in this Super Mess Up World!!!
While remembering the fallen and those that serve us this weekend and (for me) my own father ( WWII Veteran) who would have been 99 years old on May 28th if would not be Leiomyosarcoma. I also think about the 56 former Facebook friends that passed away of cancer and the 1000’s that I knew while I was on facebook for over 6 years. Especially two mutual facebook friends Rosa Parkin (who passed of LMS and Dr. Carl O’ Helvie Incredible Healing Journal who were there daily until there death.) We were Always swapping information and research back and forth with me. We had differing opinions at time especially his belief
The Ketogenic Diet having detrimental effect long term – much like the Atkins Diet, however,
we respected each others opinions and insight?
MY journey started with Rosa Parkin – mid day on October 4, 2014 -when she introduced herself
to me inbox with a question about my favorite herb Aloe Vera.
At the time she was bedridden with a 8 cm tumor in her uterus and through new HOPE and Excited that positive energy shrank that tumor to nothingness within days. Finally meeting Memorial Day 2015 in Portland, Oregon to Research Cannabis Science it was the best of times, but with her return trip to Brighton in the United Kingdom her health deteriorated as she fail gravely ill and passed on December 4th 2015.
(In those 14 months Rosa taught me a lot about the human spirit —
About The Hope ~ The Excitement to the stress, the strain and hardship of her cancer!!!)
Dr. Carl O Helvie was Born August 13, 1932 in Gouverneur, New York, and departed his life on December 3, 2019. along the Chesapeake Bay in Hampton Va. His career span more than 60 years as a nurse practitioner, educator, author, and researcher. Carl was a registered nurse and Professor Emeritus of Nursing at Old Dominion University where he taught nursing for nearly 30 years.
Body Intelligence: Harness Your Body’s Energies for Your Best Life!
Carl is known for his development and implementation of the Helvie Energy Theory of Nursing and Health, the publication of this 1998 textbook, Advanced Practice Nursing in the Community, and his work with the local homeless. Carl was a Forty five year lung cancer survivor who was given 6 months to live in 1974 and he used alternative interventions and was free of chronic illnesses and prescribed medications until his death. While the average 75 year old has 3 chronic illnesses and 5 prescribed medications. (I am so appreciated of the time we had in his waning years of his life was an answered prayer with so many questions answered.)
Dr. Carl O. Helvie, R.N., M.S., M.P.H. DR.P.H. (In Carl’s Own Words.)
Did you know that the current risk of cancer is 1 of every 2 people in the United States?
And did you know 40% of these are preventable according to research. Thus, it is important to learn how to reduce your cancer risk to avoid being in a cancer ward or cancer survivor group. What areas of life offer an opportunity to reduce your cancer risk. The author uses a public health framework to answer this question. Assuming health and illnesses (cancer) are processes that result from the interaction of the human host, a disease or disabling agent, and the environment, disease can occur when the host is weak, the agent is strong, and the environment that brings them together is favorable.
Thus, it is important to avoid or reduce environmental carcinogens, to strengthen the host, and to make the environment less favorable for an interaction. Intervening before the host interacts with an agent in a favorable environment is known as prevention and is most cost effective and less traumatic for individuals.
There are four major areas of environmental carcinogens that can be avoided or reduced in intensity.
These include electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), ultraviolet rays, carcinogenic chemicals, and carcinogenic metals.
The author discusses research related to each area as it relates to cancer and ways to avoid them. There are also over 45 national expert interviews linked to appropriate topics throughout the book. For example, Bisphenol A (BPA) a carcinogenic chemical, is an endocrine disrupter responsible for cancers of the prostate and breast. It is found in plastic and you can avoid it by replacing plastic water bottle in which the plastic leaches into the water during hot weather or transporting with glass containers, replace plastic utensils, and not eating
canned foods that have BPA linings in the can.
