(CNN) Updated 10:27 AM ET, Sun March 8, 2020.
An Incredible Coincidence!!
On June 19, 2015 the U.K. Government-funded Pirbright filed an application for a patent for the live Coronavirus which was approved on November 20, 2018. In this report we take an inside look at Event 201, which took place in NYC on October 18 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
When first res-ponders reported a hard-hit nursing home in Washington state, the epicenter
of the nation’s Coronavirus outbreak, Just six miles from Bill Gates exclusive suburb of Medina, Washington, in a huge earth-sheltered home in the side of a hill overlooking Lake Washington. They found an understaffed facility with inadequate gear attempting to serve dozens of patients vulnerable to catching the virus. A spokesperson for the Life Care Center said during a news conference Saturday that the CDC has now provided it with extra nurses, practitioners and doctors. State governments are working to contain the spread of
the novel Coronavirus in the US,
As federal officials say more testing for the illness will likely see the number of known cases increase. As of Saturday night, there were at least 40 deaths in Washington — at least 14 of them tied to the Life Care Center in Kirkland alone, according to a Seattle and King County Public Health news release. Two new Coronavirus deaths out of 16 total recorded in the state are linked to the facility, according to the release. A man in his 70’s, who was a resident at the care home, died on March 2, while a woman in her 80’s, who was also a Life Care resident, died on March 5, officials said!!! Makes You Wonder Whose Responsible for the Mayhem?
The gastrointestinal tract, or GI tract, is connected to our central nervous system and brain, and our gut hormones have an impact on the function of our blood-brain barrier. This barrier is an important filter, and is largely responsible for protecting brain function from chemicals that would otherwise pass through and cause damage.
Our small intestine lining plays a big role in determining what gets absorbed and what passes through. Think of it as a bouncer at a nightclub; it should let “in” (absorb) the nutrients needed for us to feel good and function well, while keeping “out” (retaining in the GI tract) undigested food particles, pathogens and toxins. When the lining is compromised by chronic, un-managed stress; processed food products; underlying food sensitivities; or chronic use of certain medications, it can become too permeable, or leaky. This is referred to as “leaky gut” or “intestinal permeability” which can play a role in how we respond to outside stressors, such as work demands or getting cut off in traffic.
Food reactions and sensitivities are a hot topic in nutrition circles right now, and for good reason. They can create havoc in the digestive tract, and in terms of mental health, an elimination diet approach could be one of many factors to consider when addressing aggression or antisocial behavior. While it may be considered a fad by many, a gluten-free trial, as well as a consideration of a dairy-free and soy-free diet, can be used to see how these particular foods impact an individual’s mental state (or not). Removing gluten, for example, has been shown to reduce schizophrenic symptoms in some patients. While avoiding traditional bread, pasta, cereal and other gluten-containing grains may seem daunting, the potential for symptomatic relief could make it well worth trying. Plus, with all the gluten-free alternatives and specialized restaurant menus, it’s easier today than ever to follow a gluten-free approach.
The integrity of our small intestine lining is also a significant determinant of how well we absorb and utilize vitamins and minerals. In the context of mood, this is especially important, as Vitamin B12, folate, zinc, selenium and more have all been implicated in mental health. Replenishing the status of these nutrients — not just from intake, but from absorption and utilization — is a non-negotiable in supporting a healthy mood.11 This is why great nutrition coaches are often sticklers on the quality and form of supplementation that is used. For example, in the case of depression (and dementia too), getting folate from a methylated form (like methyltetrahydrafolate) versus the synthetic folic acid form is recommended. (Go check your multivitamin label!) Also note, certain key nutrients like Vitamin B12 (which should be methylated in the “methylcobalamin” form) and zinc (which should be chelated versus the cheaper oxide form), relying up on adequate levels of acids and enzymes to be properly broken down. (Note: Life Time’s full suite of Men’s, Women’s, Performance and Prenatal multivitamins all meet these standards.)
Many of us also have lower levels of enzymes and a hindered ability to break these nutrients down to prepare them for proper absorption for our bodies to actually use, even if we’re taking in the right forms and amounts. Many clients choose to implement digestive enzyme support at mealtime to get more nutrient bang for their buck from their nutrition and supplementation plan. If you struggle with mood challenges, take heed, as nutrient deficiencies (such as Vitamin B12) can more than double the risk of depressive symptoms in some people. Mind your nutrient intake and absorption, and your mood may thank you.
