For Instance does a label like “You Have Cancer, and only such and such amount of time to live ” or I have depression hurt your chances of healing. Its like telling your subconscious that you own your disease and it won’t allow you to heal. BY using a label it will be all that we will see and all that we will be. Instead you should look at it as abstract of life and not the final destination in your life journey. If your only focus is where you are and not take a look at the things around you. In a sense you will never leave that location and if your do it will only be incidental defined as “occurring merely by chance or without intention or calculation,” and one of the most common meanings of accidental “occurring unexpectedly or by chance.”
However, if you look to other area or options you now have choice. Now as we have another anchor point to view out of our life you can actualize there is something else to look forward to in your life. NOW that we have that it ups our chances of leaving that present state. So to do this our best chance is to seek and ask others that already have made that journey. By asking other they will become bridge builders to help you bridge the gaps and get across the low points in your journey.
Talking about the Processes of Healing, to help increase understanding of “what’s happening” when things get intense!!
But its first important to understand where we are because that information is really critical for your survival chances of get to the next anchor point in your life. So labels are important but you must understand it is only temporary and you must create polarity. You must be able to think outside yourself to get to where you want to go. What this belief does is offer you clarity in the universe so you can attract what you want and need to come to you. So its important to have labels but what you need is to pair it up with the opposite polarity.
When you only have one negative label holding you back it can be counter productive because if you only see that one negative identification point you will never find the positive result that you should be seeking. You learn its not a permanent state of residence. You can sit with it and understand it much better.
A bit like the “annoying relative”. You can only do short stays with them, but as life goes on, you learn to understand them better, and you understand yourself better and recognize when the right time to leave is!!
Yeah this analogy is definitely very useful. When I had severe depression in 2006 it was like I kept trying to climb out of black hole only to fall deeper back into the darkness. But it was only when I understood what all the darkness stem from ~ was when I was able to level up. Because leveling up. . . .is a struggle within itself and brings back more anxiety in itself. But when I realized that it was only a temporary state of being and that others wouldn’t want depression either. That is when I began to feel comfortable about what I was living through and started to learn from the circumstances!!!
As Lead singer of Casting Crowns overcame dyslexia, ADHD and cancer —
By Stephen Lahood
His doctor said, “You’ve got cancer,” but John Mark Hall, lead singer of Casting Crowns, heard, “You’re NOT going to die.” It was 2015 and the Grammy-winning Christian worship band was approaching 10 million sales of its albums. Mark was youth pastor in Georgia, happily married and fulfilling his call in God. He consulted a doctor friend about what he imagined to be acid reflux. After getting the results of some scans, the doctor texted Mark: Dude,
you need to call me.
In a subsequent phone call he told Mark there was a mass on his kidney. “It looks solid. I think it’s cancer,” he said. Mark was thunderstruck. “I hung up and walked to my car in a daze, wondering how I was going to break the news to my wife, Melanie; our four kids; our church; the youth group; the band,” Mark recalls in Guideposts. “The idea of telling them all
made my head spin.” God felt far away.
Two weeks before his surgery, Mark was singing with Casting Crowns at the Carson Center in Paducah, Kentucky, wondering what would happen. The band’s next song was “Just Be Held.” Unlike most of their songs, there was no story behind the song – until that night. At that moment he had the stunning realization that God had inspired him to pen lyrics that would speak to him later in life, in the midst of his cancer. Hold it all together
Everybody needs you strong – But life hits you out of nowhere —
And barely leaves you holding on“
It was as though I was hearing those words for the very first time.
Much like “Praise You In This Storm,” Suddenly I knew who this song had been written for, and why. God in his infinite wisdom had given it to me two years earlier, knowing how desperate I would be after my diagnosis,” Mark explained. “I didn’t need to hold it together. I needed to be held, to accept his love from as many people as wanted to share it with me, to receive their prayers, all the prayers I could get.” Mark and his wife, Melanie Doctors removed his cancerous kidney and later told him it was an aggressive form of the deadly disease, but mercifully, it was self-contained and had not spread.
The weeks following the surgery were sometimes difficult. The band cancelled a week of shows before Mark could rejoin them. God has helped the band continue to reach hundreds of thousands with their inspirational music. Casting Crowns has won Dove,
Billboard and American Music awards.
The group is one of the only American bands to ever perform in North Korea, playing at the 2009 Spring Friendship Arts Festival in Pyongyang. Their single “Slow Fade” was included in Kirk Cameron’s blockbuster movie Fireproof. Mark’s bout with cancer was not his only trial. As a child, he struggled in school with ADHD and dyslexia. He quips that the test for dyslexia in the third grade was “the only test I ever passed.” Humor aside, not being able to read was a constant source of humiliation. He would deliberately sit in the back of youth group, and deliberately not bring his Bible, just so the youth pastor wouldn’t call on him to read scripture.
For Mark Hall and his family He felt like a loser. He hid his hurt behind a facade of clowning around and joking. But in school he intentionally went to class tardy every day, just so friends wouldn’t see he was in the “dumb” classes for special ed. Not even his best friends knew his painful secret.“ Satan started whispering to me that I was small and weak,” Mark says. After high school graduation, he wanted to go to Bible college and sing for Jesus,
but self-doubt plagued him.“
Any time I felt God was leading me to do something, it was as if this little voice said, ‘Look, if you try this, they’re all going to find out,’” he admitted to Christianity Today. “Satan convinced me to keep quiet and not try bigger things. It worked. I was an adult before I admitted having dyslexia.”
When Mark was 21, the fear of spilling his secret broke. At a Bible conference, the speaker shared his own testimony of struggling with dyslexia. Mark was amazed. Could God use him too?“
God doesn’t choose people who are ‘good enough’ to do his work but those who will listen,” Mark says. Mark got his 4-year degree in six years and launched his music ministry. Who would ever think that that man behind so much inspiration went through so many battles? “The little inadequacies that scare me don’t bother God,” he says. “I’m often reminded of 2 Corinthians 12:9: ‘God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.’” —Steven Lahood studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy in Santa Monica.