There are many things you can do to build your bodies immunity against carcinogens. Some physical interventions include working with nutrition, fluids, exercise, adding supplements and herbs, using immune builders, getting adequate rest and sleep, and avoiding or stopping smoking. For example, research shows that daily exercise reduces your risk of cancer by 50% and proper nutrition reduces it by 35%. Looking at nutrition, the Standard American Diet (SAD) of high animal protein and fat, saturated fats and cholesterol, high sugar and processed foods, and low complex carbohydrates and vegetables with GMO, pesticides, and other pollutants is considered a potential causal factor for cancer and should be replaced with a diet with more
fruit and vegetables especially raw ones and lesser amounts of nuts and proteins.
Blood tests for vegan nutrient deficiency?
Researchers are finding that the vegan diet lends itself to reducing several diseases including cancer.
A proper diet should also include organic, non-GMO food without growth hormones, pesticides and other pollutants. Good sources of oil should be used such as cold pressed organic olive oil for low or no temp cooking, and coconut oil for high temp cooking. Anti- inflammatory foods and anti oxidants should also be included. Also avoid farm grown fish & seafood, large fish that eat smaller ones and have higher mercury levels and
avoid foods that raise the glycemic level in the body.
Some physicians also believe eliminating inflammation will reduce most diseases.
While consuming an anti-inflammatory diet can help you overcome them.
Antioxidants are important because the cells give off waste including free radicals that lead to inflammation and are precursors to disease. The body produces some antioxidants to balance the free radicals but with radiation, processed foods and other contaminants this process cannot keep up
so additional ones in food are necessary!!!
A last area of interventions to reduce cancer risk are mental/spiritual ones such as prayer, meditation, affirmations, visualization, faith, helping others, compassion, gratitude and others. These were important
in my cancer journey with lung cancer 46 years ago when I was given six months to live and was offered chemotherapy and surgery which I refused.
Instead I used a holistic natural approach.
Although there is no research to support mental/spiritual interventions killing cancer cells there is currently adequate research to show the supplemental role they play. Overall these include reduce blood pressure, heart and breathing rates, improve memory. Increase DHEA, a hormone that reduces aging and decreases cortisol, the stress hormone, by 23%, increase happiness and self esteem, improve immune functioning.
Improve tolerance to aches and pains, reduces stress, improves quality of life and others.
Specifically. Cancer patients with a sense of purpose have an increased life span, and those who are spiritual have less pain and a higher quality of life,. Patients who meditate have 31% lower stress symptoms, and 67% less mood disturbances, and music can lower patient’s anxiety, pain, heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure. Visualization can improve immune functioning in cancer patients.
Regarding the prognosis of “6 months to live”, I have learned over the years that this is not
a medical diagnosis. Instead, it is a God diagnosis because only God knows when we will die.
And from interacting with many cancer patients over the past 40 years I have learned this is
a relatively common practice of oncologists to proclaim “3 months to live” or “6 months to live” or “1 year to live” or some other amount of time or expiration date. Also for patients facing cancer, this may be a disservice because it can create additional stress and become a self-fulfilling prophecy because of the influence of the mind on the body. I personally would prefer the doctor tell the patient that they have 50 or 100 years to live.
I have learned that cancer does not have to be a death sentence; there are less harsh, non-invasive interventions that are very effective and may offer a greater probability of long-term survival without recurrence than chemotherapy and surgery. I have also read the research that chemotherapy and radiation may actually spread cancer or leave behind the most resistant cancer cells that often cause recurrence that are more difficult to treat. However, I believe that it is important to support the cancer patient in his/her treatment choice even when they differ from mine because they need to be in control and be optimistic about their choices.
If patients make the decisions they are more likely to follow the prescribed interventions and recover from the disease. In order to make the best decisions they should learn as much as possible about available cancer treatments before being faced with a diagnosis. They can then discuss their decision about care with their doctor and follow the appropriate interventions. Without information it is likely their oncologists and primary doctor will discuss surgery, chemotherapy and radiation and avoid discussing other effective alternative treatments.
I believe that a holistic approach to cancer treatment is important.
