About fifty years ago in China, Premier Chou EnLai, who was dying of terminal cancer, commissioned a survey of the nation’s cancer rates as his personal legacy. The Cancer Atlas published in 1970 mapped cancer rates for more than 96% of the population in China—880 million people. The result of this massive undertaking showed a high incidence of cancers in some counties that neighbored areas with a very low incidence. Considering that almost 90% of the population in China is of the same ethnicity, the findings suggested neither a genetic nor a random pattern and raised the question: Was it something in the environment?
Intrigued by these findings, two scientists at Cornell University (Prof. T Colin Campbell and Dr. Junshi Chen) designed a follow up study, also in China, where 6,500 people in 65 rural counties were surveyed, sampled, and analyzed, this time for all diseases. As one might expect, in poor areas there were malnutrition and diseases associated with poor sanitation, but among the diseases which clustered in affluent areas were diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Why? To think that a comfortable lifestyle and a diet of meat, dairy, eggs, and confectioned foods could put one at such risk was — and still is — hard to accept.
According to the Cornell China Study in the 1980s, the subjects had lived in one place and consumed the diet typical for that region all their lives. Then came fast food, the great equalizer—and Eggs Benedict became Eggs McMuffin. Besides the democratization of our diet, many people today do not stay in one place anymore, blurring many other parameters, and in fact making the findings of this landmark study all the more significant.
Ignoring prior independent studies that also suggested an association between diet and disease, research followed the money, which instead poured in to study “carcinogens”— cancer-causing chemicals found to damage the DNA of individual cells. The reasoning went something like this: if we could avoid being exposed to carcinogens, our cells (and our diet) would be safe. In reality, we are exposed to over 100,000 environmental chemicals; testing, let alone eliminating all of them from our landscape, is impossible.
Plus there are viruses, toxins, radiation, and many other dangers, too numerous to count. This carcinogen exposure hypothesis was abandoned almost twenty years ago, yet it remains entrenched in the public’s mindset, which demands testing and labeling to no end. This much we know: Rich and poor, we are all exposed to agents that damage DNA—our cells cannot avoid an initial insult. However, only five percent of damaged cells escape repair by our immune system and pass the mutation to their progeny. It is a long way for this line of rogue cells to get promoted to tumor status. Abnormal cells are being pushed and pulled for years, promoted and anti-promoted for decades. Most importantly, cells in the cancer promotion stage and even at the progression stage have some degree of reversibility — which we can influence with our choice of food. In other words, central to this balance we call health is none other than our diet. Food is chemotherapy that we take three times a day. To be clear, our bodies need the active biologicals present in whole plants. We need to consume integral plant food—for the prevention of cancer, as part of treatment, and certainly for maintenance.
On top of that, eating a whole foods plant-based diet can also arrest and reverse other chronic conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. It is important to understand this: science has yet to recreate the synergistic interactions that occur in foods (many yet unknown) in one pill. Myriad active substances in food (vitamins, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories), are like the many musicians in an orchestra, none of which can alone play the symphony. If we take for example an apple, there are thousands of known chemicals that act together with vitamin C to produce the benefits we ascribe to the whole fruit. Adopting a whole foods plant-based diet makes it easy to reach a healthy weight, in itself protective, and gives us energy to stay active. Do not be tempted to just moderate your present diet. Find the help you need to make radical changes.
Perhaps by offering him two important books to read: The China Study by T. Colin Campbell took off where the Cancer Atlas left us and has been the source of many more questions and answers on diet and disease. I also recommend Dr. Campbell’s follow-up book Whole—essential reading for understanding the value of eating whole foods rather than fragmented nutrition. I will end the story on this note—If you met a young Premier Chou EnLai today, how would you convince him to eliminate the cancer promoters in his diet (meats, dairy, eggs, and processed foods) and arm himself with anti-promoters (leafy greens and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, plus fruits, nuts, and seeds) every single day?
Source: https://beatcancer.org/blog-
posts/the-positive-science-of-food-in-cancer-prevention < Anonymous Statesment Below This Line From Gerson Persons.
