đŸ”„ “Fan the Flames” of Inflammation đŸ”„


FINDING DR RICHARD BECKER. Listening – watching – wondering why he was prescribing almost all the same supplements to all his call in guest then thinking maybe his aim was correcting gut flora. Alpha Lipoic Acid, Cordycep Mushrooms, Curcumin, Grapeseed Extract, Olive Leaf extract and a healthy dose of antioxidant spices and omega 3s in your diet. Along with knowing the importance of forgiveness and stress reduction in your lifestyle because your body can’t heal properly when chronic inflammation.
Warriors know it a Heartless World: you have to persist for yourself because
Between 2007 and 2020, the number of deaths is expected to go up 15.2% in men and 8.1% in women, although the rate of cancer deaths per 100,000 people in the United States is expected to keep going down. We expect cancer death rates to drop most for—
Prostate cancer (26.4%).
Colorectal cancer (23.4%).
Lung cancer (21.3%).
Female breast cancer (19.6%).
Cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx (16.0%).
Cervical cancer (12.5%).
Melanoma (7.4%).
Between 1975 and 2009, the number of cancer deaths went up in both white and black Americans, mostly because of an aging white population and a growing black population. The cancer death rate began to drop in the early 1990s, mostly because of a decline in deaths from lung and prostate cancer in men, breast cancer in women, and colorectal cancer in both sexes.
According to estimates from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),
in 2020 there were 17.0 million new cancer cases and 9.5 million cancer deaths worldwide. By 2040, the global burden is expected to grow to 27.5 million new cancer cases and 16.3 million cancer deaths simply due to the growth and aging of the population. The future burden will probably be even larger due to increasing prevalence of factors that increase risk, such as smoking, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and fewer childbirths, in economically transitioning countries.
Between 2010 and 2020, the United States Population went from 308,745,538 to the current population of 329,064,917. In 2010, there was an estimated 1,529,560 new cancer cases diagnosed and 569,490 cancer deaths in the U.S. or 1,500 people a day. With the number increasing up about 24% in men to more than 1 million cases per year, and by about 21% in women to more than 900,000 cases and. 609,640 people dying  which is equivalent to 1700 deaths each day.
 With a one year jump from 2019’s 1,762,450 new cancer cases diagnosed and 606,880 cancer deaths in the United States.) 
Current cancer incidence and mortality are occurring at an alarming rate through early detection and treatment.
 Although with a contradiction with Government  statistic with mortality rates.

What will an oncologist do if he himself gets a tumor? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.  Answer by David Chan, MD from UCLA, Stanford Oncology Fellowship, on Quora:
Oncologists get cancer and die of cancer at the same rates as the general population.
There are a number of very famous academic oncologist who have died from cancer, ironically in some cases from the cancer for which they were considered world experts.
I’ve treated or participated in the treatment of oncologists with cancer.
They take the same treatment as everyone else, including surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and all the various kinds of radiation. What I’ve never witnessed or heard about, is an oncologist with cancer who decided to not take appropriate treatment but instead attempt any of the homeopathic or alternative “treatments” in vogue for that year. I have had oncologists decline treatment when it’s appropriate to not treat.  I recently had the misfortune of treating a very well known experienced oncologist and personal friend who’d I had treated for a couple of decades through three different kinds of cancer.
 On the fourth cancer, he’d had a widespread cancer found late and of a type poorly treated by anything. After all the testing, I met with him and his family and went through the options. At the end of a very extensive discussion of the situation and options available for treatment, several of his children urged him to take chemotherapy which I had explained that in his situation would not be curative and of minimal effectiveness. My oncologist friend made up his mind by saying that he greatly appreciated my thoughts on his situation. He very kindly and with a small smile complemented me on a discussion well done. He then turned to his family and told them why he wasn’t going to take treatment. He’d been through a lot with his previous cancers which had successfully treated. He didn’t want to do much more this time around.
He decided on hospice and I agreed.
New research suggests that CANCER KILLING compounds are abundant in the Mediterranean diet that takes away cancer cells’ “superpower” to escape death.  By altering a very specific step in gene regulation, this compound essentially re-educates cancer cells into normal cells that die as scheduled. One way that cancer cells thrive is by inhibiting a process that would cause them to die on a regular cycle that is subject to strict programming. This study in cells, led by
Ohio State University researchers, found that a compound in certain plant-based foods,
called apigenin, could stop breast cancer cells from inhibiting their own death.  READ MORE
A review of the evidence and a guide to adherence.
By Michelle Qaqundah, ND, FABNO
Michelle Qaqundah, ND, FABNO, is a naturopathic oncology specialist and Italian-trained chef, currently practicing in Lucca, Italy. She is the founder of Mediterranean Life Wellness Retreats, which offer participants the opportunity to learn how to cook the Mediterranean diet with her while enjoying Tuscan excursions. Dr. Qaqundah is the past Director of Naturopathic Medicine at Cancer Treatment Centers of America and the past president of the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Read More:
Learn from Dr. Qaqundah, naturopathic oncology specialist, about the Mediterranean Diet for prevention of cancer and cancer recurrence and hear about the Mediterranean Diet for Cancer and Preventionℱ Retreats in the beautiful hills of Tuscany. 
Please go to www.mediterraneandietforcancer.com for more information regarding our retreats.

