data suggest that you can live another 19.3 years, on average, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However as we age we must accept the fact of life we must Rise Above Stress and Mood Illnesses. And we must be made aware of the root cause for hormonal imbalances, thyroid disorders, stress, weight or digestive issues, fatigue, auto-immunity, depression and anxiety. Throughout life we have learned from our life experience, therefore, allow for those experiences to give you guidance and understanding Bring loving intention also into your body as well.
Life shouldn’t be about… Why are you doing that and what is wrong with you…Look at the positives you have in your life and don’t dwell on the negatives. Stop thinking everything is a problem to fix and start thinking it is a miracle to still be alive !!! William J. Mayo once stated: The Aim of medicine should be to prevent disease and prolong life. The ideal of medicine is to eliminate the need of a physician!!! 80% of people will die of chronic illnesses and 3 in 4 of those are preventable. So Be mindful — don’t be impulsive to your feelings. Figure out why you’re out of balance with reality ..you either suppress or deal with stress. I encourage you to watch the TedTalk become friends with your stress. It’s more important to believe what you believe then the actual thoughts you are having?
The more in the present you are with your stress in your life and why is it manifesting and trying to teach you something about yourself. The more you can deal with it and the better off you will be!!! Mindfulness Practices of bringing your self awareness to the present moment without judgment. Also realise when you’re hyper active it’s important to know that it depletes your digestive system of vitamins and minerals.
Related Research
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction MBSR Pubmed
(Is a practice that brings you to the here and now into the moment.)
Mindfulness Self-compassion…
You have to have compassion, empathy, and gratitude in your life ~Itai Ivtzan
For many, then, senior living includes carefully managing chronic conditions in order to stay healthy. Old age can be a terrifying concept for many people. It is true that the regenerative capacity of the body will decline with old age, making you more prone to old age related health issues. There are many studies going on about the various health problems of old age, which is called geriatrics. It is important to be prepared to face the various health issues that you may experience as you near your old age through an enhanced immune system.
Making healthy lifestyle choices, like quitting smoking and losing weight, can help you
avoid senior health risks, though “you need to be physically active and eat a healthy diet,” explains Jeanne Wei, MD, PhD, executive director of the Reynolds Institute on Aging at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock. Including a geriatrician, a doctor who specializes in the health concerns of aging, on your senior healthcare team can help you learn how to live better with any chronic diseases. Then you too can be among the 41 percent of people over 65 who say their health is very good or excellent, according to the CDC.
RELATED: 6 Ways Your Body Gets Better With Age
Somedays I get up and don’t feel like doing it but I do it anyway
…because once you stop you stop!!!
Some have defined a human as a creature who is capable of investigations regarding himself, his environment and his own meaning. In the scientific sense, to be human means to be a complex biological organism belonging to the species of Homo sapiens. It means to be capable of logical reasoning, abstract thought, learning and using languages and possessing self-awareness. Furthermore, being human means you are capable of culture, complex problem solving, creating advanced technologies and developing complex social institutions. However, while all of this is factually correct, some feel that it provides only a limited description, and does not really encompass the core of what it means to be a human. We are human when you break down that word: hu – means like and man means – among us. 0ne must experience the expansion and vastness of their own mind to become likemind Emerson Pugh once said that if the human brain was so simple we could understand it – we would be so simple where we couldn’t!
What influences the outcome of your brain is toxins, lack of oxygen, lack of food and water, blunt trauma, degenerative disease and the aging process. Another thing that can topple that belief is the health of your gut microbiome through mental disturbance through the western diet lacking in proper nutrition which includes toxins and reduce cognition, Identifying and repairing leaky gut. Dr. Thomas O Bryan states, “depression, anxiety, brain fog, migraines, schizophrenia, bi polar, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson, multi sclerosis they are all caused by a mind
on fire with inflammation, If your life is full of stressors and food triggers you create additional inflammation. At age 85, the average American has a 50% chance of having Alzheimer’s.
Most inflammatory triggers are on the end of your fork (sugar flour and processed foods.)
What you eat mostly determines your state of mind. Your body will crave what you eat regularly.