In public health I learned there are multiple factors leading to a disease or wellness process, not a single cause-effect relationship. Thereby, it seems that if this is true, then there must be multiple interventions to reverse
the cancer process and return to health. Although all are interrelated, Therefore, I conceptualize the holistic treatment process as including physical, mental, spiritual, relationships, environment, and political aspects because all influence cancer at the individual and/or group level.
My cancer journey discussed in You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative / Integrative Interventions began 40 years ago when I had a dream telling me to go for a chest x-ray. I pay attention to dreams because I believe this is one way that God speaks with us, if we listen. Following the dream, I went to my primary physician and asked for a referral for an x-ray that was required by my insurance at that time.
The x-ray showed a spot on my lungs that had not been there previously and a follow up biopsy
confirmed that it was lung cancer.
Following their report of the diagnosis my primary doctor and surgeon told me they were planning chemotherapy and surgery.
I told them their responsibility was to tell me the pros and cons of surgery and chemotherapy and mine was to make the decision about the type of care I would use. I told them that I would go home, pray about it and make a rational decision. They re-emphasized several times that I would be dead in 6 months. Talk about an inspiring guy! Dr. Carl O’ Helvie got diagnosed with lung cancer back in 1974. He was told by his doctors right away that they needed to operate on his lung with an extensive and invasive surgery.
They told him they needed to do chemotherapy and radiation or else.
He didn’t accept what they had to say especially after looking into the low survival rates along with the nasty side affects of the chemotherapy. Against his doctors wishes along with his family and friends, Dr. Helvie decided to pursue natural and alternative lung cancer treatments 46 years ago in 1974. Back then that was a radical thing to do for treatment of such a disease. Today I feel like alternative and holistic cancer treatments are starting to become much more mainstream, thanks to the internet.
I talked with a friend, Ursula, who offered to pray for guidance with me and watch her dreams for answers. Ursula also suggested a psychic reading and since I had nothing to lose I agreed. Our dreams and the reading all encouraged a natural approach to treatment of the lung cancer. Ursula referred me to a physician in our state who had continued treating patients in his office after being closed for providing successful natural treatments at the National Cancer Institute. I made an appointment with Dr. Tom who confirmed the diagnosis and prescribed a regime of physical interventions.
Prescribed care included laetrile (vitamin B17, amygdaline) 2,000 mg and 25 or 30 apricot kernels
(one of the greatest sources of laetrile) daily. The theory for its use is that cancer may be a result of a deficiency of laetrile in the body. Some may be afraid to use laetrile because contemporary medical literature says it contains cyanide and can kill you or cause you to seek emergency medical care. However, literature fails to state that enzymes are needed to activate the cyanide in laetrile, and cancer cells have those enzyme but normal cells do not, so it is specific for destruction of cancer cells and normal cells are unaffected. Over the two years —
I took laetrile and apricot kernels I had no side effects.
Laetrile is not a stand-alone treatment for cancer.
Here is an interesting link explaining the therapies and some features stories.
I once remember Carl telling me: that often many ask him if he could take just one of the supplements would
it work to kill there cancer. And he would often tell them “no its a protocol and in any protocol one item is used
to enhance another item.” The Other supplements prescribed that are very important to be used with laetrile. Pancreatic enzymes assist in killing the cancer cells by softening the shell. In addition, vitamins were prescribed such as therapeutic doses of vitamin A (between 300,000 i.u. and 50,000 i.u daily) to help prevent precancerous cells from converting to cancer cells, vitamin E 800 i.u. to help prevent toxicity from the vitamin A, vitamin B15, B5, and Vitamin C. Minerals and herbs included calcium, magnesium, zinc (acts as a carrier for the laetrile), comfrey pepsin (a digestive aid), yeast tablets, bromelain, and lecithin were also part of treatment. In addition, A/G Pro, a protein supplement, was used daily.
