It’s was June 2014 and this one area of my right breast started to itch.
No matter how much I scratched I could not relieve the itch. This same area itched every day for 30 days. I couldn’t take it anymore. I became so frustrated that I grabbed the area and pulled and yanked and then I felt a pain and a pop.
I thought to myself “oh no, that is not good.” The itch was gone, but by September
there was lump where the itch had been. It was the size of a quarter.
I decided to leave it alone and see if it would go away.
One day in October I stopped dead in my tracks when an overwhelming feeling that I had just wasted the last 14 years of my life washed over me. A week later I had a feeling that I was at the end of my life. (You see, I had left a life that I loved in Miami and moved back to my hometown. I was hoping to get
back on my feet. I had a string of negative experiences to occur over a few years. I had witnessed a murder suicide, lost my job, ended up with PTSD, my cats were being shot by a neighbor and my car was repossessed with just one car payment left.
I wanted to regroup, but Instead of getting back on my feet,
I ended up feeling stuck and trapped. Instead of enjoying life I was absolutely miserable and somehow, I started living my life the way I thought other people wanted me to be living.)
November came, and the lump was still there.
December rolled around. Towards the end of the month one morning I shot straight up in
bed from a dream where there had been a message about me having only two years left to live. I called my gynecologist to make an appointment because I wasn’t sure where else to go.
They couldn’t see me until February 2015.
The day of my appointment got here. They told me in what I felt was a rather frantic urgency
in their voice that I needed to get to an imaging center immediately. Within two days a biopsy was scheduled.
I got the call one quiet snow-covered day in the beginning of March. The specialist said “well,
it is what we thought it was. It is cancer.” They might have thought it was cancer, but I was thinking that maybe it wasn’t, so I am not sure where the “we” was coming from. Everything became a blur from the moment I went to the gynecologist. I am a very intuitive person, but during that time I felt like a zombie with no capacity to think.
Much less tune-in to my inner guidance.
Without my ability to connect to my divine guidance I felt completely lost.
While this was all happening a formula of sorts was starting to take shape. I was at my heaviest weight; 160 pounds to be exact! I was always a small person. I graduated high school weighing 114 pounds. Over the years I had gained and lost weight, but I never weighed more than 148.
I normally balanced out at around 128.
While at the gynecologist, it was found that I had a yeast infection.
I was sent home with a prescription for three Diflucan pills.
I lost a total of 11 pounds immediately just from clearing up that yeast.
In January while I was waiting for that GYNO appointment I decided just in case it might be cancer, I would try to cut back on eating sugar. Sugar feeds candida and candida feeds cancer. At the Imaging Center they took a total of three biopsies. One of the mass, one of the swollen lymph node in my right armpit and one of an area in my left breast.
The mass was the only one that showed cancer. Surgery was scheduled within the week.
Due to insurance issues surgery didn’t end up taking place until April.
(If I knew then what I know now I never would have had surgery and I never would have done any biopsies. For the most part here in the US doctors only tell you about surgery, chemo and radiation when it comes to dealing with cancer. I now know there are so many options available, including several great clinics that take a different approach.)
Surgery took place April 6, 2015.
I had the same incisions someone getting a breast reduction would get. I was cut from the bottom of the right breast all the way from the left to right and then from the bottom center and up towards the areola. Surgery went well and clear margins were obtained. The surgeon came up with a whole team that would be handling my treatment. The thing is, not one time was I asked by anyone what were my beliefs and what sort of healing path did I want to take.
In my opinion this is the exact conversation that should
be taking place when cancer is a possibility.
As much of a nervous wreck that I was, I knew before I even went to the meeting with the team that their plan was not my plan. The oncologist was very informative. He told me that in order for me to live another five years that I would have to do chemo. He then proceeded to tell me that chemo would only
give me a 50/50 chance that I would live those five years. He said radiation would give me another 20% chance to live the next five years and that tamoxifen would add on another 10%. So, 80% in total. (But what was not said was that chemo, radiation and tamoxifen are all known to cause secondary cancers.
And then of course there are the side effects. If I was already going to be gambling with my life, I would rather do things my way and take a natural and holistic approach.
May came around.
I was finishing up my recovery from surgery and it was getting close to the time to start chemo. I did not want to do chemo, but I had not been clear about this with my doctors yet.
I was leaving work one night. I started up the car and just sat. I started thinking of the conversation I had just had. A lady was telling me that the cancer was just a bump in the road and that I would be fine. I sat in the car thinking to myself… “I am healed??? I am healed.