Source: https://www.

In this video: Kristen Trukova, MS, RD, LDN  and Clinical Oncology DietitianDebrah Harding (ND, FABNO) Naturopathic Oncology Provider at Cancer Treatment Centers of America speak about nutrition and diet.
Gut health is a foundational key for optimal health and wellbeing.

Inflammation Can Strike Anyone Anywhere And In Any Part Of The Body!  https://www.bing.com/search?q=anywhere&FORM=HDRSC1

When it strikes your gut, it can be very problematic.
How does it get started?  Usually by the foods you eat.
Yet, if you still suffer from heart disease or any number of serious health threats—or worry about an impending diagnosis—consider this your fair warning. It’s possible
. Chronic Inflammation Could Be Sending You To An Early Grave!  All told, chronic inflammation is responsible for seven out of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States  And hundreds of studies and scientific reviews now prove it. However, the health dangers of inflammation doesn’t stop there.  The evidence suggests chronic inflammation may trigger or worsen autoimmune diseases,  autism,  neuropathy, celiac disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, food allergies, and more!

5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation & Heal Your Gut.
Chronic inflammation is a major source of pain, suffering and disease.
There are 5 factors that cause inflammation. 
Many are in our control and capacity to change and limit:
1. Diet
2. Environmental
3. Allergies & Chronic Infections
4. Exercise
5. Stress

Of the 5, stress is the most caustic to the system.  Chronic stress causes chronic cortisol which in a chronic state slows down the lymphatic system and causes swelling and inflammation around joins, organs and glands.  Dr. Melissa Gallagher, is a Naturopath with over 12 years of clinical expertise. A few of my specialties are working with individuals dealing with chronic illnesses, lymphatic disorders, hormone and gut imbalances and anyone sick and tired
of being sick and tired. https://naturalhealthresources.com/  
When does stress make you stronger and more resilient,
and when does it start to break you down? 
How do you know when the stress you’re experiencing is helpful to your growth?
Stress is often called the disease of the modern world – and no wonder,
when so many of us live completely out of sync with the natural rhythms of our bodies and nature.
In the second half of my series on stress, I help you discern between the experience of stress at your growth edge, and types of stress that invite you to reset your habits and bring your life back into alignment.
I also explore the remedies for stress – addressing the disease pattern at the levels of body, mind, and spirit with practices you can integrate both on and off the mat.
How can you move beyond the stress pattern?
How can you truly be free?
Tune into the podcast and learn more…
Cate Stillman
Founder, Yogahealer
Author of Body Thrive, and soon to be released Master of You
P.S. I invite you to take the Ayurveda Habits Challenge – all it takes is one simple habit shift to get better sleep, wake up refreshed, and feel more energy and resilience throughout
your day. https://yogahealer.com/

