Thriving in the Heart of Sacred Awareness
2020 is leap year, which means that for the estimated 208,000 born February 29th, 2020 –
You won’t have another birthday until 2024. However, don’t feel left out you are one of about
7.8 billion people in the world and counting – with the number estimated to increase to over
8 billion by 2023, and 10 billion by 2055. Everyone of us unique in every way.
Like the Mayfly who has a life expectancy of one full day utilizing all their time to eat, drink and be merry. So can I urge make the most of Saturday the 29th and leave our planet in a better state than when you woke up. With the rise of sustainable products, efficient cars, reduction in water usage and less plastic, as there are opportunities to make a small difference…
Time is an illusion: could this very minute in which we are living. . . . be considered. . . . the actual present or the very moment past or future.
What makes us special and responsible for all of the unique thoughts and feelings that makes us
who we are? Everyone from philosophers to physicists have taken up this question of consciousness and came up empty. For a very long time, studying consciousness was considered too far out there.
How do you scientifically study something so subjective? How can what one person feel become something another person can quantify? However, in their relentless pursuit to understand every single thing about the world, scientists are trying to figure out what exactly is going on with consciousness and where the soul is located.
Physics explains why time passes faster as we age!!!
The reason time can go by so fast when you sleep, is because you do not become conscious
of time. Once you become unconscious, time passes much faster. On the other hand, sometimes
our dreams can seem much longer than our time spent sleeping.
Human Consciousness: Where Is It From and What Is It for!!!
Does The Soul Exist? Evidence Says ‘Yes’
Though deep metaphysical questions about the nature of our soul.
A mind and brain leave questions as to whether this issue is in the realm of science, the brain is likely involved in some way with our conscious thoughts. With help of brain imaging, scientists can watch different parts of the brain light up, and they know they can alter the brain and our consciousness with surgeries or chemicals [sources: Eagleman, Pinker]. But what scientists don’t know is at what stage of the process a firing neuron becomes a conscious thought. The things that make up consciousness may be scattered all over the brain, with different cranial parts responsible for different pieces of a person. But, as we’ve mentioned, there are tons of other brain mysteries about how these parts might work together.
Scientists are also trying to figure out the relationship between conscious and unconscious experiences. There are some things — like breathing and maintaining a regular heart beat — that we don’t have to think about. How are these unconscious actions wired differently than the conscious ones? Is there any difference at all? We like to think we make our own decisions, but one recent study shows that we may not even do that. This study found that by using brain scanners, researchers could predict how a person was going to act a full seven seconds before the person knew that a decision had been made [source Keim].
Our consciousness might just be the illusion.
It’s possible that something like free will could enter into the equation at the last possible moment, over riding the decision made by the brain. The researchers in the study also admitted that this test was best suited to a simple laboratory test that involved pushing a button, as opposed to a more important decision like taking a job [source: Keim]. Will we ever solve these brain mysteries? Who knows — our instrument for doing so is the very one we’re trying to figure out. But you could start combing the scene for overlooked clues by reading the stories and links below.
Does Your Brain Get Tired Like the Rest of Your Body?
Who hasn’t felt brain drain after a stressful day at the office?
Who among us has not experienced mental fatigue after working a long day, taking finals or driving
the kids from school to numerous extracurricular activities? When this type of “brain drain” sets in, regardless of how hard you try to concentrate, you probably find yourself physically exhausted and unable to fully focus. https://link.springer.com/
Is this kind of mental fatigue evidence that you’ve overworked your brain?
Meaning, does your brain actually get tired in the same way your other muscles do? And is there any difference between mental fatigue and good old exhaustion? While the answers to this question involves some complex chemical science, luckily there are ways to get a handle on mental fatigue before it leads to burnout, and those are easy enough for anybody to understand.
Does Your Brain Tire Like Other Muscles?
“The brain requires fuel and energy,” says Gary Figiel, M.D., a geriatric psychiatrist in Atlanta who specializes in neurology and psychiatry. “The brain uses glucose as the primary source of energy.” When glucose enters the brain’s cells, it gets turned into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a complex organic chemical for storing and transferring energy in cells, by the mitochondria.
So let’s get this out of the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBU6gGGnVPI
Your brain is technically an organ, not a muscle.
It does have a bit of muscle tissue, but for the most part it’s mostly fat. In the brain, electrical cells called neurons transmit messages via chemicals. Although the brain isn’t a muscle, its cells do use energy to function. According to Gary Figiel, M.D., when you’re mentally tired, the blood flow to your brain and its electrical activity decreases. He says there are four steps to a well functioning brain getting energy:
1. Glucose must be available in the blood
2. Glucose must be efficiently transported inside the cells
3. Glucose must enter the mitochondria
4. The mitochondria must produce ATP
A breakdown in any of the four steps could be to blame for mental fatigue, Figiel says.
