It was in 1991 when my father was told he had cancer and since his death on April 03. 2006 from Leimyosarcoma, when I began researching cancer more heavily.
Dr. Carl O. Helvie, R.N., Dr.P.H. from Gouverneur, New York) then became a second fatherly influence on my life. An American registered nurse and Professor Emeritus of Nursing at Old Dominion University. Helvie is known for his development and implementation of the
Helvie Energy Theory of Nursing and Health. As a lung cancer survivor of 45 years.
Carl based many of his healing beliefs from Edgar Cayce.
Carl was focused on holistic alternative integrative health and wellness interventions.
A major part of his career also focused on education, practice and research with homeless and low-income individuals and families. He has published books, articles, and research findings in these three areas and Podcast his beliefs in his Holistic Health Show since 2008.
Which you can also review in the HHS Archives.
Carl O. Helvie was diagnosed with lung cancer in his 40s. And remained cancer-free convinced that his regimen of federally unapproved laetrile, a vegetarian diet and an assortment of natural medicines, has helped him to reach his 87. Had hoped to reach the age of 100 and beyond. Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions,” in his belief that natural supplements, herbs, enzymes, along with diet, prayer and meditation helped him beat the disease. And attributes his faith, optimism, self confidence and doctor and an outstanding support system to his long term survival and was willing to share his life experience.
My doctor who I had found after other doctors told me I had six months to live.
Gave me the physical care and I can’t say enough good about him. But within five years after
I had overcome cancer, the Virginia Board of Medicine took his license and all the poor guy did was try to save lives. He was so progressive that everything he told me to do has since become a proven scientific fact but I added the mental and spiritual care. He had me on a vegan-type diet. There’s research now that shows the value of fruit and vegetables in preventing and treating cancer.
He also had me on a no protein diet and there is a whole theory as to why you don’t eat protein when you are battling cancer because lot of cooked food, and especially protein, do not get properly digested. So the food just sits in your gut and becomes putrefied, which is never a good thing when you’re battling illness. My doctor also put me on pancreatic enzymes which helps to dissolve the outer protective shell of cancer cells.
That’s a very important part of any treatment.
Carl always told, I credit a lot of my healing to the power of laetrile(a chemically modified version of a substance found in the kernels of apricots, peaches and almonds) Traditional literature states laetrile has cyanide in it and we all know that cyanide can kill you or send you to the emergency room. That can be frightening to people. But, the cyanide requires certain enzymes to activate it, and cancer cells have those enzymes and normal cells do not.
so its really not a health risk from laetrile.
When I went through cancer back in the mid 70s. I took the 2,000 milligrams laetrile every day and I also ate 25 apricot kernels at the same time. The apricots kernels are a major source of natural laetrile. They’re very bitter. I chewed them. I would take three or four and I would chew them up and I would have a glass of water ready. The water would taste sweet after the kernels. You get used to it, the same way I got use to a vegan diet.
Besides the laetrile, apricot seeds and the vegan diet. Every day I make this drink in my blender. I take six tablespoons of organic 2 percent cottage cheese and three tablespoons of flax oil. I let it sit for five minutes and then put it in the blender. I add a couple handfuls of pecans, my organic berries, such as strawberries, blueberries or black berries. Then I blend it and it is delicious. Cancer diet expert Johanna Budwig is the biochemist who developed it and found it has a whole different chemical composition which takes oxygen to the cells. When I went to the doctor yesterday and had my test, my oxygen level in my cells was at 98 percent. That’s fantastic. A lot of people drink it as a preventive.
I recommend at least one meal with salad a day, the limiting of protein intake in a diet that includes lots of vegetables and lots of nuts. I recommend people pray to God every day — or to some higher being — meditate, get out and exercise, even if it’s just walking. And, help people. Do what you can every day to help someone and don’t worry about yourself.
Recently, I was ask a question: Ken, you knew Carl — where do you think he may have he went wrong to get Stage 4 Cancer and a ruptured intestine when he did so many things right?
Answer: I won’t second guess anyone who worked until he was 87 years old. But 0ne item in Carl’s diet. I believe that may have been the cancer culprit. . . .was he ate a pound of nuts per day. Because he was vegan and felt they gave him the much needed protein he needed to stay healthy. While nuts are a convenient snack that provides quick energy, while eating too many nuts could be hindering your health.