I AM healed! With that, shifting from question to confirmation, I seemed to enter into an out of body state of existence. I was in the most beautiful place with the most incredible golden yellow light. I have never experienced such a blissful feeling before in my life. I did not want that moment to end!!!
It was so beautiful and felt so warm and loving. While I was there God was telling me that
I was in fact healed. I left the parking lot and headed to Walmart as planned. I ran into the store looking for someone to share my experience with. I ran into the restroom to look at myself in the mirror because I just knew I must now look different. I came back out, stood in the middle of an aisle and again looked for people to share my experience with.
I ended up telling a few people in my family and some others about my experience.
My preacher told me I had a direct encounter with God. I told my surgeon about what had happened, and he said I still needed to do chemo. I was so confused. God was telling me that
I was healed, but I was still being told I needed to start chemo and get on this year long treatment plan.
I refused the chemo and the radiation.
Then I was told it was time for my six months follow up. It was time for another mammogram. They squished and squished my newly operated on boob into that machine. (I have dense breast and dense breast do not read well in a mammogram.) I was told that I needed two more biopsies. With every fiber of my being I felt I should not do those biopsies.
But instead of listening to myself, I listened to others and I came out of that with one botched biopsy. (Physical trauma in and of itself can cause cancer.)
The results came back clear.
That was it, I decided that I needed to stay away from the doctors altogether, after all God
told me I was healed. But, from the moment of surgery I had noticed a hard knot just below
the nipple in the right breast. I asked all my doctors over the course of 1 ½ years what was
this hardness. They all told me they didn’t know, and that it was nothing to worry about.
October 2016
At first this knot would come and go, but now it was there all the time and it was getting larger. By this time, I had a new surgeon and she was one of the ones to say it was nothing to worry about. But she finally agreed to do a biopsy. Yep, it was cancer again and the same type. I admit, I had completely waivered from what God had told me, but I never forgot those words nor gave up on them. It took me awhile to stand in the strength of those words only, but slowly I started to. This meant going completely against what the medical world was telling me to do and to really start following my own beliefs and what I wanted to do.
This time they wanted me to start chemo first, to try and shrink the tumor and then they would do surgery. This new oncologist had no patience whatsoever and told me I had sat on the fence long enough. I said no to chemo. The surgeon agreed to surgery without doing chemo but only if I promised to do radiation. I said no to radiation which meant I would not be offered surgery. I started holding onto what God had told me from the beginning. I started looking more into doing what I could to support and improve my immune system.
I found another oncologist that agreed to working with me as far as keeping track of my bloodwork, etc. but she also kept pushing chemo. I continued my research and stayed on a natural, alternative and holistic path. (I will admit one of those protocols was not in my best interest and the scar tissue left from the use of it has left my right breast tolook a bit disfigured. And that second tumor probably added to the disfigurement as well.)
In August of 2017.
I was told it looked as though I had another tumor (#3). (This one happened to be at the exact same spot as that botched biopsy.) I refused a biopsy on this tumor. In July of 2019 I was told it looked as though the cancer had moved into a lymph node in my arm pit. I again refused a biopsy. On September 20, 2019 I headed to DC to attend the Gospel Truth conference and to see the healing ministers that are part of Andrew Wommack Ministries’ events. It was a Friday.
I got there at 8:00am. I made my way inside and went up front to speak with my very own prayer minister. I told him what was going on and he started praying. All at once, in one instance, I could feel something inside of me at the base of the tumors and in one fell swoop.
I felt the cancer leave my body.
Over the years I have put some of the puzzle pieces together; the how did I end up with cancer puzzle that is. Those pieces have contributed to that formula I mentioned in the beginning.
I have never liked the smell of room deodorizers nor any cleaning products. Anytime I got around perfumes or colognes I would immediately get a migraine that would last for three days. Certain foods, mostly fruits, also cause a three-day migraine for me. My face would burn anytime I got around floor cleaners or bleach. I have had this issue since I was a teenager. Before that, I had issues as a child whenever I used bubble bath.
It is said that the chemicals in fragrances are known to disrupt hormones.
Fragrances are now being called the next “secondhand smoke”. These chemicals act as fake estrogen and they find their way into our body and attach themselves to the receptors causing increased estrogen. This contributes to estrogen positive cancers. (I had been diagnoses
with triple positive cancer and yes, it was estrogen driven.) During the cancer journey.