The China Story taught me that a meat derivative diet may be a major cause and effects to
the foreign bacteria and virus we take into our diets and that abnormal IGF-1, also known as insulin-like growth factor 1, is a complex and interesting hormone due to its potential to have both beneficial and harmful effects on your health, depending on how much your body produces. IGF-1’s most important job is to promote cell growth (hence the name). IGF is known as a growth factor and is part of a group of tissue and cell-building hormones that also includes epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor and nerve growth factor. And with abnormal levels cancer growth along with what I’ve read in
the China Study, Dr. Colin Campbell stated, “Casein is the most significant chemical carcinogen ever discovered.” Which is not to be taken lightly. [in my world]
Earlier in Life about 80 or 90 years ago Dr. Max Gerson on his therapy, stated we must be so darn careful to remove all toxins, all foods that have any link whatsoever to cancer… foods that slow down healing, foods that stop healing… so if baffles me that this one element remains in the diet, casein, in the form of yogurt (and the colostrum.. which is another bovine/cow sourced supplement). “Whole” is Dr. Campbell’s second book. A bit more challenging to read, but excellent information.
Also: There is a new documentary out called, Cowspiracy, which reveals that the beef/dairy industries are responsible for a huge % of our air/water pollution and most responsible for climate change (www.cowspiracy.com for more info on that). There will come a day in the not too distant future when dairy products will be as shunned, as smoking, and use of them for any reason will be discouraged, if not outright banned. The main difference between vegetarian and vegan, in my experience, is dairy. Most vegetarians are still consuming cheese, milk products, butter. That’s a huge red flag to me. Plus, there are many unhealthy vegetarians and vegans… plenty of junk food in those categories. The key is whole foods, plant-based, with no cholesterol, little or no saturated fats (in general). I only know ONE person who has been vegan all his life (and he’s a physician in Maine, who includes nutrition in all his patient care). I follow the science and the numbers. Most of us likely ate the Standard American/Western Diet prior to illness striking. As Dr. John McDougall says, “It’s the FOOD.” He calls our current health crisis what it is… food poisoning. Food is the #1 cause of death and disability in the U.S. https://fanaticcook.com/…/t-
Dr. Gerson believed if you cleanse the body of toxins then eliminate any chance of those toxins returning your body had a chance of healing itself.
Second question… could a non-dairy, fat-free, salt-free yogurt be used in place of cow’s milk yogurt? WHAT IS IT in the yogurt that Dr. Gerson deemed necessary? (I looked through the books last night, but couldn’t find the answer to this question). I don’t know if this is helpful or not but after leaving the clinic, one of my follow-up blood tests showed sugar a little elevated. My Gerson doctor told me to add yogurt to my diet. I thought it was to counteract the elevated sugar and give some protein. My sugar was normal after that. I just attended the International Conference on Diabetes this past weekend in DC. Diabetics. Folks with Type II Diabetes can completely reverse this disease by eliminating all animal products, especially dairy, and all added oils. https://www.pcrm.org/…/c…/
I would think that a number of the non-dairy yogurts would need to be ruled out due to the source ingredients. Soy, almond, etc. Then there are the added ingredients. Then, too, consider how the products are processed and, possibly, refined. Also, I remember Charlotte emphasizing raw milk in the making of yogurt and cottage cheese. Once milk has been pasteurized it is adulterated, thus changing the nature of the product. Perhaps the answer is not in the aspect of the casein, but in the aspect of raw milk as the starting product..
Later on in his years Dr. Gerson
added flax oil to his therapy after studying the work of Dr. Johanna Budwig…. who was healing cancer/heart disease and other patients with her protocol which includes a diet similar to the Gerson diet and flax oil blended with quark ( non -fat cottage cheese ), and when the two are blended together, the flax oil becomes water soluble when mixed with the sulphurated protein of the dairy and goes into the system to help heal cancer and other diseases. The Gerson Institute had a source for quark they with the flax oil. In those days, the doctors at the Gerson Clinic recommended eating the flax oil in the cottage cheese as Dr. Budwig advises.
Another point is that if you read the China Study carefully, you will see the bad effects of the dairy were if one ate over a certain percentage of dairy daily and the amount recommended on the Gerson Therapy ( and the Budwig Protocol as well ) is well below that amount. I am not a doctor, so I am writing this from memory with no actual figures, so forgive me.
Anyway, I was healed on the Gerson Therapy and so have thousands of others using non-fat yogurt or cottage cheese along with the rest of the protocol; I really think adding the flax oil to the dairy is key and I don’t know if the present Gerson doctors are recommending this, but when I did the Therapy, they sure were, as was Charlotte Gerson. Of course I am not advising anyone to do anything they don’t want to do, but just wanted to add my 2 cents. And if I wanted additional protein I would consume spirulina?