While nuts contain anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids, they are high in Omega-6 fatty acids, which are pro-inflammatory.
Striking the right balances is critical and over-eating nuts can actually cause increased inflammation. Nuts are high in phytic acid which is known as an ‘anti-nutrient’. Phytic acid binds to essential minerals in digestive tract and can prevent the minerals from being absorbed. While having nuts or nut butter on occasion is great, overindulging in them can hinder your health.
Aging and Your Immune System:
The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against attacks by organisms such as bacteria, parasites, and fungi that can cause infections.
The cells that are part of this defense system are white blood cells, or leukocytes.
Foreign substances that invade the body are called antigens.
No two individuals have the same immune system. Some people seem to be dressed in a suit of armor against infections while others get floored whenever there are bugs about.
When it comes to germs, getting older has advantages and also disadvantages. As we age, our immune systems will develop defenses against antigens. We acquire antibodies to the germs we’ve defeated in the past. Because of this phenomenon, adults tend to get fewer colds than children.
Now for some of the bad news:
The thymus, which is located behind the breastbone, is one of the organs of the immune system. The thymus is where immune cells white blood cells called T lymphocytes (T cells) mature. The thymus begins to shrink when we are young adults. By middle age it is only about 15 percent of its maximum size.
Some T cells kill antigens directly. Others help coordinate other parts of the immune system. Although the number of T cells does not decrease with aging, T-cell function decreases. This causes parts of the immune system to weaken and increases the risk for becoming ill.
Macrophages, which are white blood cells that ingest antigens, don’t work as quickly as they used to. This slowdown may be one reason that cancer is more common among older people.
There are fewer white blood cells capable of responding to new antigens. Thus, when older people encounter a new antigen, the body is less able to remember and defend against it.
The amount of antibodies produced in response to an antigen is less in older people, and the antibodies are less able to attach to the antigen. These changes may partly explain why pneumonia, influenza, infectious endocarditis, and tetanus are more common among older people and cause death more often.
These changes may partly explain why vaccines are less effective in older people. Later in life, the immune system seems to become less tolerant of the body’s own cells. Sometimes an autoimmune disorder develops; normal tissue is mistaken for non-self tissue, and immune cells attack certain organs or tissues.
5 Reasons Your Immune Function Weakens with Age.
1. Fewer Immune Cells: Because damaged or aging immune cells are not replaced as you age, you have fewer immune cells as you get older. This also slows healing from both illness and injuries. You can use yoga to support …. the healing process by practicing gentle asanas to improve circulation to healing areas and by practicing your favorite types of conscious relaxation to spend more time in the rest-and-digest state.
2. Increased Propensity towards Autoimmune Disorders:
Although autoimmune disorders occur in younger people, the frequency of autoimmune disorders (diseases in which the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissues) increases with age. Examples include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. If your condition allows it, you may be able to use gentle and restorative asana practices along with quieting pranayama and meditation to support your immune system.
3. Reduced Ability to Detect & Correct Cancerous Cell Defects:
As you age, your immune system’s ability to detect and correct cell defects is reduced, resulting in an increase in frequency of cancer. Although yoga can’t treat cancer, you can use yoga for palliative care during treatment and recovery, and to bolster your immune system during the entire process.
4. Chronic Inflammation Gets More Common: As we age our bodies are less able to disarm the inflammatory process, which can lead to chronic inflammation. A healthy immune system uses inflammation to your advantage during acute illness or injury, but chronic inflammation is linked to many serious illnesses, such as autoimmune diseases and heart disease. To reduce your risk of inflammation or prevent chronic inflammation from recurring, use yoga practices to manage your stress levels and foster overall good health.
5. Chronic Stress Weakens the Immune System: While your immune system is initially stronger during periods of acute stress, it starts functioning less well if the stress is ongoing. This increases your risk of contracting serious infections, as some evidence suggests, autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, chronic stress alone can cause life-threatening conditions from heart disease to high blood pressure.
The end part of this post on December 3rd 2019.
Carl passed away after making his last post on November 5th on Facebook that he had a ruptured intestine and stage 4 cancer and pray for me. GOD has it stamped in our DNA our end date and the cause of your death. Which no doctor should be allowed to tell you,
If Carl had listen to his doctor back in the 1974 – 75
he would have only lived six months.