Doing ones own exploring to gain a better understanding what is. Well, it turns out that simple strategy games like Solitaire can help your brain learn to focus better. Because it activates your comprehension and active brain, the game helps remove distractions and keeps you focused on the task at hand. Over time, your mind will take that and apply it to other parts of your life. At its core, Solitaire is all about recognizing patterns, shapes, and numbers. We usually don’t get to interact with all three on a daily basis, at least not in a way where we are actively sorting
them in different ways.
Therefore, playing the game can improve our spatial and situational awareness as we learn to see these patterns in our daily lives. Solitaire is a pretty easy game to master, but thankfully, there are so many variations on it that you can learn how to play almost all of them once you know the basics. As we learn new things, we become better about learning in general.
Activate Your Brain To Heal Your Body and Understand Your Disease Naturally!
In the human brainstem, the solitary nucleus (SN) (nucleus of the solitary tract, nucleus solitarius, nucleus tractus solitarii) is a series of purely sensory nuclei (clusters of nerve cell bodies) forming a vertical column of grey matter embedded in the medulla oblongata. Through the center of the SN runs the solitary tract, a white bundle of nerve fibers, including fibers from the facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, that innervate the SN. The SN projects to, among other regions, the reticular formation, parasympathetic preganglionic neurons, hypothalamus and thalamus, forming circuits that contribute to autonomic regulation. Cells along the length of the SN are arranged roughly in accordance with function; for instance, cells involved in taste are located In the rostrum part, while those receiving information from cardio-respiratory and gastrointestinal processes are found in the caudal part.
Taste information from the facial nerve via the Chorda tympani (anterior 2/3 of the tongue), glossopharyngeal nerve (posterior 1/3) and vagus nerve (small area on the epiglottis)
Sensory information from the middle ear (tympanic plexus of the glossopharyngeal nerve)
Chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors of the general visceral afferent pathway (GVA) in the carotid body via glossopharyngeal nerve, aortic bodies, and the sinoatrial node,
via the vagus nerve
Chemically and mechanically sensitive neurons of the general visceral afferent pathway (GVA) with endings located in the heart, lungs, airways, gastrointestinal system, pharynx, and liver via the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves
Neurons that innervate the SN mediate the gag reflex, the carotid sinus reflex, the aortic reflex, the cough reflex, the baroreceptor and chemoreceptor reflexes, several respiratory reflexes and reflexes within the gastrointestinal system regulating motility and secretion.
Neurons which transmit signals about the gut wall, the stretch of the lungs, and the dryness of mucous membranes also innervate the SN. The first central neurons within the SN can participate in simple autonomic reflexes. Information goes from the solitary nucleus to a large number of other regions of the brain including the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and the central nucleus of the amygdala, as well as to other nuclei in the brainstem (such as the parabrachial area, the locus coeruleus, the dorsal raphe nucleus, and other visceral motor or respiratory networks). The signals projected from the SN to the parabrachial area originate in the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. The pathways for gastric and gustatory (taste) processes are believed to terminate in different subdivisions of the parabrachial area, but still interact in the SN. Some neuronal subpopulations in the SN, such as the noradrenergic cell group A2 and aldosterone-sensitive HSD2 neurons project as far ventral as the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
After some years of research and many interviews, it has become very evident that cures to virtually any disease state are possible for anyone and everyone,
when some fundamental changes are made.
1. Choose to love and live
2. Choose to forgive and remember
3. Learn the importance of balance and then become it
A few words about balance.
Balance is the confluence of many factors, some of which are molecular, and some are not.
The most fundamental aspects associated with balance are informational and energetic.
Being invisible, they are easily overlooked, if not dismissed altogether. Yet, an appreciation
for the fundamental importance of balance is critical to our health status because the more balanced we are — in body (molecular), mind (energy),
and spirit (consciousness) — the healthier.
Balance facilitates and delivers coherence. While it is not the absence of highs or lows, balance could be referred to as the proclivity to stay in or near the “sweet spot” of the moment. Joyfulness, kindness, tolerance, and thoughtful attentiveness all have a balancing, relaxing, and hence, a cohering effect on one’s thoughts, and energies, with a resulting enhancing effect on the immune system. Peace of mind born of a clear conscience brings balance. Being true to one’s self, aligning action, word, and deed with intention, brings balance. The body produces life enhancing and sustaining chemistry when these traits become the rule rather than the exception.