Most of these supplements have been proven effective for cancer prevention and treatment through research over the past 40 years. For example, in the April 2014 issue of the International Journal of Oncology researchers concluded that a derivative of vitamin A known as retinoic acid found in carrots and sweet potatoes helps pre-cancer cells revert back to normal cells. Also the prescribed diet was similar to a current vegan diet and consisted of 75% raw fruit and vegetables (to increase enzymes in the body and to support the pancreas), with additional cooked fruit and vegetables.
In addition, grains and nuts, except peanuts (a high source of protein) were allowed. No protein such as meat, chicken or dairy was allowed for the first few months and no simple carbohydrates such as cakes, pies, candy, or ice cream. It should be noted that 40 years ago our food supply was less polluted than today and anyone who wants to prevent or treat cancer today should eat organic or locally grown foods when the farming practices are known. This helps one avoid genetically modified organisms, growth hormones and
other food pollutants that causes inflammation.
The prescribed diet remains the basic diet of choice for many alternative cancer protocols
today and includes organic as much as possible. Exercise and smoking cessation were also
part of the care plan. As a public health nurse, I believed there is more to cancer care than physical interventions. Consequently, I developed a holistic approach specific to my lung
cancer by adding mental, spiritual, relationship, environmental, and political interventions.
Mental & spiritual activities included daily prayer, meditation, visualization, affirmations, relaxation exercises, serving others, strengthening the spiritual attributes of patience, faith, and forgiveness, and remaining positive and optimistic. As we know all disease really is caused by unresolved emotional trauma, conflict or stress. By living in communion with God, meditating and living stress/drama free we can begin to heal
the root cause of all disease.
Make sure to listen to this interview/podcast with Dr. Carl O’ Helvie and pass it on to your loved ones if you think they’ll benefit. We talk to many wonderful naturopathic doctors who have tremendous success with turning cancer around using natural methods. But it’s quite another thing to talk with someone who has actually reversed such a nasty disease himself. That’s why we put an entire section on the site called Natural Cancer Survivors so you can get some hope and positive energy from listening to these success stories!
What is discuss: – How faith, positivity and energy played a role in his healing – Which foods cause cancer to grow – The popularity of the ketogenic diet for cancer treatment – How sugar feeds cancer – The effectiveness of IPT (insulin potentiation therapy) – Why he takes the mineral selenium every day – The magical qualities of bilberry and Aloe Vera juice – Why he likes Protocel and I mentioned the benefits of Essiac tea.
And so much more! Enjoy!
Environmental activities included maintaining a smoke free environment, evaluating the house for radon and asbestos, airing the house daily, if possible, and removing all pesticides, mold and other chemical contaminants that could further compromise my lungs. Relationship aspects included maintaining friendships with students, colleagues, and friends, and giving and receiving emotional support. Political aspects included being active in lecturing and publishing about complementary, holistic treatment for cancer, participating in the political process and professional organizations to bring about change in cancer care, financing, and access to care.
Research has also supported many holistic interventions.
For example, radon exposure results in about 3 percent of the lung cancer incidence, social support has been shown to help resolve stress and crises situations, spiritual or religious people have been shown to overcome illnesses more quickly and live longer than those who are not, optimism and faith are related to shorter illnesses and living longer, and meditation has been shown to have many health benefits.
During my treatment I saw my primary physician periodically for x-rays to measure progress that was the only method available then. He thought we were in a wait and see mode because I had not shared with him that I was using holistic natural interventions. After two years the spot was gone, I was cancer free, and my doctor said he guessed he had made the wrong diagnosis. However, a national leader physician friend asked to see all of the materials – lab, biopsy, x-rays and reports – and after reviewing them he was the third physician to conclude that it definitely was lung cancer.
For the next 38 years I followed a slightly modified version of my cancer care plan and remained cancer free and healthy. At age 82, I was also free of other known chronic diseases until I was diagnosed with Atrial fibulation that has since been mainly overcome using natural interventions. Although I take supplements,
I take no prescribed medications.
