With Leiomyosarcoma there is survivors on both sides of the walk (both conventional and alternatively nature). It would be short sighted and far be it of me to state it any other way. Since my father passed away April 3 2006 of Leiomyosarcoma. However, his 14 years of battling a primary cancer then more aggressive secondary cancers he was ready to see his great creator. Being he was Machinist/Mechanic in the German Battle Harden World War II theatre. then a truck driver in the early 50’s (prior to Interstates without power steering.) I always thought that it was his experiences in life ( with me always telling him you won’t die you’re a relic.)
That gave him incentive through those years without any change in eating habits.
What I learned from this visit: A strong constitution and keeping your FAITH STRONG — strength up gets people through tough times. You can believe you will die and sit down and make a bucket list of all those things you wanted to do. But just never had the time or courage to do so. Then, figure out your final arrangements and take care of them. As your reward for having done these two things, you will give up and think your time on Gods Green Earth is limited. But if your spiritual oriented. You could explore your conscience. If there is something you need to confront so you can gain a peace of mind, now seems a good time to settle such things. Therefore, go and start your “I Wanna Do this in my life list.” Live as you always wished you could. Because, now, you can. There is no time like the present, so make the present time your present to yourself. Is it Through our struggles: we elevate and heighten our mindset… what does that teach us about ourselves.
Is it that through these trials and tribulations of life we find our true meaning of life.
Is it within these times we realize to treasure our life. Realize that quite possibly it isn’t quite our time to go to the Pearly Gates just yet (and you will visualize where you still see yourself in a rested and peaceful place.) While Living the expression “WOW, WHAT A RIDE I STILL HAVE LEFT TO LIVE IN MY LIFE!” Realizing the importance of being at peace with God, whatever, you conceive him to be, AND THAT GOD WILL BLESS YOU STILL. Nobody in this world can predict the exact time of death. So pray to Almighty to show you WHO YOU ARE–AND the right path HE WANTS YOU TO LIVE. While doing whatever you feel is best for your good health. Good luck and keep fighting until the end!
On this trip I took to learn about cancer and visit with this Amish Doctor. I thought would be
a Herb & Cancer lesson and having that person tell me if you want a Lesson Learned About Cancer. You must Research Cimetidine (Tagamet) is a drug prescribed for treatment of GERD, duodenal ulcers, active gastric ulcers, Zollinger Ellison syndrome, heartburn, indigestion; and the prevention of gastrointestinal bleeding. Cimetidine (Tagamet) is used to treat ulcers of the stomach, intestines and prevent them from coming back after they have healed. This medication can be used to treat certain stomach and throat problems caused by too much stomach acid–or a backward flow of stomach acid into the esophagus. And it can also reduce stomach acid so the Nicholas Gonzalez (William Kelley Protocol) is a more effective cancer treatment he had seen in all his years of experience as an Amish Doctor. I MYSELF BELIEVE BENADRYL diphenhydramine, AN antihistamines. FOR INFLAMMATION REDUCTION AND CAN BE USED AS A SEDATIVE. http://www.solitarius.org/2015/11/25/changing-season/
Therefore, Kinesiology Food Testing takes some of the guesswork out of balancing the diet for any individual. Biogenic foods give you energy. They benefit the body by providing the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that the body uses to grow healthy new tissue. http://www.kinesiologyzone.
Much like Electrodermal Screening, EDS, is a scientific approach to health assessment utilizing the meridian system of the body combined with an FDA approved computerized testing device that uses similar principles to an electrocardiogram.
What Jake also stressed was that sweet potato proteins were tried on colorectal cancer cells, one of our most common and deadly cancers. Normally, we just surgically remove the colon, but that only works in the early stages since there are often “micro-metastases” outside the colon that can subsequently lead to cancer recurrence and death; so, we’ve been searching for anti-metastatic agents. Sweet potatoes are considered a superfood. They are one of the healthiest and most inexpensive vegetables on the planet. (And one day, perhaps, even off the planet, as NASA has chosen the sweet potato for space missions.) A study at the University of Washington aimed to identify which vegetables provided the most nutrients per dollar.