Where there is coherence, there is electrical charge in abundant supply. It is non-destructively compressible due, as I imagine Dan Winter would say, to our being in a fractal state. Coherence is not only the ability to attract electrical charge, but to conduct it, to be a conduit for energy (life) that would naturally course through our body when we’re healthy, but would burn it up if we are not. https://www.bing.com/videos/
That is, in part, why chronically ill people have low energy. Being out of balance (and mis-aligned in one or more of the earlier noted factors), they are “high” in energetic stressors, “low” in harmonizers. They are high in vibrational noise (excitotoxins, miasms, pathogens, etc.), and low in light (bio-photons), and therefore low in energy, and health. Such dynamics are rarely discussed or considered when one goes to their doctor that has been taught to look for a “bad guy” that is responsible for one’s disease, and kill it chemically or with toxic radiation.
It’s time we wake up from this very grim fairy tale.
Also Jim Humble, who introduced the world to MMS, often commented about the many fantasies and outright lies that we were taught to accept in childhood. Such practices set the stage for our current malaise in health, crime, relationships, our ability to attract money, mates, and virtually every aspect of the human experience. We’re encouraged to believe in the harmless concepts of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, and the not so harmless concepts of “original sin” and to look for a Savior. In so doing we lose touch with the very powerful nature that resides within each of us.
We’ve been encouraged to believe that drugs can help “cure” diseases, and diseases are even real. Neither is true. An unhealthy distrust in all things natural has also been cultivated, to the extent that patented genetically modified seeds (GMO) are actually predominant in some crops such as corn, in spite of the fact that it breaks every anti-trust law ever written. We’ve bought, and are still buying some real stinkers, hook and line… or perhaps we were too distracted with our PlayStations, Blackberries, and iPhones, or our pain due to chronic sickness
to notice or care.
The efforts to find “the cure” for cancer is certainly a big scam. There’s no nicer way to put it. It must be a scam if billions are being raised each year as though diseases such as cancer, heart disease, strokes, etc. are not understood. This is especially true when you understand that cures for various permutations of cancer were developed well over 100 years ago. Many people are familiar with the story of Royal Raymond Rife and the microscope and frequency generator that he developed and cured cancer in California in the 1930’s. Some of the most prestigious doctors and institutions were connected to his effort before Morris Fishbien, head of the AMA decided to make Rife wish he hadn’t crossed him. A more recent, lesser known story is of Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom M.D. (1919-2006). Author of Biologically Closed Electrical Circuits & Cancer, Professor Emeritus of Radiology at Sweden’s esteemed Karolinska Institute, and former president of the Nobel Laureate Nominating Committee for Physiology and Medicine.
Dr. Nordenstrom developed a way to bring white blood cells to a cancer tumor by use of a probe placed into the tumor and running an electrical current. Seeking to get to the probe, the white blood cells devoured the tumor as if it wasn’t there. But then, soon it wasn’t. His work was particularly effective in lung and breast cancer treatment. An article about Dr. Nordenstrom’s procedure appeared in the April 1986 edition of Discovery Magazine. When he was invited to speak at the World Research Foundation (WRF) that year,
Dr. Nordenstrom was interviewed by the television program 20/20.
However, in spite of his success and his lofty position on the committee that actually chose Nobel laureates in medicine, it would be another two years before the story was broadcast. More importantly, when the story did air, his procedure was cast in doubt as perhaps too radical and was eventually dismissed among western medicine. However, it was embraced in China, and is widely used in that country today.
Success was not deemed good enough reason if convention (clinical trials) and orthodoxy (papers published) had not been observed and followed.
According to Steven Ross, director of the World Research Foundation (www.wrf.org), when Dr. Nordenstrom presented an autographed copy of his book in the “electricity” section of their library, he noticed a little black book next to his. It was titled, The Application of Electricity as a Therapeutic Agent. Glancing through the Full text, Dr. Nordenstrom noted that a medical doctor had used electricity to shrink a patient’s breast and lung cancer tumors. For all his brilliance,
it was sobering to note that the publication date of this book was 1877.
You see, there are many ways to address and mitigate disease, and it has been going on for a long time. Being energetic and electric by our very nature, our health is being profoundly affected by chaotic (incoherent) energy (e.g., cell phones, microwaves, etc.), and yet there is no national acknowledgment or discussion among the medical community on how to use energy to mitigate these disturbances. Yet there are many ways to do so.
There is even less discussion on how each individual contributes to his or her own medical and physical condition — by way of attitude, thinking, and belief — and the power that each has to consciously initiate changes. We are led to believe that the answer can only come from a research center at a major university or lab, and that it must be expensive. All of these are lies… big lies. The truth will set us free, and it begins with taking ownership of our “stuff,” individually and collectively.
