Positive Affirmations

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail – Benjamin Franklin

We all know that once the water has run downstream we can’t get it back.  Likewise when we are unprepared, we have lost the opportunity, squandered the moment. You may be asking yourself what is the point of this story, well I think the point I would like to make is that preparation is an essential, often neglected, part of life.  Practicing the art of preparation allows us to hone four key skills in my opinion.
We know that life is spontaneous and seemingly random at times and there are many things that take us by surprise that we never see coming or that we can’t prepare for.  I am also a firm believer in being flexible and not trying to control everything or being too rigid about things, but on the other hand, when we are well prepared, we can easily jump to Plan B if needed or practice flexibility and adapt when circumstances change. I encourage you to think about these four powerful benefits to being prepared and consider if you can implement them in your life in a consistent and sustainable way.

Being Prepared Enhances Self Discipline
In this sense, I am talking of the discipline of having a routine or habit, not the discipline to control or regulate, although forming a good habit is a form of self-control and regulation.
When we routinely prepare ourselves for the predictable or unexpected events in our lives, we enhance our own self-discipline.  In my opinion, self-discipline is one of the foundations to living a happy life.  The act of becoming prepared means that we discipline ourselves to make the time to prepare.  We get over the feeling of “I don’t feel like doing this now”
we put off procrastination, we dump the excuses and we become mindful
with what we are doing and ourselves.
Being Prepared Enhances Our Strategic Thinking
If you’re like me, as you are preparing for that meeting, vacation, or dinner with a friend you are having an internal dialogue with yourself.  You may be thinking of the meeting agenda, or the presentation you have to give, you may be thinking of what you need to prepare for your vacation all the tasks you need to complete, what to pack in your suitcase, check your travel insurance etc.
The more complex the task, the higher degree of strategic thinking is required.  None of us is born master strategic thinkers; it’s a skill that is born through practice and experience.  Regardless of what you are preparing for, you can hone this skill.  Unbelievably as you look out your window each day before you dress, your brain has already thought a thousand strategic thoughts in preparation for getting you to your destination appropriately clothed, dry, on time and in one piece.  We may not always recognise our thoughts as being strategic but each act of preparation is honing these skills.
Being Prepared Increases Our Flexibility
If you are self-disciplined and open to thinking strategically there is a possibility that your thought processes will expand with fluidity and flexibility.  Not everyone who is self-disciplined and thinks strategically is able to be flexible in his or her behaviour,
but this is a skill that we develop.
So think about it.  You are preparing for a customer presentation, you know what they expect, what you can offer and yet while hoping that it will run smoothly you are aware that problems may arise.  Therefore, part of your preparation will be to look at those potential hiccups and do some scenario planning.  As you work through different scenarios, you will prepare for different outcomes.  This is flexibility and it is the foolhardy who are unprepared for change or unwilling to be flexible.  By preparing to be flexible, we are also building a critical trait to have, namely resilience.
Being Prepared Develops Our Resilience
Resilience is that ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens.  As we develop all our other skills, we often spend little time
developing that of resilience.
Unless you have done the preparation, thought it through, evaluated all the known scenarios you will always be shocked by the unforeseen or by failure.  It is in preparation that we develop our mental resilience and it is through failure that we develop a life of resilience.  We all know that not every plan leads to success and it is through failure that we reach success, but often being unprepared leads to a bitter taste in the mouth.
Having resilience allows us to stand up eight times after we’ve been knocked down seven and to continue on our course, making adjustments and realignments.
Before anything else, preparation is the key to success – Alexander Graham Bell
Take a moment to consider how you go about your daily life.  Are you missing out on some wonderful opportunities because you are not preparing yourself sufficiently?  Do you always repeat the same “mistakes” because you resist preparation?

Anita Moorjani was born to Indian parents!!! 
Hargobind (father) and Neelu (mother) Shamdasani in Singapore. Shortly after her birth, her family moved to Sri Lanka, and then at age two, moved to Hong Kong, where she and her older brother Anoop grew up. Moorjani and her brother both studied in British schools. As an ethnic minority in a majority British school, Moorjani says she was often the victim of bullying.[4] Moorjani’s parents are Indian, and because of her diverse cultural background, grew up multilingual, speaking Sindhi, Cantonese, and English simultaneously. 
In February 2002, while living and working in Hong Kong, Moorjani was diagnosed with lymphoma after finding a lump on her neck. Initially, Moorjani rejected conventional medicine. She had watched several people close to her die of cancer, including her brother-in-law and her best friend, despite extensive conventional treatments. Over the months that ensued, Moorjani experimented with various alternative healing practices, but to no avail. She subsequently underwent several conventional cancer treatments. However, by that point, despite these treatments, her doctors informed her and her family that it was “too late” to save her life. The lymphoma had spread throughout her body and had metastasized.[6]
Then on February 2 2006 was dying and Moorjani came out of the coma 30 hours later. During those 30 hours, Moorjani asserts that she experienced many characteristic details of a near death experience. Her account includes an out-of-body experience with observations and awareness of physical surroundings. Moorjani said she had a strong reluctance to return to her suffering and dying physical body, but was encouraged to return by her father and best friend who told her that she needed to return and to “live her life fearlessly.” [7]
Subsequent to coming out of her coma, Moorjani’s tumors shrank by about 70% within four days, and within five weeks, she was cancer-free and released from the hospital, although she had to spend a few months in physiotherapy to regain her strength and the use of all her muscles and limbs.

She submitted the description of her NDE and subsequent healing to the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) website, a site owned and run by oncologist Jeffrey Long and his wife, Jody Long, a family law attorney.[9]
Her story came to the attention of American self-help author, Wayne Dyer, who contacted his publishers, Hay House, asking them to locate Moorjani and suggest that she write a book, which they would publish.[10]
Dying to be Me was published in March 2012, and hit The New York Times bestsellers list two weeks after its release. Moorjani was then invited to be on Wayne Dyer’s PBS special titled “Wishes Fulfilled”, and since then, has been interviewed on “Fox And Friends,” CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” National Geographic International, Karen Davila’s Headstart on ANC Philippines, among many others. Dying to be Me has subsequently sold over a million copies worldwide, and has been published in more than 40 languages.
On 15 April 2015, Deadline reported that the New York Times best selling book Dying To Be Me has been optioned to producer Ridley Scott‘s company Ridley Scott Films. In January 2016, Moorjani’s case attracted the attention of Dr. Oz, who scrutinized her medical records, and subsequently invited her to be on his show. Skeptics criticize the message that Anita speaks. Vicky Allen, journalist at The Herald Scotland, states “These people are at the centre of a disturbing approach to illness, and cancer in particular, that sees it as a disease to be tackled with the mind and positive thinking. It is a movement which many within the medical establishment believe is dangerous.” Peter Allmark of Sheffield Hallam University, co-author of A Critique Of Positive Thinking In Cancer Care,
denounces the approach as “quackery”.

Anita Moorjani’s amazing near-death experience is described in her book Dying to be Me
If you want a preview of what she describes in her book, check out this Ted Talk.  In the video, Moorjani leaves her audience with five brief lessons from her NDE.  I’ve quoted her main points below and added some of my ideas to each of her topics below.

Love should be the most important focus in life. You must love yourself and value yourself. 
We teach others how to treat us.  You should not allow others to bully or control you. 
The more you love yourself, the more love you have to give to others.
Live life fearlessly. Love keeps you safe, not fear.
Humor, laughter, and joy  are vital. Kids laugh and enjoy life all the time, but these states
of being get conditioned out of us.  Joy is more important than any other spiritual power. 
If our politicians learned to laugh, we’d have a different political climate.
Life is a gift, not a chore.
Always be yourself. Be as you as you can be.  Shine your light as bright as you can. 
Embrace being you.

Love More:  Definitely choose love over fear but realize when something you are calling love
is not really love. Love is never manipulation, and manipulation can come in many forms.  Someone can even tell you that you aren’t that spiritual for choosing not to be with them and love them.  You might only be choosing to love yourself and choosing a love and life situation that fits your desires more than that person and situation fits what you need.  This is o.k.  You get to make all kinds of loving choices for yourself.  You don’t have to do what others want you to do and call this love.  You get to do what you want to do and know that it is love. 
Life works better this way.
I think of love as kind gestures and moments when we simply choose to be our best self with someone.  Being your best even when others are at their worst is difficult but loving. Love is something we do for ourselves and for others.  We respect the boundaries of others, and this is a form of love as well.  Other people do not have to take care of all our needs.  We can take care of ourselves and cutting down on our neediness can be a way of being more loving.

Love is wishing the best for everyone, even when they have wronged us.  Love is hoping others can always be their best selves.  Love is expanding someone’s understanding, not letting them live in fear.    Love is many things, and I’m still learning about it.  I do know that love is the opposite of fear. Love will be the subject of many more posts because most NDErs come back knowing that love is the most important thing we can do while in these bodies; love deserves lots of radio, television, and blog time.

Live Fearlessly:  We mistakenly think that if we spend time fearing something we might come up with strategies which might prevent this thing we fear from occurring.  Love is your greatest protector, and even when life happens—when the thing you fear most happens—keep loving yourself through it.  This will help you heal faster.

When I’ve had the most success manifesting, I have clearly seen an image or outcome that I want and worked hard towards achieving that goal without letting negative ideas interfere with my progress.  Then, I stayed the course, never doubting the inevitable positive outcome.  Fear doesn’t play into the equation, not even a flicker of it.  When I have failed at something, fears are always there multiplying and breeding in my mind and in my life.
200+ Self-loving Affirmations! (Rebuild a Brand New You!)
When I think of living fearlessly, I think of never shrinking away from a challenge, but diving in, willing to learn, grow, and succeed.  I think of small moments as well—moments when we choose to talk with others around us instead of being silent and looking at our phones, moments when we make connections, share our thoughts and feelings, and allow our hearts to expand and include more people.

Laughter as Medicine:   I wish I was funnier than I am.  I can be goofy, and occasionally funny, but I wish I was hilarious.  Luckily, I have friends who make me howl with laughter.  May you find these people and talk with them often, and when you can’t find funny friends, watch funny videos and comedies.  Years ago, I saw the movie What the Bleep Do We Know, and the clip about the woman who cured herself of cancer by watching funny movies resonated with me.

Laughter is literally healing.  Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, and you will be happier and healthier.  I’ve always thought that silliness is a form of soulfulness, an ability to not take one’s self or life too seriously.  When all else fails, laugh at people who take themselves too seriously.  They are so funny!

Life is a Gift:     Though I’ve had moments when I felt tired or discouraged after my NDE, I usually remember that life is a gift.  Whenever I feel bored, I think about how to make a certain “boring” task more enjoyable or meaningful.  Washing dishes becomes a moment where I meditate on all the ways that I need to clean certain negative ideas and images from my mind.  Taking out the trash becomes a moment when I think of dumping all of my juvenile and immature behaviors in a dumpster and being done with them.

I take time to savor my food.  Though I remember being overwhelmed at how amazing all food tasted after my NDE, I quickly realized that awareness helped me slow down and enjoy each meal instead of greedily rushing through it.  Greediness in any area of life isn’t all that sexy.  Your share can be wonderful and special without having to want everyone else’s share for yourself.  Life is indeed a gift.  The more you take time to realize it in certain moments, the longer and more beautiful the journey seems.

Be Yourself: I’ve learned the hard way that it isn’t any fun to diminish who I am to please others.  In other posts, I’ve written about family member’s righteousness and insistence on being “right.”  I’m not here to make them wrong.  I’m here to express myself and who I am.  I do this effortlessly in some areas of my life, and those areas of my life work well.  The areas where I dim my light and become less of who I am are not the best areas of my life.  I’m working on being more whole, more me, more true to what I believe and living aligned with these beliefs.  I hope you do the same.

I hope you love your original, wonderful self, chase your dreams and goals fearlessly, laugh even when it is at yourself, and never forget that every moment here on earth is a gift, not a chore.  Make your moments enjoyable.

How the body can heal itself?
Part One  http://cancershift.com/cancer-

Part Two  http://cancershift.com/


Anita Moorjani surviving cancer example | Self-healing with Suzana

Visual Proof of Healing with the Mind
How fast can the mind really affect the body and its ability to heal?
What if I told you that we can affect it almost instantly when we address key factors in the subconscious mind?
Previously I thought it took a long time to heal with the mind. I thought I had to visualize over and over and then wait for my body to start healing itself; that I needed to relax, release my stress, and convince myself I was already healed. I was told those methods were “supposed to work.” So, I tried them for several hours per day for many years, while stuck in bed. I had been in an accident, became disabled, was in an extreme amount of pain, and could not find anything that would help within conventional or natural medicine.
I tried any alternative I could find, but nothing worked. I spent my days visualizing, listening to healing music and mind-programming CDs, smiled more to try to create endorphins, tried positive affirmations. Yet, nothing really worked. Prior to my injury I did network engineering/operations; my job was to troubleshoot, and I was good at it. When something was wrong, I understood how to look for the root cause. Therefore, I began to conduct my own research to deepen my understanding of the mind/body connection.
What I found was absolutely incredible.
I began to develop additional parts of my mind in a whole new way that provided the additional insight I needed to take the process to the next level. What I found was that when I addressed the key factors in the mind, everything changed.
Moreover, that is what I do today. I show people how to get results fast using only the power of their minds. I also show them how this information not only changes their health, but it also changes their lives.
For some, the results may seem unbelievable or impossible, which I understand because there was a time when I did not believe it was possible.
That is why I like to demonstrate these techniques for people so they can actually experience it for themselves.
When I am speaking to audiences, I ask for a volunteer and coach the person to use their own mind to relieve their chronic pain within minutes. In these live talks or teleseminars, everyone can witness the actual process and the volunteer gets to experience the pain releasing from their body.
Since this is a video recorded talk, I found the best way to demonstrate the results was to use medical thermography to show actual visual changes as evidence of the effectiveness of this process.
These same processes have been used for a variety of different ailments; however, I typically like to use pain because people can experience results as they are happening. Therefore, the audience can actively experience the results.
In this talk I reveal:
How to produce rapid and sustainable results in a never before seen way using only the mind.
The Key factors in the mind that need to be addressed to provide these rapid results.
Thermal medical scans have been taken of before and after images to visually show the changes that take place. Along with an explanation of the process I used.
I also discuss the process of using Quantum Entanglement to understand the patterns of the body.

Brandy Gillmore, HHP
Brandy Gillmore is a holistic heath practitioner and international speaker. She is best known for her breakthrough discoveries in healing with the mind. Her techniques enable people to experience noticeable physical results within minutes using only the power of their minds.   https://brandygillmore.com/contact/
Over the past four years, Brandy has lectured worldwide, sharing these tools and techniques. She has spoken at workshops, international teleconferences, retreats, and conferences, to a variety of audiences, including medical doctors, corporations, and non-profit organizations. She has been featured as a guest speaker on lectures given by other experts in this field including Dr. Lissa Rankin’s Whole Health Medicine Institute, which Rankin provides training for medical doctors on mind/body medicine.
Brandy’s cutting-edge discoveries started years ago with a desire to restore her health after a traumatic injury left her physically disabled. With more than a decade of research into healing, she was able to develop her own mind to expand its capabilities to use Quantum Entanglement as a process for greater insight. This provided her a unique, in-depth understanding of the mind and its effect on the body. By using her methods, “The Gillmore Freedom Method” and “The 3 Keys to the Subconscious Mind,” Brandy regularly demonstrates the healing power of the mind in front of live audiences.

The GateWay 0f Preception!!!
We are all on a Journey of learning to express our full potential. An expression or reflection
of the outside world to others what has happen to us!!! Unless you know this you will never find meaning in our life ~  Louise Hay  🙂

View You Can Heal Your Life: the Movie in its entirety online. This entertaining and inspirational movie based on the best-selling book is hosted by author and teacher Louise L. Hay. This film gives penetrating insights into Louise’s fascinating personal story; and shows how her views on self-esteem, abundance, and the metaphysical causes behind physical ailments were developed. It also reveals how she applied these concepts to her own emotional, spiritual, and professional life.

A number of luminaries in the fields of self-help, philosophy, health, spirituality, and New Thought join Louise, giving their take on success, happiness, and the myriad ways in which people can heal their own lives. And there are also gripping firsthand accounts from others who have been positively affected by Louise’s work. 
200+ Self-loving Affirmations! (Rebuild a Brand New You!)
Running time: 90 minutes https://www.veoh.com/
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