How to Prevent, Control, Reduce, & Eliminate Inflammation from bodily pollutants. Especially in different parts of the United States where pollutants are higher than other parts of the U.S.   https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/world-life-expectancy-map


How many times have you set out to start a new business, lose weight, exercise more, etc. but over time that fierce drive and fire start to fizzle. Stop calling yourself a failure or believing you don’t have what it takes to be successful. This is the time to reflect on your why. The definition of an epidemic, as used by those who study the phenomenon, is more cases of an illness than one would normally expect to see, based on previous experience. In many cases the word epidemic describes a disease that creates a threat to the general public and that kills many people. So according to the first definition, two cases  …
I know a farmer that thought he needed a hip replacement and started to pound vitamin D
and within two months his pain went away. 

Speaking OF WHICH In the agriculture business:
Farmers have to do what they have to do to feed their family and turn a profit. Even if that means giving hogs, chickens or cows. Medicine or growth hormones to prevent a virus, disease or improve their value at market. I myself prefer to eats a 90/10 ( plant based/ meat ) diet that prevents my gut flora from becoming off balance and create inflammation in my body.
I feel when gut flora is unbalanced:  it can cause chronic inflammation which can offset your immune system.
Which can cause the tissues in our body to break down faster and is considered to be the root cause of many diseases, including cancer. Watch nutrition expert Shawn Talbott, PhD, explain why it’s so important to get inflammation under control. Inflammation is our bodies’ natural response to injury or illness, helping us to survive. It’s what helps kill an invading bacteria or virus, for instance. In today’s world, we are at the mercy of too much inflammation all around. An overreactive inflammatory response is what triggers allergies and some autoimmune diseases, like arthritis. The response can be misdirected, causing more skin damage and pain instead of less. To make matters worse, the presence of excessive free radicals, AGEs, and cortisol combined is like coarse salt in the wounds, leading to so-called hyperinflammation.

Seven Foods That Promote Inflammation:
Inflammation can strike anyone and in any part of the body. When it strikes your gut, it can be very problematic. How does it get started? Usually by the foods you eat. It is very important to pay attention to what you’re putting into your body. These are just a few of the foods that cause damage and inflammation.

1. Processed foods with trans fats
Many processed foods, especially sugary treats like muffins and cakes, contain trans fats which are very damaging to the body. You need to check the ingredients labels to see if it lists hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.
These trans fats have been proven to promote inflammation because they damage the cells that form the lining in your blood vessels. There are far more nutritionally wholesome foods to be found in another aisle of the store.
A healthy alternative: Avoid processed foods altogether. You can find great information on whole foods and also gluten-free baking recipes at The Alternative Daily.

2. Refined sugars
This cannot be emphasized enough: Sugar is deadly! Processed sugars and starches that are high on the glycemic index promote inflammation throughout the body. They can also cause swelling, redness, and pain. As explained by CNN, “High amounts of sugar in the diet increase advanced glycation end-products, or AGEs, a protein bound to a glucose molecule, resulting in damaged, cross-linked proteins.
As the body tries to break these AGEs apart, immune cells secrete inflammatory messengers called cytokines. Depending on where the AGEs occur and your genetic predisposition, they could eventually result in arthritis, cataracts, heart disease, poor memory, or wrinkled skin.” A healthy alternative: Instead of choosing foods with refined sugars, use honey or coconut crystals in healthy recipes of your own.

3. Refined grains
Grains that have been processed generally have a higher glycemic index than whole grains, and this leads to inflammation, as we discussed above. However, pesticides are also a concern. Pesticides are heavily sprayed on whole wheat, both when the crop is growing and during the refinement process to produce flour for breads and baked goods. Lastly, the gluten in and of itself is a real hazard for inflammation in the gut.
Even for people that do not have celiac disease, a gluten intolerance can cause all kinds of painful inflammation symptoms and can lead to illness. A healthy alternative: If you must have grains, then always choose gluten-free options and preferably organic if they are available.
A great option is making your own food items with quinoa,
which is gluten-free and full of protein.
It can be used in cooking and baking recipes.