The search for the pill or spray that will simply make all our troubles and pain go away (and make a profitable “killing” for the patent-holding company that introduces it) is most likely to fall short of its objective. Why? Because as living organisms, the ability to heal is an innate and inalienable part of the human state, as is the ability to gain and expand our awareness, otherwise known as learning. In other words, when we learn the factors and choices that went into the creation of the experience, we are presented with the means to change; our choices, and therefore, our experience. We don’t have to know “how” to heal. We simply have to learn what constitutes destructive versus constructive attitude, choices, and behaviors, and choose the latter course. The healing will happen in accordance with our dedication to embracing health once again.
There can be no “cure” for cancer, or any other chronic condition using artificial and synthetic methods because said solutions don’t place or return the body in the only state where cancer cannot exist or flourish; and that is, in balance, also referred to as homeostasis. Yes, we could believe strongly enough in a synthetic and be healed, but the actual healing would still be the result of the individual choosing to be well again.
There are many products and natural materials that can be availed that have a balancing effect by design. The importance of their being natural is that their informational signatures are written in human DNA, and are read by the cells, which know what to do when they are encountered. Magnesium, iodine, selenium and zinc are just four examples. Vitamin A and D are two more. There are no vibrational substitutes for these elements. They attract charge, energy, or life force, and they introduce natural vibrational harmonics or frequencies that various parts of the body will relate with and respond to the human energy field.
Balance at the molecular level isn’t the only criteria for health. We are energetic beings with largely unseen electromagnetic fields. Molecular behavior is greatly influenced by the energetic field that surrounds each of us. The state of that field influences the function and/or dysfunction of our body. It also influences our perception, bringing creative clarity or repressive distortion.
Restoring balance will eliminate cancer, stroke, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, psoriasis, or any of the many other chronic conditions that billions and trillions are being spent on each year. But the solutions that most funded medical research is focused on, and are being run through clinical trials at the cost of millions each year to the “watch dog” agencies for certification, generally don’t take the body toward balance. They do even less for the mind and spirit. Major evidence of this truth is that the numbers of people entering into chronic conditions continues to rise, with onset occurring earlier than ever.
It was a pleasure to learn recently about a procedure that helps bring about a fundamental form of balance, simply and without medication. It is called Alphabiotics. Developed by
Dr. Virgil Chrane, out of Dallas, TX, it is a series of movements that can be likened to rebooting the brain which, when placed constantly in a low grade stressed state, assumes a “fight or flight,” or “freeze or faint” position, wherein one hemisphere or the other is dominant.
This condition not only affects perception, it affects physiology, beginning with the alignment
of the spine. If the spine is not in alignment, information pathways to various parts of the
body will be affected, as will energy.
When energy flow is disrupted, then life is affected.
Does anyone else find this subject interesting?
I have been researching something called German New Medicine, which has led me to this short book on Kindle by Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C. that incorporates the principles of it. German New Medicine is a term which is used to describe the findings of a physician, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, who in the 80s came to realize that his own cancer was brought on by the shock of the sudden death of his son, who was shot and later died. His realization led him to do extensive research as an oncologist, and the advent of computed tomography (CT) scans enabled him to use CT scans of the brain to correlate with information obtained from his patients about their life events. Dr. Hamer discovered that what is needed to treat cancer is for the patient
to resolve the conflict that is brought on by a shock.
Maybe the most important discovery in medicine was made approximately thirty years ago by Dr. Ryke Hamer, the founder of “German New Medicine,” when he came to the startling conclusion that cancer (and other illnesses) does not occur as random events. He discovered that diseases are programmed, biological events and are the expression in the body of unresolved conflicts.
He made this discovery after his own experience with cancer. He developed testicular cancer soon after his son died in 1978. Dr. Hamer, who was in his forties, unexpectedly lost his son, whom he loved dearly and was extremely close to. His son was murdered in what seemed to be a random violent act. The crime was never solved caused Dr. Hamer to experience profound psychological trauma that threw him into a deep depression that lasted for months. Soon after the depression lifted, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Dr. Hamer at the time had an intuition that the cancer diagnosis may have had something to do with his son’s death and started putting a lot of thought into that possibility. He realized that when his son died, he himself had suffered a devastating, overwhelming loss that he was not prepared for that caused a massive unexpected shock to his system. He suspected that if he resolved this conflict and cleared the extraordinary emotional devastation that he had suffered, the cancer might resolve itself. This is exactly what happened. DeWet, Pieter (2010-06-29). Heal Thyself (p. 92).