In my video, Anti-Cancer Potential of Sweet Potato Proteins, you can see a graph of affordability versus nutrition for different foods. The healthiest foods, like dark green leafy vegetables, may also be the cheapest, and the highest nutrient-rich food scores per dollar were obtained for sweet potatoes. https://vegtv.com/sweet-potato-proteins-vs-cancer/
Also start discovering your options one being Maitake D-Fraction (a specific beta glucan from the Maitake mushroom) has been proven to cause cell ‘suicide’ specifically in prostate cancer cells. Look into it. Do a google or yahoo search and you’ll see tons of information. There is also stuff about it on the NCBI (government) website. PC-3 cells were shown to cause apoptosis by the New York Medical College with D-Fraction. I don’t know *anything* about your case, but try contacting http://www.maitake.com about Grifon Pro Maitake D-Fraction – 2 OZ by Mushroom Wisdom (Maitake) and their D-fraction line which helps with the chemo sessions and keeping the immune system strong. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2i5p6x Source(s): http://heartspring.net/prostate_cancer.html If chemotherapy is being used read: http://www.solitarius.org/
Understand, when the ability to test the patient on the correct supplementation and dosage, the amount of supplements and thereby the cost of the care can be greatly reduced. It is common to see patients with previously diagnosed cancer to be on no more than a few supplements! Kinesiology is the study how muscles work, how they create movement and– what actions they make to make the body move in the way it does. Massage therapists will get basic training in kinesiology and will need to know the locations, origins and insertions
and actions of the muscles.
NOTE: when I got back from this mini trip: I spent a great deal of time searching for the most informative Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez links on the internet.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: The Lost Interview!!
“Chemotherapy drugs are derived from World War I nerve gas chemicals.” ~ Nick Gonzalez!
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez was a tireless physician for those left behind by Western medicine. In fact, his success with ‘terminal’ cancer patients was second to none. Despite all the ridicule and vicious attacks leveled against him over the years, Dr. Gonzalez remained steadfast in his beliefs, caring for and supporting those in need. Gonzalez was a staunch supporter of medical freedom and informed consent. Unlike the conventional cancer industry and its fear tactics,
Dr. Gonzalez NEVER tried to convince someone to accept his therapy over standard medical treatments like, surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. Western medicine largely ignores the truth about how to successfully overcome a cancer diagnosis.
In this interview, Dr. Gonzalez revealed to Jonathan Landsman, Host of NaturalHealth365, “the single most important determinant as to how a patient does whatever they choose to do… is their belief system.” He went on to say, “if they don’t fundamentally believe in what I do or what alternative practitioners do, whether I think they should or not — doesn’t matter, they shouldn’t do it.” Within this video interview, Dr. Gonzalez details the shocking (almost) unbelievable history of chemotherapy, its shockingly high failure rate and why most cancer patients have been kept in the dark about its true origins and effectiveness. Please share this important video with your family and friends… especially those dealing with a cancer diagnosis. This video interview, never before released to the public, reveals truly mind-blowing information about the failure of chemotherapy and why holistic approaches to cancer treatment work far better than chemo.
Nicholas James Gonzalez, was born December 28, 1947 in Flushing, New York. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude from Brown University, with a degree in English literature. From 1970–1977, Gonzalez worked as a journalist for Time Inc. and as a freelance writer, covering a variety of health-related topics, including a July 1972 cover story in New York Magazine, a 1976 cover story for Family Health Magazine, and an article for Prevention Magazine. Gonzalez became interested in medical research, cancer research in particular, while covering these topics. Gonzalez completed postgraduate premedical work at Columbia University and received his medical degree from Cornell University in 1983.