4. Animal fats
You may feel the desire for an occasional cheeseburger, but be aware it will come back to haunt you. A 2006 Australian study found that the flora or gut bacteria of participants actually changed after they had consumed saturated animal fats. Research published in Scientific American explained, “As the balance of species shift, it can trigger an immune response that results in inflammation and tissue damage.”  Also of note is the method of cooking.
By grilling your meats over high heat, you can bring about the creation of inflammatory carcinogens in the food. A healthy alternative: If you are a die-hard meat lover, be sure to look for grass-fed beef. And don’t forget about the healthy omega-3s from dishes prepared with wild-caught fish like salmon.

5. Dairy products
More than half of the global population is unable to digest milk. The allergens in milk can cause a number of uncomfortable inflammatory symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, hives, and skin rashes. Dairy products are not always as obvious as cheese and milk. There can also be dairy content in cookies, cream sauces, breads, and crackers. A healthy alternative: Kefir is a fermented food that contains a multitude of beneficial flora for your gut. Other dairy alternatives that you might want to try are almond milk and coconut milk. To protect your health, prevent disease, and feel your best, it is important to watch your diet and eat wholesome, nutritious food. Avoid anything pre-packaged, as well as any foods with added sugars, preservatives, or food coloring.
Dairy should be one of the foods to eliminate from your diet if you suffer from
hemorrhoids and rheumatoid arthritis. Perhaps it does seem like a rather unlikely culprit.
But the truth is that dairy products represent not only a potential allergy-forming ingredient, but also can be particularly harmful to the intestines, due to its’ acid-forming capabilities. Arguably the worst offender among the variety of dairy products is that of ice cream, in-part due to the milk element, but also because of the amount of additives that are very frequently used in its’ make-up. carrageenan is capable of causing inflammation. This is the bad news.  We know that chronic inflammation is a root cause of many serious diseases including heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and cancer.

6. Cooking Oils
Canola oil can be heated to a variety of temperatures, and it has a neutral taste. This makes it a favorite cooking oil for many. Canola oil is widely considered to be a healthy oil as it’s low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fat. With a smoke point between 212 F and 300 F, olive oil is best used for sautĂ©ing over medium heat or baking. On the other hand, canola oil has a relatively high smoke point of more than 375 F.
Because of this, it wins the canola oil vs. olive oil battle when it comes to grilling, frying or other high-heat cooking. Corn, cottonseed, and soybean oil are three other popular cooking oils. However, all three are grown from GMO plants in the U.S. (25) While these oils have a high smoke point, they are also very high in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. Some people will tell you Coconut Oil or Avocado oil are the best two cooking oils.

7. Ex-ci’-to-tox-in
A substance added to foods and beverages that literally stimulates neurons to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees. Can be found in such ingredients as monosodium glutamate
, aspartame (NutraSweet Âź), cysteine, hydrolyzed protein, and aspartic acid. Citing over five hundred scientific studies.  Excitotoxins explores the dangers of aspartame, MSG, and other substances added to our food. This is an electrifying and important book that should be available to every American consumer. This video was a lecture given about: The hidden dangers of excitotoxins hidden in your food by neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock as given at Modern Manna’s Health and Healing Crusade.

Research also shows that inflammation plays a role in obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.  Signs of chronic or acute inflammation have been demonstrated in most cardiovascular diseases of multifactorial pathogenesis, including atherosclerosis and chronic heart failure, according to studies. Chronic inflammation may be a causative factor in a variety of cancers. Inflammation, which is often described as redness, swelling, warmth, and pain in certain parts of the body, is a natural process through which body heals after an injury. It’s how the immune system protects you from viruses and bacteria. 
The problem is when the immune system is overactive, swelling gets out of control and it leads to pain, tiredness and damaged blood vessels. Public health concerns such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), to name a few, all have inflammation in common. It triggers symptoms for other diseases as well. Some foods such as processed meat and refined grains are known to be pro-inflammatory.  This is Exactly What Happens to Your Body When You Eat a Ton of Sugar