A SHORT video worth watching: https://nutritionfacts.org/…/
(Dr. Greger of NutritionFacts.org reads every English-language medical/nutritional article written, each year… “so you don’t have to,” as he says
I need to be more specific and say the Gerson practitioner was concerned specifically about loss of muscle mass. Again, plant protein is plenty sufficient for building muscle.
I realize we all have individual physical differences… but dairy to me, and a lot of folks in the plant-based nutrition world, view dairy as exceptionally bad. Mammals all produce milk for their infants, and we are simply not baby cows. All the growth factor, hormones, antibodies, fats, are for a MUCH larger animal. A calf goes from about 90 lbs at birth to 900 lbs in less than a year, so we (humans) have no business putting that stuff into our smaller bodies.
There can be no biological requirement for one species to consume the milk of another species… we are the only ones who drinks milk as adults, and the only ones who drink the milk of another species. It’s bizarre when you think about it. Adult COWS don’t even drink milk….
so why do we? Time to wean. As for cancer… there are mountains of studies linking dairy products to cancer: breast, prostate… animal protein in general, with dairy proteins being high on the “do not eat” list. I got rid of my arthritis a few years ago, by giving up dairy…. and then all animal products shortly thereafter. I feel SO MUCH BETTER.
The key is prevention, and I realize it’s too late for those already dealing with chronic disease to prevent, but the rest of our families can prevent by not consuming the very foods that have these direct links to cancer. (animal products). I know of zero plant foods that are linked to disease (whole foods; I’m not talking about processed soy products or vegetable oils).
Vegans (people who consume NO animal products whatsoever, and no added fats like oil of any kind) are the lowest risk group for all major diseases. If this was public knowledge, there would be a lot less cancer, heart disease, MS, Lupus, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s… you name it… far less degenerative diseases.
So… it starts with what we put into our bodies, and giving ourselves the healthiest living environment possible. I’m thankful that this GT forced me to purge all chemicals from our home, and made me learn about chemical-free cleaning methods (and recipes… good ole water, and vinegar!). I can clean our whole house mostly with water, and special microfiber towels… Message me if you want info on that. Over the years, we became reliant on FAR TOO MANY chemical potions to clean, wash, shampoo, color our hair, wash our cars… and all that chemical exposure adds up. Get rid of the chemicals, eat clean, living foods (and not dead, rotting flesh), make movement a regular part of your day…. and we’ll all live long, healthy lives.
Another Aspect we must consider is our genetic disposition to diet is varied from region to region.
Where My body feels better on mostly plant food and an emphasis on raw, but not to the exclusion of cooked. It always reacted negatively when I deviated, although I did not always listen to its messages. The Gerson therapy has its flexibility aspects and does allow the occasional use of some foods such as beans and, previously, rice for certain people. From the testimonies of these people the therapy was for them, just as successful. I have chosen not to use dairy at all (and I was a dairy-lover at one time). The essential components of the therapy go without question, but the books never insisted, as far as I can remember,
that we had to have the dairy.
So if your against dairy why would Gerson recommend cows or pork liver ?
It is interesting about the calves liver, though ( even though I don’t like the idea of eating animals ), that the Gerson Therapy had apparently a better success rate when the carrot/liver juice was part of the therapy. Might be because the healthy calves liver helped to rebuild the sick liver of the cancer patients. I sure wish we had Dr. Gerson here with us today as I know he would be constantly perfecting, experimenting, changing and improving his healing therapy. The colostrum used in the GT is bovine/cow, and is the first liquid secreted, before the milk, for a newborn calf (just like humans secrete colostrum). It would make perfect sense for us to be using human colostrum! (but not available, I’m guessing) It’s loaded with antibodies.
For some that take protein power is called ImmunoPro — The Finest Biologically Active Non-denatured Whey Protein.
Charlotte described it and the reason, at the clinic. Seems the pork liver contains an enzyme not in anything else. How it was decided to use it, was, if I remember correctly a doctor studying pregnancies in about 1907 was curious about how cells proliferated in the womb, but after fetal development it stopped. Again if my recall is correct, he discovered this enzyme activated in a woman for a very short time, then disappeared. In further study this enzyme was found in the liver of pigs. Gerson adopted this to destroy cancer cells. The liver caps. that are also used in Gerson with the carrot juice was added a number of years later, because it acted as a precursor to vitamin A.