Our gut has what is called the enteric nervous system: its own system of nerves, often referred to as the “second brain.” It produces and uses neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, the “feel good” neurotransmitter. In fact, a staggering 90% of our serotonin is made in the gut. It also houses a large community of intestinal bacteria (which can be referred to as probiotics, gut flora or the gut microbiome) in the large intestine, or colon. And the gut has so much impact on metabolism that it’s considered to be an organ with 100 times the genetic material
found in the human body.
Not only does this bacteria have an impact on how many calories we extract and use from
the foods we eat, but also, produce metabolically crucial nutrients and compounds such as Vitamin K, biotin and butyrate (when your butyrate level is low your cancer rate is high.)
In terms of our brain, an altered composition of gut flora, or having a pathogenic gut infection, can have significant implications. These range from associations with autism to cases of complete alleviation of psychiatric symptoms to antibiotic therapy that address gut imbalances.
Probiotic LGG and Butyrate Rapidly Increase Bone Density
Butyrate and the Gut Health Breakthrough
And while there are beneficial bacteria that we rely on, there are also harmful species to tame. Optimal brain health & overall vitality hinges on having a large diversity of the good guys, while keeping the bad bacteria and yeast in check. In fact, almost all of our bacterial balance can be a direct regulator of anxiety and depression. The not-so-beneficial bacteria, yeast and pathogens thrive on added sugar and produce their own waste and toxins, such as ammonia, which can actually create inflammation that impacts the brain and can lead to depressive symptoms. The good and protective bacteria, on the other hand, thrive on dietary fiber and prebiotics, which serve as food for the good probiotics.
Focusing on fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kombucha, kim chi and fibrous vegetables, plus considering a probiotic supplement, can help the good bacteria flourish.
With that being said, some people report feeling worse when implementing fermented foods or foods higher in fiber. If you’re trying to optimize your gut bacteria and are feeling worse instead of better, it may be worth digging a little deeper. Gut bacteria, normally residing the large intestine, can sometimes overgrow up the digestive tract and into the small intestine. This is referred to as small intestine bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO, and is closely associated with IBS or irritable bowel syndrome.
Those with SIBO often struggle with ongoing issues of bloating, diarrhea, constipation and excess gas. In the case of mental health, SIBO is important because an estimated 70–90% of IBS sufferers have some sort of mental disorder. SIBO cases often require medical treatment and
a concurrent diet low in certain forms of carbohydrates that are easily fermentable by the bacteria in the small intestine. They are called FODMAPs, short for Fermentable Oligo,
Di, Mono-saccharides and Polyols. And foods such as garlic, onion, apples and celery top the list of FODMAP offenders. In most cases, otherwise healthy FODMAPs are avoided for a course of several weeks while the underlying issue is addressed, and the bloating and abdominal discomfort from ingesting them is temporary and dose-dependent. If you decide to try a low FODMAP approach, and you observe a change in your digestive function, be sure to connect with a medical professional as there is likely something deeper going on.
It goes without saying that approaching mood challenges and struggles is complex and multifaceted. It often requires a holistic, 360-degree approach including medical care, therapy, psychological support, lifestyle considerations, stress management tactics, nutrition approaches, regular exercise, and when necessary, psychiatric interventions and medication. With that said, loving on our gut can only be of potential benefit.
In the grand scheme of things, it may be worth implementing some simple steps. They may include a modified elimination diet trial, taking in the right forms and amounts of vitamins and minerals, supporting proper nutrient breakdown and absorption, and fostering a healthy balance of beneficial gut bacteria to monitor changes in mood and outlook. Doing so could be a game changer in not only overt digestive function, but also in helping to calm chronic inflammation, support healthy detoxification, and optimize neurotransmitter balance.
20 Foods That Increase Your Metabolism
Your metabolism is an ever changing part of your body and while it is not something that you can see with your bare eyes, your metabolism can tell a lot about your health and wellness. Those who make endless attempts at losing weight may be able to attest to a slower metabolism whereas some skinnier people who claim they can eat anything may state they have a high metabolism. Regardless of your body type, your metabolism changes throughout the day, week, year, and over the course of your life on earth. With that said, there are some factors that can change your metabolism, with lifestyle being a vital component. Let’s take a look at 20 foods that can increase your metabolism and assist with your weight management. https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/usa/life-expectancy-by-county
This article is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.
Use of recommendations in this and other articles is at the choice and risk of the reader.
Metabolism and healing — > https://www.bing.com/
Metabolism and immunity —> https://www.bing.com/