Tate Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Dr. Price had much experience in alternative medicine when he first learned about German New Medicine. Now, he teaches German New Medicine through webinars. There is another person who teaches the German New Medicine (GNM), Ilsedora Laker. In her DVD Common Ailments. There is a very informative Forward to this book that one can read
by opening the “Look Inside” on Amazon:
Years ago I watched YouTube videos on German New Medicine produced by someone by the name of Caroline Markolin. That’s how I got my introduction to German New Medicine. Apparently she is not authorized by Dr. Hamer, however. There has been very unpleasant infighting going on, but it seems clear that there are only two authorized teachers of German New Medicine: Ilsedora Laker and Dr. Douglas J. Price.
On Ilsedora’s website, she claims that Caroline Markolin copied and pasted Dr. Hamer’s signature onto a document: Caroline Markolin has as a result also committed an act of fraud in this process by cutting and pasting Dr. Hamer’s signature to a document she claims was written by Dr. Hamer. This forged document is a warning to the public against Ilsedora Laker
as a teacher of the GNM.
PERSONAL NOTE From Caroline Markolin.
Regretfully, I haven’t had any personal contact with Dr. Hamer since 2012. It is well known that Dr. Hamer has preconceived notions regarding people of Jewish descent. On this subject, I have written to him several letters, in which I questioned his continuous claim that (allegedly) “over the past 30 years, all Jews in the world are using the Germanic New Medicine for themselves and their people”, that “no Jew is taking chemotherapy”, and for that reason “worldwide, more than 99% of Jewish patients have survived cancer”. In the hope that this might change his stance, I documented in my letters to him (among other pieces of evidence) the personal loss of two Jewish friends who both had cancer and, in spite of being Jewish, did not receive any “Germanic” treatments but instead had to endure countless rounds of chemo until they died a miserable death. On this account, I told Dr. Hamer in no uncertain terms that I strongly oppose his anti-Jewish attitude and that I refuse to echo his public racial discrimination. For me, this was a matter of self-respect! I was very much aware that, based on my position or rather opposition. I would most likely fall into disfavor with him as has been the case with all those who disagree with his ideology – and this is precisely what happened. As far as my teaching is concerned, Dr. Hamer who had previously highly appreciated my thorough knowledge of his research is now of the opinion that I “use a castrated form of his Germanic New Medicine, i.e., a Jewish version for non-Jews” (quote from his letter to me, dated June 2, 2012) and that I am therefore a “liar” and a “thief”. It goes without saying that all this has been, and continues to be, very difficult for me.
In conclusion, my dedication and loyalty to Dr. Hamer’s discoveries as well as my deep respect for him as a scholar and researcher is entirely unaffected by these disappointing developments. With GNM, Dr. Hamer has given mankind one of the greatest gifts. It is the WORK (The Sacred Medicine) that empowers me and the Learning GNM Team to educate the public as well as health practitioners in the science of GNM and to secure the authentic research for future generations. Strongly united in this effort – for the common good – our movement continues to grow and flourish, carried by the energy of honesty and genuine truth.
Stated by; Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.
My goodness:
Have you heard about Dr. Hamer, German practitioner, who treats cancer through a unique system?He reveals that cancer is an ancient program, stored in every person, triggered by strong shock or event. The choice of focus of the conflict happens with a subconscious association. For instance, biological conflicts that are associated with water and other liquids (oil, milk …), leading to kidney cancer, fear of death – to lung cancer, and so on…..
Hamer illustrates this with another example – a woman who “catches” her husband in bed with another woman. This sexual conflict causes uterus cancer. If instead it is experienced as a conflict with your partner, then to right-handed woman it leads to cancer of the right breast. If the feeling, by the conflict is fear and revulsion, it causes hypoglycemia and loss of self-respect, it can develop cancer of the pubic bone, as well.
If the lack of self-respect was provoked by sporting failure, and not related with sex, then the problem would occur in the arm or leg, and perhaps in the fingers or shoulders. Other typical events, that could lead to biological conflicts are different situations of loss – a loved one, a job,
a valuable possession or territory.
Dr. Hamer believes that most of metastases, or secondary tumors, are caused by fear of cancer, or fear of death, as a result of cancer diagnosis, or a negative prognosis. In this case, however, the conflict-shock may not be a fear, but rather than anger, resentment, or conflict of separation from partner, or children and then tumors would appear in different places. Also, diagnosis of colon cancer, usually causes secondary liver cancer, due to subconscious fear of starvation.