If glucose is available, a cellular function could slow down or work improperly. However,
the technology available to scientists today does not provide cellular-level information.
These are questions currently being researched.
The Brain’s Complex Chemical Reactions?
It’s the compound ATP that researchers from Australia and Belgium thought could be the key to brain drain. The idea was that when your brain works hard, it uses up all that glucose, leaving you feeling depleted. The lowered glucose levels then raise levels of ATP, which blocks dopamine — that chemical that makes you feel good and keeps you motivated. The study, which was published in the journal Sports Medicine in 2018, concluded that when your brain can’t get enough dopamine, you’re less likely to stay on task. So even though your brain is not a muscle, chemically you can tire it out by thinking too much.
Although using up available glucose in your brain creates mental fatigue, simply taking in more glucose won’t fully and immediately recharge your brain. Eating a snack or having coffee can help, but neither will eliminate the brain drain because the cellular functions are more complicated than that. Every brain cell is connected to 100,000 other cells in a highly integrated network, and when you’re tired, your brain has decreased blood flow and electrical activity, Figiel explains. Scientists are still in a hypothetical stage of understanding the brain. They know that rest is important, however they still aren’t sure why it’s important to our brains.
Mental fatigue feels real when you have it. The key is to know your limits
before you get brain burn out.
How to Be Kind to Your Brain: Evolution of Consciousness!!!
From Stress to Burnout: Whether scientists can explain it or not, mental fatigue feels real when
you have it. When mental challenges — whether it’s work, today’s political climate or
just the fast pace of modern life — are constantly coming at you, your stress response can
keep getting switched on. These can prompt your body to release a lot of the stress hormone cortisol. “Stressors are not meant to be on all the time,” Greenberg says, and they are what also lead to “burnout,” which she describes as “dealing with so many problems or things that don’t have solutions.” This kind of mental and emotional fatigue from overstress can affect your immune system and interfere with concentration, memory and focus.
The good news is you can avoid mental burnout. Just knowing that there are limits to your brain function — glucose or not — will help you think differently. The prefrontal cortex, where your higher-order thinking is done, takes a lot of energy, so your brain cannot perform complex tasks all day. So consider completing your most challenging activities in the morning. “We are not wired to use the ‘higher order executive function’ all the time,” says Melanie Greenberg, Ph.D., clinical psychologist in the Bay Area, California, and author of “The Stress Proof Brain.” While “higher order executive function” can include obvious tasks like taking the LSAT, it can also comprise a combination of smaller challenges, like processing a lot of new information coming at you at once.
“After a while, our brains automate things and take less energy,” Greenberg says. For example, if you drive the same way to work every day, that activity will use less brain energy than if you had to constantly find new routes. When your brain is dealing with an ongoing supply of new information,
it must put energy into every decision, which overuses that executive function and can cause mental fatigue. “Some of it is living a more balanced life if you can, try not to take on too much, have boundaries,” Greenberg suggests. When considering new responsibilities, look at the pros and cons. “Have a regular stress management routine that can rest your brain or give you energy. It has to be regular.”
But if you’re experiencing mental fatigue and don’t have a clear cause for why — like a particularly hard day at the office or a tough exam — Figiel recommends checking for a medical issue. Because people are affected differently cognitively, just as they are physically, changes in your usual cognitive emotions should raise a red flag. Keeping a healthy diet and lifestyle helps — getting enough sleep, not being too hard on yourself and not being a perfectionist. “If you are experiencing a kind of burnout, you should try to figure out what the cause is,” Greenberg says. Your brain can only do so much. Until science finds out more about the inner workings of brain cells to help them figure out what they can do,
you’ll have to focus on lifestyle changes.
Mysteries of the Mind
Is your unconscious making your everyday decisions?
By Marianne Szegedy-Maszak (2/28/05, US News)
If we imagine that the brain functions in the three dimensions of time we can identify them as follow: ‘real’ time working of the brain is the continuous monitoring of the senses in the present to give understanding. ‘Unreal’ time working equates to the past and is responsible for a persons accumulated data held as memory giving us knowledge. ‘Imaginary’ time working of the brain, responsible for dreaming, collates information from the other two functions, uniting knowledge with understanding to arriving at wisdom, the decision making and planning stage.
Also ‘Imaginary’ time working of the brain gives us the ineffable traits, such as love, appreciation of the arts, discernment of the abstract etc. The action of all three aspects of time gives us consciousness. Take for example a man suddenly faced with a lion. Firstly his ‘real’ time working, monitoring his sense of sight, sees the lion. The ‘unreal’ working identifies the lion as a dangerous predator. The ‘imaginary’ time component assesses the information and provides a solution, fight or flight, all three aspects working in parallel of each for discernment.
Spiritual Man: An Introduction to Negative Dimensions Kindle Edition.