I discovered I had several allergies. One of the biggest ones is a wheat allergy.
Wheat is an inflammatory and a depressant.
For years I wondered why I couldn’t go to the bathroom properly. When I eat wheat,
I can’t urinate well. When I eat wheat, my stomach knots up and has a hard time digesting it. Over the years things that were toxic to me (the chemicals in perfumes, cleaners and shampoos and wheat, etc.) were building up in my body and they were not being eliminated.
I was only having bowel movements once every three days or so.
So instead of things flushing out of my body
regularly, more than likely they started to recirculate. In my opinion the four best things any person can do for their physical body especially if they are dealing with cancer is:
1) Detox
2) Support your Liver
3) Support your Lymphatic System. The spleen is the largest organ in the lymphatic system.
For years my tongue was swollen. It felt like it would not fit in my mouth.
I told several of my doctors about this, but no one knew why.
Turns out a swollen tongue is an indication that the spleen needs some help.
4) Support your Immune System
My protocols over the years:
Detox: my physical body, relationships, inner anger, etc.
Asked myself the questions: What am I dying to get away from? What feels off about my life? Do I have unhappiness in any area of my life?
Self-Care, Self-Appreciation, Naturopath, Chiropractor, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Little to No Sugar, Little to No Wheat – nothing from the Grass Family
Little to No Dairy, Clean eating – No gravies, no glazes, no dressings, etc.
Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Magnesium.
Turmeric, Ginger Root, Pau D Arco, Bloodroot.
Graviola, Aloe Vera, Magnesium, Activated Charcoal.
Apricot Seeds – I could not stand these, so I stopped them.
Black Salve – I do not recommend this topical salve anymore for the breast.
9-Day Colon Cleanse, Fenbendazole, Dandelion Root.
Angiostop, Probiotic/Prebiotic, Serrapeptase, Lymphomax.
Passionflower – This helps the liver to remove the fake estrogens that come into your
body from chemicals, etc.
Cimetidine – This helps to remove acid out of a cancer cell. A healthy cell is full of water and oxygen and a cancer cell is full of acid and low oxygen. Drink ½ my body weight of water a day.
TRS – Heavy Metal Detox, Infrared Sauna, Energy Healing, Meditation and Affirmations.
Do fun things like Indoor sky diving.
Followed my heart and my own inner guidance for making decisions.
(Do what you feel is best for you!)
Having my name put on the Wailing Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem
Healing Is Here 2019 conference (You can find all 14 videos on YouTube)
Being a witness to miracles.
Andrew Wommack Ministries – Prayer Line
My own personal Prayer Minister
God’s Word in Jesus’s Name.
Investing in myself and going for my dreams: with things such as classes and conferences with Lisa Nicholas
Reconnecting to myself and finding something worth living for….
I found me. I AM worth living for!!!
I personally believe in a complete holistic approach to all of life including health and healing cancer. It can be a deep dive inward that some just don’t want to take. I believe that it is crucial in finding the root cause and that each person needs to look at themselves and do what I call an Individual Analysis. For anyone that is newly diagnosed with cancer, I want you to do one thing. Take a deep breath and exhale. Do not let the fear of cancer hinder you in any way! Take some time and really tune into yourself and follow your own guidance. Spend some time researching and take the healing path that you feel is right for you.
I mention above that I could feel the cancer leave my body. God’s report is the final report.
I have a doctor’s appointment coming up in December 2019 to check my bloodwork. I keep up with scans and bloodwork as a way to confirm what I know is true on the inside. I will continue to exalt the truth (the word of God) over the facts (a doctor report or feeling a tumor, etc.)
until the truth prevails in my physical body!
Doug Kauffman – KnowTheCause.com
The Truth About Cancer
“Radical Remission” by Dr Kelly Turner
“God Want’s You Well” by Andrew Wommack
“How to Starve Cancer” by Jane McLelland
“You Are The Placebo” by Joe Dispenza
Cancer Causing Chemicals in Personal Care and Beauty Products
Is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Hiding in Your Food?
Researchers Uncover Allergy – Cancer Connection
Hope 4 Cancer
Issels Clinic
Hoxsey Clinic
Utopia Wellness
Hippocrates Health Institute
Prayer Line
Andrew Wommack Ministries – 719-635-1111
To contact Cindy please send an email to cindyheadley@live.com or follow her
on Facebook Page at Cindy Headley or at EnergyWorksWithCindy or
on Instagram at LetsTuneIn.