This information was discovered by Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, who discovered Abscisic Acid (ABA) a naturally occurring plant hormone has been identified in this invention with potent properties to fight cancer. ABA is able to produce a hyperpolarization condition on plasma membrane through a decrease of intracellular Na+ and K+. Such phenomenon is produced in cancer cells by mediation of ion channel and activation of the signaling G-protein pathway. ABA aborting sustained depolarization in malignant tissue will produce a change in the configurational state of cell from damage to a normal state. Additionally, a positive polarization of hCG outer layer accomplished through a removal of electrons will permit immune system cells coming close to cancer cells for destruction. The ABA discovery functioning as a cytokine in human granulocytes and anticancer properties late researches, confirm ABA as the key substance used by immune system cells against cancer. ABA can’t be biosynthesized and degraded in a cancer anaerobic metabolism lacking in oxygen.
And this is what is derived when you take desiccated liver enzymes.
Liver with Carrot juice helps produces abscisic acid which is a precursor of Vitamin A which attacks the tumor.
Note: Are you taking Wobenzyme or Inf-Zyme? If it were me, I would add those and take them on an empty stomach a few times daily. I considered that 2 hours before food. and one hour after if taking enzymes.
Interviewing a Plant Based Doctor–Ana M Negrón MD
…The Standard Gerson Treatment…
A) 3 pancreatin, & 3 Inf-Zyme on an empty stomach in the morning, 45 min before breakfast.
B) 2 Acidol, 1 B17 500 ml tablet, and 1 Armour thyroid right before breakfast
C) All the other supplements (sometimes with the 8:30am green juice and sometimes with the 9:30am carrot.
D) 1 Selenium with the 10am apple/carrot juice
E) 3 Pancreatin& 3 Inf-Zyme with the 12 noon green Juice, and the 1 Armour thyroid
F) 2 Acidol, 1 B17 500 ml tablet, right before LUNCH
G) All the other supplements with (sometimes with the 2pm green juice and sometimes with the 2pm carrot.
E) 3 Pancreatin & 3 Inf-Zyme with the 4pm green juice.
2 Acidol, 1 B17 500 ml tablet, right before DINNER
All the other supplements with (sometimes with the 5pm apple/carrot juice and sometimes with the 6pm carrot/apple.
3 Pancreatin with the 7pm green juice.
**** You might want to incorporate the CURCUMIN in this schedule. Help!
With in Dr. Gerson’s therapy it was originally raw calves liver/ carrot juice… Since in later years, unfortunately, it has become
hard to find healthy calves liver juice so they recommend desiccated liver capsules with the carrot juice. Dr. Gerson had a better success rate when
the liver capsules and carrot juice was part of his therapy…
If you eat a big salad for a meal you do not HAVE to take the Acidol.
It is only necessary if you eat something acid forming or. any time you have cooked food, take your Acidol. Raw food has enzymes naturally so if you are just eating a salad, like George said, for example, you don’t need the Acidol. Once you get use to Gerson Therapy and as you progress on the therapy, the gas will decrease!!! Also what helps gas if you take a probiotic 45 minutes before breakfast the Pancreatin and Inf-Zyme should be taken an hour after eating.
Although for some it works the other way around they digest cooked food well, but everything raw comes out practically undigested. Even the lettuce leafs. and end up taking 3 acidol instead of two, 10 month and take lots more digestive enzymes as well. I am not sure what that means but if you digest your raw food better taking Acidol, then by all means you should eat raw food. I do know in Aryuveda the Vata type is not supposed to eat all raw food, it is too cold….
I saw a program on Gaiam TV about this, it sounds interesting.
(there are also questionnaires to find your body type.)
Also its kind of hard having a totally empty stomach when on this therapy. I should actually have said best to take the Pancreatin/Wobenzyme or inflazyme away from meals. Some take Pancreatin about an hour after eating or just before going to bed. You can take selenium anytime during the day; but it is important to take selenium when you are taking iodine, but they do not have to be taken at the same time, just sometime during the day.
These Are Anonymous Statements From Gerson Patients: For anyone on here healing for non-malignant chronic illnesses, I would highly-highly recommend reading “Stop the Thyroid Madness” to help determine the amount of thyroid you need. I am slowly upping mine the way they recommended it. If you are taking Armor, I learned you should either chew it up or take it sublingually. They changed the composition in 2009 and some people were having trouble getting it into their system. No problems though if you chew it or stick it under your tongue.
Joy Smith Selenium and Iodine in supplement form are good thyroid boosters either way so perhaps that could help things be more normal? Selenium also supports the production of glutathione peroxidase.