Click here to see the 20 best foods that reduce inflammation





By Susan Patterson The Alternative Daily

When inflammation strikes your gut, it can be very problematic. How does it get started?
Usually by the foods you eat. It is very important to pay attention to what you’re putting into your body. Processed food and refined sugars are far and away the two worst contributors of chronic inflammation. Many processed foods, especially sugary treats like muffins and cakes, contain trans fats which are very damaging to the body. This cannot be emphasized enough: Sugar is deadly!
Processed sugars and starches that are high on the glycemic index promote inflammation throughout the body.
However, these are just two of the many foods that cause damage and inflammation.
They can also cause swelling, redness, and pain.

Time Magazine Declared Inflammation
To Be “The Secret Killer.”


Inflammation can damage the thyroid gland and, as a result, cause it to become underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperthyroidism).
With chronic inflammation being at the root of so many diseases, it’s no wonder a large number of modern treatments center around suppressing the inflammatory process. https://www.bing.com/videos/

Inflammatory Effects in Your Body with so many safe and effective natural remedies and health recommendations like: 12 specific “superfoods” 
to add to your daily diet. These are all easy to find at your local grocery store, economical, and in small amounts, can help you prevent or manage type 2 diabetes. You’ve probably heard of superfoods that work to promote good health, but you may not be aware of what they are. There are numerous everyday food items that offer great health benefits that are affordable and you can easily incorporate them into your daily diet. Read More

If you want to start nourishing your body and improving your health, you’ll want to include the following superfoods into your everyday diet.
If you’re already eating these superfoods on the regular, then great—you’re well on your way to good health. If you aren’t, then at least you’re aware of which foods can work to improve your health.   https://www.belmarrahealth.

One “sneaky” but toxic ingredient added to every day foods. Manufacturers refer to it by fifty-six different names, and even add it to products they label as “healthy.” Check out our long list of “watch-out” foods.   https://www.thecandidadiet.

Six  “healthy” foods that actually trigger inflammation.
When combined with stress, they can cause certain digestive disorders. But no need to stop consuming them. We’ll show you a dietary “trick” that makes them 100% healthy!

Six tried-and-true anti-inflammatory herbs and spices to fight fibromyalgia
 a disease with strong ties to inflammation. We’ll show you how easy it is to add these foods to any meal and help you stop fibromyalgia at its source. How to reduce exposure to dozens of inflammation-causing toxins in and around your home. We’ll tell you where to look for them and what you must do to stop them from growing deadly tumors inside your body.

A simple technique to reduce stress and lower blood pressure.
It takes only seconds each day, and you can even add it to any of your favorite daily exercise routines to boost your body’s ability to fight inflammation. Now, you can access and use every one of these proven and totally safe solutions—and many, many more—to start getting healthier, even as you age. But it’s not all bad news. Because I want to assure you, other research shows it’s possible to

Prevent—Even Reverse—Most Major Diseases by “Turning Off” Inflammation!  
That’s why it’s more important than ever to know whether you’ve got chronic inflammation raging inside your body. So you can find ways to fight it before  destroys your health. 
In fact, if you’re at all concerned you may be at risk for developing any number of serious health conditions — or even if you have already received a confirmed diagnosis from your doctor — you can reduce your risk or rid yourself of disease completely by taking some simple steps to control the damaging effects of chronic inflammation.








The links below demonstrate how diet affects Autism (especially in children.) 

Autism and gluten: https://www.bing.com/videos/
Autism and gluten connection: https://www.bing.com/videos/

Autism and gluten intolerance: https://www.bing.com/videos/

Autism and gluten sensitivity: https://www.bing.com/videos/

Autism and gluten and dairy: https://www.bing.com/videos/

Autism and gluten free diet study: https://www.bing.com/videos/

*****      https://www.bing.com/videos/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9vOiWYD4Y0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXD3w4KVmnU
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