By Theresa Lopes
Well first lets talk about signs of a leaky gut…
just to name a few…
@chronic diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating
@nutritional deficiencies
@poor immune system
@headaches, brain fog, memory loss
@excessive fatigue
@skin rashes and problems such as acne, eczema or rosacea
@cravings for sugar and carbs
@Palindromic rheumatism joint pain
@Depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHA
@ autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease or Chron’s
Have you ever had the GUT FEELING that something might be zapping your life force.
Well you might just be right?! I hate to be the bringer of bad news but someone’s
got to start waking the sleeping humans!
Have you heard of GLYPHOSATE?
Its the main ingredient in the weed killer known as ROUNDUP. Roundup is used as a “pre-harvest applicator as a drying agent since the early 1980’s. When you expose wheat and soy to this toxic chemical it releases more seeds resulting in a greater yield. It “goes to seed” as it dies. At its last gasp, it releases the seed,” says Dr. Stephanie Seneff.
So here we are today after nearly 40 yrs of living and breathing this toxic cancer causing chemical. Its in all of our bodies, even in our babies umbilical cords and our mamas breastmilk. How bout 85% of tampons. OR our rain water here in the midwest!
Dr. Seneff has found out that “Glyphosate disrupts the shikimate pathway, an essential biological pathway in plants and many microbes. It is argued that glyphosate is nearly non toxic to humans because human cells don’t possess this pathway. However our gut microbes use this pathway to produce the aromatic amino acids which they supply to the host. These are essential building blocks of proteins and precursors to a long list of important biologically active molecules, such as the neurotransmitters serotonin, melatonin, dopamine and epinephrine, thyroid hormone, melatonin, and the B vitamin folic acid. As discussed above, just a deficiency in serotonin alone can cause a host of health and mood problems.”
So ask my why I even care about this issue? Well I never did care. Until I moved to the midwest two yrs ago, I found out first hand what GLYPHOSATE does to a town. I’ve met people and continue to meet people daily that are suffering from autoimmune disease, low energy, leaky gut, foggy brain, excessive gas, bloating, overall sickness, headaches, skin problems, sugar cravings, oh and mental illness and depression. Yikes that list goes on…
Im a single mother to two great children. My first priority has been to fuel and feed their bodies with the best things on the planet. We have always ate organic and kept toxic things out of the house. Just about the time we moved to the midwest my superfood company came out with a brand new product called BIOMEDIC. I was dabbling in our products but once this stuff came out i jumped in head first. I wanted to see how this magnet like substance was going to pull the glyphosate out of my gut 74% in 6 short weeks. So we detoxed and took the BIOMEDIC with a loading dose of 4 pills a day, I started to feel extremely good. I was waking up in the morning with so much energy and zest for life. My bloating had gone away and my energy level was thru the roof. My low level depression that would creep in around my moon time.. had vanished. I was feeling renewed and strong. My gut was purging all sorts of black stuff and unwanted yuk from my body and boy were those some giant poops! Even my kids 11 and 6 were experiencing some big poops and purging. The feeling is hard to explain but feeling better then you have ever felt in your entire life is really something to write home about.
I thought I moved to the midwest to pursue my career as a Waldorf teacher, but now I know I’ve come here to share this healing plant medicine with the world. Not only does the BIOMEDIC heal the gut and repair the villi but it also helps decrease C-reactive protein by 75%. Which is the precursor to inflammation and dis`ease in the body!
Can you believe this combination ~ prebiotics and probiotics, humic ore and fulvic acid helps with the chelation of toxins, pesticides, glyphosate and heavy metals. I just don’t know how I would be feeling here in the midwest if it weren’t for this amazing gut healer. I am still in shock at how many people are suffering in silence at this atrocity happening out our own front door!
Did you know 13 billion lbs of this stuff is sprayed evert year. At your local parks and your children school grounds, I even see little ghost buster guys with Monsanto back packs spraying at the stores and shopping centers here in Kansas.