You are what you eat and if you eat healthy you will have a healthy gut – mental function Peace and ease of mind and happiness leads to great heart health,
Dr. Titus Chiu states, your brain is 60% fat so feed it: Fish Oil – DHA EPA, Coconut MCT OIL Monounsaturated Fat Olive oil Polyphenols and antioxidants Root vegetables (rutabaga turnips parsnip radishes sweet potatoes carrots Jerusalem artichokes arracacha red beets should be on your palate.) Because the fiber in those veggies feed good bacteria in their raw form and are extremely important but make sure they are organic. Leafy greens also feed
The good bacteria in your gut with insoluble and soluble fiber.
Also on your refrigerator obtain a List of prebiotic foods
Then everyday have two prebiotic foods and one root vegetable, Buy five fermented foods sauerkraut Kombucha Kefir miso tempeh kimchi fermented beets dill pickles and have a fork full of that daily. Many vegetables are high in fiber and contain important vitamins and minerals.
Vegetables that people commonly ferment include:
collard greens
Also season your food with curry, Curry has a unique flavor that is deep and earthy from the blend of savory spices, but also has certain brightness due to the sweet spices in it. It is actually a mix of spices that includes cumin, coriander, turmeric, pepper, mustard, ginger, clove, cardamom, bay leaf and fenugreek. Onions are members of the Allium vegetable family, which includes garlic, onions, leeks, chives, scallions and shallots. Is broccoli a root veg? No, broccoli is considered a cruciferous vegetable and a member of the Brassica plant family. Also one must remember Healing thinking and being; Mindfulness Meditation Connection: take the time to Stop smell the roses and to concentrate for 40 minutes a day on your memory and your focus which will bring happiness. Remember time management and energy efficiency — just 40 minutes a day —
will be the end all be and you will still have 1400 minutes left in your day.
Heart Math Heart Brain Axis — Deborah Rozman Ph.D.
Rollin McCraty states it about love kindness compassion empathy
those that have a more positive outlook live longer and are more successful!!!
Heart Rate Variability: the physiological phenomenon of variations in time between heart beats is the difference between being angry frustrated stressed with impatience anxiety and becoming overwhelmed in your day versus genuine love, caring, appreciation and kindness — fight or flight balance out
your emotions in your day…et…cetera.
You have to live in balance:
Parasympathetic-– 90% of the time versus Sympathetic nervous system–10% of the time…
The parasympathetic nervous system is one of the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system, the other being the sympathetic nervous system. The enteric nervous system is now usually referred to as separate from the autonomic nervous system since it has its own independent reflex activity. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for regulating the body’s unconscious actions. The parasympathetic system is responsible for stimulation of “rest-and-digest” or “feed and breed” activities that occur when the body is at rest, especially after eating, including sexual arousal, salivation, lacrimation, urination, digestion and defecation.
Its action is described as being complementary to that of the sympathetic nervous system,
which is responsible for stimulating activities associated with the fight-or-flight response.
The sympathetic nervous system’s primary process is to stimulate the body’s fight-flight-or-freeze response.
It is, however, constantly active at a basic level to maintain homeostasis homeodynamics. The sympathetic nervous system is described as being antagonistic to the parasympathetic nervous system which stimulates the body to “feed and breed” and to (then) you have to be at “rest-and-digest” to be healthy.
In your posture when you sit more forward with open responses you breathe better and have better connections to interactions with other people. It is the coordination with mind body breath. Internal energy work – coordination of mind eyes body breath – something powerful happens that makes you more aware. What happens in your body – when you have a thought that trips the wire. The Tiger shows up for 3 seconds —
then a hour later your back to normal = that’s the above below metaphor feeling to good health!!!
Self Regulate Your Anxiety… being in your own body is torture unless
you feel a sense of anatomy and control over yourself.
Reacting with an unclear decision making inability causes distress and dis’ease?
Psychological response theory!!!
Stimulus Response Theory is a concept in psychology that refers to the belief that behavior manifests as a result of the interplay between stimulus and response. In particular, the belief is that a subject is presented with a stimulus, and then responds to that stimulus, producing “behavior”
(the object of psychology’s study, as a field).