Why hasn’t science identified these workings amongst the neurons and synapses you may ask? Could it be because ‘unreal’ and ‘imaginary’ time workings are in negative or imaginary dimensions, undetected by devices constructed by man. For more detail I refer interested readers to the book or the series of short videos on you tube!!!
Of course, if you really want to know about things, time, and orientations to the future and the past, I suggest skipping Heidegger and going to Hannah Arendt and reading The Human Condition, which is about things the world, and how actions become things, and Living Within Your Mind, Which is composed of two volumes Thinking and Willing. In these three volumes Arendt does a much better job of explaining the human experience of timeliness,
and the condition of worldliness?
Who Am I ? A Spiritual Perspective…
Asking how human consciousness works, should be broken down into two separate parts:
1) How does awareness in general work?
2) How does human consciousness differ from awareness?
Human Consciousness: Where does It come From and What Is It used for!!!
Boris Kotchoubey
Where is the “seat of the soul” located?
It has also known as the Magnetic Heart, the High Heart or the Seat of the Soul. Located
behind the sternum in the area of your thymus gland, this energy center can open new doorways to Christed awareness. The heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 5,000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected a number
of feet away from the body. .
Consider the amazing human heart, the organ that pumps life-giving oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood throughout our bodies on a precise schedule. Now researchers are learning that this marvelous machine, the size of a fist and weighing on average less than 10 ounces, also possess a level of intelligence they are only beginning to understand. Evidence shows the heart plays a greater role in our mental, emotional and physical processes than previously thought. “The heart is a sensory organ and acts as a sophisticated information encoding and processing center enables it to learn, remember, and make independent functional decisions,”
HeartMath Institute Director of Research Rollin McCraty wrote in the paper, The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Communication Within and Between People. and has been conducting research over nearly two decades that has shed light on what researchers now characterize as the energetic heart. The heart, like the brain, generates a powerful electromagnetic field, McCraty explains in The Energetic Heart. “The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body. The electrical field as measured in an electrocardiogram (ECG) is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG).”
Dr. Deepak Chopra hopes that the future will bring a better understanding of the influence
cast by a person’s electromagnetic field, and how those fields interact with one another
Related searches for Magnetic Heart,heart magnetic field, heart magnetic field energy,
electromagnetic field of the heart and human heart electromagnetic field
1 – The God Code – American scientist, visionary, and a best selling author
2 – The Living Matrix – The Science of Healing, uncovers new ideas that
determine our health. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDGdakHh5Cg
3 – We Are Change http://wearechange.org/heartmath-part-1/
Your heart will provide the guidance you are seeking.
When you blend the worlds of spirit and matter within your life. As you claim Unity in
a world of polarity, it creates an empowered connection to the Source of all Light. Increasing frequencies of Divine Love are elevating your consciousness in ways that allow greater Truth to surface from your heart, the seat of your intuition. To consciously empower the energy frequencies in which you live, create clear intentions that let the Divine know what you are available to experience in your life. The fields of potential around you will then begin to expand exponentially.
All is frequency. The accelerated rates of energy that heighten awareness are so malleable
that extraordinary results can be seen in your life in a very short amount of time. It requires your taking responsibility for your thoughts and feelings in such a way that your magnetic field only radiates the life you are choosing to live in. Your heart is a powerful guide in this process. As the human expansion into multidimensional consciousness explodes in the arena of the human heart and mind, new chakras are opening within your being.
One of these energy centers is what can be called the Sacred Heart. It has also known as the Magnetic Heart, the High Heart or the Seat of the Soul. Located behind the sternum in the area of your thymus gland, this energy center can open new doorways to Christed awareness. You can increase the frequencies in this chakra by consciously filling that area
with Divine Love every day as a spiritual practice.
Just imagine this area contains a Sacred Vessel that you can fill with the Light of Divine Love as a pure elixir of God’s Grace, a Divine Substance. Not only does this empower connections to your intuitive knowing and creative awareness, but your physical being will also resonate with these heightened frequencies. You can create an inspiring image of a beautiful crystal chalice in the area of your High Heart. As you place your palms on your chest, and breathe into this area, a very simple prayer of invitation can be used, such as:
“Divine Presence, with every breath I take, fill my Sacred Heart with Divine Love and Illuminate my heart with your Grace. Thank you.”
Your thymus gland responds to this Divine Light by expanding so it can take in more Divine Substance. This increases the T-cell count in your body thus empowering your immune system. This process allows you to assist your physical body to learn how to manage the new heightened energy frequencies the Earth has been experiencing during her ascension process.
Where Can I Find Peace?
The world can be so busy and distracting that the simplicity of spiritual grace can be overlooked. The beauty of Truth and Love is being trampled in fear of loss when your greatest initiation in higher consciousness at this point in time may lie in the questions: How much Divine Love can I receive, and how do I want it to change my life?
