When I was training to be a pharmacist we had to understand why doctors would prescribe the medication they did and we needed to learn how those drugs worked on the body. A common issue people would go to the doctors with would be splinters, docs would always prescribe a magnesium sulphate paste. The patient would put a blob of paste on the splinter and cover it with a plaster, the paste would draw out the splinter and when the plaster is taken off the splinter would come out with it.
Epsom salts are magnesium sulphate, the reason I recommend salt baths is because it draws out toxins from your body, the same way it draws out splinters. The lightbulb moment here is that doctors obviously know how strong this is and they should also understand how the body works in retaining toxins! Do they ever recommend salt baths knowing the body is full of toxicity?
Dee Mani Mitchell, 45, found a lump in her breast in March 2017 and after being diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, she was offered chemotherapy and radiotherapy to save her life. However, due to losing her sister to cancer after having chemotherapy, Dee was too afraid to go down the conventional route. Dee, from Birmingham, then started taking one drop of cannabis oil a day after reading about the alternative treatment online – something that cost
her a mere £22 per month.
The mum-of-two has since claimed four months later that her cancer had massively reduced and by August 2017 she was given the all clear by doctors. Dee, who now lives in Cape Verde, South Africa, said: ‘Because of what happened to my sister, there was no way I was having chemo or radiotherapy. ‘At first when I spoke to the doctor I agreed to everything I was told,
I said I’d have one year worth of chemotherapy but then I did my research. ‘After finding out about cannabis oil I started to put one drop into a capsule every night and take it before bed.
‘Within four months I believe that I cured myself and then when I was given the all clear,
I knew it was the cannabis that cured me. ‘Now I am still clear of the cancer and continue to take the cannabis oil every night.’ Dee found out about the benefits of cannabis oil when she was started researching natural remedies for cancer online. She then found a local supplier which cost her £22 a month and started taking the cannabis oil once every evening. She added: ‘The oil is a thick tar like substance and I had to put it in an empty capsule
so that I could swallow it, as it tastes revolting.
‘I always have to make sure I take the tablet at night because it makes me very tired and docile – so if I took it in the day I’d get nothing done! ‘Alongside taking the cannabis oil, I also changed my every day diet and started meditation too. ‘Even though my cancer has gone I will take one capsule every night for the rest of my life. ‘Alongside curing my cancer, it’s helped me with my insomnia, my allergy to dust and the pain in my back from having slipped discs.’ Dee has detailed her entire journey with cancer in her book ‘My Way’.
Part of my cancer regime today is I take magnesium every day and do all those baths my pharmacist highly recommends them as well as magnesium he says it’s something everyone should be taking and it’s not highlighted enough x A bit random here but we also used magnesium sulphate to draw out the glass in our dogs paw on the recommendation from my hairdresser. It really does work so now I know we can also bathe his paws in it to reduce the chance of infection so thank you. Love an Epsom salt bath, so relaxing, nourishing & detoxifying!
If you have cancer 3 times a week minimum, if not then once a week is more than enough.
Others through my Support Group tell me they to have started using baño colloidal in their bath, 100 percent natural, oats.. and it draws out toxins.. I like to use Himalayan salt too.. when
I told my dr about having baths with natural ways to draw out toxins I was told to be careful.. but never told to be careful when they dish out pills n potions.. they fail to tell u the A to Z
of side effects.. but they say he cautious when taking a natural bath.
Presently, I now spend my spare time, supporting and mentoring other cancer sufferers and their loved ones. You can reach out to me at www.deemani.com or by connecting with me on Facebook or Instagram. Being diagnosed with cancer is perhaps one of the worst things anyone has to deal with, as soon as you hear the word “cancer” you automatically think it’s a death sentence, however it doesn’t need to be and it should never have to be. Our bodies have amazing healing mechanisms which can self heal without the need for the toxicity of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy that are used in conventional medicine.
In My Way I write about my personal story of how I kicked cancer’s ass in 5 months completely naturally. Going against doctor’s orders and treating myself “my way”, using a combination of diet change, supplements, a positive mental attitude and most importantly cannabis oil.
I also detail why I have lost faith in the medical profession, the real reason why cannabis is still illegal and the main causes of cancer. So next time a doctor advices that “natural methods don’t work” or “natural methods aren’t proven “ go ahead and mention the splinters!!
And also checkout my blog https://deemani.com/
How to Drink Epsom Salts for a Detox
By Andra Picincu — Updated August 7, 2019
Medically Reviewed by Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
Few things are more relaxing than taking an Epsom salt bath after a long day. But did you know that you can also ingest these salts? Traditionally, they are used for detoxification, constipation relief, muscle aches and stiff joints. Their safety, though, is subject to debate.
How Does Epsom Salt Work?
Epsom salt has long been used as a natural remedy for constipation, arthritis pain, sore muscles and other ailments. A growing number of consumers are now using it for detox purposes. Proponents say that it rids the body of toxins and accelerates healing. However, there is little evidence to support its detoxifying effects.
Despite its name, this ingredient isn’t an actual salt, but a mineral. Its scientific name is magnesium sulfate. In medicine, it’s used as a cardiovascular drug, analgesic and anesthetic. Doctors also prescribe it to pregnant women with preeclampsia, a disorder that causes high blood pressure and damage to the liver and kidneys, among other symptoms.