Think about this: Any sentence that starts with And, But, JUST or Yet never helps anyone…
a thriving animal has to be in control of one’s own emotions — all actions come from the prefrontal cortex.
The prefrontal cortex is the front portion of the frontal lobes and manages complex cognitive process such as memory, planning, reasoning, and problem-solving. This area of the frontal lobes functions to help us set and maintain goals, curb negative impulses, organize events in time order, and form our individual personalities.
Stress Reduction:
Tapping is also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). It is a powerful holistic healing technique that resolves a range of issues. It’s based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and
modern psychology.
The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion at hand. This can be a fear, a worry,
a bad memory, or any unresolved problem. You do this while maintaining your mental focus on this issue.
Then you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body.
Tapping on these meridian endpoints, while addressing the root cause of distress,
sends a calming signal to the brain. This allows you to feel relaxed and in control.
Nick Ortner | The Tapping Solution
Five Habits for a Healthy Spirit, Soul and Body by Joyce Meyer, Part 1
Tip #1 EFT Emotional Free Therapy
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of counseling intervention that draws on various theories of alternative medicine including acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy (TFT). It is best known through Gary Craig’s EFT Handbook, published in the late 1990s, and related books and workshops by a variety of teachers. EFT and similar techniques are often discussed under
the umbrella term “energy psychology”.
Tip #2 Yashoda Devi Ma Expert in Vedic Meditation and Transcendence —
don’t allow what others are doing to enter into your nervous system.
The ancient Rishis realized that man could find tremendous resources through the development of his consciousness and the Vedic Meditation technique is the result of thousands of years of research and investigation into the subtle inner workings of the mind, body and being. Don’t get me wrong, there are many kinds of meditation and relaxation techniques. Homegirl loves a good self-care evening in. But Vedic-based meditation techniques have the most science behind its effectiveness. In fact, a meditation practice is associated with reducing blood pressure and reducing heart disease as well as its risk factors.
Tip #3 Carolyn McMakin MA DC reducing cortisol levels —> https://bebrainfit.com/
reduce-cortisol-stress-hormone/ Luckily, there are a number of ways to manage and overcome chronic stress, lower cortisol levels, reverse damage done to the brain, and improve your sense of wellbeing.
This article includes the best foods, nutrients, herbs and supplements that reduce cortisol; as well as the best lifestyle habits, therapies that reduce cortisol.
20 Proven Ways to Quickly Lower Your Cortisol Levels
Tip #4 Yoga comes from India Integration of the wisdom of Life
Yoga allows us to be more aware of ourselves and feel connected. As such, yoga is a process
of self-discovery. This leads us to self-mastery and self-realization. Yoga as a science.
Yoga is a science that is, it is a body of techniques that lead us to consciously connect with ourselves and with the immortal cultural outcome!! , Living with freedom in all walks of life, health and harmony shall be the main objectives of Yoga practice. “Yoga” also refers to an inner science comprising of a variety of methods through which human beings can realize this union and achieve mastery over their own destiny.
1. postures and exercises
2. breathing practices
3. deep relaxation
4. meditative focus component
Tip #5 Tai chi and qi gong are centuries-old ancient practices related mind and body practices. that have led to improved health, fitness, wellbeing and longevity for countless individuals up to the present time. They both cultivate the Qi, also spelt Chi — the life energy that flows through the body’s energy pathways. They involve certain postures and gentle movements with mental focus, breathing, and relaxation. The movements can be adapted or practiced while walking, standing, or sitting. In contrast to qi gong and tai chi movements,
if practiced quickly, can be a form of combat or self-defense.
If you think your way through any given situation you can heal yourself?