In general, despair, loss of hope, provokes chronic stress, which hinders the treatment of cancer and other diseases, but it is not the main cause of their appearance. According to Hamer, the cause is an unexpected traumatic shock, for which a person is emotionally unprepared.
The following list, details some of the bonds between emotions and the relevant organs,
which they affect: http://customers.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/hamer.htm
Five Biological Laws
One of the most important aspects of German New Medicine is to understand that:
Every illness is a “Special Biological Program” that is meant to ensure our survival.
Consider this: Who are our co-inhabitants of the air we breathe? Everything that God has
made or created is divine. This means Mother Nature does not make mistakes. We are meant to share the same breath of all creatures – large or small, seen and unseen. This includes living in symbiosis with microbes, funguses, bacteria, viruses and even parasites.
All multi-cellular structures that comprise all humans, animals and plants have evolved with these microbes. All these structures have through evolution a code to live in harmony with all species. You will learn that there is an interesting parallel in evolution of our discoveries of the brain and minute inhabitants. Dr. Hamer has identified Five Biological Laws as part of the Special Biological Program. Each Biological Law is unique but strongly interrelated to the other four. We can make a significant difference by cooperating with Mother Nature’s Five Biological Laws which is crucial for survival in this day and age.
Thanks so much!
Healing Your Core Issues with German New Medicine.
By Douglas J. Price, D.C.
Welcome! My name is Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C.
I am an experienced international consultant and presenter of German New Medicine, founded by Dr. Rkye Geerd Hamer, MD. I present webinars and seminars for the Pacific Rim region (Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and all countries and provinces in that time zone) since 2006. I am a licensed chiropractor for over 30 years in the state of Hawaii, USA and I have been practicing since 1987 after I graduated from Texas Chiropractic College in 1984. I enjoy researching and exploring new ways of shifting consciousness and healing. As you read through this website, you will learn in detail what I have studied, practiced and experienced in the many fields of health and conventional and alternative medicine.
You will see why the greatest of all is the German New Medicine.
Unexpected or unanticipated traumas may lead to emotional core issues, which can cause us to feel powerless. When we feel powerless, we no longer are able to access our inner wisdom, love, and power. When an unanticipated traumatic event occurs, it is stored in the psyche part of the brain. Because the psyche is an extension of the soul that stores everything we touch, hear, taste, smell, and see, anything associated with the designated unexpected trauma can trigger the body to resurface the experience of that trauma throughout the lifetime,
which can be derailing.
For example, we may be hung up on making mistakes because of those we have made in the past. This can cause self- doubt and will prevent us from trusting our own wisdom. Many times, this results in a stiff neck and/or headache. Another example is experiencing heart palpitations from a love relationship gone wrong. If your significant other cheats on you, the shock experienced from finding out is recorded in your psyche as a shock. Because it caught you off guard, it may make you more cautious and fearful in your next relationship, rather than being open to love. This dilemma can also lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
According to German New Medicine, in order for the healing phase to begin from any disease or illness, the dots between what the body is experiencing currently must connect with the original, unanticipated, traumatic event. Only when the shock event is recognized and the individual is willing to make necessary changes and participate in his or her own healing, does the healing phase begin in both the brain and organ affected. This is scientifically proven through documented laboratory studies and cat scans that showcase brain chemistry changes in correspondence with this process.
Healing core issues through German New Medicine provides an opportunity for an individual to delve deep into discovering traumatic shock events that have the ability to cause illness. In order to heal, a patient must keep an open-mind and be willing to actively participate in his healing process, as a German New Medicine provider cannot do the work for him. When the traumatic conflict is recognized and resolution of the conflict begins to take place, the resolution, in turn, causes the body and specific affected organ to heal the designated disease. This allows total healing to begin, sometimes within a few hours or days and gives life the opportunity to carry on through its natural flow.
Ilsedora Laker, the first Canadian German New Medicine educator and consultant authorized by Dr. Hamer, resides in Toronto, Canada, where she pioneered the introduction of the German New Medicine, and continues to train medical and lay specialists in its practice throughout North America and abroad. Ilsedora is also instrumental in introducing Dr. Hamer’s work to South America, and Pacific Rim countries as well as India and parts of the African Continent.
https://www.facebook.com/IlsedoraLaker https://www.gnmonlineseminars.com/biography/
I have another book that explains German New Medicine:
Ep # 161 – Heal Thyself by Pieter DeWet, MD.
Here is Dr. DeWet talking about his book and one other book he has written.
He also talks about another book, Recall Healing – Pyramid of Health by Gilbert Renaud,
which sounds to me to be very similar to German New Medicine: