1. Aims & Match – Identify your Aims and Match the molecules to them.
2. Delivery Application – Choose the most efficient Delivery Application.
3. Dose & Frequency – Match your conditions dose. Start Low and Go Slow.
You see, what may work for one person may not be appropriate for another. Unfortunately, very few people and even fewer doctors know exactly how to use the sacred plant effectively to prevent and treat chronic conditions. Instead of being given the same pill as thousands
of others that merely masks your symptoms and possibly causing a host of other issues…
The sacred plant can be personalized to YOUR unique situation, which is much more effective (and safer) and ultimately leads to better, faster results.
Sure, you may be treating the same condition as someone else but you yourself are unique. And that’s why you need to personalize your medicine… Because you’ll get the most potent effect from this extremely versatile plant and potentially see positive results very quickly.
And you’ll treat the core of your condition while also helping improve other aspects of your health and well-being.
Discover the 4 ways to getting better results with cannabis
I’ll show you exactly how you can answer that right here.
1. Personalized meds are way better than the ‘one-size-fits-all-pill.’
With over 500 molecules, there’s a lot of versatility in this healing plant.
Which brings us back to ‘there’s NO standard dosage.’ So what may work for one person
may not be appropriate for another.
That’s why you need to personalize your medicine.
This way, you’ll get the most potent effect and potentially see positive results faster.
You’ll treat the core of your condition while helping improve other aspects of your health.
How To Make Coconut Cannabis Oil With The Magical Butter Machine (Watch!)
You’ll also experience overall wellness and well-being.
2. It’s important to START LOW, GO SLOW, and BE CONSISTENT with your sacred plant medicine.
I urge you to remain patient with the process. You need to be consistent with your medicine.
Starting with a minute amount, and slowly working up to the optimal dose over 3 – 4 weeks.
Quick conversion chart of milligrams to grams.
1 milligrams to grams = 0.001 grams
10 milligrams to grams = 0.01 grams
50 milligrams to grams = 0.05 grams
100 milligrams to grams = 0.1 grams
200 milligrams to grams = 0.2 grams
500 milligrams to grams = 0.5 grams
1000 milligrams to grams = 1 gram.
This allows your body to build a tolerance and avert any possible adverse effects.
Slowly introducing this healing medicine, allows your receptors to stabilize over time,
and prevents oversaturation.
Taking the time to get clear and confident about your medicine upfront helps you get
the best overall results.
This healing plant is a superfood. Just as you need to continue to take vitamins to ensure
you’re getting ongoing support.
3. Keeping a journal helps track your progress.
Note how you’re feeling, what you’re experiencing, and the type of relief you’re having.
Check on other areas of your well-being to monitor changes there as well.
Over time, these observations will help you understand how your body responds to your medicine at various stages.
And will help you understand what works best for your situation, especially when you have
to make minor adjustments to your medicine and protocol.
4. You must understand the basics of how your medicine works, why it works,
and how to use it.
You need to know what to do if something comes up.
The more you know about it, the better it’ll serve you.
You may need to make slight adjustments to your protocol because,
as you know, things change.
Whether you slightly increase or reduce the strength, increase or reduce the frequency,
or modify your formula.
By understanding your medicine, you’ll have the confidence to feel free to do so.
A big bonus is significantly reducing the time involved in waiting for appointments
and traveling to specialists.
And think of the thousands of dollars you’ll save in specialist’s fees over time.
But, the best bonus is that you’ll be capable of knowing how to make yourself feel better
almost immediately.
Medical cannabis formulations must be for YOU.
Formulations are more than CBD and THC.
Your medicine must help you and your specific needs.
1. What is the aim of your treatment?
Such as, from what conditions, symptoms, side effects, and more, are you seeking relief?
Once you’ve established those, you can connect-the-dots to see which cannabinoid and terpene benefits would best suit your needs.
Though this process can seem daunting, when you break it down into its simplest terms –
it’s like playing a straightforward ‘matching game.’
The delivery method should cater to your needs.
So before you make any decisions, you should answer the following questions:
2a. How long do you need your medicine to last?
2b. How fast do you need it to “kick-in?”
2c. Are there any setbacks that may hinder one application over another?
This step helps home-in on the best method for you.
Perhaps you need help with occasional severe pain that comes on abruptly but doesn’t
last long.
Such as, the shooting pain of an old knee injury flaring up after taking too many stairs.
For this, you may need a little relief until your body can recharge. An option that’s fast-acting and short term may be useful.
Or, if you need ongoing relief for a chronic issue, you’ll want the longest-lasting option possible.
Where chronic issues apply, the onset is not as important as long as you maintain continuous relief.
Setbacks could include problems like being able to hold your medicine under your tongue
for long enough
Or you may be sensitive to smells or tastes.
Perhaps you have a digestive condition that prevents the medicine from absorbing in your gut, so swallowing it isn’t your best option.
Understanding which obstacles you face can help you steer toward something
that works for you.
3. MATCH the recommended dose for your condition. (You’ll find these in our materials.)
Remember, more is NOT always better.
That’s why its always recommend starting LOW and going SLOW.
Once you’ve matched your recommended dose, start low and slowly increase in regular increments as necessary.
This method enables you to find the optimal level for best relief results without unwanted
side effects.
Remember, each person has a unique formula that’s best for them.
Maybe Start with 10 – 15 mg of whole plant medicine 3 times a day.
This includes the cannabinoids and terpenes mentioned above which are:
THCa, Limonene, Caryophyllene, and Pinene.
Night Time: Once again, includes CBD and THC as well as THCa, CBN, Linalool, and Myrcene. These can have a mild relaxing effect to help calm her joints and help reverse the day medicine’s energizing effects with relaxing ones.
Topical application to use as needed. This would include THCa and THC
that help with joint pain flare-ups.
Meet The Experts:
1. Dr. Chintu Sharma M.D. – Cannabis Expert.
Dr. Sharma is the Chief Medical Officer at the Society of Integrative Health Practitioners.
This charismatic expert deeply cares about helping you.
“Cannabis may help, may improve, or may fix” your condition, and these are “small victories. Instead of watching people die, patients [on medical cannabis] are awake, robust,
and feeling well.” – Dr. Sharma
2. Dr. Jake Felice N.D., L.M.P., – Cannabis Expert.
Dr. Jake uses his holistic expertise to help relieve your pain. He also uses his knowledge
to teach other doctors and companies about this healing plant. We’re thrilled to introduce
you to two successful cannabis experts in the field. https://www.drjakefelice.com/
3. Dr. Allan Frankel’s expertise in internal medicine, as well as his pioneering work on
the applications of clinical cannabis, form the foundation of the GreenBridge Medical
treatment philosophy. https://www.greenbridgemed.com/
In 2017, Mark Kurzman, MD, joined the practice as a general practitioner. Frankel, MD
is an internal medicine specialist in Santa Monica, CA and has been practicing for 42 years.
He graduated from University Of California, Los Angeles, School Of Medicine in 1976 and specializes in internal medicine.
Meet some of the other leading experts on medical cannabis:
In this new and exciting How to Make It Work For You Masterclass, we’ve partnered with two leading authorities on medical cannabis.
In Order to get it to work You must have Relevant Answers at Your Fingertips!!!
It’s also helpful to have:
1. Access to top cannabis experts who specialize in using medical cannabis
Dr. Janice Knox and Elizabeth Dost can give you the expert advice and answers you need to every question you have.
2. Access to a patient advocate with years of experience guiding patients
I’ll help guide you in your healing journey, making sure you get what you need to succeed.
3. Access to a Facebook Group of like-minded members
Plus, you’ll have the much-needed support of people just like you.
A great support network is one of the top things all doctors recommend to their patients.
Like with all medicines, there’s a right way and a wrong way to use them
to get the outcomes you want.
Dr. Janice Knox M.D., M.B.A., is a board-certified anesthesiologist
and a Cannabinoid Medicine Specialist. https://doctorsknox.com/
She’s also one of the founding doctors of The CannaMDs, the American Cannabinoid Clinics, and The American Cannabinoid Group, where she works with her husband and two daughters. The whole family are doctors who specialize in cannabis medicine and are considered the “first family” of endo-cannabinology.
Dr. Knox’s has extensive expertise, experience, and knowledge of cannabis therapeutics.
She helps cure and relieve symptoms of chronic disease that traditional medicine has failed
to conquer. As a cannabis medicine specialist, she’s counseled several thousand patients in cannabis therapeutics. She’s seen first-hand how significant a role cannabis plays in helping patients. She can help you reclaim your health and overall sense of wellness, and renew ownership over your life. Dr. Knox has seen cannabis help patients as an adjunct to conventional treatment plans. And help patients wean from prescription drugs, find relief from the side effects of toxic therapies, or avoid traditional pharmaceuticals altogether.
Watch the morning session of TEDx Portland. Speakers include Rachel Knox, Steve Oldham, Paloma Medina, David Peyton, Rebecca Jordan Smith, Carine Kanimba, Portland Cello Project, Tyler Malek, Anna Debenham, and JD Hooge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZu7N3LAbUM
Dr. Knox’s professionalism and nurturing kindness have helped thousands of patients
regain their lives – she can help you too.
Janice Knox https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Meet another of our leading experts in the field of medical cannabis!
Elizabeth G. Dost, R.N., is a registered nurse and senior healthcare executive,
with more than 20 years experience in the greater Boston health care market. https://unitedpatientsgroup.com/Elizabeth-Dost-RN-Bio She is currently serving as a Senior Executive Consultant in Emerging Industries, most noticeably in Medical Cannabis. Ms. Dost
is the Clinical Director of the Massachusetts Patient’s Advocacy Alliance (MPAA) and in that role actively fights locally and at the legislative level for safe patient access to cannabis under the Compassionate Use of Medical Marijuana law enacted in 2012 in Massachusetts. Her warm disposition and forthright manner will help put you on the fast track rails to recovery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
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vs. Indica, full spectrum sativa vs Indica cbd oil, is Indica or sativa more popular for cancer, sativa vs indica chart, best hybrid strains 2019, best Indica strains 2019,
best sativa strains 2019…
Mara Gordon is the co-founder of Aunt Zelda’s,
The Oil Plant, Calla Spring Wellness, and Zelda Therapeutics. She specializes in the development of cannabis treatment protocols for seriously ill patients in California and is dedicated to bringing about change in the healthcare system. Prior to Aunt Zelda’s,
Gordon worked as a process engineer, helping Fortune 500 companies create software.
This experience has enabled her to take a detailed and scientific approach to medical cannabis.
Gordon has transformed the lives of thousands of patients suffering from a variety of ailments, including chronic pain, autoimmune conditions and multiple forms of cancer. Her pioneering work in the field of medical cannabis has been chronicled in films such as The Medicine in Marijuana, Mary Janes: Women of Weed, and the award-winning documentary
Weed the People.
Gordon is an outspoken and highly-respected advocate for medical cannabis, reshaping perceptions and leading an industry-wide revolution. She has presented at numerous medical conferences around the globe and holds board positions with Zelda Therapeutics, Gaby, and North Bay Credit Union, in addition to numerous advisory boards. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.