1. Arthritis
Arthritis is a common condition that almost all old people have to face. This is mainly an autoimmune disease, which is characterized by joint pain and deformities. Arthritis commonly affects fingers, hips, knees, wrists, and spine. “Arthritis is probably the number one condition people 65 or older contend with,” says geriatrician Marie Bernard, MD, deputy director of the National Institute on Aging in Bethesda, Maryland. American Arthritis Foundation prescribes cbd oil. diet, exercise, tai chi or Qigong and water aerobics. The CDC estimates that it affects 49.7 percent of all adults over 65 and can lead to pain, memory loss and lower quality of life for some seniors. Although arthritis can discourage you from being active, it’s important to work with your doctor to develop a personalized activity plan that, along with other treatment, can help maintain senior health. Put the power of relief in your own hands with a Wahl’s hand-held massagers that can help relieve chronic pain, post-exercise aches, stress, arthritis, headaches, and migraines.
2. Heart Disease
Heart Attack. In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds. 3 Every year, about 805,000 Americans have a heart attack. 3 Of these, . 605,000 are a first heart attack; 200,000 happen to people who have already had a heart attack 3; About 1 in 5 heart attacks is silent—the damage is done, but the person is not aware of it. According to the CDC, heart disease remains the leading killer of adults over age 65, accounting for 489,722 deaths. Also as a chronic condition, heart disease affects 37 percent of men and 26 percent of women 65 and older, according to the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics.
SO EAT Heart Healthy and it is important to do cardio exercise after 50 years old!!!!
As people age, they’re increasingly living with risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, that increase the chances of having a stroke or developing heart disease. Dr. Marie Bernard’s advice for addressing this senior health risk not only helps with heart disease but can improve senior health across the board: “Exercise (lifting a 2 pound weight helps to keep the heart muscle strong), eating healthy for nutrient replenishment, while getting adequate amounts of sunlight for vitamin D and a good night’s rest helps reduce the risk of a heart attack. Eating a well-balanced healthy diet and staying active are keys to success into your Golden Years.”
3. Cancer
Cancer is the second leading cause of death. A total of 1,806,590 new cancer cases and 606,520 deaths are expected in the US in 2020, which is about 4,950 new cases and more than 1,600 deaths each day. The numbers are reported in “ Cancer Statistics, 2020 ,” published in the American Cancer Society’s peer-reviewed journal CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. The CDC reports 28 percent of men and 21 percent of women over age 65 are living with cancer. If caught early through screenings, such as mammograms, colonoscopies, and skin checks, many types of cancer are treatable. And though you’re not always able to prevent cancer, you can improve your quality of life as a senior living with cancer, including during treatment, by working with your medical team and maintaining their healthy senior living recommendations.
4. Respiratory Diseases
Chronic lower respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are the third most common cause of death among people 65 and older, with 124,693 deaths in 2014, according to the CDC. Among people 65 and older, about 10 percent of men and 13 percent of women are living with asthma, and 10 percent of men and 11 percent of women are living with chronic bronchitis or emphysema, according to the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics. Although having a chronic respiratory disease increases senior health risks, making you more vulnerable to pneumonia and other infections, getting lung function tests and taking the correct medication, or using oxygen as instructed, will go a long way toward preserving senior health and your quality of life. Vitamin D has other benefits for people with COPD, said David G. Hill, MD, a pulmonologist with Waterbury Pulmonary Associates in Connecticut and a medical spokesperson at the American Lung Association.
5. Alzheimer’s Disease
Cognitive impairment will cause memory loss and your ability to correlate things and do calculations will decrease over time. The affected person will be confused and the ability to take up more than one task at a time will be affected. Alzheimer’s disease accounted for 92,604 deaths of people over age 65 in 2014, according to the CDC. The Alzheimer’s Association reports that one in nine people age 65 and older, which is about 11 percent, have Alzheimer’s disease, but because diagnosis is challenging, it’s difficult to know exactly how many people are living with this chronic condition. Still, experts acknowledge that cognitive impairment has a significant impact on senior health across the spectrum, from issues of safety and self-care to the cost burden of care, either in the home or a residential facility.
Alzheimer’s disease is another serious issue in the list of health problems of old age. Once you get Alzheimer’s disease, your ability to remember and think will be affected. Memory lapse is the common problem that will be noted in the early stage. Before you renew Amazon Prime, read this Wikibuy 2020 Is The Year We Stop Paying for TV. Watch Free TV Here. Sling TV Cancelled TV Shows: Effective Immediately www.thedelite.com
Improving Memory. Proven ways to protect memory include following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, keeping blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar in check. Living a mentally active life is important, too. Just as muscles grow stronger with use, mental exercise helps keep mental skills and memory in tone.
6. Diabetes
The CDC estimates that 25 percent of people ages 65 and older are living with diabetes, a significant senior health risk. According to CDC data, diabetes caused 54,161 deaths among adults over age 65 in 2014. Diabetes can be identified and addressed early with simple blood tests for blood sugar levels. The sooner you know that you have or are at risk for diabetes, the sooner you can start making changes to control the disease and improve your long-term senior health outlook. GOOGLE: How to reverse diabetes naturally and quickly by diet plan, Dr, Josh Axe, Jason Fung, Fenugreek or Banaba Leaf…
7. Influenza and Pneumonia
Although the flu and pneumonia aren’t chronic conditions, these infections are among the top eight causes of death in people over age 65, according to the CDC. Seniors are more vulnerable to these diseases and less able to fight them off. Senior healthcare recommendations include getting an annual flu shot, and getting the pneumonia vaccine if recommended by your doctor, to prevent these infections and their life-threatening complications. Reason why more cases happen during the winter months is because Vitamin D levels lower and the immune system is colder. Warm weather produces an enhanced immune reaction!!!
8. Falls
The risk for falls requiring emergency room care increases with age. Each year, 2.5 million people ages 65 and older are treated in emergency departments because of falls, according to the CDC. That’s more than any other age group. And, one-third of people who go to the emergency room for a fall may find themselves there again within one year, according to a study published in August 2015 in the
American Journal of Emergency Medicine.
Also be aware that most falls occur in the home, where tripping hazards include area rugs and slippery bathroom floors, according to a study published in January 2013 in the Journal of Injury and Violence Research. Cataracts and glaucoma, which are both age related conditions, can decrease your depth perception and make you more susceptible to falls. Also, make sure to clean your glasses daily in order to help improve your visibility. Prescription drugs can become an obstacle as well?
One of the best things that can be done to improve coordination and muscle strength is to start a regular exercise program. Did you know the inner part of your knee weakens first as we age. The reason a knee replacement is common in the elderly. Walking, water workouts and tai chi are great examples of exercises that help to build strength but are gentle to perform on your body. If you need more suggestions, talk to your chiropractor about what exercises you can do to help prevent a fall in your future. You also have to consider that as you age, your muscles strength lessens and lack of flexibility and tightness in your hips starts and can make it difficult for you to sit and stand or even walk. There are things you can do to help counter the impact aging has on your body, (Every part of your body works in unison and Hip Flexor Stretches for Tight Hip Relief and bicycling has been important for me in the last year for youthful regeneration.)
9. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is one of the major health problems many old people face. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become very fragile. This will increase the chance of fracture due to decreased bone density. The risk for osteoporosis is more in women after menopause. “Osteoporosis can contribute to becoming less mobile and potentially disabled should you fall and have a fracture or as the vertebral bodies collapse,” Bernard said.
The National Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that 54 million Americans over age 50 are affected by low bone mass or osteoporosis, putting them at risk for a fracture or break that could lead to poor senior health and reduced quality of life. What’s more, they estimate that by the year 2020 that number will rise to 64.4 million. Osteoporosis makes bones more susceptible to fracture in fall, which can be a problem. It is caused by hormonal changes, calcium and vitamin D deficiencies, as well as a decrease in physical activity.
Make sure your diet is balanced and includes enough calcium to support your bone health.
10. Substance Abuse:
An analysis of data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions suggests that one in five people over 65 have had a substance or alcohol abuse problem at some point in their lives. Alcohol and tobacco topped the list of nonmedical substances abused by survey participants. Substance and alcohol abuse are a concern for senior health because of possible interactions with prescription medication, their impact on overall health, and the increased senior health risks, such as falls, associated with intoxication.
11. Obesity
Do you carry your weight well. If not think “Obesity” and other related issues during old age are mainly due to metabolic syndrome. This may further lead to Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and high blood pressure. Obesity is an important senior health risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer — all chronic conditions that impact quality of life. As the numbers on the scale increase, so does the risk for disease. Of the adults between 65 and 74, 36.2 percent of men and 40.7 percent of women are obese — meaning that their body mass index is greater than or equal to 30 — according to the CDC. It can also be a signal that an older adult isn’t as active or mobile as he or she once was. Two adaptogens that will help you stay balanced and calm | lean and trim are ashwagandha and reishi mushroom.
12. Depression
According to the American Psychological Association, 15 to 20 percent of Americans over 65 have experienced depression. A threat to senior health, depression can lower immunity and can compromise a person’s ability to fight infections. In addition to treatment with medication and therapy, other ways to improve senior living might be to increase physical activity — 59.4 percent of adults 65 and older don’t meet CDC recommendations for exercise — or to interact socially more — seniors report spending just 8 to 11 percent of their free time with family and friends, according to the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics. One way to overcome depression is a positive outlook on life. Nothing positive comes from being negative.
13. Anxiety Disorders
As we get older we experience a Sense of Loss if you live into your 90’s. One must also remember:
In 1900, life expectancy in the United States was 47.3 years; in 2017, it was 78.6 and with this increase in life. Many of those people in their 90’s experienced their whole life. . . .vanish before them (A Husband or wife, brothers and sisters. Zoloft is a great way to cope as well as exercise three hours before bedtime to increase their ability to relax and reduce pent up anxiety and nervous energy throughout the day.
Which produces better sleep and better memory…
14. Emotional Disturbance
Health problems of old age are not limited to physical disabilities. Old age can affect your mental health also because of various social aspects. This may create discomfort both to you and your family. Make sure you share and discuss your problems with close family and friends that support you in every possible way.
Risk Factors and Causes of Health Issues in the Elderly Population
One major problem in diagnosing and treating seniors with mental illness is that elderly individuals are more likely to report physical issues than they are psychological issues (CDC).
But even the typical emotional and physical stresses associated with aging can lead to depression or anxiety.
Here are some possible triggers for mental illness in senior citizens:
• Chronic pain
• Chronic disease
• Physical impairments like thyroid or adrenal disease that affect emotion, thought, or memory
• Physical disabilities
• Loneliness
• Major life changes
• Grief
• Widowhood
• Certain medications
• Heavy alcohol consumption or drug abuse
• Malnutrition/poor diet
• Dementia-causing illness
Elderly Mental Disorders or Effects of Old Age? Symptoms of Mental Illness in the Elderly
As we grow older, it isn’t uncommon to see changes. General forgetfulness is normal, but persistent depression, anxiety, memory loss, or other cognitive issues can be signs of something more serious.
If you are a caregiver or have an elderly loved one in your life, you can help spot indicators
of a mental health issue. Here are some common warning signs to look for:
A marked change in appetite, energy level, and/or mood
• Feeling emotionally “flat” or finding it difficult to experience positive emotions
• Trouble sleeping too much, or difficulty falling and staying asleep
• Persistent thoughts of hopelessness, sadness, or suicidal thoughts
• A desire or need for drugs or alcohol
• Feeling on edge, restless, or having trouble concentrating
• Increased feelings of stress or worry
• Short-term/recent memory loss
• Anger, agitation, or increased aggressiveness
• Obsessive-compulsive behavioral tendencies or thoughts
• Unusual behaviors or thoughts directed towards others
• Behaviors or thoughts that affect social opportunities, work, or family
• Persistent digestive issues, pain, or headaches not explained by other health problems
• Difficulty managing finances or tasks involving numbers
• Problems with grooming or household maintenance
If a family member or someone under your care exhibits any of these symptoms, get in touch with the senior’s care team, including the primary care physician, to determine the best way to diagnose and treat possible mental health concerns before they become more serious.