One of the purposes of the coffee enema is to stimulate the production of glutathione in the liver. It’s what helps the liver break down toxins. It’s also the master antioxidant, master anti-inflammatory, chelator… It serves many roles in protecting the immune system. Glutathione peroxidase is the active glutathione enzyme. Glutathione production is the key to the whole healing spectrum that makes GT so important and that’s why the CE’s are so important for starters but every bit helps..
I should be clear though that they tell people that you can’t really supplement Glutathione itself and have the same results – it’s things that help the body produce it’s own that makes the most difference. Glutathione is a fragile molecule (mainly the cysteine of it). The majority of what we ingest is broken down in the digestive system. Also, the molecule is actually too large to pass through the membrane of the cell, so the fractional amount that does make it through the digestive system intact is not intracellular where it is needed most. There are supplements that provided the building blocks for it though.
I would totally hurl if I had to use Armour sublingually, i react to it much like I react to coffee lol. Those of you taking it for years are used to it I’m sure and I take all of my other supplements that I can, sublingually as it’s the most assured way of getting most of the dose in without issues of digestion changing the actual absorption to something different/less than what we’re taking and all of that.. Most folks have the best results with Naturethroid or their other Natural Thyroid Hormone called WP Thyroid, both are made my RLC Labs. http://rlclabs.com/# I have taken my Natural Thyroid Hormone sublingually for over 28 years and it truly is the best way to take it. I let the tablet melt under my tongue with my niacin tablet and a sublingual B12 ( don’t copy me ) , I just made this way up for myself and it has worked great for many years.
I am not clear what you mean when you say it is not the usual sort of thyroid? Do you mean because it is natural and not synthetic? Here is information about dosing with Natural Thyroid
Hormone: http://www.
When you have time, look over the whole Stop the Thyroid Madness site; it is very informational about thyroid health. I know that we have to keep T3 and T4 balanced and that syntheroid, does not so I’m looking for balance first and non animal derived second. Actually, iThroid is an iodine product. They only sell two kinds of Natural Thyroid Hormone, Naturethroid and WP Thyroid. They are dosed the same as Armour thyroid.
However, sadly, most doctors these days are not trained in giving their patients natural thyroid hormone and give synthetic like Synthroid, which is called ‘ SynCrap’ by many who have been harmed by it. luckily for me I just couldn’t stomach it long enough to let it do me that much harm but I still have all the symptoms and haven’t been able to find a natural form that wasn’t animal derived. I get ill whenever I try to take animal derived products so it’s an effort in futility to try anymore. I’m grateful that these offer other choices. I have good internists with ND’s and they offer products like Thyrostim which can be helpful for a lot of people but one would have to call and see if it had anything in it that wasn’t GT.
I understand about not wanting to use something animal derived; however, porcine thyroid is the closest to human and has worked so well for folks for over 100 years. Whenever I take my thyroid I say to myself.. “God Bless the pigs!”. Important to note the Gerson Therapy utilizes some animal materials to help folks heal. Liver, pancreatic enzymes for example. I don’t know of any natural product that works as well as porcine for hypothyroid folks, although iodine and selenium support the thyroid, it is often not enough. Dr. Gerson used on his Therapy . He used Natural Thyroid Hormone for a reason.
If there was a way to get organic pigs – i probably wouldn’t have as bad of a problem but since i’m chemically sensitive and pigs are the bottom feeders of all land creatures it’s about as safe as eating something that feeds off the ocean floor… full of chems and crud and yeah. After having a long term chem exposure with molds etc any time I take something that isn’t clean it makes me hurl. I know a lyme doctor likes to use either Naturethroid or the compounded T3.. People are having the best results with Nature-throid and WP Thyroid, both are made by RLC Labs, I posted their link above. Armour and the Canadian Armour called ERFA are not yielding good results since they changed their fillers. WP Thyroid has the least fillers. http://wpthyroid.com
With ERFA just before the message came out that people were having probs with it. We’ll get it figured out Since it was formulated in 2009, many say it does not work that well for them. I take Naturethroid and it works very well. You can find it further down on the following page. I think they call it ‘Thyroid Natural’ or ‘Nature Thyroid’ , but I believe that is Nature-throid. Here is where you can get Nature-throid without an Rx. It is further down on the list and they call it ‘ Thyroid Natural’ or ‘Nature Throid’. That is the one I take. Read the book
HEALING THE GERSON WAY, by Charlotte Gerson, read Chapter 23, “Life After Gerson.” it contains information about your thyroid
So you would not be able to do the full Gerson Therapy because of the Pancreatin ( which is from pigs) although they do make some from sheep pancreas, and the desiccated liver? and the crude liver injections? Also Remember that the Gerson Therapy is a two year plus program depending on the patient and the condition they are healing. What articles have you read that say staying on the Gerson Therapy is not good for long term health? I healed on the therapy over 30 years ago and have stayed VERY close to the principles of the therapy and have enjoyed very good health in all these years. Of course one does not continue all of the coffee enemas that are recommended in the beginning of the therapy, or continue to drink all the juices; however, the organic diet, including some daily juices as well as a coffee enema daily is absolutely fine. When one is healed on the therapy, it is good to exercise common sense.
