By Haven Orecchio-Egresitz
A 101-year-old man has been released from the hospital in Rimini, Italy, after recovering
from the coronavirus. The man, identified only as “Mr. P.,” was admitted to the hospital last week. The city’s deputy mayor said the recovery gives the country “hope for the future.” Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories. A 101-year-old Italian man has recovered from COVID-19 and his city’s deputy mayor said the story provides “hope for the future,” CNN reported.
Gloria Lisi told reporters the man, identified as Mr. P., had an “extraordinary” recovery.
“Mr. P. made it. The family brought him home yesterday evening,” CNN reported Lisi saying.
“To teach us that even at 101 years the future is not written.” The man was born during the Spanish flu pandemic, which killed between 30 million and 50 million people around the world, according to CNN. As of Friday, the coronavirus has killed more than 25,000 people.
Incredibly, the man is so old that he was born during the Spanish flu pandemic, which killed between 30 and 50 million people worldwide. As of Friday, the coronavirus has killed more than 25,000 people, with 100,000 confirmed cases in the US alone. More than 8,000 of the deaths have been in Italy, which has become the centre of the pandemic. The man’s recovery is especially miraculous given that older people are particularly vulnerable to the virus.
In the UK, people over 70 years old have been advised to “self-isolate” inside their homes for
12 weeks. The World Health Organization has called on people to protect “the collective wisdom” of society by looking out for seniors during the pandemic. The Italian man isn’t the only centurion to overcome the disease. An 103-year-old woman and a 100-year-old man
in China also beat the disease this week.
This old women’s name Zhang Guangfen, a Chinese national, who recovered from the disease after receiving just six days of treatment at a hospital in Wuhan, China-the city the outbreak originated. Zhang Guangfen who survives from coronavirus COVID-19 brings new hope for elderly people. The centenarian is now the oldest person who recovers from the virus,
One day after a 101-year-old man also beat the virus in Wuhan. She was diagnosed at
Liyuan Hospital, Tongji Medical College, in Wuhan, China, according to media reports.
With this said, some expert are telling us to stay home and treat
Mild Cases of Coronavirus Ourselves.
This is What Happens to Your Body When You Get Coronavirus
Whether you feel symptoms or not, one thing we all have in common is a wary curiosity about what the heck is happening to your body if you have—or should you contract—Covid-19, a.k.a. the coronavirus. We talked to researchers on the frontline to find out, and here’s what they said.
1. First, it Enters Your Body “The virus primarily affects the respiratory system and is transferred between humans by airborne mechanisms, like coughing or sneezing, or by contact of contaminated surfaces, doorknobs, etc, with hands and then rubbing the face,” says
Dr. Jeffrey Langland, Ph.D., an instructor for Medical Microbiology, Immunology, and Concepts in Research. “It attacks the human body in three phases: viral replication, immune hyperactivity and pulmonary destruction,”—pulmonary meaning your lungs—says Dr. Monika Stuczen, FIBMS, a Medical Microbiologist and R&D and QC Laboratory Manager at MWE.
2. In the Beginning, You Might Feel Nothing “At the beginning of infection, people produce a large quantity of the virus,” says Stuczen. “The incubation time is between 2 and 14 days with an average of 5 days. During this time infected people do not show any symptoms but they contribute to the spread of the virus without even realizing it. Moreover, it is proved that
some people may be asymptomatic but they are still able to infect others.”
3. What it Does Once in Your Body “The virus infects the cells in the respiratory tract, taking
over the cells’ functions, allowing the virus to replicate and then spread from cell to cell,”
says Langland. “In mild cases, the body’s immune system helps to limit the spread of the virus within the body.” That’s when a fever may set in, to combat the infection. “In more severe cases, the viruses spread more and can lead to a ‘cytokine storm’ where the immune system is highly stimulated.”
4. Then You Can’t Breathe “This infection can lead to the problems of breathing difficulties
from the bronchials constricting and limiting airflow. You might cough as a result or feel shortness of breath,” says Langland.
5. Depending on Your Health, it Could Get Worse—Much Worse “There are three patterns presented with Covid-19,” says Stuczen. “It usually begins with mild upper respiratory illness followed by non-life-threatening pneumonia. After about 7 days it can progress to severe pneumonia with acute respiratory distress syndrome when the patient may require life support. In severe pneumonia, lungs are filled with inflammatory material. They are unable
to get enough oxygen to the bloodstream, reducing the body’s ability to take on oxygen and remove carbon dioxide what in most cases causes death. About 1 out of 6 people who contract Covid-19 becomes seriously ill and develop difficulty breathing.”
6. If You Have an Underlying Condition, Your Body Has a Harder Time Fighting the Virus
“People with underlying conditions such as cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, immuno-suppressed patients and older people are more likely to develop serious illness,” says Stuczen.
7. Eventually, With Good Care and Good Luck, Your Body Heals “Don’t panic,” says Langland. “Most cases are minor and even the more moderate cases will be fine. The majority of deaths are in the elderly or those with other underlying conditions, including hypertension and diabetes.”
8. What to Do if You Feel Like You Have It “Anyone experiencing flu-like symptoms, high temperature, new, continuous cough or shortness of breath should stay at home and self-isolate immediately,” says Stuczen. “People with mild symptoms are able to recover at home.
– Make sure you drink plenty of fluids. Proper hydration is very important in your recovery process. – Don’t take anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen as there are many reports confirming that they exacerbate the condition. Take Tylenol instead.
– Separate yourself from other people at home as much as possible and do not share personal household items such as cups, plates, drinking glasses, towels or bedding. You should stay in one room and use a separate bathroom if available. – Wash your hands very often. – You should also restrict contact with pets and animals. It is recommended that people with the virus limit contact with animals until more information is known. – If you need to leave home make sure you wear a facemask and you keep at least six feet distance from other people. – Remember that you may only experience mild symptoms and recover quickly but if you don’t use all precautions you may infect other people with weaker immune systems. Their bodies may not be able to cope with the virus and it may cost their life. Everyone reacts to this virus in a different way and we need to make sure we protect not only ourselves but also the people around us.”
9. If Your Symptoms Worsen “If your symptoms are worsening (for example you have difficulty breathing) seek medical care immediately,” says Stuczen. “Don’t go to hospital or doctor’s office. Call ahead and tell them your symptoms. They will tell you what to do. You can leave home
after at least 7 days have passed since your first symptoms appeared and you have no fever
for a minimum 72 hours without the use of medicine that reduces fever and all other symptoms have improved such as cough or shortness of breath.”
10. How to Prevent Infection in the First Place “Try to avoid contact with others. Keep distance between you and others if you need to be in a public space. Wash hands and avoid touching your face with your hands. Disinfect surfaces where others may have touched. Also, try to stay healthy. Eat well, get rest and try to not stress. Keep your immune system strong and healthy,” says Langland. “The novel coronavirus is just that, new, which means the world’s population has no immunity,” says Marjorie Golden, MD, a Yale Medicine infectious disease specialist.
Stay inside to keep you—and everyone else—happy and healthy, and your body will thank you.
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And to get through this pandemic at your healthiest, don’t miss these
18 Coronavirus Survival Secrets.