15. Oral Health
Healthy teeth and gums are important not just for a pretty smile and easy eating, but for overall senior “microbiome” gut health. According to the CDC, 25 percent of adults over 65 have no natural teeth. As you age, your mouth tends to become dryer and cavities are more difficult to prevent, so proper oral health care, including regular dental checkups, should be a senior healthcare priority, Dr. Wei said.
16. Poverty
In 2013, 45 percent of adults ages 65 and older had incomes below the poverty level, according to a 2015 Kaiser Family Foundation report. This number takes into account available financial resources, liabilities such as taxes, value benefits like food stamps, out-of-pocket medical expenses, geographic variations in housing expenses, and other factors. Older women are slightly more likely than men to be living in poverty, and that gap widens in those over 80. Single older adults are also significantly more likely to live alone with fewer resources. Poverty affects senior health if you’re unable to afford doctor visits, medication for chronic conditions, and other essential senior healthcare needs.
17. Bed Sores and Shingles
Remember that bout of chicken pox you had as a kid? It can come back as shingles when you’re an adult. According to the National Institutes of Health, one out of three people over 60 will get shingles, and 50 percent of all Americans will experience it before they’re 80. It usually affects only one side of your body, shingles start out with severe pain or tingling and then developing into an itchy rash and possibly blisters. If you believe in vaccines [I Don’t]: There is a vaccine available, so talk to your doctor about it.
Alternative: Manuka Honey…
18. Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is an important issue that many senior citizens face. The most common form of age-related hearing loss is presbycusis. Older people may need a hearing aid because the ability to hear high frequency sound may decrease over time. Glaucoma Glaucoma is one among the health problems of old people, which is due to an increase in the fluid pressure inside the eye. This increased pressure will cause damage to the optic nerve resulting in loss of vision.
First thing flush the wax build up in your ear canal?
19. Macular Degeneration | Cataracts
Vision deterioration is one of the most common health problems in old people. In macular degeneration,
the macula, which helps to sense and transmit images to the brain, is affected. This medical condition is usually found in elderly people above the age of 50. Solar Shields are one of the best ways to prevent vision loss after
60 years of age. Ocuvite Eye Performance delivers nutrients that help strengthen the eye’s natural protective filter and support overall eye health. Ocuvite Eye Performance contains 7 vital eye nutrients including Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Omega-3, and Vitamin D – more of the key eye nutrients
than any other Ocuvite vitamin.
20. Kidney Failure
It is estimated that older adults (ages 50+) eat more than 3,400 mg sodium each day – greater than 1,000 mg above their recommended levels. These high levels were confirmed by the recent release of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) Report , underscoring the need to pay close attention to our sodium intake. Many Americans have acquired a taste for a high salt diet. One way to cut back is to skip the table salt. However, most of the sodium in our diets comes from packaged, processed foods. Eating less of these foods (process soup) can help reduce your sodium intake, lower your blood pressure and/or prevent high blood pressure (HBP or hypertension) from developing in the first place.
Overview of Sodium’s Role in the Body
Sodium Metabolism Disorders
Caused when our sodium levels are too high or too low, sodium metabolic disorders can lead to muscle weakness, vomiting | excessive sweating. An electrolyte, sodium is an essential mineral that helps our muscles and nerves work, and helps regulate blood pressure and volume. When other conditions or our diet shifts the balance of our sodium to water levels, we can develop either hypernatremia or hyponatremia, both sodium metabolic disorders. Hypernatremia, often caused by dehydration or too much sodium in our diets, can lead to dizziness, fever and diarrhea. Hypernatremia may also be a sign of diabetes insipidus, a condition that makes it difficult to balance the body’s water levels. In hyponatremia, our body tries to make up for the low sodium levels by filling our cells with water. The additional water can cause brain swelling, which can lead to confusion and hallucinations. Heart failure, kidney diseases and cirrhosis of the liver can cause hyponatremia.
21. Charlie Horse and Cramps
Drinking plenty of water is essential, since Charlie Horse and cramps are often caused by dehydration. A healthy diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit can help to decrease the frequency of cramps in your hands and legs. Additionally, certain vitamins and minerals impact muscle function,
particularly potassium and magnesium.
