According to the Bing COVID-19 Tracker –
Report 5/17/2020 (8:00 PM): E.S.T. the number of global cases has reached 4,708,415
Active cases hit 2,666,694 which is +48,740 higher than yesterday.
Recovered cases rose by +59,937 to 1,726,771 while deaths hit 314,950
a gain of 4940 of the world’s confirmed case total.
Total COVID-19 confirmed cases in the United States have hit 1,515,744 which is 33% of the world’s total.
The number of active cases increased by 3,662 to 1,144,645 & recovered cases totaled 281,191 higher by +18,121.
Fatal cases in America numbered 89,908 a gain of 773 in a day.
They are 28% of the world’s total and 5.9% of confirmed U.S. cases.
California has not posted large numbers of confirmed cases and deaths compared to its size, which is 39,512,223 residents, or 12% of the national population total. That has started to change recently.
The state’s confirmed cases sit at 76,793 and active cases jumped to 73,589 an increase of 1,857.
By contrast, New York, the hardest hit state by far, had an increase of 4,308 which indicates how rapidly infection levels in New York are growing.
Deaths in California stand at 3204 a rise of 96 in the past day.
The hardest hit county in California by far is Los Angeles County, which includes the City of Los Angeles and several smaller cities. Its number of confirmed cases is 37,303 which is 48% of the state’s total. Active cases in the county stand at 35,510 up 1,857. The number of fatal cases grew by 95 to 3,204.
New Jersey Continues to Surge
New Jersey, some of which is across the Hudson River from New York City, has an infection and death rate that continues to rise rapidly. The state has the highest number of confirmed cases after only New York. Confirmed cases currently sit at 144,334. The active case count has reached 135,978 a jump of 1,245 and fatal cases are at 10,356 higher by 107.
The New Jersey counties next to New York City have the lion’s share of confirmed cases. While Hudson County has 17,447. Bergen County has 17,361, while Essex County has 16,140 and Passaic County has 15,205.
The count in the four counties together is 46% of New Jersey’s total.
Bing COVID-19 Report: Detroit continues to suffer increases
Where as, Wayne County (Detroit) 19,016 – 2212 and Cook County (Chicago) 36,621 – 1636 cases.
China’s Coronavirus is Much Worse Than You Think
In just four months,
The deadly COVID-19 virus has infiltrated the globe, every state and major U.S. city.
But a scattering of remote counties continue without a single reported case, according to a
USA TODAY analysis. As of May 15, a total of 231 of 3,143 counties had no reported cases.
The list is getting shorter by the day, though. In the first half of May alone, 40 counties went from zero
recorded cases of the virus to at least one. Georgia started the month with two zero-case counties.
Now there are none. Tennessee also had two counties with no reported cases on May 1; two weeks later,
only one remained. Hancock County is the remaining county in Tennessee that has no reported cases of COVID-19. Iowa went from eight counties with no cases to only four by mid-May. Why is This?
Counties where there are no reported cases of COVID-19*
The long stretch without coronavirus cases in some counties likely reflects an undercount from limited testing. But in others it may also reflect the benefits of being relatively cut off. USA TODAY found a strong link between population density and official infection rates across the country.
People in case-free counties said they don’t consider their communities immune, just less exposed.
“To get to Hancock County, you either have to go over a ridge or a mountain,” said Tom Harrison, the mayor of Tennessee’s last county with no recorded cases. “You don’t just drive by and see us. You have to have us on your mind to get here. And hopefully that had a little something to do with the COVID.
It’s had trouble finding us.”
Counties without COVID-19
Studies have shown that the more COVID-19 tests, the more positive cases reported. USA TODAY’s analysis found states that still have counties reporting zero cases tested less of their population than others — about 30.2 tests per 1,000 residents, compared to 37.7 tests per 1,000 in states with cases in every county.
Local officials in counties without reported infections also point to another factor:
The counties they live in are overwhelmingly rural, with isolated, sparse populations.
USA TODAY’s analysis included data from its own county-by-county tracking report and demographic characteristics of each county drawn from the U.S. Census and American Community Survey.
The demographic data show counties with no reported cases are mostly isolated areas,
drizzled across the nation’s midsection, in the northern plains and in the Southwest.
Texas had 34 of its 254 counties reporting no positive cases – the most of any state.
At least 1 in 4 counties in North Dakota, Montana and Alaska were listed as case-free through May 15.
More than 90% of such counties are rural, with a majority of residents living outside a city or large town.
Most had five or fewer homes per square mile, and their populations averaged about 5,000. Amongst
counties with at least one case, the rate gets higher with more residents per square mile, the Data show.
Source: Is the Coronavirus in Bible Prophecy?:
Facing Uncertain Times with David Jeremiah!!!
What is the coronavirus?
The World has been Ending ever since it Began.
If you are a frequent watcher of television movies, you may have often noticed how doomsday movies
appear on your screen. Modern filmmaking produces dramatic, realistic disaster movies.
The 2018 Jurassic Park sequel, Fallen Kingdom, featured a dangerous volcano.
The 2017 movie Geostorm saw its heroes fighting worldwide climate disruption. Such movies warn us of cosmocide and the end of the world: Perhaps you’ve seen those or others, such as:
Pandemic, The Day After Tomorrow, Deep Impact, Asteroid, San Andreas, Armageddon
Are any of these disaster films portraying a real future?