Epsom salt is typically found in natural food stores and drugstores. It’s best known for its laxative effects and may provide short-term relief of constipation, as the Mayo Clinic notes. Some people also take Epsom salt baths to alleviate pain and aches.
Anecdotal evidence says that drinking Epsom salt or using it as a soaking solution helps increase magnesium levels in the body. Magnesium plays a crucial role in protein synthesis, energy production, glucose metabolism, nerve function and other vital processes. About 50 to 60 percent of it is stored in your bones. Heavy drinking and certain health conditions can deplete the body’s magnesium stores, leading to deficiencies.
Low magnesium levels may cause fatigue, muscle cramps, arrhythmia, numbness and poor appetite. Most people get enough magnesium from food, so deficiencies are rare.
According to a July 2017 review published in the journal Nutrients, there is not enough evidence to confirm that Epsom salt baths raise magnesium levels. Some studies confirm this claim, but their validity is questionable.
Drinking Epsom Salt for Detox
Epsom salt is often used for detoxification and weight loss. As mentioned, this product has laxative effects, causing more frequent bowel movements. Proponents say that drinking Epsom salt helps cleanse the colon and improves the body’s ability to eliminate toxins. These claims lack scientific evidence, though.
Read more: Epsom Salts and Weight Loss
According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), there is no convincing evidence that detox diets and cleanses are beneficial. In fact, colon cleansing procedures, such as drinking Epsom salt, can do more harm than good. Individuals with cardiovascular problems, digestive disorders or kidney disease are more likely to experience side effects. As the NCCIH points out, taking laxatives for detox may lead to electrolyte imbalances.
Your body has its own detoxification mechanisms. Metabolic waste, chemicals, lactic acid and other harmful substances are eliminated through sweat, urine, respiration and feces, says the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Certain factors can affect the body’s ability to flush out toxins. As a result, these compounds can accumulate in your tissues.
However, you don’t need to use detox programs or take laxatives to eliminate toxins. There are safer, more effective ways to bring your body back in balance and eliminate waste. For example, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends drinking clean water, eating more fiber and filling up on fruits and veggies, especially berries, garlic and cruciferous vegetables. Green tea may help too, due to its high antioxidant levels.
A review featured in the British Journal of Pharmacology in October 2016 assessed the antioxidant effects of green tea. As the researchers note, this beverage is rich in catechins, flavonoids, isoflavones, anthocyanidins, polyphenols and other bioactive compounds that scavenge oxidative stress. These nutrients may have beneficial effects on blood sugar levels, glucose metabolism, endothelial function and more.
How to Use Epsom Salt
An Epsom salt cleanse is unlikely to rid your body of toxins, but it may help relieve constipation. If left unaddressed, this condition may put you at risk for hemorrhoids, anal fissures, rectal prolapse and fecal impaction. You may also experience bloating and gas, digestive discomfort and other gastrointestinal symptoms.
Magnesium sulfate comes in powder or crystal form. The Mayo Clinic recommends dissolving one dose (2 to 6 teaspoons) into 8 ounces of water. Stir well and drink it at least two hours before or after taking other drugs so that your body has enough time to absorb it. Don’t exceed two doses per day. If you dislike its flavor, add fresh lemon or lime juice.
According to Michigan Medicine, this mixture should cause a bowel movement within 30 minutes to six hours. Beware of its potential side effects, though.
Large doses may cause drowsiness, vomiting, nausea, slow heart rate and even death. Consult your doctor beforehand if you have a bowel obstruction, severe constipation, kidney disease, colitis or diabetes.
Are There Any Alternatives?
As you see, Epsom salt has its share of side effects and may not work for everyone. Additionally, its detoxifying properties are questionable at the least. The good news is, there are safer ways to detox and boost your health.
To start, get more antioxidants in your diet. These compounds neutralize free radicals and prevent their formation, maintain cell functioning and reduce oxidative stress, according to a November 2015 review published in the Journal of Orofacial Sciences. Furthermore, they may lower your risk of age-related diseases, improve immune function and protect against cancer and cardiovascular problems.
Read more: The Top 10 Cleansing Foods
Most fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and other whole foods are loaded with antioxidants. Berries and grapes, for example, boast large doses of anthocyanins. Cruciferous veggies, such as cabbage, are rich in indoles. Legumes and milk are naturally high in isoflavonoids, while whole grains contain lignans.
A healthy gut can improve the body’s ability to flush out toxins, as reported in a research paper published in the April-June 2012 edition of the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Certain foods, especially those rich in flavonoids and other phytochemicals, support the gut detoxification system. Fruits and vegetables are particularly beneficial.
Probiotic foods, such as kefir, sauerkraut and yogurt, inhibit the production of bacterial toxins and reduce the metabolic reactions that promote toxin production. They also keep your gut healthy by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Consume them regularly to reap the benefits.
Read more: 13 Surprising and Beneficial Probiotic Foods
A diet rich in antioxidants, probiotics and other nutrients can do more for your health than
any detox plan. What you eat has the biggest impact on your body’s ability to expel toxins. Choose whole foods over processed products, stay hydrated and engage in regular exercise to
sweat more and detoxify naturally.