Lemon Juice and a banana can provide relief…
22. Urinary incontinence
Is one of the most annoying health problems of old age people. Women are most likely to have this condition due to decreased strength of the pelvic muscle. Men who have enlarged prostate may also experience this difficulty. Home Remedies for Urinary Incontinence Pelvic Floor (Kegel) Exercises. Exercising your pelvic floor muscles can be a useful way… You can consider taking magnesium or cannabis to help treat incontinence,… Vitamin D can also be used to control urinary incontinence because it helps maintain muscle strength….
Early studies have shown that acupuncture can provide some short-term benefit, but more research is needed.
Yoga helps tighten the muscles.
FAQs About Life Expectancy!!!
In 1900, life expectancy in the United States was 47.3 years; in 2017, it was 78.6. Here’s why the numbers have gone up, plus advice from medical experts on how to add more healthy years to your own life.
In 2017, nearly 25 out of 100 people in the United States lived to celebrate their 90th birthday.
Have you ever wondered how old you’ll be when you die? Even if it was just to estimate how much you should put away in your 401(k) or how much time you have to pay off your student loans?
Life expectancy represents the average number of years that someone can expect to live depending on the year they were born. For anyone born in the United States in 2017, life expectancy is 78.6 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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Another way that experts measure life expectancy involves considering the percentage of people who live to specified ages. Using that approach, in 2017 nearly 25 out of 100 people in the United States lived to celebrate their 90th birthday, according to the CDC. Both those calculations are based on averages of the entire population and include all sexes, races, and parts of the country. How long each individual lives is determined by many factors, says Qi Sun, MD, a doctor of science and an associate professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
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He explains that life expectancy is influenced by genes, environment, and lifestyle choices:
“We can look at how the life span has increased over the last 100 years and see that it’s modifiable,” he says. Read on for commonly asked questions about life expectancy and what you can do to live longer and healthier.
Do the ages that my parents or grandparents died make a difference in figuring out my life expectancy?
Family history is a big predictor of longevity. “If you look at parents’ life span and compare it with their offsprings’, you’ll find certain correlations because sometimes they share the same genes,” says Dr. Sun.
If some of those genes lead to certain diseases, it may shorten life span. “On the other hand,” he adds, “families that have good genes may live longer.”Some similarities in health patterns that may seem genetic could also be due to common habits and location.
Family members often share the same environment, especially when children are young and still live at home. “Families eat a similar diet and have the same access to medical care, which are both factors that impact longevity,” Sun says. You just need to look at data from 100 years ago and compare it with current life expectancy to see that there’s more to longevity than simply genetics.
According to the CDC, the life expectancy of someone who was born in 1900 was only 47.3 years.
“Genetics wouldn’t really explain this jump,” Sun says, adding that a lot of things combined to cause this increase, including improved medical care and hygiene.
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What are the most important factors that determine how long you live?
“Basically any factor that influences mortality also contributes to life expectancy, because mortality is how life expectancy is calculated,” says Sun. Blood pressure, cholesterol levels, body mass index, and diabetes are established risk factors for chronic diseases like heart disease & stroke, and people who have those diseases have a shorter life expectancy.
Okay, I haven’t had the healthiest lifestyle, and now I’m over 60. Am I doomed?
“It’s never too late to adopt a healthier lifestyle,” says Sun. If a person has spent decades eating an unhealthy diet or being physically inactive, they may or may not have developed certain chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease. Still, “If those individuals move their diet and exercise habits from the unhealthier end of the spectrum to the healthier side, they can improve their life span,” Sun says. “Just follow common sense:
no smoking, avoid alcohol or drug abuse, eat a healthy diet, engage in physical activity,
and try to stay positive and optimistic.”
If you need more incentive to make lifestyle changes, consider this: Research shows that older adults are enjoying themselves more than just about everyone else. According to a survey of 1,546 Californians ages
21 to 99, people in their nineties were the most content. The research, published in August 2016 in
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, found that older people were happier and less depressed,
with less anxiety than younger people.
Happy 61St. Birthday Shirley