We don’t need to look too far into the past to see the reality of devastating disasters. In the summer of 2018, record fires ravaged thousands of square miles in California, destroying the city of Paradise with a population
of 27,000. Fires spread at the speed of 50 miles per hour, killing scores who had no chance of escape.
And who can forget the record-destroying “Boxing Day tsunami” in South Asia that killed more than 225,000
in December 2004? The 9-11 terrorist attacks on the Pentagon in Washington, DC and the World Trade Center in New York City still, to this day, symbolize global terrorism. Will the earth survive at all?
Your Bible reveals specific events leading to the end of this age. We are living in the end of the age of man’s grand experiment of governing himself. Can the 193 member states of the United Nations ever find the way
to world peace? My friends, world history should give you the answer! World War II, less than 80 years ago,
first introduced us to the danger of nuclear cosmocide. Nuclear, biological, as chemical threats continue!
Have you considered the prospect of ultimate doomsday for planet Earth?
What does your Bible predict? Matthew 24:21–22, “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the [a]elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”
WHO will shorten those days to save us?
Your Bible reveals that the Messiah, the Savior of the World, will return to this earth to prevent total cosmocide. Your Bible also predicts the awesome good news of a new world government under the King of kings, Jesus Christ. Yes, the greatest event in modern history may happen in YOUR LIFETIME, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, to establish real world peace among all nations and to bring about prosperity for all peoples.
There ARE prophetic signs helping us prepare for that great event. On today’s program,
we’ll be offering you a VITAL, inspiring and revealing study guide, 14 SIGNS ANNOUNCING CHRIST’S RETURN. Be sure to order your free copy. What signs should you be watching for?
My friends, these signs are now rapidly coming to pass.
You need to know the signs of the Second Coming!
Nuclear Warfare and Natural Catastrophes are Only the Beginning My friends,
I’m sure you’ve heard of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords, but He is also called
the “Prince of peace.” That’s in Isaiah 9:6. Our world desperately needs the peace only Christ can bring.
Will you be ready to meet Him when He comes?
And how will you know WHEN He is coming? What are the prophetic signs you need to know? We’ll be answering those questions on today’s program, and we’ll be offering you an inspiring free study guide, FOURTEEN SIGNS ANNOUNCING CHRIST’S RETURN. Be sure to write down the contact information to request your free copy. How will you know WHEN Christ will return?
Let’s consider seven signs of the Second Coming.
#tomorrowsworld #TWtelecast #Jesussecondcoming
A Unique Perspective:
The climate apocalypse is coming.
To prepare for it, we need to admit that we can’t prevent it.
‘It is important to fight smaller battles’ By Jonathan Franzen
In an interview with Extinction Rebellion, the novelist said he found the negative response
to his writing about the climate crisis ‘surprising, if not disheartening’ Fresh from another internet pile-on over his views on the climate emergency, Jonathan Franzen has warned that hate speech on social media is dividing humanity and preventing the cooperation needed to tackle the environmental crisis.
The American novelist was speaking to the Extinction Rebellion podcast, to be released on Wednesday, about aggressive online response to his recent New Yorker article about the climate catastrophe. He is not on social media, he said, “so I don’t experience the rage except through the accounts of a couple of friends who have not learned that they shouldn’t tell me about these things”.
Franzen said that he found it “surprising, if not disheartening, to learn that the messenger
was being attacked even if the facts of the message were not being challenged …
In the context of a threatened social order, the kind of polarization and hysteria and real hate speech that is occurring primarily on the internet, much less often face to face, is part of the problem. ”In his September New Yorker article, Franzen shared his belief that a climate apocalypse is unavoidable and so it is “important to fight smaller, more local battles that you have some realistic hope of winning”.
Among his critics were scientists, who particularly objected to his statement that “consensus among scientists and policymakers is that we’ll pass this point of no return if the global mean temperature rises by more than two degrees Celsius”. Franzen admitted that his claim about global warming
could have been expressed more clearly.“
That remark about things spiraling out of control past the two degree point was in the context of saying we should have as substantial and immediate reductions in carbon emissions as we possibly can – not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because it will at least, if nothing else, somewhat slow the pace of change and give us time to prepare and adapt and become more resilient. Obviously, a world of two degrees is better than a world of seven degrees,” he said. In the New Yorker, he urged readers to “save what you love specifically – a community, an institution, a wild place, a species that’s in trouble – and take heart in your small successes”.
Franzen is on the board of American Bird Conservancy,
and has written extensively about the need to protect birds.
“I feel like all I do is fail, but every once in a while we have some little success and that was really the ultimate message of my New Yorker piece,” he said. “You’re not going to probably save anything permanently but, to save something for a while, to watch a formerly wrecked place recover ecologically, to see a species that you care about whose population was declining rebounding – I have hope for those places,
as I have hope for those species.
In the context of the larger failure, that is not nothing.”
Franzen supports Extinction Rebellion, which is in the middle of two weeks of protests in London.
“It’s different from some of the earlier climate activist organizations over here.
I appreciate that and I’m all for it,” he told the activists’ podcast.
We’ve never had a better chance to make a greener world. Covid-19 has delivered unusual
environmental benefits: cleaner air, lower carbon emissions, a respite for wildlife.
Now the big question is whether we can capitalize on this moment?