Gonzalez worked with Robert A. Good at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center while in medical school. It was in this time frame when Dr. Gonzales entered the scene, and at first, his assignment was to prove Dr. Kelley was a quack.
He saw some of the great successes and reported back to the Sloan-Kettering Clinic. Dr. Gonzales, who was not a medical doctor at the time, and the wisdom to push ahead and spoke very well of Dr. Kelley, while keeping his criticism of Dr. Kelley to a restrained description: “as he is very eccentric.”
Gonzalez Met with Dr. Kelley https://beatcancer.org/blog-
After receiving his medical degree, Gonzalez completed an internship in internal medicine
at Vanderbilt University. From 1984-1986, Gonzalez worked with Good again, completing a fellowship in immunology while at University of Oklahoma and All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida. Dr. Gonzalez’s treatments are based on the belief that pancreatic enzymes are the body’s main defense against cancer and can be used as a cancer treatment. His methods have been generally rejected by the medical community and he was characterized as a quack and health fraud by other doctors..
In 1994: Dr. Gonzalez was reprimanded and placed on two years’ probation by the New York state medical board for “departing from accepted practice”. In one non-randomized clinical trial of terminally ill patients with pancreatic cancer, the Gonzalez-treated patients were found to have died much earlier than those treated with conventional chemotherapy.
A better quality of life was reported by the chemotherapy arm.
Please Note: Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez apparently died of a sudden heart attack on Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at age 67 AND WAS reported by his office that “It is with great sadness WHEN THEY relayed the news of his untimely death when he suddenly collapsed and was unable to be revived.
Dr. Gonzalez was in excellent health otherwise so his passing was quite a shock and unexpected to ALL that knew him.”
Dr. William Kelley made the most of his discoveries when he cured himself of metastatic pancreatic cancer that spread to his liver after he was given only two months remaining time to live. Having studied Dr. John Beard’s work (published in the early 1900’s) he discovered the benefits of high dose enzyme therapy. The wonderful thing about this type of therapy, not only, did it WORK, but also, neither had side affects nor contraindications. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and Dr. Linda Isaacs, worked together to treat cancer patients with this approach and are having great results. Though I do NOT advocate all of Dr. Gonzalez’s work, the enzyme portion of his therapy derived from Dr. Kelley’s work is one that is readily incorporate, involving strict diet based on Sympathetic or Parasympathetic dominance, high-dose enzymes, and regular coffee enemas. While some Holistic Doctors do not adhere to Dr. González’ ‘mega-vitamin’ approach, the enzyme therapy has proven itself clinically.
However, You can break Kelley s work into three parts: diet, supplements, & detoxification with coffee enema’s. That sounds simple enough, but Kelley was more sophisticated. His genius lay in realizing that different people need different diets, ranging from pure vegetarian… to pure meat with all gradations in-between. Dr. Gonzalez used ten basic diets & 90 variations.
What Enzymes Are To Cancer, Penicillin Is To Bacteria!!!
Dr. William Donald Kelley developed this enzyme protocol back in the 1960s when he was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer. He applied this on himself and remained cancer-free for 35 years. The protocol is now recommended and used by many Doctors in the United States, with an average 5 year survival rate of over 80% for a variety of cancers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Traditional Eskimos in northern Alaska, for example, were complete meat eaters because there are no fruits or vegetables there. Their diet was 80% saturated fat, a horror by the current orthodox standards, but traditional Eskimos were among the healthiest people on earth. They had no cancer, no heart disease, no arthritis, & normal cholesterol levels. When they became westernized & began living in town in the 1940s & 50s, all the diseases of civilization became epidemic: obesity, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, & cancer. When they ate a high fat diet they were perfectly well, because biochemically Eskimos can t use carbohydrates efficiently. They lack the enzymes. On the other hand, some humans are pure vegetarians, & there are all gradations in-between, particularly in America where the melting pot contains all kinds of genetic backgrounds.
The individual’s need for vitamin & mineral supplements varies as much as diet, so we use individualized supplement programs for each patient. Even the forms of vitamin C we use vary depending on the metabolism. We use six different forms of calcium — calcium phosphate, calcium lactate, calcium carbonate, di-calcium phosphate, even calcium chlorate at times — depending on the metabolism.. Doses also vary because every patient has a unique biochemical makeup, he needs a unique diet & unique combination of supplements. https://oawhealth.com/article/
John Beard’s Theory http://www.encognitive.com/node/17964
Dr. John Beard at the turn of the 20th century more than 100 years ago proved his Enzyme Theory of Cancer would prove such an interesting and effective method, that it was immediately misunderstood and misapplied; consequently being outlawed. Flash-forward the present, and experts are starting to come around to the role enzymes can play in nourishing the battle against malignant growth in the human body. The problem, as usual, is where to get the proper enzymes in the foods we consume; something much more difficult to achieve with our modern diet and new-fangled definition of the word “food”. But the science is sound, and it’s time to start taking the role of enzymes throughout the body much more seriously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
The Original Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure
(One Answer to Cancer.)
By Dr. Donald William Kelley
Roy Christian, MD stated that his interest in pancreatic enzymes came about when he was diagnosed with pancreatic insufficiency. As be began reading about enzymes and the treatment that pulled him back to a normal life. Furthermore, Dr. Donald Kelley wrote about the subject of enzymes often in his books ( including his first, One Answer to Cancer, printed in 1967 ) told his life story, which I think is fascinating. He was diagnosed with metastatic pancreas cancer in his mid-30s. His doctors told him to go home and get his affairs in order. He was too weak for surgery. There was not treatment. He arranged his own treatment, which consisted of proteolysis pancreatic enzymes derived from pig pancreata. After his cure, which included diet and detoxification ( he never called it a “cure” ) and took years, he began treating cancer victims, usually after they had had surgery and chemotherapy and had been abandoned with a death sentence. The medical establishment did not look kindly on a dentist taking on critically ill patients. He persisted and got a reputation for helping people who had been helpless. https://www.
Dr. Gonzales entered the scene here, and at first, his assignment was to prove Dr. Kelley was a quack. He saw some of the great successes and reported back to the Sloan-Kettering Clinic. Dr. Gonzales, who was not a medical doctor at the time, and the wisdom to push ahead and spoke very well of Dr. Kelley, keeping his criticism of Dr. Kelley to a restrained description:
“that he’s very eccentric.”
Dr. Kelley’s patients wrote glowing testimonials, but Kelley had a way of picking a fight with most of the medical profession. Kelley later discovered the writings of Dr. Beard, the Scottish physician who discovered enzymes as a successful treatment for cancer in the early 1900s. Almost every sentence of Dr. Gonzales’s interview opens another avenue of exploration into the history and politics of medicine. Dr. Kelley continued to take enzymes the rest of his life. He died recently, at age 79, free of cancer. His last book (pamphlet), Cancer Cure Without Surgery-Chemotherapy-Radiation, was published in 2004.
In this interview Dr. Gonzalez answered questions about the clinical “trial” of his enzyme therapy by the NIH/NCI and NCCAM against a chemotherapeutic regime. The trial was corrupted the minute it seemed to have the slightest chance of success. IN Dr. Gonzalez’ book, “What Went Wrong” he detailed a shocking chronicle of the sabotage, government and institutional corruption, bias and untruths perpetrated by the very institutions that we depend upon for our most important health information. The systematic, complete and utter sabotage of the clinical trial of his therapy is an unintentional, but ringing endorsement of the therapy by its detractors. If they felt that they had to undermine it in every particular (as documented in the book), they must have been very afraid that any less destruction would possibly have resulted in success for the Gonzalez protocol. Dr. Gonzalez was a true scientist, a compassionate and intelligent physician with impressive credentials.
I like the details around the 10 30 MIN Mark of the interview
Scroll through these links for more information!!!