I walk on the beach for an hour each morning and live in a 3-story house so
I am up and down stairs often. I keep mentally active writing books, hosting a radio show, marketing my
resources to many patients monthly.
To my cancer diet I added some chicken, fish and dairy and ate primarily organic or locally grown produce for many years. Since being diagnosed with A-fib I am again on a vegan diet with the exception of fish or seafood two nights a week. I have also found natural solutions for occasional health concern that arise over time such as an enlarged prostate, diverticulitis, seasonal allergies, and cataracts. I rarely take drugs for any reason.
Other holistic aspects of the care plan were continued.
The book includes chapters by Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Francisco Contreras, Dr. James Forsythe, Dr. Kim Dalzell; and Tanya Harter Pierce on additional alternative medical, and nutritional interventions for lung cancer used in clinics and at home. July, 2019 marked 45-years since my diagnosis making me the longest living
lung cancer survivor known to man.
Carl O. Helvie: in his days on earth was dedicated into educating himself and others about the benefits
of Holistic Health and his published works of 10 books and chapters in 4 additional ones and over 100 international research papers and articles. He was also listed in national references and Wikipedia.
Until a few months before his death. Carl stayed active hosting the Holistic Health Radio Show, serving the www.HolisticCancerFoundation.com which I found shameful that it was taken off the internet because
it was an Archives of brilliant resource for anybody battling cancer.
Special Note: for some reason his website was deleted from the internet and all the valuable information
and interviews he had in it.
Fortunately you can still listen to the interviews on the digital podcast and BBS Radio Link!!!
Dr. Carl O. Helvie was a registered nurse with a masters in public health nursing focusing on wellness
(U of California), a second masters degree in public health and wellness (Johns Hopkins U) a doctorate in public health and wellness. With those credentials you would think like so man others he wouldn’t give so much of himself for free of charge and much like we always told each other if people only knew of the rewards for their good deed they would think otherwise.
What Having Lung Cancer Can Teach You…
His Books are a Treasure Trove: Healthy Holistic Aging; A Blueprint for Success tells
you how to remain healthy and achieve results similar to his. You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions discusses his many experiences with cancer
and his efforts to remain free of cancer, the demographics, politics, and other background information.
Plus chapters from M.D.’s and PhD’s who are successfully treating lung cancer with alternative medical,
and nutritional interventions. And Reducing Your Cancer Risk helps you do just that.
As a nurse with a public health background I have always enjoyed helping others and teaching them
how to stay well and avoid illnesses. My writing has been one way to reach larger numbers of people
than when I worked in a hospital, public health setting or with students.
I have been host of the Holistic Health Show on BBS Radio for over 7 years.
I Have reached large numbers of people all over the world with important holistic health information
by interviews with leaders in the health field.
My show has the potential to reach 250,000 subscribers to the show and an average of 10 million hits a month on BBS Radio. The show is placed on my website, itunes, podcast alley and other sites after the broadcast and
I have had almost 6 million hits on my website and average around 100,000 people each month.
So I do reach a large group of people.
In the years I knew Carl he always stated to this very end that his protocol was the most affordable and effective out there and he researched everyone. As friends we always respected each others work (opinions) and that we delivered each others research free of charge with the rewards from feedback through others we gained further knowledge. Carl always thought the information that I displayed through my blog was light years ahead of others. As mutual friends: I will always know I couldn’t have done what I do with out the friendship and appreciation of Dr. O Helvie for being a mentor
Twelve Other Resources:
Ken Godevenos
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
Q: What is your relationship with Cancer? A: It’s Complicated
With a diagnosis of pancreas cancer, patients are often left without options.
When the cancer is advanced, even surgery can be difficult or impossible. Fortunately,
a first-in-the-world radiation treatment offered at the Henry Ford Cancer Institute – known
as MRI-Guided Radiation – is helping patients fight difficult to treat and otherwise inoperable cancers.
For Ken Hall, this new option, along with chemotherapy, is providing hope that eventually he can receive
a life-saving surgery and beat the cancer that threatens his life.