If you would like to learn more about this global issue, and how these billion dollar industries are serving us GMO toxic cancer causing agents on the daily I suggest you get this book. The Toxin That Came To Dinner by Dave Sandoval. If you would like to experience what it feels like to have your energy back and living at your top potential I suggest you have a look on our website below or better yet give me a ring and we can have a free health consult over the phone. Email me at fungolove@yahoo.com
BE BLESSED and keep detoxing tolive a happy healthy full
More on Glyphosate—Shaking Up the Shikimate Pathway
By Larry Law On September 1, 2017 · Leave a Comment · In Medical, Nutrition
A significant problem involves how glyphosate works in plants. Glyphosate impedes the building of important essential amino acids like phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan by interrupting the seven step shikimate pathway in plants. The GE industry proudly proclaims that only plants and bacteria have this pathway—humans do not. They misrepresent this fact to imply there cannot be any health risks to people because it only affects plants. Unfortunately, they forget to point out that the plants normally build these important amino acids called aromatic amino acids and they are essential to our diet. Essential amino acids mean humans do not make them and must get them from their diet. But if the plant is not making them, we aren’t getting them either! We need these amino acids in the foods we eat but glyphosate destroys the pathway in plants that make them.
This is an example of GE marketing deception. It reminds me of the lies told by the tobacco industry! The lack of essential amino acids, the toxicity of the poison to our gut bacteria and the synergistic effect of glyphosate and modern gluten create a perfect storm of sickness and disease that is largely untraceable. Rather than testing GMO foods before releasing them for public consumption, we have become the guinea pigs in a massive GE experiment. It certainly isn’t surprising that we are now seeing an exponential increase of disease due to GMO foods.
Another problem relates to the retinoic acid signaling pathway in animals. It is like the shikimate pathway in plants.
Research by Giles-Eric Seralini, Robin Mesnage, Manuela Malatesta, et. al., found that Roundup™ at levels of 1 part per million (ppm) to 20,000 ppm causes cells of the human body to die. At 50 ppm it delays cellular apoptosis which is essential for the normal functioning and regeneration of cells, body tissues, and organs. (Giles-Eric Seralini, Robin Mesnage, Manuela Malatesta, et al., “Long Term Toxicity Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize,” Food and Chemical Toxicology, Vol 50, Issue 1, November 2012.)
A study published in March 1999 by Swedish scientists Lennart Hardell and Mikael Eriksson showed that non-hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) is linked to exposure to a range of pesticides and herbicides, including glyphosate. Prior to the 1940s, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was one of the world’s rarest cancers. Now it is one of the most common. Between 1973 and 1991, the incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma increased at the rate of 3.3 percent per year in the United States, making it the third fastest-growing cancer.
People exposed to these chemicals through the use of glyphosate in their community or through ingestion of its residues on industrialized food products become even more vulnerable to the damaging effects of other chemicals and environmental toxins they encounter. What’s worse is the negative impact of glyphosate exposure is slow and insidious over months and years as inflammation gradually gains a foothold in the cellular systems of the body.
Chronic inflammation undergirds almost all disease.
In addition, glyphosate is a mineral chelator. This means it binds to trace minerals like manganese, iron, cobalt (cobalamin) and molybdenum, and copper and makes them unavailable to the body. Our gut bacteria need minerals to work properly. For example, Lactobacillus depends on manganese. According to Dr. Seneff who is a researcher at MIT, these bacteria have an unusual mechanism to protect themselves from oxidative damage, which involves manganese. But they can’t get at it because the manganese hides inside the glyphosate molecule.
Mike Adams compares glyphosate to VX (venomous agent X) nerve gas. Both glyphosate and VX are organophosphorus synthetic chemicals and both act like weapons of mass destruction when unleashed in the environment. Glyphosate will brown plants within 6 hours and kill them within 12. GMO plants are built to be resistant to glyphosate but humans are not. Because glyphosate is water soluble, the majority of the herbicide makes it into our drinking water and rain. In the Mississippi River area, glyphosate is detected in at least 75% of the water samples. There seems to be no escaping it.
These are all reasons to get non-GMO and organic produce. The effects of just this one herbicide are mind boggling! As consumers, we need to make our wishes known by purchasing the foods that will not harm us. Grocery stores and farmers will respond–the market drives supply and demand. We need to use our dollars for real food that is not laced with these dangerous chemicals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JILp1C5eGBw