After I was healed on the therapy, my Gerson doctor told me it would be smart for me to continue taking 2% Lugol’s solution my whole life ( which I have continued to do as it is so amazing for the human body on so many levels). I also take Pancreatin or InflaZyme in between meals, a good digestive enzyme with meals, I still take dessicated liver with meals, niacin a few times daily, and a sublingual B12. I have added a few other non-Gerson materials as well. I continue to eat the Gerson way and twice yearly follow the recommendation of Charlotte Gerson…spring and fall, I do a kind of mini Gerson Therapy for about a month…6 to 8 juices and two coffee breaks daily. along with the Gerson medications, and if I don’t experience any healing reactions, then I stop. Charlotte Gerson told me that if I do experience healing reactions while doing these ‘tune ups.’ then it would be a good idea for me to go on the therapy strictly for about 6 months. In all these years I have never experienced a healing reaction during these twice yearly tune ups.
FRIENDLY ADVICE; Because of the “Gelatin or Gelatine capsule scare (from Latin: Gelatus meaning “stiff”, “frozen”; compare with gelato) is a translucent, colorless, brittle (when dry), flavorless food derived from collagen obtained from various animal by-products. It is commonly used as a gelling agent in food, pharmaceuticals, photography, and cosmetic manufacturing. Substances containing gelatin or functioning in a similar way are called “gelatinous”. Gelatin is an irreversibly hydrolyzed form of collagen.” Some are breaking capsules down and poring the contents in juice.
However most capsules are made from a different form, are the capsules vegetable based or regular bovine gelatin? Even the food grade form can be an issue when it comes to this line of thinking. But th here are somethings that are designed to not dissolve too quickly. That is my first concern. Milk Thistle for example is meant to be dissolved at a certain spot. Pancreatic dissolves after it passes some of acids in your stomach so it can do what it is designed to do in the body. This is going to take some research. That is why I like Pancreatin or Inf-Zyme in tablet form, enteric coated to be release further down in the digestive tract. I use Enzymedica Digest Gold “mixed in juice” in green juice after my meals.
I have been opening all of my Desiccated liver capsules into the carrot and carrot Apple juices for the last few months since I read in Dr. Livingston Wheeler’s book on treating cancer with diet and immunizations, that the Desiccated liver helps to pre-digest the plant hormones like abscisic acid, which are responsible for inducing dormancy in plants and, she also thought this hormone caused dormancy in tumors. She recommended a spoonful of the powder in every juice. But I don’t put anything except the potassium compound solution into the green juice as per the Gerson book.
Yes. I taste it. It took a bit of getting used to, but nothing that bad. Now I’m used to it. You’d think after having carrot juice several times every day for almost a year I’d be sick of it, but I’m surprised that I’m not. And I never liked carrot juice before. I thought it tasted bitter. But now I like it and miss it if I am late making my juice. It goes to show that your taste buds do change. It only took a few days, maybe a week, and I was tasting things differently.
But if you cheat, you have to start all over again. Nothing tastes that bad to me as feeling good feels!
I am continually amazed by how this therapy is changing me. Now, I pray that it’s enough to completely cure me!
Kathleen Blake states: many years ago I went to a Cancer Control Society Convention and
Dr. Livingston-Wheeler and Charlotte Gerson were on the same stage together, they gave each other a hug and you could see they both respected each other very much. It was wonderful to see the both of them together. It’s also for a few years after completing Gerson Therapy, its important to get blood work done once a year. Mostly to check my thyroid levels. To be successful with any cancer alternative it extremely important to keep following advancement and continue on a learning curve!
Charlotte Gerson, who passed away peacefully on February 10, 2019 at her home in Italy. Charlotte was a sharp, charismatic, caring and passionate woman who forged a path that contributed to the movement in health and where it is today.
And her spirit lives on in internity […]
To learn more about Gerson Family’s work, and contact the Official Gerson Institute!!
visit their website. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YluxDR9LaxE