Nothing can be accomplished by moving faster. Allowing yourself the quiet moments your Soul is longing for can create great depth and purpose for life. These times require an integration of the accelerated energy now flowing into your being. You cannot move at the speed of Light yet, but you can open your heart and mind to receive this Divine Light and then use it to empower and clarify your life.
It requires you to treat yourself with compassion and respect. There has never been a time like this on Earth and you are doing the best you can. Believe in yourself and trust your intuition to show you what makes your heart sing with happiness. Your heart is becoming your compass in this New Earth time. Use it to chart your actions in the world. When you bring in the Light Force of Divine Love, it empowers your body and mind to respond to the guidance available in these higher energy frequencies. Open your mind to Faith.
The greatest challenges you face in your life require the greatest trust to truly know that the Divine Presence will not only take care of you, but every situation in the world that you are concerned with. You live in a benevolent Universe, and you have unlimited assistance to enable you to meet this time with guidance, strength. You are not alone and miracles await your invitation. If not now, WHEN…Have Faith ?
What is Consciousness… What is Its Purpose.
For humans consciousness is a complex sensation of perception, emotion, and memory overlapping in the same instant. The human brain processes sensation on multiple layers, and consciousness is a tapestry of all of these layers experienced at the same moment. At any one moment humans are experiencing color, sound, shapes, textures, depth, smell, and emotional cues related to mental health, social status, personal memory, and cultural identity. These various facets of consciousness are wired together through neural networking and synaptic memory and fed into the executive functions of the forebrain. But this model is only valid when you are awake. When you are sleeping consciousness is even more fragmented into deep memory consolidation and perception is limited to very brief snapshots where
visual memory is stimulated.
Will Self on consciousness, humanity and artificial intelligence.
Google “seven second delay decision making”, and “95 brain activity is beyond conscious awareness”. These MRI studies suggest, that the subconscious creates every thought, idea, decision, and everything ever imagined. The important stuff is then passed up to conscious awareness. There is no evidence to suggest, that conscious thoughts have any influence on the thought creation process. There is no conscious mind, and no free will. Both are illusions. Every thought and action is derived from a combination of genes and environment (knowledge and experience). Conscious thoughts evolve from improved verbal communication.
The premise of the question is suspect.
It seems to imply human consciousness is some sort of mechanism we can scientifically dissect. Science is not the way to discover how consciousness “works.” Consciousness is not an emergent brain phenomenon. That is a premise of scientific materialism. Scientific materialism is a very strong belief system that pervades much of our thinking. It is a philosophical belief system, not a direct experience. To directly experience how consciousness works, you need to still your mind and pay attention within. When you have learned how to still your mind, you will begin to experience the “pure knowing”
that lies behind all your thoughts.
Consciousness, in any animal with a brain, is the act of paying attention. Attention is a current of electricity originating in the brain stem, and in “higher” vibration conducted on nerve fibers connected to the other brain structures where mental events occur: thoughts, images, memories, moods, emotions and sensations. Whatever affect attention, its voltage, its focus,
its range, its stability, affects consciousness; they are one and the same thing.
In the book « Diversium » Theory of Ever and Everything where the concept of stratification is extended to our social organization, It explains consciences won’t derogate from the principle: they also have a relative independence ;-))
Consciousness works by integrating the knowledge
produced by subconscious brain processes!!
BTW the best “definition” of consciousness is, “Awareness of being aware.”
What is Consciousness… What is Its Purpose.
For humans consciousness is a complex sensation of perception, emotion, and memory overlapping in the same instant. The human brain processes sensation on multiple layers, and consciousness is a tapestry of all of these layers experienced at the same moment. At any one moment humans are experiencing color, sound, shapes, textures, depth, smell, and emotional cues related to mental health, social status, personal memory, and cultural identity.
These various facets of consciousness are wired together through neural networking and synaptic memory and fed into the executive functions of the forebrain. But this model is only valid when you are awake. When you are sleeping consciousness is even more fragmented into deep memory consolidation and perception is limited to very brief snapshots where
visual memory is stimulated.
The Conundrum of Consciousness: Our brain makes up its mind up in seven seconds before you realize it, according to researchers. By looking at brain activity while making a decision, the researchers could predict what choice people would make before they themselves were even aware of having made a decision. The work calls into question the ‘consciousness’ of our decisions and may even challenge ideas about how ‘free’ we are to make a choice at a particular point in time.
“We think our decisions are conscious, but these data show that consciousness is just the tip of the iceberg,” says John-Dylan Haynes, a neuroscientist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany, who led the study. “The results are quite dramatic,” says Frank Tong, a neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. Seven seconds is “a lifetime” in terms of brain activity, he adds.
Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened — as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding — she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.